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StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k

10-27-2014 , 12:02 AM
that sn stizzi2 is deep in the sunday 2nd chance, wonder if that is him
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 12:09 AM
Joey, we all know you don't like alexo and SRP is your boy, not cool to be trolling right now.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by ChicagoJoey
that sn stizzi2 is deep in the sunday 2nd chance, wonder if that is him
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 12:13 AM
I would like to add he used other 2p2 sn: Sosa30 when srp was banned.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by gabbkk
This angle is Unbelievable!! Just read through all 9 pages! There is nothing worse than a scammer that cries when he doesn't get his way
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by CumOnGuys
Joey, we all know you don't like alexo and SRP is your boy, not cool to be trolling right now.
I got love for alexo, hard for me to hate other members of the plo community

Someone earlier posted that might be his SN, i believe from someone he knew that lived near him. That sn actually does make some sense to be him
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 12:31 AM
someone use the chat??
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 12:37 AM
anddddd he's out in 10th. 9ts<aks
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 12:37 AM
final table bubbled
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by what is check
anddddd he's out in 10th. 9ts<aks
Was that actually him though? SRP, I am still in shock that smokerock247 was him, that is to damn funny
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by motherknowsbest
final table bubbled
If he wasnt suicidal before this,,,now it has definitely changed..
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 02:18 AM

losing low stakes player and compulsive liar...always has been, no news to anyone in Canada
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 05:26 AM
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by CzechFold
seriously can mods delete the above post please?
Why? Obv not rooting for him to off himself but I don't see anything in that post thats isn't basically true. Save your worry for people that deserve it.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 05:49 AM
Originally Posted by sacha.d
Don't feel bad for him, depressed? The guys a scum bag. I know a sociopath who once lied about having cancer to gain pity, and eventually scammed/tricked a family member for a large amount of money. These type of people lack the emotional capacity to experience true empathy; they MIMIC empathy (plenty of examples of this happening in your posts), and they're so good at it, that they probably fool themselves into thinking they're like the rest of us. Don't feel bad for someone who's genuinely unable to feel bad for you, and if given the chance, would rob you of everything you have.

People taking pity on him because he's depressed and because he wrote a blog mentioning suicide... There are plenty of GOOD people in this world that are severely depressed. Suicide would be a relief for a guy like this! Infact it would be +++EV - no more suffering, no more inflicting pain onto others, going to sleep and never waking up again.
OK, besides this part
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 06:38 AM
Originally Posted by SJPoker
no news to anyone in Canada
Us craftly Canadians, we all know eachother, we're aware of everthing that happens in our iceberg of a country, like a beehive, a super organism.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 06:40 AM
Originally Posted by IMDABES
OK, besides this part
I tend to get carried away with my bitterness.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 06:43 AM
Sad thread. Disgrace that there are so many scammers/cheaters in the poker world, sorry to hear about this Alex.

Joey I'm surprised you're not a bit more remorseful though, obviously this situation isn't entirely your fault, but when you're looked up to in the community & have regular interaction with someone and mention them a lot then just by proxy they're going to be more trustable than a random. Very naive by you to keep referring to him especially after he didn't repay the $500 and you say you doubted his legitimacy, but didn't voice this openly, other naive people watching your vids wouldn't get this vibe about him from you. Plus in that 50:30 clip you confirmed he was a winning player & that you know his SNs. Out of interest what were the SNs, and why did you believe he was a winning player?

Originally Posted by bigpotpoker

at the 50:30 someone asked if you knew him and if he was a winning poker player, and you said both of those things are confirmed. Just wondering what info did you have or he give you that made you think that, and now say no chance he is.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 06:43 AM
3 months after being on P5s he did A Well. People were bashing him all throughout the thread. Weird guy. His highlights are that he banged 3 girls in a week and 8 in a month during a heater. He also talks about how his mom left him at a young age.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 06:51 AM
kind of thought about this---

==>2hr55min /

skype, jnandez says SRP did you just try to add me on skype. SRP hesitates and says no. jnandez says someone is probably trying to scam me. looks like either way it would be a scam .
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 06:51 AM
Originally Posted by chilin_dude
Sad thread. Disgrace that there are so many scammers/cheaters in the poker world, sorry to hear about this Alex.

