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StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k

10-25-2014 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by bigpotpoker

at the 50:30 someone asked if you knew him and if he was a winning poker player, and you said both of those things are confirmed. Just wondering what info did you have or he give you that made you think that, and now say no chance he is.
this happened on more than one occasion iirc
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by meSLYFOX
I dont post here alot, but im genuinly worried for that SRP guy...He blogged about some suicide stuff, dont remeber exactly what he wrote about in detail, but seeing his online rep being ripped to pieces, rightfully so, somebody should be on suicide watch. This online "fame" of his is/was probably the only thing he had going for him...
yep. i remember when joey did a stream on canadian thanksgiving, SRP was on (i think this was the ****ting-in-a-bag stream) and when joey brought up "it's thanksgiving in canada, why aren't you with your family?" he just kinda brushed it off and changed the subject. i get the feeling he doesn't have a whole lot of close family/friends and i could see him being very emotionally unstable. obv he's a manipulative scumbag but i hope he does therapy and turns his life around.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 08:35 PM
I should add he told me he was the one that helped joe rised in plo, and that joe thanked him once in Vegas giving him 5k.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 08:35 PM
look at the bright side: at least he's a guy who stole your money and not a girl who stole your heart
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by alexo18
I should add he told me he was the one that helped joe rised in plo, and that joe thanked him once in Vegas giving him 5k.
Vegas or somewhere , not sure
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Keruli
look at the bright side: at least he's a guy who stole your money and not a girl who stole your heart
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by alexo18
I should add he told me he was the one that helped joe rised in plo, and that joe thanked him once in Vegas giving him 5k.

Originally Posted by bigpotpoker

at the 50:30 someone asked if you knew him and if he was a winning poker player, and you said both of those things are confirmed. Just wondering what info did you have or he give you that made you think that, and now say no chance he is.
He can be pretty convincing and around that time he was acting more like he was actually playing and winning at high stakes on 888 which I didn't really believe completely but I didn't have any evidence he wasn't and I really didn't think it mattered one way or the other. I didn't expect someone to give this guy money or stake him without very in depth receipts ever (why would they) and I had no reason to think he was doing anything more than trying to be one of the guys. There are plenty of guys in poker who are friends of a friend that has some type of reputation, it isn't there fault if you for some reason decided to befriend that guy and give him money/he doesn't pay you back.

Originally Posted by meSLYFOX
I dont post here alot, but im genuinly worried for that SRP guy...He blogged about some suicide stuff, dont remeber exactly what he wrote about in detail, but seeing his online rep being ripped to pieces, rightfully so, somebody should be on suicide watch. This online "fame" of his is/was probably the only thing he had going for him...

Last edited by ChicagoJoey; 10-25-2014 at 09:22 PM.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 09:23 PM
he had a unique cool voice and was pretty funny when you think about it. dont commit srp. someone should make sure he is ok somehow. there are alot of tools in a hardware store
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 10:17 PM
this story gets more sad with every page
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 11:08 PM
in b4 SRP meets patpat @macau-tower
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by crack_david
this story gets more sad with every page
it really does
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 11:45 PM
didn't even realize it until i just rewatched it now but on the stream where SRP over reacts to busting out of an MTT (i.e. the famous "buddy snapped me off with deuces" line - when SRP gets all in with AJ against 22 pf, he says "AT6! BOOM! HOLD!! HOLD!! 7! BOOM! HOLD! HOLD! HOLD! WHAT THE ****!!!!!!!" implying 2 on the river. then 5 minutes later:

SRP: "buddy turned a set on me"
Joey: "a set of deuces?"
SRP: "yeah, i was drawing dead"

lol couldn't even keep his story straight. compulsive liars gonna compulsively lie i guess. can i get 7:1 odds that he was actually playing in an MTT when these theatrics ensued?

