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Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14 Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14

07-01-2014 , 08:43 AM
Mike, best of luck in your recovery. Do you feel bad at all about narking on Lou, the guy running the Rio SNGs that just wanted a little "grease" to get them started? It seems quite possible that he might have just had a gambling addiction and needed the extra "grease" to feed that addiction.
07-01-2014 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
Please pm me some GA meetings in the SF area. Thx
So Mike, which SFO terminal are you currently grinding?
I hear being good at terminal selection can double one's hourly, is that true?
07-01-2014 , 08:55 AM
If I were trying to escape the grip of gambling addiction, the bay area would not be where I went.

I hope this Mike guy gets help, but every single step seems to be a misstep.
07-01-2014 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by Sentenzza
So Mike, which SFO terminal are you currently grinding?
I hear being good at terminal selection can double one's hourly, is that true?
Mike has been banned He will not be able to post.... Sigh....
07-01-2014 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by tinytim2006
Did Einstein say that?
Yogi Berra, actually.
07-01-2014 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by rackitup0509
a degen will always find a way to get money

Look how degen i am... i ended up getting 10k out of my superannuation(401k equivalennt) and i blew it all in 3 days

now i cant wait to get my tax return,, should b about 3k..cant wait for that
Ok so you're not interested in giving up gambling, but are you interested in trying to control it as in sticking to proper Bankroll Management, or you believe you simply cant and don't bother to anymore?
07-01-2014 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by Ex-Pro Player
Hi Mike,

Just wanted to say that I wish you the best of luck in stopping gambling. I came across this thread from having a friend send me an article about it. I think the most important thing to know though is that the idea that having money will change everything in your life is the saddest and one of the most common beliefs people have; I’ve even seen some people on here who have the same misguided belief.

The reason that I’m so convinced of this is, as my name suggests, I used to be a professional poker player. Playing under the name HoldemPhil a long, long time ago I was decently successful financially.
Wow! Blast from the past. I played with you quite a bit on PS back in early 2000's. I always wondered what became of you as I was impressed by your play. I am sorry to hear that your poker career became such a destructive force in your life but am glad that you now seem to be on a better life path.
07-01-2014 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by LOLRussians
Mike has been banned He will not be able to post.... Sigh....
He was unbanned. He can post.
07-01-2014 , 10:38 AM

Sifting through the BS, please answer these questions:

1) Where did you sleep last night and where will you sleep tonight? Is someone putting you up?

2) How much money do you currently have on you right now?

3) How do you currently operate a phone with texting and all that? Are you paying a cell phone bill? Are there any bills you actively pay?

4) How do you access the internet constantly? Is this all through your phone or are you using the hotel's computers?

5) Can you please walk us through your airport scam? When you approach someone what is the very first thing you say? What is the average amount people give you when they do give you money?

6) When is the last time you spoke with your parents? What is that current relationship like? Would they call the cops on you if you showed up to their door?
07-01-2014 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
You don't know what you're taking about and I am not going to get into an argument with you about this. My chance to get any kind of "engineering" job or any decent job was basically shot in 2000 when I pleaded guilty to 4 felonies for putting stolen checks in my account. My name has been "plastered" all over the internet on that scambook site for a few years now - can't get it removed so "what it might mean to my future" is irrelevant at this point since it pops up at the top of a google search.
This is bull**** and you know it for the very reasons explained elsewhere in this thread. There are a lot of ex-cons who got their life together and got decent jobs at some point following their release from custody.

That being said, there are MANY more with college degrees who did time for various offenses who would rather play professional victim and give 'woe is me' tales instead of looking for meaningful work.

It is the choice of the individual ex-con which of the two paths they choose to follow.
07-01-2014 , 11:06 AM
Cliffs on the last ~1000 posts? The last time I was up to date he said he was going to play the monster stack on the following day and then leave Vegas, what's happened since?
07-01-2014 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by Chuck Bass
Cliffs on the last ~1000 posts? The last time I was up to date he said he was going to play the monster stack on the following day and then leave Vegas, what's happened since?
He busted out of Big stack.

