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Video Proof-Hit BetOnline BBJ but got disconnected when I clicked call. Resolved, Post 356 Video Proof-Hit BetOnline BBJ but got disconnected when I clicked call. Resolved, Post 356

05-27-2020 , 11:56 PM
05-27-2020 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
I could be wrong but I think he does have the disconnection on video.
Bottom line is this is about as blatant a forced disconnect as there could be. Right when he gets dealt the card to earn the huge jackpot? That is not a coincidence, please do something about this Joey. I have no interest in this but I am fuming about the situation. It is so wrong it makes me sick. And Support Mike blows it off and acts like the whole thread is filled with conspiracy theorists. So evil.
The disconnect is the second video I made just testing out how it looks when you disconnect from the table then watch the HH replayer.

In the second video when I get DC it doesn't show the remainder of the hand I dced from. Just replayer stops at point I get disconnected doesn't show who won the hand even if it was just folded to the BB

In the first video it shows the long pause before it flashes FOLD on my player name and mucks my hand. Never showing me sitting out or anything. So I'm not even convinced the client gave me the disconnect timer because if they did give me the 30 seconds I believe and stand by the fact I would've made it back into the hand. So I think it just froze, that initial timer ran down and mucked my hand with out me clicking fold. Clearly when I call $11 with a gut shot straight flush draw there's a 0% chance I'm hitting fold myself. The pause in the replayer IMO shows that
05-27-2020 , 11:57 PM
This is absolutely ridiculous, if betonline were a reputable company at all they'd pay out the table as if the BBJ hit, it doesn't even come out of their pocket if the BBJ works the way it's advertised to

Will certainly not be doing business with betonline unless this is resolved in a positive manner and looking forward to the Joey investigation
05-27-2020 , 11:58 PM
Does anyone know what 35% reseed means - I assume this means 35% of the prize pool goes back into the new bad beat jackpot. Great marketing approach. The jackpot is 400k but 35% of that isn't for you it's for the next one.

5% fee lol - what a hustle

05-28-2020 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by ChicagoJoey
Does anyone know what 35% reseed means

5% fee lol - what a hustle

It means they take 35% of whatever the prize is and put it back in to roll over.

So if it’s 100k BBJ, 35k gets taken out and thats the new BBJ starting amount
05-28-2020 , 12:07 AM
The guy clearly hit the BBJ and the existing prize pool is still there - why wouldn't they pay this guy out?? They can see he called the flop and made his hand on the turn before some magic took over. What am I missing here?
05-28-2020 , 12:09 AM
I'm also afraid as soon as that BBJ hits the table will have a 0% chance of getting paid. I know they already told me no, but gonna remain optimistic. Have nothing else to do these days
05-28-2020 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by ChicagoJoey
The guy clearly hit the BBJ and the existing prize pool is still there - why wouldn't they pay this guy out?? They can see he called the flop and made his hand on the turn before some magic took over. What am I missing here?
That they want to keep the money "in house" and the wrong "players" just so happened to hit it.

Either that, or the bbj money really isn't segregated and they don't have it to pay out.
05-28-2020 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by ChicagoJoey
The guy clearly hit the BBJ and the existing prize pool is still there - why wouldn't they pay this guy out?? They can see he called the flop and made his hand on the turn before some magic took over. What am I missing here?
That BOL is shady. That’s all.

Also to add as someone else just said, and this is my “conspiracy” prediction , expect the BBJ to hit very soon so they can call this a wash. If anyone still plays here I’d be grinding like mad knowing it’s going to “randomly” go off soon.
05-28-2020 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by Check Raisin
That they want to keep the money "in house" and the wrong "players" just so happened to hit it.

Either that, or the bbj money really isn't segregated and they don't have it to pay out.
The max you can cashout per week is $3000 but you can put up to $100,000 on the site at once.

They wouldn't be able to get this money offline if they wanted to after hitting the BBJ.

05-28-2020 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by ChicagoJoey
The guy clearly hit the BBJ and the existing prize pool is still there - why wouldn't they pay this guy out?? They can see he called the flop and made his hand on the turn before some magic took over. What am I missing here?
This is the exact reasoning on why I stayed so optimistic up until tonight. The hand is essentially over as soon as I call the $11 and the Q hit the turn. No one involved in the hand is ever folding there. I was hopeful BOL would do the right thing
05-28-2020 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by ChicagoJoey
The guy clearly hit the BBJ and the existing prize pool is still there - why wouldn't they pay this guy out?? They can see he called the flop and made his hand on the turn before some magic took over. What am I missing here?
Someone in the tread said same person hit it twice In a row before (wonder odds on that), so yeah waiting “the right” person to hit it seems.....
05-28-2020 , 12:15 AM
You're right about the 3k per week joey. That, along with this bbj nightmare does make me think they are having money issues.
05-28-2020 , 12:16 AM
Their sportsbook took me for a few hundred bucks last october -- it's nowhere near what the OP is going thru, but it was real scummy on their part. I made a thread about it here and moved on, haven't been on the site sense

Hopefully this works out as it should
05-28-2020 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by golfbum983
Someone in the tread said same person hit it twice In a row before (wonder odds on that), so yeah waiting “the right” person to hit it seems.....

