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NVG's one and only US Presidential Election Thread, Featuring Jamie Gold Betting Strategy NVG's one and only US Presidential Election Thread, Featuring Jamie Gold Betting Strategy

03-01-2016 , 02:32 PM
So Trump and Clinton, when it comes to their respective primaries, are "top top."
03-01-2016 , 02:44 PM
How Do You Beat Donald Trump? We Asked a Poker Champion

"Trump is the ultimate 'loose-aggressive' player," said poker champion Phil Hellmuth in a recent phone interview. Hellmuth has won 14 World Series of Poker events -- the most ever."
03-01-2016 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Ace upmy Slv
I'd be surprised if Nukes weren't fired at us before Trump even got off of Iranian soil, lol! Sort of kidding about that part.......
I was thinking the same thing if Trump was elected I feel like he could potentially start WWIII. I just see him pissing off the wrong country and saying things he obviously shouldn't.
03-01-2016 , 02:56 PM
lmao mike mcdonald is laughing at his ass right now

somewhere in canada..... in his lambo...
03-01-2016 , 02:56 PM
Cant lose no matter who you bet on, the war companies and prison companies graphs don't downswing and Satanist still pull all the strings
03-01-2016 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Janice7776
Cant lose no matter who you bet on
Jolly good. I bet about 350 blueberries on Jamie Gold being the next President. I'm gonna be overdosing on vitamin c for the next 4 years.
03-01-2016 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by The4thFilm
He actually sounded pretty smart. 99% chance of Hillary and Trump seems to be overstating it. They are 69 years old and have a non-negligible chance of dropping dead in the next 9 months.
I have a big bet on Clinton at -110 to win the general election. Before I placed it, I asked the online book if my bet is refunded if she dies before election day.

Their answer was yes. Definitely worth checking out before any big bets are placed.
03-01-2016 , 05:25 PM
so if u wagered $100 on the hill dawg to be the next potus at -110 how much profit would u get if she won?
03-01-2016 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by Uh*Oh
Yep. And I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Western Illinois University's mock election that has correctly predicted every single presidential winner for the last forty years. Here's this year's results

"WIU recently held their traditional mock election. It is an incredibly intricate and organized event starting with primary and caucuses and finishing up with a mock general election.

Dr. Rick Hardy and Dr. John Hemingway have been leading Mock Presidential Elections since 1975. During that time, students who have participated in these mock elections have chosen the winning party with 100% accuracy and have an astonishing record in selecting presidential winners.

On the Democratic side for the Primaries Sanders won by close to a 2 to 1 margin over challenger Hillary Clinton..."

He won the mock presidential race too.
Western Illinois University's mock election predicted a landslide victory for Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, with running mate Martin O'Malley, in 2016. The predicted Sanders-O'Malley ticket garnered 404 electoral votes to Jeb Bush-Marco Rubio's 114 votes. In the popular vote, Sanders earned 741 votes (49 percent) to Bush's 577 (38 percent).


The election was conducted over 10 sessions on the Macomb campus between Oct. 20 and Nov. 2 [2015], and thousands of students at the university participated.
On their website they state:

The Road to the White House starts at Western Illinois University…

Dr. Rick Hardy and Dr. John Hemingway have been leading Mock Presidential Elections off and on since 1975 (at Iowa, Missouri and Western Illinois University). During that time, students who have participated in these mock elections have chosen the winning party with 100% accuracy and have an astonishing record in selecting presidential winners. The Mock Presidential Election is intended as a civic exercise to encourage students to learn about the electoral process. It is not a scientific experiment! Results are merely the result of a simulated political process and represent a snapshot of students’ thinking at one point in time. It is as simple and as complicated as that.

(emphasis added)

Last edited by sba9630; 03-01-2016 at 05:42 PM. Reason: add website info
03-01-2016 , 06:01 PM
Trump has a much better chance against Clinton, then if he has to run against Sanders. It just takes 1 spicy video and Sanders becomes President.

I like his odds
03-01-2016 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by sba9630
Western Illinois University's mock election predicted a landslide victory for Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, with running mate Martin O'Malley, in 2016. The predicted Sanders-O'Malley ticket garnered 404 electoral votes to Jeb Bush-Marco Rubio's 114 votes. In the popular vote, Sanders earned 741 votes (49 percent) to Bush's 577 (38 percent).


The election was conducted over 10 sessions on the Macomb campus between Oct. 20 and Nov. 2 [2015], and thousands of students at the university participated.
On their website they state:

The Road to the White House starts at Western Illinois University…

Dr. Rick Hardy and Dr. John Hemingway have been leading Mock Presidential Elections off and on since 1975 (at Iowa, Missouri and Western Illinois University). During that time, students who have participated in these mock elections have chosen the winning party with 100% accuracy and have an astonishing record in selecting presidential winners. The Mock Presidential Election is intended as a civic exercise to encourage students to learn about the electoral process. It is not a scientific experiment! Results are merely the result of a simulated political process and represent a snapshot of students’ thinking at one point in time. It is as simple and as complicated as that.

