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StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k

10-29-2014 , 02:38 PM
Has anyone heard from SRP post OP?
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-29-2014 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
Has anyone heard from SRP post OP?
He closed his account (dont know how many he had), and supposedly move from province he lived.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-29-2014 , 02:54 PM
SRP = Privateworld
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-29-2014 , 03:21 PM
lets face it guys, this is a lesson in fake receipts.

if you have fake receipts and are ever caught using fake receipts in the community you should be outted immediately. starsregproblems is the definition of a fake receipt.

start saving ur receipts kids.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-29-2014 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by crashwhips
He had an acct on p5's w/ thousands of posts, and was reviled on there, shot a really scummy angle/attempted to steal on a well-respected person on there. His p5's acct is banned and the mods gave him an under-title of "Michael Gregory - Thief, Scammer, and Racist from Canada"
Actually very few people knew/know me from P5s. At the time I was not a mod. I saw him post that he had % of me in a rail while I was on the way to play the Ladies WSOP Final table, he had not sent payment or even a message about payment. I deal with social anxiety/depression and he knew that. So he knew I wouldn't want to be the focus in some dispute on a forum, he prob figured I would just give in. The whole time I was at the FT I kept thinking each pay jump is going to be a bigger situation I have to deal with and as the game went on I just felt sick.

If a guy wants to be anonymous but craves so much attention that is a sign that they can't be trusted. I do feel bad for Alexo, we all want to trust people. Alexo has 0 chance of getting his money back but worse he was lied to over and over again. I think it was great that he outed him as most people would keep holding on to the hope of their "friend" doing right. On another note I don't think you guys have seen the last of him. He will come back in a few months as some other troll, he can't help it he has nothing else going on.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-29-2014 , 04:55 PM
Yeah that attempt to scam you and the way he treated you in that thread was truly despicable. He kept referring to you as his "good friend" and as soon as you made a very objective and calm reply to the thread saying you disagreed w/ his stance, he just flipped out on you saying awful things. Only for a relatively small amt of $ (which I think makes it worse), but one of the sleaziest and desperate things I've ever seen anyone do in the poker world.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-29-2014 , 06:52 PM
So was it cantbeat? Doesnt seem like SRP = cantbeat.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-29-2014 , 10:15 PM
Gotta say it is a little disappointing that so few seemed repulsed by his rampant homophobia and other forms of bigoted and hateful comments, but once the scammer facts come out everybody is like "oh who knew he was a bad dude." I know it is apples and oranges but it is a little lolpoker that he got 5000 followers being such a vile troll.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-29-2014 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by Brow2821
Gotta say it is a little disappointing that so few seemed repulsed by his rampant homophobia and other forms of bigoted and hateful comments, but once the scammer facts come out everybody is like "oh who knew he was a bad dude." I know it is apples and oranges but it is a little lolpoker that he got 5000 followers being such a vile troll.
Good Point.

What did you do to discourage and condemn that behavior on his part prior to this thread being created? I tried to Search for your disapproval of his despicable stances on diversity, but haven't found anything yet. I was just wondering . . .
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-29-2014 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by crashwhips
His p5's acct is banned and the mods gave him an under-title of "Michael Gregory - Thief, Scammer, and Racist from Canada"
Thats hilarious
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-29-2014 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by MacauBound
Good Point.

What did you do to discourage and condemn that behavior on his part prior to this thread being created? I tried to Search for your disapproval of his despicable stances on diversity, but haven't found anything yet. I was just wondering . . .
I'm sure it feels like a really clever point, but how is that actually relevant? Anyway, if I told you that I had several interactions with him on twitter calling out his vileness before he blocked me would that make a difference to you?

The fact that you identify whether someone tends to treat other people with basic human dignity as a "stance on diversity" really tells me everything I need to know.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-30-2014 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by DontStep
So was it cantbeat? Doesnt seem like SRP = cantbeat.
He is not cantbeat. He might be "stizzi2" on stars:

Originally Posted by optimusgrind
SRP lives in the same city as me. We befriended each other on twitter and have gone for drinks a few times. He was guarded about revealing his sn on stars which at the time I didn't really care. I can understand wanting privacy. We chatted poker and **** - he talked about having a horse in chile who was crushing, about playing big games etc.

Got to know each other over the next few weeks. He asked if I wanted to buy a piece of his action for WCOOP PLO events. I bought a small % for $180. He asked for cash I dropped it off to him since he has piles of money on stars. I figured out his sn was stizzi2. Not sure if that was his sn or if he was pretending it was (this sn played the main event btw).