Last edited by what is check; 10-25-2014 at 11:53 PM.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by what is check
didn't even realize it until i just rewatched it now but on the stream where SRP over reacts to busting out of an MTT (i.e. the infamous "buddy snapped me off with deuces" line - when SRP gets all in with AJ against 22 pf, he says "AT6! BOOM! HOLD!! HOLD!! 7! BOOM! HOLD! HOLD! HOLD! WHAT THE ****!!!!!!!" implying 2 on the river. then 5 minutes later:

SRP: "buddy turned a set on me"
Joey: "a set of deuces?"
SRP: "yeah, i was drawing dead"

lol couldn't even keep his story straight. compulsive liars gonna compulsively lie i guess. can i get 7:1 odds that he was actually playing in an MTT when these theatrics ensued?
well he said he was playing the $215 50k turbo on 888, which had 23k up top but i called him out as the 50k finished 2 hours before that hand happened

just rewatched that hand and doug pork writes, 'in b4 SRP is a scammer thread on 2p2' lol

Last edited by kyan972; 10-25-2014 at 11:57 PM. Reason: .
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-26-2014 , 12:04 AM
^^wow... people call him out straight up and it goes over everyone's heads.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-26-2014 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by what is check
didn't even realize it until i just rewatched it now but on the stream where SRP over reacts to busting out of an MTT (i.e. the famous "buddy snapped me off with deuces" line -

EDIT: nvm, found it at 1:50:10
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-26-2014 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by kyan972
well he said he was playing the $215 50k turbo on 888, which had 23k up top but i called him out as the 50k finished 2 hours before that hand happened
assuming MrAggr0 is SRP's 888 account, he finished 29th in a 3$ mtt.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-26-2014 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by SrslySirius

EDIT: nvm, found it at 1:50:10
haha its probably the best moment ever on joe's podcasts
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-26-2014 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by LV_livingg
Not sure of Min. wage in canada but lets say its 9.50 it would take him 2,105 hours of working just to pay alexo back. and thats not even taking out any money for him during the process.

i was say theres a .05% that happens
Minimum wage is up to 11.00/hr now lol
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-26-2014 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by what is check
yep. i remember when joey did a stream on canadian thanksgiving, SRP was on (i think this was the ****ting-in-a-bag stream) and when joey brought up "it's thanksgiving in canada, why aren't you with your family?" he just kinda brushed it off and changed the subject. i get the feeling he doesn't have a whole lot of close family/friends and i could see him being very emotionally unstable. obv he's a manipulative scumbag but i hope he does therapy and turns his life around.
I am pretty sure you are bang on, on this subject which is very touchy for lots, I sure do hope he seeks out the help that he needs. Cause he would be much better off with it. Its sad it came to this for him. But hope he makes better for everyones sake in the poker community
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-26-2014 , 01:17 AM
I think some people underestimate how much some non winning poker players want to be in the "popular" crowd. Some will do anything to be apart of it. Ive had encounters with mike as well in skype chats and IRL. It didnt take me long to realise that the guy litereally lies about everything. When he was in Vancouver visiting joey, i believe he told us joey moved and offered to get a place for us (us being a couple of grinders) to stay at when we come down for whatever series it was then. We offered to pay half of monthly rent as we would be there for 2 weeks and would still be cheaper than a hotel. Gave it to him before, he never actually got a place and said he was robbed, obv lying i assume. The whole trip he was super sketchy, but whatever, again a pretty cheap lesson. But he was always a huge fan boy from what i could tell. Just always watches HS games and thats how he knows so much. A couple of times when their was a podcast he was in Id mention something in the chat and he or joey would snap block me in the chat......not sure who has control over that. Also blocked others that I know. The thing is, hes like that suicidal GF that says if you break up with her she will kill herself. You know them personally so last thing you want them to do is to kill themself, which is why i never outed him when known as SRP.

I think that people who have a big name in the poker community need to be a little bit more careful with the people they promote within the poker community, its ok to continue to talk about how ****ty scammers are, but how about we stop promoting random people who come onto the scene. We all need to take some responsibility here and learn from this.

