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NVG's one and only US Presidential Election Thread, Featuring Jamie Gold Betting Strategy NVG's one and only US Presidential Election Thread, Featuring Jamie Gold Betting Strategy

11-11-2016 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
Did I blame someone? Did I say they had say in it?

I apologize if I made incorrect assumptions. So why don't you think the concession speeches made on the same day of the riots were not enough? What is odd?
11-11-2016 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by fast11375
I apologize if I made incorrect assumptions. So why don't you think the concession speeches made on the same day of the riots were not enough? What is odd?
I feel that the concession speeches were actually quite good as was Trump's acceptance speech. However, as the rioting continues and, arguably, intensifies, Clinton should make a statement specifically addressing the rioters and condemning their actions. I'm guessing they're hoping the rioters and protesters fizzle away but if a group of people were doing this because of an election I lost, I would condemn it right away to try to keep people from getting hurt and property being damaged.
11-11-2016 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
You're both missing the point, but I could have been more clear.

Whether it's true or not is irrelevant. First of all, even if it is true, there will be a number of people involved who are not "professional protesters" - they've all been lumped into one category now.
Much like those who are accused of being racist when they're not.
11-11-2016 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by DC2LV
He did better earlier this morning:
Much, much better. Very happy to see that; hopefully it's a change in his Tweeting that continues.

Originally Posted by TheFly
Regarding vote counting still occurring. This is just literally the opening and processing of millions of envelopes of absentee or mail-in ballots. Through statistics the outcome is already known usually, it's just the final vote tally that comes in later. Even states that have already reported "totals", they aren't really the final absolute totals until signed off by the State Secretary, and totals will be minimally adjusted as provisional ballots are counted or not, fraud ballots thrown out, etc. etc. Final vote counts are not actually certified for some time.
Such an odd way of doing things - seems like counting those before election day would make things much quicker.

Originally Posted by restorativejustice
As noted in the thread, if the Election was focused only on popular vote Republicans in New York and California that stay home because their vote for President is irrelevant would come out to vote and add millions to that side of the ledger.
As mentioned, this really wasn't relevant to the post to which you were replying, but I just wanted to mention that you could say exactly the same thing for Democrats in Texas and 20 or so other states. I don't think anyone knows who would have won if it were based on popular vote instead.

Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
I feel that the concession speeches were actually quite good as was Trump's acceptance speech. However, as the rioting continues and, arguably, intensifies, Clinton should make a statement specifically addressing the rioters and condemning their actions. I'm guessing they're hoping the rioters and protesters fizzle away but if a group of people were doing this because of an election I lost, I would condemn it right away to try to keep people from getting hurt and property being damaged.
Yeah, this is a good point. Everyone needs to be part of the solution, including Trump, Clinton, and Obama.

Originally Posted by PeteBlow
Much like those who are accused of being racist when they're not.
Much like about a million different instances where people love to lump individuals together into groups and make assumptions about them. Democrats are all this, Republicans are all that. It's one of the main things that's wrong with political discussion these days.
11-11-2016 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
You could just google it but I'm a nice guy, so here's a link to an ABC story:
Somebody please cover me in gasoline and light a match!
11-11-2016 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by inmyrav
Somebody please cover me in gasoline and light a match!
Just tell a Hillary supporter you voted for TRUMP and they will probably do it to you without George Soros having to pay them. Give DNEGS a few more days of insane twitter rants and he might throw a match too.

11-11-2016 , 06:45 PM
Just saw that Newsweek apparently pulled a Dewey defeats Truman. Over a hundred thousand of these were printed. Most were recalled but a few were sold and are now listed on eBay at $500

11-11-2016 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
I feel that the concession speeches were actually quite good as was Trump's acceptance speech. However, as the rioting continues and, arguably, intensifies, Clinton should make a statement specifically addressing the rioters and condemning their actions. I'm guessing they're hoping the rioters and protesters fizzle away but if a group of people were doing this because of an election I lost, I would condemn it right away to try to keep people from getting hurt and property being damaged.

protesting is a legal right of any citicen and its nothing a political leader should condemn at all. trump talked smack about it initially because he is clueless (like you) but later came out supporting it.

Last edited by aflametotheground; 11-11-2016 at 07:14 PM.
11-11-2016 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by TheFly
It's just ironic that the left, who was supremely confident of a HRC victory, kept hammering the right over whether Trump (and supporters) will accept the election result and concede if he loses. It's so nice to see the left live up to their expectations of others.

Regarding vote counting still occurring. This is just literally the opening and processing of millions of envelopes of absentee or mail-in ballots. Through statistics the outcome is already known usually, it's just the final vote tally that comes in later. Even states that have already reported "totals", they aren't really the final absolute totals until signed off by the State Secretary, and totals will be minimally adjusted as provisional ballots are counted or not, fraud ballots thrown out, etc. etc. Final vote counts are not actually certified for some time.
Not to mention that with enough unfaithful electors, anyone can win. They fill out their own ballots people. They can do whatever they want. Even though some would face penalties for voting for a candidate they weren't commited to by the election, their vote would still count.
11-11-2016 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by aflametotheground

protesting is a legal right of any citicen and its nothing a political leader should condemn at all. trump talked smack about it initially because he is clueless (like you) but later came out supporting it.
Peaceful protests are legal, smart guy. Rioting is not. I referenced the rioting.

And if you're going to call someone clueless, at least spell citizen properly.
11-11-2016 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
Peaceful protests are legal, smart guy. Rioting is not. I referenced the rioting.

And if you're going to call someone clueless, at least spell citizen properly.
You referencing riots are correct. You referencing protesters are also correct. Referencing one doesnt mean you didnt reference the other. We know what you meant.