He never played any of the events and always had an excuse. Said he was going to do refunds but never sent. I called him out and asked if he was busto and he lost his mind. Then said he was going to get a horse to send, even copied and pasted a convo from him saying it was blocked because of security.

I wrote it off and pretty much cut ties with him. He seems pretty unstable and obviously is a scammer and liar. Thought I should share my story. And if he's not the actual owner of stizzi2 I apologize to whoever is.
Does anyone have any notable experiences playing against that stars acct or his 888 acct (Mr_Aggr0)? What stakes did he play on ps?
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-30-2014 , 03:45 PM
[QUOTE=UziStuNNa;45047069][9/25/2014 12:46:58 AM] Sam: stars problems u dont actually play poker right?
[9/25/2014 12:48:02 AM] Stars Problems: yeah, i never play
[9/25/2014 12:48:04 AM] Stars Problems: ever
[9/25/2014 12:48:06 AM] Sam: ?
[9/25/2014 12:48:11 AM] Sam: idk 2p2 scene
[9/25/2014 12:48:23 AM] Sam: so no idea if thats sarcasm
[9/25/2014 12:48:31 AM] Sam: idk how u could play tho
[9/25/2014 12:48:36 AM] Sam: when u r beaking 24/7
[9/25/2014 12:48:40 AM] Sam: that **** flapping so fast
[9/25/2014 12:48:44 AM] Sam: when do u have time to click
[9/25/2014 12:48:47 AM] Joe Ingram: good point
[9/25/2014 12:48:54 AM] Joe Ingram: show receipts srp
[9/25/2014 12:48:57 AM] Sam: like joey
[9/25/2014 12:49:00 AM] Sam: used to play a lot
[9/25/2014 12:49:03 AM] Sam: now he beaks a lot
[9/25/2014 12:49:06 AM] Sam: new focus
[9/25/2014 12:49:12 AM] Sam: but hes not pretending to play hsplo like u
[9/25/2014 12:49:24 AM] Joe Ingram: is 5/10 and 10/20 hsplo? i really not sure
[9/25/2014 12:50:04 AM] Sam: idk either
[9/25/2014 12:50:07 AM] Joe Ingram: if it aint on stars, no need to talk about it imo
[9/25/2014 12:50:36 AM] Joe Ingram: who are you sam
[9/25/2014 12:52:41 AM] Joe Ingram: this is the kind of group for you srp
[9/25/2014 12:52:53 AM] Joe Ingram: buncha people talkin **** about nothing in here
[9/25/2014 12:52:56 AM] Joe Ingram: srps home
[9/25/2014 12:53:07 AM] Stars Problems: prety much, iont got time for it tbh
[9/25/2014 12:53:13 AM] *** Joe Ingram has left ***
[9/25/2014 12:57:57 AM] Sam: no time for it?
[9/25/2014 12:58:17 AM] Stars Problems: nope
[9/25/2014 12:58:24 AM] Stars Problems: **** you
[9/25/2014 12:58:45 AM] Stars Problems: irrelevant nobodies
[9/25/2014 12:58:59 AM] Stars Problems: bang bang
[9/25/2014 12:59:06 AM] Sam: u bout that talkin
[9/25/2014 12:59:09 AM] Sam: aint about that action
[9/25/2014 12:59:18 AM] Stars Problems: im about that money sam
[9/25/2014 12:59:22 AM] Sam: oh ya
[9/25/2014 12:59:27 AM] Stars Problems: and i dont have the time or need to talk about jokers
[9/25/2014 12:59:42 AM] Sam: would u like to play?
[9/25/2014 12:59:46 AM] Stars Problems: show up 2 times a year and jump in mid stake games thinking they know whats up
[9/25/2014 12:59:54 AM] Stars Problems: idk who the **** u are
[9/25/2014 12:59:59 AM] Sam: i think ive played bigger than u will ever play
[9/25/2014 1:00:03 AM] Stars Problems: doubt it
[9/25/2014 1:00:19 AM] Sam: what site
[9/25/2014 1:00:23 AM] Sam: like play
[9/25/2014 1:00:26 AM] Sam: sit somewhere
[9/25/2014 1:00:55 AM] Stars Problems: lol, take ur dick measuring somehwere else, i really dont care about he said she said fu fu lame ****
[9/25/2014 1:01:39 AM] Sam: see
[9/25/2014 1:01:42 AM] Sam: u bout that talkin
[9/25/2014 1:01:47 AM] Sam: lets play on bitcoin site
[9/25/2014 1:01:49 AM] Sam: u can stay anon
