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Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14 Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14

07-06-2014 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by loK2thabrain
Question though...Do casinos let you 86 yourself from sections of the casino? I thought it was all or nothing.
Yeah, that slid past me the first time I saw it. Good question.

I know Andy Bloch was always banned from the blackjack areas of casinos but he was still able to play poker. No idea on the other games. But that was an unusual situation in which the casino outright did not want him playing one specific game. This would be different. I'm not sure a patron could say, "please ban me from all parts of your casino... but allow me to play poker." I would guess — and it's only a guess — that when you opt for self-exclusion, you're a trespasser the moment you set foot onto the property.
07-06-2014 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
I know Andy Bloch was always banned from the blackjack areas of casinos but he was still able to play poker. No idea on the other games.
perhaps he was a card counter?
07-06-2014 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Totally inappropriate and uncalled for post. Yes he is winning - he has changed his life and from all accounts is living a productive quality life after letting his addiction get the best of him. He is doing something I hope to be able to someday do.
I don't think you've earned the right to dictate what is inappropriate and uncalled for. I feel as much pity for you as I do the fat **** who blames his endless gorging of fast food on a "food addiction" or the unfaithful husband using "sex addiction" as an excuse.

You're lazy and have a low self esteem so you've allowed your problem to snowball to where it is now. I only hope you get well so you stop ****ing with the good nature of others. Come to Africa and you'll see true desperation. You're just a spoilt ****ing idle sociopath.
07-06-2014 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by gutshothitter
perhaps he was a card counter?
ahhh yeah, maybe, just maybe he was….
07-06-2014 , 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by gutshothitter
perhaps he was a card counter?
Yes. He was.

That wasn't the question, though.
07-06-2014 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by ~Caligula~
I don't think you've earned the right to dictate what is inappropriate and uncalled for. I feel as much pity for you as I do the fat **** who blames his endless gorging of fast food on a "food addiction" or the unfaithful husband using "sex addiction" as an excuse.

You're lazy and have a low self esteem so you've allowed your problem to snowball to where it is now. I only hope you get well so you stop ****ing with the good nature of others. Come to Africa and you'll see true desperation. You're just a spoilt ****ing idle sociopath.
Come to Africa?

or go to AFRICA?

I agree, life in Africa is much harder than here. And I admit, I donate I guess a token admount. Are you still here?
07-06-2014 , 08:51 AM
From listening to the interview it's obvious psumike is very articulate.

He should be a used car salesmen.No dealership will care about his felonies as long as he sells lots of cars. And he would-he speaks well, is good at manipulating people, gets high off getting a "score" and has zero morals or ethics so he would be happy to rip people off.
07-06-2014 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by ~Caligula~
My god mullet man is an insufferable bore.

An oddly arrogant bore considering his repugnant past. YES! Mm we have as little respect for you as we do for MB. You win, I guess?
Thank you?
07-06-2014 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by ~Caligula~
My god mullet man is an insufferable bore.
In all earnestness this is many times the case with recovered addicts. First, the biochemical process of addiction causes overstimulation of the pleasure and reward centers of the brain, resulting in permanently reduced sensitivity to the hormones which regulate these sensations. This can manifest as behavioral changes in the subject, esp. those indirectly tied to the experience of pleasure, even natural pleasures like the endorphin release from laughter (sense of humor).

Second, some addicts reorient their entire belief system and personalities in order to succeed at overcoming their addiction. Many times they overdo it (perhaps by necessity), leading to silted forms of human existence and experience.
07-06-2014 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
In all earnestness this is many times the case with recovered addicts. First, the biochemical process of addiction causes overstimulation of the pleasure and reward centers of the brain, resulting in permanently reduced sensitivity to the hormones which regulate these sensations. This can manifest as behavioral changes in the subject, esp. those indirectly tied to the experience of pleasure, even natural pleasures like the endorphin release from laughter (sense of humor).

Second, some addicts reorient their entire belief system and personalities in order to succeed at overcoming their addiction. Many times they overdo it (perhaps by necessity), leading to silted forms of human existence and experience.
Thanks. Good post. I retract my statement insofar as it conflicts with what pocket zeros has shared.
07-06-2014 , 10:53 AM
Also, I did mean COME to Africa.
07-06-2014 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
From listening to the interview it's obvious psumike is very articulate.

He should be a used car salesmen.No dealership will care about his felonies as long as he sells lots of cars. And he would-he speaks well, is good at manipulating people, gets high off getting a "score" and has zero morals or ethics so he would be happy to rip people off.
Sounds like he would be good at selling mortgages.
07-06-2014 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
From listening to the interview it's obvious psumike is very articulate.

He should be a used car salesmen.No dealership will care about his felonies as long as he sells lots of cars. And he would-he speaks well, is good at manipulating people, gets high off getting a "score" and has zero morals or ethics so he would be happy to rip people off.
A scam telemarketing position would also be lucrative for him. Maybe he should head down to VIP sports and get a sales position.
07-06-2014 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by ~Caligula~
My god mullet man is an insufferable bore.