I'm guessing they're hoping the rioters and protesters fizzle away but if a group of people were doing this because of an election I lost, I would condemn it right away to try to keep people from getting hurt and property being damaged.

Ohh caught with the pants down. Lying when the proof is right in the face of everyone, not your best move.

"Spell citizen correctly". Oooh what a guy. First he lies and now he tries to be super tough attacking my language. Let me tell you what: i dont give a damn if i write a word wrong because i know the limits and the purpose of the language. For that reason i never give a damn if i write a word correct or not. Why? None of your business.
11-11-2016 , 10:05 PM
Think you're nit-picking about his language, but either way, there is some types of protesting I would condemn (or at the very least discourage), like shutting down freeways because you don't like the result of an election.
11-11-2016 , 10:18 PM
Im not nit picking, hes talking above his head. Clinton coming out to "condemn" anything of what is happening would be -ridiculous-. Even trump was able to understand this and came out supporting it.
11-11-2016 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by aflametotheground
You referencing riots are correct. You referencing protesters are also correct. Referencing one doesnt mean you didnt reference the other. We know what you meant.

I'm guessing they're hoping the rioters and protesters fizzle away but if a group of people were doing this because of an election I lost, I would condemn it right away to try to keep people from getting hurt and property being damaged.

Ohh caught with the pants down. Lying when the proof is right in the face of everyone, not your best move.

"Spell citizen correctly". Oooh what a guy. First he lies and now he tries to be super tough attacking my language. Let me tell you what: i dont give a damn if i write a word wrong because i know the limits and the purpose of the language. For that reason i never give a damn if i write a word correct or not. Why? None of your business.
Odd. You didn't bold all the other places where I said rioters and didn't mention protesting. And the one place I did, it was clumped in with rioting. But that's not nitpicking, right?

Sorry, but isolating one small part, misinterpreting it, bolding it, ignoring the abundant evidence against your claim, and saying I got "caught with my pants down" doesn't make your claim correct. In fact, it's blatantly falsified to anyone with a shred of intelligence or reading comprehension ability.

You should probably just stop here. You're really embarrassing yourself. You smack of desperation.
11-11-2016 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Think you're nit-picking about his language, but either way, there is some types of protesting I would condemn (or at the very least discourage), like shutting down freeways because you don't like the result of an election.
11-11-2016 , 10:48 PM
Can I get thread cliffs on possibility / likelihood of Trump legalizing online poker?

11-11-2016 , 10:59 PM
Think about the protesters this way:

Since Wednesday, twenty times more Trump Tantrum protestors have been arrested than in all the Tea Parties held...ever, oh wait that's only counting the arrests in L.A. in two days.

Hopefully it won't get as bad as the Occupy nitwits. Rape, assault, theft, looting, vandalism etc. while claiming they had the high road and the media kissing their arses.

And don't forget, the Tea party folks always cleaned up after themselves while the Occupy gatherings left mountains of garbage for someone else to dispose of while billing the taxpayer for the cleanup, police etc.

Change You Can Believe In!
11-12-2016 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by harkin
Think about the protesters this way:

Since Wednesday, twenty times more Trump Tantrum protestors have been arrested than in all the Tea Parties held...ever, oh wait that's only counting the arrests in L.A. in two days.

Hopefully it won't get as bad as the Occupy nitwits. Rape, assault, theft, looting, vandalism etc. while claiming they had the high road and the media kissing their arses.

And don't forget, the Tea party folks always cleaned up after themselves while the Occupy gatherings left mountains of garbage for someone else to dispose of while billing the taxpayer for the cleanup, police etc.

Change You Can Believe In!
Gotta love that snowflake mellenial generation, huh?
11-12-2016 , 12:32 AM
11-12-2016 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Think you're nit-picking about his language, but either way, there is some types of protesting I would condemn (or at the very least discourage), like shutting down freeways because you don't like the result of an election.
That isn't really a protest though, that's known as "non-violent direct action", which is a category that can also include covert activity - for example one example of NVDA was some protestors in the UK in the 1990s who broke into a BaE factory and smashed up the cockpit of a Hawk jet due to be exported to Indonesia to attack East Timorese civilians. At the trial they were acquitted on the grounds of taking reasonable action to prevent a crime. That's rare though, mostly the court doesn't agree it's legitimate, (here's a later attempt by someone we know ) and nor should it in most cases in my opinion.

Originally Posted by TheFly
Well if "Republicans" and "Democrats" means just anyone who votes for them then what about KKK members who vote Republican?
11-12-2016 , 04:19 AM
DNegs on twitter is so soooo concerned about racism despite the fact that he has been in blackface in the past. Someone tweet this at him.
11-12-2016 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
You could just google it but I'm a nice guy, so here's a link to an ABC story:
I could not understand the article, but the penultimate sentence is a quote from Office Space. lol. Is that really an abcnews article??????

"To be honest, I’d say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work."
11-12-2016 , 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by Rich Checkmaker
I could not understand the article, but the penultimate sentence is a quote from Office Space. lol. Is that really an abcnews article??????

"To be honest, I’d say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work."
The article is very weird. They have that whole part where they talk about snopes but it doesn't really fit in the article.
11-12-2016 , 05:34 AM
Wow, I've never read an article that sounds as made up as that one.

Perhaps the Snopes paragraph is in the hopes that people won't read this:
11-12-2016 , 05:51 AM
Awesome! I've been had! I think that site is like The Onion. The ABC logo is incorrect and the bottom of the article has a blurb about the author which is blatantly fake and comical.

Disregard that article as a reliable source. That being said, I've seen the Craigslist ads and have known a couple guys who got paid to protest. Not at Trump rallies but at environmental type protests. Also, there are other articles on it but most are Fox News which is fine with me, but I know others will use that as a reason to discredit it.
