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StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k

10-25-2014 , 03:02 PM
No but some of his HH would confirm that, Kirby.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 03:10 PM
Funnily the most obnoxious thing in this thread isnt SRP scamming, but the overly offended weirdos overreacting to a completely understandable question regarding a 2p2ers presumably premature death.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 03:36 PM
Since the first time I heard SRP on the podcast he reminded me of a guy I knew who was a liar/scammer. We had a 'friendship' just like joey/SRP. Exactly the same. Now I understand why SRP takes all the abuse joey throws at him cause he owes joey money and can't really say anything.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by KingOfLoss
Funnily the most obnoxious thing in this thread isnt SRP scamming, but the overly offended weirdos overreacting to a completely understandable question regarding a 2p2ers presumably premature death.
not a weirdo but some of us are related to people who people show no respect towards
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 04:32 PM
I dont post here alot, but im genuinly worried for that SRP guy...He blogged about some suicide stuff, dont remeber exactly what he wrote about in detail, but seeing his online rep being ripped to pieces, rightfully so, somebody should be on suicide watch. This online "fame" of his is/was probably the only thing he had going for him...
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by meSLYFOX
I dont post here alot, but im genuinly worried for that SRP guy...He blogged about some suicide stuff, dont remeber exactly what he wrote about in detail, but seeing his online rep being ripped to pieces, rightfully so, somebody should be on suicide watch. This online "fame" of his is/was probably the only thing he had going for him...
I'm thinking the same. He's always super depressed sounding on the podcasts that this can't help.

Hopefully this will encourage him to get his **** together, quit feeling 'woe is me' and pay back his debts; even if it means working at a hardware store.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 05:35 PM
Based on joey's response about ballcup I assumed it was accidental OD or suicide. Otherwise it would be strange to make no comment. For example, if it was a car accident there would be no reason to avoid the subject.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by twalf
Do tell
well I would love to tell, but am going to work with Zima and we are going to get a website going about em as soon as possible. Just gathering info etc
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 05:46 PM
The only thing I don't get is why Joey would still have that dude on his podcast talking about HS PLO, when he's scammed Joey before. Just ban the ****er from your life and out him on 2+2?

Obv not saying anything is Joeys fault (lol i actually typed fold, fml) but I dont get that part.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
The only thing I don't get is why Joey would still have that dude on his podcast talking about HS PLO, when he's scammed Joey before. Just ban the ****er from your life and out him on 2+2?

Obv not saying anything is Joeys fault (lol i actually typed fold, fml) but I dont get that part.

mistakes happen though. joey just seemed to like the idiot in a weird way (was entertainment)
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 05:56 PM
Prob the entertainment value of having SRP taking **** on every podcast was worth more to him than the money owed.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by kingpinofkw
So is this out in Newfoundland, or back in Cambridge, Ontario, from what I know he is out east for school, or maybe that is a bull**** lie as well
this is in Newfoundland.

I ignored my gut instinct with him mostly because the fact he had a bit of a following on twitter, had a poker player snapshot on nutblocker, had a youtube video of him playing 25/50, was on joey's podcast, talked to other HS regs.

The level of deception is actually pretty impressive. He's truly a sociopath that manipulates everyone around him. Luckily he only scammed me for a small amount.

My gf instantly said he was sketchy when she met him tho. Solid read.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 06:05 PM
Girls have better reads on character than most guys imo. I have some very intelligent guy friends who manage to also be very poor judges of peoples intentions

He exudes sketchyness in the two photos posted. Ignoring the clowning in photo 2....who the **** gets the zigzag man tattoo except complete losers.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 06:11 PM
Its cynical but why should NVG belive ballcup = xblink/xwink without any more info then someone saying so on an internet forum.

If its true that he died its a tragedy, but thinking people are disrespectful when they want facts are a bit harsh.

What was ballcups 2p2 account?
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
The only thing I don't get is why Joey would still have that dude on his podcast talking about HS PLO, when he's scammed Joey before. Just ban the ****er from your life and out him on 2+2?

Obv not saying anything is Joeys fault (lol i actually typed fold, fml) but I dont get that part.
Originally Posted by Zima421

mistakes happen though. joey just seemed to like the idiot in a weird way (was entertainment)
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
Prob the entertainment value of having SRP taking **** on every podcast was worth more to him than the money owed.