(emphasis added)
Aka, they got it wrong this time. As much as I wanted Sanders, his chances are slim if he does not clean up today.
03-01-2016 , 06:32 PM
Why did she bow down to Jamie Gold? lmao
03-01-2016 , 07:40 PM
Just changed the title. Going to bend the NVG anti-politard policies for this one thread only. Direct personal insults will not be tolerated and may result in infractions / temp-bans.
03-01-2016 , 10:15 PM
Okay I have just registered this account and am making this post on the eve of Super Tuesday. Very interesting thread, thanks to Jamie Gold.

It seems like the situation is that Carson, Kasich, Rubio, and Cruz are going to be hanging on after Super Tuesday, which obviously favors Trump. Not sure about Sanders.

Can someone come up with optimal bet sizing based on the assumption that at least in the Republican half, my assumptions above would hold. As of a few hours into tomorrow morning (Wednesday) what would be the appropriate bet sizes if you were to bet on all of the remaining candidates? I can't even begin to know how to make calculations for this eventuality.

But yeah, Trump/Hillary is really likely now due to the lack of dropout possibilities as of 6:15 p.m. Pacific time.
03-01-2016 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by Sink Your Teeth
"Mathematics expert" Jamie Gold reveals his no lose betting system to make money on the U.S. Presidential elections.

His strategy shows that he has read David Sklansky's "Getting the Best of It" book as well as the Donald Trump poker" book in the Kindle.
What "Donald Trump poker" book on the Kindle?

Trump wrote a poker book? wtf
03-01-2016 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
How Do You Beat Donald Trump? We Asked a Poker Champion

"Trump is the ultimate 'loose-aggressive' player," said poker champion Phil Hellmuth in a recent phone interview. Hellmuth has won 14 World Series of Poker events -- the most ever."
Trump is more like TAG. Each cycle, he only attacks one person or just hammers on one or two topics. He is very aggressive with those. But no way he's loose. Gotta disagree with Hellmuth.

So no we got Jamie Gold and Phil Hellmuth weighing in. What other player is weighing in? Anything from Negreanu, Brunson, or especially Annie Duke, who was actually on Celebrity Apprentice?
03-01-2016 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by restorativejustice

The unstated risk to Gold's bet is an indictment of Hillary for her illegal use of a private email server to avoid Freedom of Information Act requests and an attack on TRUMP ether physically or through a backroom-deal brokered convention. In short, neither might be their Party's candidate as a result of things outside of their popular support.
Hence, a necessary hedge bet on Sanders...and the other remaining long shot ones (the Republicans) for that matter.
03-01-2016 , 10:26 PM
It's far from over between Clinton and Sanders despite what the media says. Yes, she's got the south, and Bernie's campaign knew that all along. There are many states coming up in which Bernie is going to trounce Clinton.
03-02-2016 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Parrot Magna
What "Donald Trump poker" book on the Kindle? Trump wrote a poker book? wtf
No, a nobody calling himself "Puggy Neutron" has churned out around three dozen useless poker books & one of those is called "Donald Trump - Poker Star of America" wherein Mr. Neutron applies Trump's business principles [lol] to GTO poker - it's no doubt garbage like every other book by this mysterious Neutron guy who is using the Trump name to generate sales. There's a thread about Neutron here:

As to Trump being an author - not on his own he isn't since he isn't that capable of stringing thoughts together long enough to form a book. Donald has various co-authors who turn his one liners into something resembling books.
03-02-2016 , 12:18 AM
Jaime Gold.
03-02-2016 , 01:10 AM
Good thread. Props to Jaime Gold for putting himself out there.

The interviewer's sincere in awe reactions would probably be the same as the typical viewers who unlike NVG don't know what we "insiders" know.

And that's good for poker, overall.

The veteran reporter Stossel is trying to do the same with using betting trends to predict elections. But from the general public's point of view, he does not have the mystique that Jaime Gold does. Seriously.

He beat the "real" poker stars to it.
03-02-2016 , 01:13 AM
i took a punt on cruz when he was 40/1, and also bet on bernie at 14/1. not looking too bad after super tuesday, GL me

i reallly think the media is over estimating how much of a favourite trump& hillary are(they are favourites, but just not 90%+ favourites)
03-02-2016 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by CyberShark93
i reallly think the media is over estimating how much of a favourite trump& hillary are(they are favourites, but just not 90%+ favourites)
Hillary's delegate lead will be hard for Bernie to beat after tonight. Trumps lead might be substantial as well.
03-02-2016 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by OmahaFanatical4
so if u wagered $100 on the hill dawg to be the next potus at -110 how much profit would u get if she won?
If I understand correctly the explanation of American odds, you would profit $100 for every $110 you bet, so if you only bet $100 then you profit $90.91 (if you have to hand over your potential loss of $100 in advance to the bookie this is also unlocked/returned).

Question: with that system of writing odds, how do you write an "evens" bet (i.e. the potential loss and profit are in a 1:1 ratio for an implied probability of 50%), is it +100, -100 or something else?
03-02-2016 , 01:57 AM
if you were to bet on sanders i would say right now would be the best time to do so.