But gonna say like most, not sure how anyone believed the SRP was a decent human at heart considering the rage he showed on his twitter account. Literally just went after anyone to draw attention to himself from anyone that would listen. Guy is awful as poker because he spews all the time. Get lucky or bust was his game. Not gonna spend time editing this, just thought some of this needed to be pointed out.
Sorry about your misfortune alexo, i dont see it happening as ive know him to be a liar for more than 2 years now, but i hope somehow you get your money back.
This was all he had tho, really shocked he finally got "IN" and blew it.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-26-2014 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by what is check
didn't even realize it until i just rewatched it now but on the stream where SRP over reacts to busting out of an MTT (i.e. the famous "buddy snapped me off with deuces" line - when SRP gets all in with AJ against 22 pf, he says "AT6! BOOM! HOLD!! HOLD!! 7! BOOM! HOLD! HOLD! HOLD! WHAT THE ****!!!!!!!" implying 2 on the river. then 5 minutes later:

SRP: "buddy turned a set on me"
Joey: "a set of deuces?"
SRP: "yeah, i was drawing dead"

lol couldn't even keep his story straight. compulsive liars gonna compulsively lie i guess. can i get 7:1 odds that he was actually playing in an MTT when these theatrics ensued?
I remember this watching live though, thought I just mis-heard him or something
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-26-2014 , 01:43 AM
Just wanna point out that "cantbeat" is Benny Chen. Dunno why his account is mentioned in thread title. 1 of the mods should edit it out.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-26-2014 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by tynhgg
I remember this watching live though, thought I just mis-heard him or something
He was raging at that time and drunk so v high chance he just was confused when he tried to recap teh hand. Theres zero chance he didnt busted there and was supertilt bc otherwise he would make way moar than 20k in hollywood...
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-26-2014 , 02:23 AM
Well ****. Had a long post typed up that i lost. I have some more questions, Joey, mind if I pm you?
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-26-2014 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by betrthanphil
I think some people underestimate how much some non winning poker players want to be in the "popular" crowd. Some will do anything to be apart of it. Ive had encounters with mike as well in skype chats and IRL. It didnt take me long to realise that the guy litereally lies about everything. When he was in Vancouver visiting joey, i believe he told us joey moved and offered to get a place for us (us being a couple of grinders) to stay at when we come down for whatever series it was then. We offered to pay half of monthly rent as we would be there for 2 weeks and would still be cheaper than a hotel. Gave it to him before, he never actually got a place and said he was robbed, obv lying i assume. The whole trip he was super sketchy, but whatever, again a pretty cheap lesson. But he was always a huge fan boy from what i could tell. Just always watches HS games and thats how he knows so much. A couple of times when their was a podcast he was in Id mention something in the chat and he or joey would snap block me in the chat......not sure who has control over that. Also blocked others that I know. The thing is, hes like that suicidal GF that says if you break up with her she will kill herself. You know them personally so last thing you want them to do is to kill themself, which is why i never outed him when known as SRP.

I think that people who have a big name in the poker community need to be a little bit more careful with the people they promote within the poker community, its ok to continue to talk about how ****ty scammers are, but how about we stop promoting random people who come onto the scene. We all need to take some responsibility here and learn from this.

But gonna say like most, not sure how anyone believed the SRP was a decent human at heart considering the rage he showed on his twitter account. Literally just went after anyone to draw attention to himself from anyone that would listen. Guy is awful as poker because he spews all the time. Get lucky or bust was his game. Not gonna spend time editing this, just thought some of this needed to be pointed out.
Sorry about your misfortune alexo, i dont see it happening as ive know him to be a liar for more than 2 years now, but i hope somehow you get your money back.
This was all he had tho, really shocked he finally got "IN" and blew it.
Great post and the first paragraph is 1000 percent spot on

Originally Posted by CumOnGuys
Well ****. Had a long post typed up that i lost. I have some more questions, Joey, mind if I pm you?
Sure go ahead
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
