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**Petition to have Jared "RelaxedPrecision" Huggins for PS Big Game (Jared scheduled to appear) **Petition to have Jared "RelaxedPrecision" Huggins for PS Big Game (Jared scheduled to appear)

10-02-2010 , 09:04 PM
Cliffs of this thread + lost roll to drueler plz kthx
10-02-2010 , 09:11 PM
10-02-2010 , 09:15 PM
signed man.
10-02-2010 , 09:21 PM

gl man u deserve it.
10-02-2010 , 10:10 PM

GL mate!
10-02-2010 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by NsyncLovr
signed man.

I want to thank you for the PM. I will give the 50 from you and 50 from varkode to Jared Early this upcoming week when I see him. What you wrote in the PM was really great. You expressed the sentiments of so many of the people here. I forwarded it to Jared and I am sure your kind words will mean far more to him then the 100 dollars. But the 100 will help LOL

Thanks very much

10-02-2010 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by Actionjunkie
What? A guy with a 3.5 GPA college grad who can't find a good job so works 2-3 in order to try and get a place to live. A guy that doesn't take food stamps or welfare or hustle the system. He just busts his ass in menial jobs until something better comes around? A guy that has so much class and pride he did not want to even tell me he was having trouble again and just wanted to try and do it all on his own. While sleeping in a car. Yeah he is a trainwreck
It's a "game show" designed to be fun. It takes a lot of fun away when you have a guy that has been battered by the recession playing for his livelihood while having a bunch of sharks trying to take his money. It's just never gonna happen.
10-02-2010 , 10:36 PM
10-02-2010 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by blackjacki2
It's a "game show" designed to be fun. It takes a lot of fun away when you have a guy that has been battered by the recession playing for his livelihood while having a bunch of sharks trying to take his money. It's just never gonna happen.

My friend have you watched WSOP COVERAGE the last few years? Every interview they do is a human interest story and the person had some type of tragedy that they report in detail. I am not saying Jareds life is a tragedy, because it is not, but the human interest story is what every show is trying to sell. Anyone can watch poker players play poker. All these new shows are because they need a new angle.
10-02-2010 , 10:40 PM
I have a proposal.

Several posters have suggested setting up a J.Huggs fund to help get a roof over Jared's head quickly. But Jared has always insisted on earning any donations that come his way, either through stunts or odd jobs or getting hired for regular work. Additionally, there are probably many 2p2ers out there who would like to see Jared get on his feet again, but who are reluctant to just hand out free money to a stranger.

To solve this, I have a suggestion that seems to be in the spirit of the original BBV challenges that helped Jared in the first place.

2p2 will set up a J.Huggs Emergency Relief Fund, in exchange for which Jared will keep a video diary of his quest to make it on the Big Game. Links to the video entries will be posted regularly in the J.Huggs Big Game Sweat Thread so that we can root for him properly, keep tabs on his progress, and see the direct effect that our donations have on his conditions. Jared's already proven that he has the means to record and post videos, and this seems to be a logical extension of the original video challenges.

I'm in LA and I'm willing to assist in the Huggs Fund, though $5000 might be tough on such short notice. But I can accept up to $2k in transfers, and I'll make sure the money gets into Jared's hands. I can even make an appearance in the first video entry so you guys know I'm not running off to Jamaica with the dough. I'm a regular contributor on the forums, and I'm a video producer and instructor on CardRunners. Hopefully my reputation is such that this would be agreeable to all prospective donors.

If Jared agrees, we'll start a sweat thread tomorrow and we'll include information on how to get money to me or actionjunkie or any other Los Angelenos who are inclined to facilitate the transfers.

10-02-2010 , 10:42 PM
I would happily ship money sent to me to jimmy legs.

I just could not refuse the very kind gesture I received via that PM. I from the outset said I am new here and want someone known to handle the money
10-02-2010 , 10:52 PM
snap signed
10-02-2010 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by Actionjunkie
My friend have you watched WSOP COVERAGE the last few years? Every interview they do is a human interest story and the person had some type of tragedy that they report in detail. I am not saying Jareds life is a tragedy, because it is not, but the human interest story is what every show is trying to sell. Anyone can watch poker players play poker. All these new shows are because they need a new angle.
Tragedy works better on reality shows than on game shows. Game shows are about if you win you get to buy a car or go on a trip. It's not about if you lose your home gets foreclosed and you don't get to eat tomorrow. That just depresses people.
10-02-2010 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by blackjacki2
Tragedy works better on reality shows than on game shows. Game shows are about if you win you get to buy a car or go on a trip. It's not about if you lose your home gets foreclosed and you don't get to eat tomorrow. That just depresses people.