[9/25/2014 1:01:53 AM] Sam: like u are now
[9/25/2014 1:01:56 AM] Sam: random ass nobody
[9/25/2014 1:02:04 AM] Sam: broke fu fu lame boy
[9/25/2014 1:02:05 AM] Stars Problems: lmao, **** u, and **** bitcoin, lay on stars or go die
[9/25/2014 1:02:25 AM] Stars Problems: snitch ass bitch
[9/25/2014 1:03:11 AM] Sam: how do i get action down
[9/25/2014 1:03:16 AM] Sam: on u having <50k
[9/25/2014 1:04:17 AM] Stars Problems: lollll yawn
[9/25/2014 1:04:38 AM] Stars Problems: nice dick measuring bud, keep it up, u look really cool right now
[9/25/2014 1:04:54 AM] Stars Problems: doubt i could play the stakes i do on 10 bi, but please continue
[9/25/2014 1:05:27 AM] Sam: haha
[9/25/2014 1:05:34 AM] Sam: oh ya u in the 25 50 pool?
[9/25/2014 1:05:46 AM] Stars Problems: only a fish would ask that
[9/25/2014 1:05:49 AM] Stars Problems: u arent worth my time
[9/25/2014 1:05:53 AM] Stars Problems: see ya snitch ass bitch
[9/25/2014 1:06:06 AM] Sam: im a fish but ill play u at 500/1k?
[9/25/2014 1:06:13 AM] Sam: sounds like a good spot
[9/25/2014 1:06:35 AM] Stars Problems: ur a joke for even saying that
[9/25/2014 1:06:47 AM] Sam: ok
[9/25/2014 1:06:49 AM] Stars Problems: anyone who actually plays big knows how funny that is
[9/25/2014 1:06:49 AM] Sam: check this out then
[9/25/2014 1:06:58 AM] Sam: fly to vegas tomorrow
[9/25/2014 1:07:02 AM] Sam: bring me ticket
[9/25/2014 1:07:03 AM] Sam: ill pay for it
[9/25/2014 1:07:06 AM] Sam: and we play
[9/25/2014 1:07:07 AM] Sam: live
[9/25/2014 1:07:11 AM] Sam: so i cant ma u
[9/25/2014 1:07:40 AM] Stars Problems: what????
[9/25/2014 1:07:43 AM] Stars Problems: lol live poker
[9/25/2014 1:07:48 AM] Stars Problems: and lol you
[9/25/2014 1:07:54 AM] Stars Problems: sit down
[9/25/2014 1:08:01 AM] Sam: so u are
[9/25/2014 1:08:04 AM] Sam: confirmed busto idiot
[9/25/2014 1:09:06 AM] Stars Problems: i play every day 2k-600 and dont give a ****, i got mine from this game, more than i could ever imagine and i dont need to come on to some skype chat to challenge people to fly to vegas to play live
[9/25/2014 1:09:10 AM] Stars Problems: you arent a real person for that
[9/25/2014 1:09:15 AM] Stars Problems: you are a joke
[9/25/2014 1:09:20 AM] Sam: lol
[9/25/2014 1:09:24 AM] Sam: whats ur stars sn?>
[9/25/2014 1:09:29 AM] Sam: u dont really play poker right
[9/25/2014 1:09:57 AM] Stars Problems: lol if u only knew
[9/25/2014 1:12:05 AM] Sam: idk what thats supposed to mean
[9/25/2014 1:12:27 AM] Stars Problems: that means ur supposed to shut the **** up
[9/25/2014 1:12:46 AM] Sam: sounds like
[9/25/2014 1:12:51 AM] Sam: u bout that talkin
[9/25/2014 1:13:05 AM] Stars Problems: sounds like
[9/25/2014 1:13:08 AM] Stars Problems: ur a bith
[9/25/2014 1:13:09 AM] Stars Problems: bitch
[9/25/2014 1:13:31 AM] Sam: man
[9/25/2014 1:13:39 AM] Sam: gave u a few shots at being a clever troll
[9/25/2014 1:13:46 AM] Sam: but u are just an annoying moron
[9/25/2014 1:13:49 AM] Sam: who doesnt play
[9/25/2014 1:13:56 AM] Sam: and doesnt say anything interesting
[9/25/2014 1:14:01 AM] Sam: i thought u would be entertaining
[9/25/2014 1:14:04 AM] Stars Problems: thats only because u went full ****** and asked me to play live 500/1k
[9/25/2014 1:14:06 AM] Stars Problems: you cant be real
[9/25/2014 1:14:16 AM] Sam: cause u wont reveal screen name
[9/25/2014 1:14:23 AM] Sam: u wont play me anywhere
[9/25/2014 1:14:39 AM] Sam: and if u arent gonna play
[9/25/2014 1:14:40 AM] Stars Problems: i revealed an 888 SN and played many hands of 500/1k against trueteller
[9/25/2014 1:14:42 AM] Stars Problems: thats fact