Like i said a few times, he didn't scam me. Friends tend to borrow friends money all the time, it happens. Sometimes they don't pay you back for different reasons. I enjoyed having him on, he was funny and people liked hearing his random ****. I was also hoping he would turn his life around for the better at some point and I would be able to help in that along the way but it looks like I was pretty wrong about that
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by Zima421

mistakes happen though. joey just seemed to like the idiot in a weird way (was entertainment)
Hey I PM'ed you buddy!
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 06:59 PM
I literally puked mentally when I saw that name (SRP) post anything already from the first time. I don't understand why he didn't get banned in the first day from this forum? He added 0 value, trash talked and trolled, basically derailing and spamming anything he could. Normally I visit HSPLO SSPLO couple times a day but the feeling to see him having the last reply made me not want to click a thread, not talking about the willingness to reply in a thread just risking to get instantly flamed/trolled by a couple of people him being as the priority.

Also, Joey knew (I assume so after the repayment length/problems from SRP) about him being shady and a big liar, yet he continued to play along. There is nothing wrong in trolling but lately all the cool-guy-troll thing has gotten seriously out of control. It can be done in a smart way, not in the trivial as of late style. I am not accusing Joey in any way, its whatever in the end of the day, but somehow I got the feeling someone will get burned from all of this.

Its probably a combination of both, 2+2 being too democratic about trolling, (even if its in a BBV thread, it still has boundaries, right?) and Joey perhaps being too optimistic and playing along in the troll game.

Just my 2c after following this from the start till the end.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 07:48 PM
learn from your mistakes Alexo ! Don't let it change your generosity , just make sure its towards people who deserve it/appreciate it, or would do the same for you.

Thanks for outing him btw , he would have deffinately been trying to scam others,
sending some run good your way
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 07:51 PM
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 07:55 PM
Well now I feel better about srp randomly berating me in a post for absolutely no reason
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by bigpotpoker

at the 50:30 someone asked if you knew him and if he was a winning poker player, and you said both of those things are confirmed. Just wondering what info did you have or he give you that made you think that, and now say no chance he is.
this whole scene was a bit strange.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by Jamie Platinum
I'm thinking the same. He's always super depressed sounding on the podcasts that this can't help.

Hopefully this will encourage him to get his **** together, quit feeling 'woe is me' and pay back his debts; even if it means working at a hardware store.
Not sure of Min. wage in canada but lets say its 9.50 it would take him 2,105 hours of working just to pay alexo back. and thats not even taking out any money for him during the process.

i was say theres a .05% that happens
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 08:07 PM
any chance of someone posting the private/deleted from youtube podcast that chiraq joey did with srp from a few months back?
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Loctus
Well now I feel better about srp randomly berating me in a post for absolutely no reason
Can someone post "The best of StarRegProblems" for lols
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-25-2014 , 08:18 PM
Just thinking about all this i realize ton of lies he told me . Like every little detail he pulled a lie that would work later on his way.
For example:
SRP: " i invested 300k in uncle thing, im not winning money with that but at least they make enough to have food on their tables"
-> that makes him sound wealthy , good people , not money interested , etc.
Me: i always like david benefield , seems humble and he used to battle everyone, he was a beast
SRP: well i took him for (dont remember exac amount he said) 600k in couple of hours, there goes your beast.
-> hs reg who can improve my game and is wealthy. This was him pretending to be xwink
SRP: maybe i could back u for 2014 and higher games, all i want is u win some money and be happier with ur gf, idc if we lose.
-> again nice guy, etc
(Btw this NEVER happened , like i said NEVER backed online)
SRP: gonna play some 25/50/100 8 game tonight
-> wealthy , good hs

And more things , he said he had 2 cars and sold one cause he was cash broke and wanted to pay me right away , or how he had travelled the world, bla bla ...
Sometimes "cantbeat" was online and we both were playing 10/20 z (1 month ago?) and he texted me : "stay the **** out of my way "

He used to rail a ton of highstakes games and always talked to me how he destroyed some guys, he told me he tood like 7bi at 100/200 from lefort in 200 hands and then lefort denied him action.

He told me how he won bunch of money from skjervoy on ftp back in the days.

That his peak bankroll was 2 mega.

He even said he had a dog (bogie) that had an accident and later on died cause of a seizure (i think he pulled this because i love dogs and maybe just me feeling bad implied more money to him ?)
He told me about his depression but up to this point i have to say i dont trust anything he told me.

Anyway just realized many more lies but too long to write. Just telling this cause he pulled many little lies that at the end make me believe what he said.

Hope sincerely people out scammers!
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