An oddly arrogant bore considering his repugnant past. YES! Mm we have as little respect for you as we do for MB. You win, I guess?
I feel somewhat differently. I think Mullet's disclosure of his own past experience has both placed his commentary into context and explains a lot of the "oddly arrogant" posture you decry.

Let the guy do his best to help out Mike. (I have no idea whether they have a sponsor relationship, but they might consider taking the help off the thread and, despite the temptation to keep posting, help Mike work things out more privately. The thread can always be bumped periodically with updates by Mike, if that would help.)
07-06-2014 , 02:24 PM
PSUMike1999; It is fairly obv you continue to make sarcastic comments towards OP (e.g., he is prirority one, he saved my life, etc.) You're not as subtle as you think. I empathized for you before all this, but now, I think you are scum for being suck a prick towards a guy that you tried to scam.
07-06-2014 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by ~Caligula~
I don't think you've earned the right to dictate what is inappropriate and uncalled for. I feel as much pity for you as I do the fat **** who blames his endless gorging of fast food on a "food addiction" or the unfaithful husband using "sex addiction" as an excuse.

You're lazy and have a low self esteem so you've allowed your problem to snowball to where it is now. I only hope you get well so you stop ****ing with the good nature of others. Come to Africa and you'll see true desperation. You're just a spoilt ****ing idle sociopath.
This guy literally goes out and scams people out of money at an airport. Systematicly. Day after day. And yet he feels indignant about random ****. It really is incredible. I don't like pseudo diagnoses on the internet, but perhaps sociopath isn't far off the mark. Its like some kind of super hypocrisy or something.
07-06-2014 , 03:37 PM
Interesting that you don't see any of the same sentiment in the Eric Conti thread that's so common here even though the difference between the two is mostly just the severity of the crime. Isn't anyone going to tell people not to kick a guy when he's down and offer a helping hand?
07-06-2014 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
I feel somewhat differently. I think Mullet's disclosure of his own past experience has both placed his commentary into context and explains a lot of the "oddly arrogant" posture you decry.

Let the guy do his best to help out Mike. (I have no idea whether they have a sponsor relationship, but they might consider taking the help off the thread and, despite the temptation to keep posting, help Mike work things out more privately. The thread can always be bumped periodically with updates by Mike, if that would help.)
sure but mullet man completely denies psumike is a despicable human being because that would mean admitting he too at one point was a despicable human being.

people making excuses for someone lying cheating stealing and manipulating people aren't helping them, they're enabling them.
07-06-2014 , 03:45 PM
This thread will be complete when exit82 is outted as a scammer.
07-06-2014 , 03:45 PM
gzesh you're lucky mike didn't use his sick mind powers to preemptively revenge you for continuing on with this thread so much
07-06-2014 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by DaycareInferno
Interesting that you don't see any of the same sentiment in the Eric Conti thread that's so common here even though the difference between the two is mostly just the severity of the crime. Isn't anyone going to tell people not to kick a guy when he's down and offer a helping hand?
Perhaps others do not have your wisdom, and do not equate pan handling with a fake sob story to child molestation.
07-06-2014 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by trup_qq
Bothering? That's the best word you can come up with in that spot? How about "scamming," "stealing," "swindling," or "conning?" You seriously have zero remorse for the people you scammed. It's really annoying how big of a sleaze ball you are.
This. Later on in the thread when he answers some questions he responds with "hustle" instead of "scam" as it was in the question.

It is so evident that he still does not appreciate that what he did was lie/scam/cheat/steal etc., not hustle/bother or however else he attempts to minimize his actions.

For a smart dude, he sure comes off like a dunce in denial.
07-06-2014 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by ~Caligula~
My god mullet man is an insufferable bore.

An oddly arrogant bore considering his repugnant past. YES! Mm we have as little respect for you as we do for MB. You win, I guess?

Nobody seems too concerned that he admitted to (bragged about?) being a rapist, either.

Easily the most overlooked part of this thread.

(first post, big fan of this thread. ya'll are crazy around here.)
07-06-2014 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Frenbar
Perhaps others do not have your wisdom, and do not equate pan handling with a fake sob story to child molestation.
Obv I don't think that they are equal, hence me saying the difference between the two is the severity of the crime. I just think that it's interesting that many people draw a line based on severity of offense and that on one side they care greatly about why people are the way that they are, and on the other side they judge people purely based on their actions.

Edit: also, not that it's relevant to this point, but lets please stop trying to downplay scamming by calling it panhandling. panhandlers don't ask for hundreds of dollars, pretend to be businessmen and promise a larger return on the money.

Last edited by DaycareInferno; 07-06-2014 at 04:17 PM.
07-06-2014 , 04:12 PM
If PSUMike did what Eric Conti did it would be understandable if his addiction made him do it.