I could debate you but lets just agree to disagree.
10-02-2010 , 10:57 PM
I am in no way, shape or form a hater.

However, to play devil's advocate, I'm really not sure getting on the big game (or poker in general) is the answer to any of his current problems. I'm not completely sure I've got the rules 100%, but isn't there a decent chance he sits down with 100k and goes away empty handed? (i.e. he only keeps profit?).

One can only speculate that it would be an incredibly demoralizing and depressing experience to be essentially homeless, have all that money in front of you, and then lose it all thanks to a poor decision or bad luck.

With that said, I think everyone would be best off steering him towards Boosted J's great offer, which promises to be a great opportunity for him. I realize the two things aren't mutually exclusive, but I think that should be the priority.

With that said, props to everybody trying to help him, and best of luck to Jared for the future.

P.S I think blackjacki2 has a point here also. I'm not sure Stars would want to put themselves in situation where one player essentially had their economic/psychological future at stake, where there might be pressure on other players to soft-play, etc. I might be wrong though.
10-02-2010 , 10:57 PM
obv signed best of luck & JimmyLegs gr8 idea
10-02-2010 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by The Logic of Sense
I am in no way, shape or form a hater.

However, to play devil's advocate, I'm really not sure getting on the big game (or poker in general) is the answer to any of his current problems. I'm not completely sure I've got the rules 100%, but isn't there a decent chance he sits down with 100k and goes away empty handed? (i.e. he only keeps profit?).

One can only speculate that it would be an incredibly demoralizing and depressing experience to be essentially homeless, have all that money in front of you, and then lose it all thanks to a poor decision or bad luck.

With that said, I think everyone would be best off steering him towards Boosted J's great offer, which promises to be a great opportunity for him. I realize the two things aren't mutually exclusive, but I think that should be the priority.

With that said, props to everybody trying to help him, and best of luck to Jared for the future.
While I agree that Boosted's offer should be very seriously considered here, I don't see anything wrong with trying to get Jared onto the BG. It's a freeroll. And he'll likely inspire and be inspired by a lot of people (Daniel and Justin for instance) on his journey. And based on his posts in the forums, Jared seems to have a very strong work ethic. He won't look at the money on the table as the only solution but as a windfall. His primary goal seems to be finding regular work and a stable living condition.
10-02-2010 , 11:02 PM
He is as excited about Justins offer as the big game possibility. He is just overwhelmed right now. You know what he said to me when I told him that there is a push to get him on Pokerstars the big game? He said "Tell pokerstars to just give me a job!"

I can assure you he is going to take advantage of all the opportunities that develop. I am sure his future is bright . However the reality is TODAY he is homeless in los angeles. That is not a safe situation to be in and that is what we have to address immediately.

Guys can we please stop debating in this thread. I understand we have different view points but this thread is about Jared and being positive and helping him move forward. I feel like I am hijacking this thread by having to post in it every 15 minutes.
10-02-2010 , 11:07 PM
wow. hope the kid visits boosted J then ships the sunday milly 4 weeks in a row.
10-02-2010 , 11:10 PM
I've read the thread/s and I understand all that and it's extremely commendable. His desire to work rather than have things handed to him is particularly commendable and a great personal quality.

My point, which seems to have rather been missed, is the potential psychological effects of a unique situation like being given 100k to play with. It's surely an intense psychological experience for anyone, but the more so the less money you have...

Anyway, don't want to debate/argue/de-rail; you're both doing a great job. Just wanted to make the point.
10-02-2010 , 11:32 PM
+1 amazing story.

Actually heart warming to see a community come behind and help such a nice guy

GL my man
10-02-2010 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by blackjacki2
It's a "game show" designed to be fun. It takes a lot of fun away when you have a guy that has been battered by the recession playing for his livelihood while having a bunch of sharks trying to take his money. It's just never gonna happen.
Agree 101%
10-02-2010 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by The Logic of Sense
I've read the thread/s and I understand all that and it's extremely commendable. His desire to work rather than have things handed to him is particularly commendable and a great personal quality.

My point, which seems to have rather been missed, is the potential psychological effects of a unique situation like being given 100k to play with. It's surely an intense psychological experience for anyone, but the more so the less money you have...

Anyway, don't want to debate/argue/de-rail; you're both doing a great job. Just wanted to make the point.
Have you considered the psychological impact of him doubling up?
10-02-2010 , 11:51 PM
10-03-2010 , 12:14 AM
signed +10000