[9/25/2014 1:14:42 AM] Sam: u just wanna beak
[9/25/2014 1:14:45 AM] Stars Problems: and im an NL fish
[9/25/2014 1:14:53 AM] Sam: if u just wanna beak
[9/25/2014 1:14:58 AM] Sam: at least say something clever
[9/25/2014 1:15:04 AM] Sam: sounds like im talking to a 12 year old
[9/25/2014 1:15:07 AM] Sam: "you'r a bitch"
[9/25/2014 1:15:17 AM] Stars Problems: ur a nobody and just as anon as me
[9/25/2014 1:15:19 AM] Sam: not entertaining
[9/25/2014 1:15:27 AM] Stars Problems: at least i play big and am not an unknown
[9/25/2014 1:15:28 AM] Stars Problems: also
[9/25/2014 1:15:42 AM] Stars Problems: many many many regs know who i am and ask to play
[9/25/2014 1:15:51 AM] Sam: dont care
[9/25/2014 1:15:52 AM] Stars Problems: so i cant be completely unknown can i? only those that need to know, know
[9/25/2014 1:15:55 AM] Sam: play or beak
[9/25/2014 1:16:21 AM] Stars Problems: play or die, you ****
[9/25/2014 1:37:44 AM] Stars Problems: i grab my 30 if u a little bigga
[10/25/2014 1:21:58 AM] Sam: wow
[10/25/2014 1:22:03 AM] Sam: they finally outed this starsregprob idiot
[10/25/2014 1:22:09 AM] Sam: knew u were a busto scammer
[10/25/2014 1:22:19 AM] Sam: see above

IDK which of the 3 people in this chat is the bigger clown
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-30-2014 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by YaAaRnY
learn from your mistakes Alexo ! Don't let it change your generosity , just make sure its towards people who deserve it/appreciate it, or would do the same for you.

Thanks for outing him btw , he would have deffinately been trying to scam others,
sending some run good your way
very good post YaAaRnY

Years ago I´ve been scammed for a similar amount as alexo here and can only recommend the advice given by YaAaRnY, especially the bolded part.

You really come across as a nice guy alexo and I wish you all the best for the future. Don´t let this expensive experience change you. A little bit of generosity makes life so much more worth living.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-30-2014 , 08:09 PM
I dont think he was Stizzi2. Played with that account a lot. Seemed to have a lot of money, seemed to play winning poker, and I think I saw him around recently.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-30-2014 , 10:39 PM
Stizzi2 was like a meh player in husngs. Not terrible but losing due to game selection. Played some 1k turbos vs him awhile back (Wayne avatar). Remember him talking trash or w/e but nothing memorable.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-30-2014 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by krmont22
I dont think he was Stizzi2. Played with that account a lot. Seemed to have a lot of money, seemed to play winning poker, and I think I saw him around recently.
Yeah with this info would say it is almost definitely not him. Everything that has come out about srp points to him being busto desperate degen who is not very good at poker and has never had much success.

Seems like he has a pattern of falsely claiming to be accounts that have played high stakes where no one knows for sure who it is and where the real acct holder doesn't post on any big poker forums so he can give the illusion of being a high-roller while being less likely of getting caught in a lie.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-31-2014 , 12:02 AM
Nothing Krmont said would prevent Stizzi2 from being SRP's Stars account...

SRP mentioned to Joey a few times on the Yaarny live streams that at the time he was grinding zoom on stars (no reason to think he was lying then) and each of those times stizzi2 was the only "unknown" Canadian account playing 1/2+ on Stars and it's not a high volume account that plays every day. When another 2p2er who has met him mentioned that account name IIT it all but confirmed for me what I had thought.

Originally Posted by optimusgrind
SRP lives in the same city as me. We befriended each other on twitter and have gone for drinks a few times. He was guarded about revealing his sn on stars which at the time I didn't really care. I can understand wanting privacy. We chatted poker and **** - he talked about having a horse in chile who was crushing, about playing big games etc.

Got to know each other over the next few weeks. He asked if I wanted to buy a piece of his action for WCOOP PLO events. I bought a small % for $180. He asked for cash I dropped it off to him since he has piles of money on stars. I figured out his sn was stizzi2. Not sure if that was his sn or if he was pretending it was (this sn played the main event btw).