Joey I'm surprised you're not a bit more remorseful though, obviously this situation isn't entirely your fault, but when you're looked up to in the community & have regular interaction with someone and mention them a lot then just by proxy they're going to be more trustable than a random. Very naive by you to keep referring to him especially after he didn't repay the $500 and you say you doubted his legitimacy, but didn't voice this openly, other naive people watching your vids wouldn't get this vibe about him from you. Plus in that 50:30 clip you confirmed he was a winning player & that you know his SNs. Out of interest what were the SNs, and why did you believe he was a winning player?
Love the podcast, and think Joey is awesome, but I'd have to agree, all I've really heard him say is " I thought it was obvious" etc etc. Which is kinda weak imo, an apology or at least a real acknowledgement of screwing up not outting him beforehand is probably in order imo, altho really who cares I suppose, I'm just mostly surprised he hasn't done this yet.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 06:54 AM
Originally Posted by SJPoker

losing low stakes player and compulsive liar...always has been, no news to anyone in Canada

These threads are sad

Not as sad as even hinting that the guy should top himself. Wasnt there some talk about his lack of family? Prob didnt get off to the best start in life but killing yourself over a 20k debt is pretty tragic
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 06:59 AM
omfg its smokerock, he tried to angle shoot a moderator on p5s
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by IMDABES
Love the podcast, and think Joey is awesome, but I'd have to agree, all I've really heard him say is " I thought it was obvious" etc etc. Which is kinda weak imo, an apology or at least a real acknowledgement of screwing up not outting him beforehand is probably in order imo, altho really who cares I suppose, I'm just mostly surprised he hasn't done this yet.
Originally Posted by chilin_dude
Sad thread. Disgrace that there are so many scammers/cheaters in the poker world, sorry to hear about this Alex.

Joey I'm surprised you're not a bit more remorseful though, obviously this situation isn't entirely your fault, but when you're looked up to in the community & have regular interaction with someone and mention them a lot then just by proxy they're going to be more trustable than a random. Very naive by you to keep referring to him especially after he didn't repay the $500 and you say you doubted his legitimacy, but didn't voice this openly, other naive people watching your vids wouldn't get this vibe about him from you. Plus in that 50:30 clip you confirmed he was a winning player & that you know his SNs. Out of interest what were the SNs, and why did you believe he was a winning player?
I made a video talking about everything you just said in your post and have replied to the same question already a bunch. There was nothing to out, i said kid owed me 250 usd all the time. I've never known him to outright scam someone like this before. Every person who watches my stuff got the vibe that this isn't a guy you should give money to. Alexo doesn't watch my stuff and he became friends with SRP awhile ago. Me doing things with SRP had nothing to do with alexo giving this guy money. Him saying all the magical things he said to alexo is what lead to alexo giving him money, not anything I did. He was already posting on the forums and interacting with people on twitter months before I had him on any podcast.

The kid was living some type of double life on other poker forums, it looks like he had 50k posts and 20 different accounts all with his personal info that never even made it back to 2p2.

Dont give people money because they are talked about by other people, if in the future anyone brings up my name at any point in time before they try to get staked/loan assume I do not know them and I will never vouch for them. If i have someone on my stuff or talk about them also assume the same, if they were good enough to get staked I would stake them and if they were reliable for a loan I would loan them money. Or message me and ask me about if you should give them money/stake, I will always answer no to this question. If alexo would have done that, I would have said **** no. If I tell someone yes that guy you should give money to and then they scam them, I can understand people thinking its my fault but that will never be the case because I will ALWAYS say no. (trying to make this really clear before someone doesn't catch up with the thread and I get asked again)

Last edited by ChicagoJoey; 10-27-2014 at 07:17 AM.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 07:12 AM
I thought it was pretty obvious he was fos
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
