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StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k

10-27-2014 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by urubu111
+1 to joe pay at least 50% of the debt to alexo.
Originally Posted by nba_guru
+2 Joey u owe...plain and simple
lol i know both of you post in plo forum and are trolling (urubu told his countrymen to sell there cars so who knows if he is) but lol

obv this is never going to happen and if 10000 people said I should this is never still going to happen
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by Killerwhale
Joey should pay full. it was elaborate scam by spr and chicago wp wp.
Equaly stupid as to sugest that srp and alexo are in it together to scam joey
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by schruden
SRP has been set up and is innocent. Not only has he not scammed alexo18 but he has actually been scammed BY alexo18 for $5500. Evidence pending
Here comes the madness.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by schruden
SRP has been set up and is innocent. Not only has he not scammed alexo18 but he has actually been scammed BY alexo18 for $5500. Evidence pending
Furthermore there is IN FACT NO EVIDENCE, that these kind of games,,,as youngsters call it "poker games" do even exist! It is just an elaborate scam of our lizar overlords who are trying to disguise their plan to colonize Earth and enslave us all, to work in their breeding factories as test subjects!! BE AWARE!! THE END IS NEAR!!
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by schruden
SRP has been set up and is innocent. Not only has he not scammed alexo18 but he has actually been scammed BY alexo18 for $5500. Evidence pending
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by schruden
SRP has been set up and is innocent. Not only has he not scammed alexo18 but he has actually been scammed BY alexo18 for $5500. Evidence pending
dont continue the lies srp just come clean try to be some sort of human that even you wont detest
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 06:32 PM
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 06:33 PM
Free SRP
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 06:35 PM
not funny to troll with a pos scumbag like SRP
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by schruden
SRP has been set up and is innocent. Not only has he not scammed alexo18 but he has actually been scammed BY alexo18 for $5500. Evidence pending
I was waiting for this lol
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 06:39 PM
The idea that joe should be in any way financially liable for srp's scamming is absurd. I assume (or at least hope) urubu was joking

afaik, he never vouched for him to a single person and his podcast hadn't even started yet when alexo gave him $. Even if had vouched to someone, that would still be a big stretch to put him on the hook for any type of reparations. Joe seemed also to get taken in by a lot of srp's lies in the same way alexo did too. If your friend says "yeah I've hung out w/ that guy, he's a strange dude but cool and funny" and then you became friends w/ that guy and he steals from you, would you expect your original friend to pay you what the other guy robbed?
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 06:40 PM
since urubu trolled, everyone joined that wagon.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 06:45 PM
I feel like an idiot for liking SRP on twitter now and thinking he was genuine.
His tweets amused me and i definitely thought he was mid-hs player.
Then i read all of this s#it.
Sigh, ul alexo, hope all is resolved.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 07:45 PM
Nba guru srs tho
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 07:55 PM
Time to hire junglemans hitman to find srp.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-27-2014 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by schruden
SRP has been set up and is innocent. Not only has he not scammed alexo18 but he has actually been scammed BY alexo18 for $5500. Evidence pending
Come on now SRP, is that you?
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-28-2014 , 12:23 AM
I'm pretty sure that ChicagoJoey is the one who is owed money here for having SRP on his podcasts in the first place, making it completely obvious that SRP is the type of person to NEVER loan money too. I feel he may have prevented other people with a brain from ever being scammed by this guy (I mean, have you guys really listened to SRP speak live?).
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-28-2014 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by betrthanphil
I was waiting for this lol
joey kept SRP up on the flyer for his poker cadet. I asked him about it tonight on the podcast....
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-28-2014 , 01:27 AM
wp urubu
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-28-2014 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by TimStone
Agree with that. I dont use twitter and i dont participate in teh threads he was present and if somebody only judges him from teh podcasts u 100% come to teh conclusion that he at least seemed to be somebody who can live off poker (wat would he be doing several times on a pokerpodcast anyways?). The hardware store stuff and him owing ingram money for years came moar across like a running gag if anything. Would i have given him money if he asked me - no way. Was it obv that he was a thief, scammer, liar and watnot - def not IMO!
big +1 to this. I only knew him from the podcast, and this was my view on him.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-28-2014 , 04:37 AM
This serious thread is looking increasingly like it's going to be hijacked by a few posters who are trying to get a laugh out of a pretty damn sad situation. Whether from a really small minority of the NVG community who shares the same **** sense of humour as them, or even just in their own sad worlds.

I really hope to see some positive come out of this thread eventually.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-28-2014 , 10:06 AM
Seems like this thread, has done bonkers. I think we'll see the Joey Owes OP soon enough, just to draw the trolls.
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-28-2014 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by optimusgrind
He did not go to vegas
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-28-2014 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Anthony James
This serious thread is looking increasingly like it's going to be hijacked by a few posters who are trying to get a laugh out of a pretty damn sad situation. Whether from a really small minority of the NVG community who shares the same **** sense of humour as them, or even just in their own sad worlds.

I really hope to see some positive come out of this thread eventually.
u got a stick stuck in ur butt?
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
10-28-2014 , 09:07 PM
Scummy prick
StarsRegProblems / Michael Gregory / possibly "cantbeat" scammed me for 20k Quote