05-28-2020 , 12:22 AM
All the recent payouts much less then ops or even the back to back winner in 2018, maybe when it’s 30-40k dont care but when it gets high they try to send it to certain players....seems pretty sketch
05-28-2020 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by ChicagoJoey

Yep satinhoz or whatever.
I felt I was always being cheated on there, and when that guy won twice I perma banned my account

Place is corrupt.
05-28-2020 , 12:26 AM
Joey, you might also take note that BetOnline had a VIP points system where players could buy into $55 and $109 multis with points. Some players had accrued points equity in the thousands and tens of thousands (I had ~$3k worth of points myself)

Then BetOnline one day decided to take away all uses for VIP points, without any prior warning to players. They effectively stole hundreds of thousands in points equity.

The list of transgressions is quite long with this site.
05-28-2020 , 12:26 AM
THIS is what a real scam looks like, quite unlike the "ghosting" thread that is also prominent on here. Unfortunately in a totally unregulated arena, which online gambling and poker is for the most part, you have no recourse. There is no authority to go to and no one that is looking out for you. In other words you are on your own. "Let the buyer beware" is the only thing that comes to mind.

Yes, the OP can blast BOL all over the internet and people here can do the same, plus withdraw their money and their action from this site, as well they should. I suspect this may be the beginning of the end for BOL and if I had money on there I would get it out as fast as I could.
05-28-2020 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by pokerbeastsu
Here it is:

This is egregious.
Not that the incident above is relevant to this bbj case but figured I'd bump for joey so he can see the type of company he's dealing with.
05-28-2020 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
Joey, you might also take note that BetOnline had a VIP points system where players could buy into $55 and $109 multis with points. Some players had accrued points equity in the thousands and tens of thousands (I had ~$3k worth of points myself)

Then BetOnline one day decided to take away all uses for VIP points, without any prior warning to players. They effectively stole hundreds of thousands in points equity.

The list of transgressions is quite long with this site.
What are those other transgressions??
05-28-2020 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by Check Raisin
That they want to keep the money "in house" and the wrong "players" just so happened to hit it.

Either that, or the bbj money really isn't segregated and they don't have it to pay out.
I really think it's the 3rd thing.

Someone wrote their terms to mimic live BBJ, where the hands have to be "shown down" because that's the only way to know the BBJ was actually hit.

Online you know when the BBJ conditions have been made the absolute moment the turn/river card is shown. That should be the moment the BBJ is considered valid.

Somebody at Chico and/or BetOnline has the stupid "rulez is rulez" mindset and isn't able to apply any kind of spirit of the rules or common sense approach to this situation.
05-28-2020 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by pokerbeastsu
Here it is:

This is egregious.
05-28-2020 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by ChicagoJoey
What are those other transgressions??
Bot rings in low stakes games destroying the game for tens of thousands. Possibly more. They are told about it over and over and ignore it. I'd guess they're house bots. Plenty of data in their cash game thread in the Betonline forum here on 2+2
05-28-2020 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by easyfnmoney
I just want to go back on the record and say the frequent disconnects from the BOL client are why I stopped playing on this software & this is why I sympathize with OP so much.

There were times where one table would disconnect and another table would continue with action, proving there was no issue with my internet connection at all.

That's why I am calling BS on BOL in regards to this. I would be willing to bet money that there is no issue with OP's internet connection and that the problem exists entirely on BOL/Chico poker's servers.

This same network disconnect OP showed in his video has happened to me costing me hundreds/potentially thousands of dollars and support simply blamed it on my ISP.
I've experienced similar issues in the past. They have been infrequent over the past six months or so but I'm not often playing during peak time. I believe I've always received the disconnect bar on either my table or on my lobby when they've occurred and often during those times other networks I've played on have resumed play flawlessly. I think it's obvious to anyone that plays tournaments on their network that these issues do occur as they grey out players that are sitting out or disconnected and on more than a few occasions you'll have greyed out players at your tourney tables.

The people claiming they deliberately scammed the OP are reaching a bit though. How would that work exactly? Surely if they wanted to allocate those funds to a house account and are capable of freezing someone at a table about to win the jackpot they would also be capable of doing something else to continue and/or win the jackpot in a much more efficient and undetectable way.