He never played any of the events and always had an excuse. Said he was going to do refunds but never sent. I called him out and asked if he was busto and he lost his mind. Then said he was going to get a horse to send, even copied and pasted a convo from him saying it was blocked because of security.

I wrote it off and pretty much cut ties with him. He seems pretty unstable and obviously is a scammer and liar. Thought I should share my story. And if he's not the actual owner of stizzi2 I apologize to whoever is.
There would be no benefit to him pretending to be a lowish volume midstakesish player like Stizzi2 as there would be for him to say he was cantbeat/XBLINK which are accounts with a known history of playing and winning at HSPLO.

Originally Posted by StarsRegProblems
wayne always been a good and catchy lyricist, but all this auto tune crap is garbage imo

dank daddy i know u like rap, post some more of your fav tunes, i wanna judge you and your music taste
He's also at least somewhat of a fan of lil wayne which would explain his choice of avatar on Stars.

His SNG/MTT losses are at -60K on Sharkscope, his unconfirmed cash games stats are approximately +57.5K (peak was ~150K in early Sept so lost ~100K in mid/late Sept) and has played ~50 cash hands in the last 35 days. Also no one has claimed or really come to the defense of the Stizzi2 account saying they know who plays under the account (or at least who the account is registered to) as people did for cantbeat/XBLINK/uwintakeit.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-31-2014 , 12:33 AM
ive seen hands played by mraggro and ive played with stizzi

they are probably not the same person
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-31-2014 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by TruthBeKnown
Is the Main question to this thread, who is Xblink/Xwink ?
Originally Posted by TruthBeKnown
@doorbread Is the Main question to this thread, who is Xblink/Xwink ?

Bill Chen. Aka your mum.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-31-2014 , 01:15 AM
It's still not known who Xwink was and asking repeatedly isn't going to help.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-31-2014 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by optimusgrind
Pretty much this. Only reason I bought % without digging too much was the fact he was on JI podcast, was active on donkbluff, and posted in the HSPLO threads. Joey used to troll him on the podcast a bit but he did similar trolling to jnandez, dankness etc. I thought it was all in good fun. Some poker players are notoriously lazy and flakey so I just took his excuses for what they were.

I'm not saying Joey is in any way responsible fwiw. He had no idea the level of deception that was happening.

I did search his name on google to see if I could find some more information but turned up nothing. It was only for a very small amount so I didn't really put in my due diligence and I am the one to blame for trusting someone I met online..

He built a good narrative though. First night we went out he insisted on paying for everything and was throwing around cash. He was really knowledgeable of the HS cash scene, seem connected. He was flush with cash (that he stole from Alexo I'm assuming). He never asked me for anything and we got to know each other over the summer. Then WCOOP came along and he asked if I wanted a small %.

Thats when things got weird. He made up excuses saying he lost his wallet and the bank was closed and couldn't get a new CC and bank card (it was a sunday). I said I'd drop the cash off the next day but he INSISTED that he needed the cash that night and even seemed a little desperate. I just thought he was a little weird or whatever and at this point I was doing a favor for a 'friend'.

When I arrived at his house it was sketchy as ****. I was expecting a nice place for a HS baller. He lived in a ****box house that he rented a room out of in a poor(ish) area of the city. He met me out front and didn't even want to let me come in. I gave him the cash and he snap asked if I could drive him to the store to buy beer and smokes (he supposedly had a 60k car that he just bought....which was around back that I never saw). This whole time he looked really nervous. He said he had a rough week and already had a few drinks so couldn't drive.

I guess I'm too nice, as I really felt like I was helping out a friend and not getting scammed. I assumed he'd get his **** together and make things right even though my gut said I wasn't gonna see that money as soon as I handed it to him.

Lesson learned!
Jesus christ buddy and you still loan him money ? ding ding ding

I knew newfoundland people were really really nice too nice people but now its too much jesus

i feel for you and everyone else but be careful
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-31-2014 , 02:19 AM
xwink = xblink = fakeorreal = ragingheart

StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-31-2014 , 02:41 AM
yeah, xwink/xblink would never drink and has never touched a cigarette in his life.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
10-31-2014 , 05:44 AM
Originally Posted by SeaKing
xwink = xblink = fakeorreal = ragingheart


xwink/xblink 4tabled max

pokerparty!/FoR 24 tbled + tournies on the side = beast
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly &quot;cantbeat&quot; scammed me for 20k Quote