He left Vegas, for San Fran.

2+2 Bans him and locks thread.

Dead Spin post his story with link to this thread.

2+2 reopens thread due to Dead Spin.

Mike is unbanned.

Trolls continue to hammer Mike.
07-01-2014 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by rackitup0509
Mike, Im a compulsive gambler and i know no amount of money will make me happy... Even if i win 500k i would blow it all...

but u have been doing this for 15 years.... ive been doing this for about the same time..easily lost over a million dollars and its ruined so many relationships, jobs, deceived so many people for money...

But i tell myself... if i give it all up now... all my 15 years of degeneracy will be for nothing... I hate losing and I dont want to give up now ...i want to prove to myself that i can be a gambler...

your life is written.. if your going to be a degen be a degen.. dont try fight it...

I know we should quit gambling, but nothing else matters in this world.. I even thought having a kid would make me change... but nope. i was wrong... i just want to gamble and ruin my life like the loser i am..
Originally Posted by rackitup0509 not giving up now.. not going to let the last 15 years gambling be all for nothing...

Mike....ive been to GA.. ive banned myself from casinos.. once u have been diong it for as long as us nothing can help us....its deep in our brain chemistry...

remember GA is like a church, so all the ppl that say go to GA have been brainwashed just like a church to try and recruit more people... GA depends on recruiting new members

Either you are trolling really hard or you hate life so much you want others in your position to be like you. Just because you decided not to do the work involved to get your life in order doesn't mean others who are struggling have to do the same. And if you are trolling telling an addict he won't get better and should keep doing what he is doing you are far worse than anything Mike has ever done.
07-01-2014 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Ihateregs
Too much sympathy for scammers and not enough for victims.
Tired of hearing this "victim" ****. If you are stupid enough to give a stranger in an airport money then you are a dumb rube that deserves to get got!
07-01-2014 , 11:40 AM
Mike, anxiously awaiting SF/Bay-area casino TR. Do they spread pai gow tiles at any casinos there? Hoping you run it up and come back with good degen story.
07-01-2014 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by idlikeadrinkplease
Tired of hearing this "victim" ****. If you are stupid enough to give a stranger in an airport money then you are a dumb rube that deserves to get got!
Another scammer ITT.
07-01-2014 , 11:50 AM
Yea there are a lot of cardrooms in the Bay Area. Also 3 airports.
07-01-2014 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by GrindPokerAllDay
Another scammer ITT.
If a complete stranger came up to you with a great story and asked you for $300 you would just outright give it to him? Really?

I think Mike is a sleazeball. But I can't really feel sorry for any of his scam "victims." These people are dumb rubes and victims of their own naiveté.
07-01-2014 , 11:53 AM
Can't believe so many people are sympathetic for this scumbag. He clearly thinks extremely highly of himself because he graduated from Penn State 15 years ago. He thinks he is entitled to some sort of great job in this economy because he had one over a decade ago.. He wont settle for less then a "legitimate job". lol this is pathetic, the man deserves no sympathy. I've only read up to like page 35 so maybe he addressed people saying what I've said, but still felt it was necessary.
07-01-2014 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by bbbbb33
Yea there are a lot of cardrooms in the Bay Area. Also 3 airports.
If he is telling the truth.

Would an airport scammer tell a forum where he is?
07-01-2014 , 12:16 PM
This thread and the chad brown thread right next to each other in NVG really shows the spectrum not only in gambling but in life in general.
07-01-2014 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by beaverslayer
Mike, anxiously awaiting SF/Bay-area casino TR. Do they spread pai gow tiles at any casinos there? Hoping you run it up and come back with good degen story.
there is a thriving pai gow scene at Bay Area card rooms, the honky deck of cards version and the old school asian tiles version.

LOTS of pai gow, lots of losers dumping every dollar they have.
07-01-2014 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by beaverslayer
Mike, anxiously awaiting SF/Bay-area casino TR. Do they spread pai gow tiles at any casinos there? Hoping you run it up and come back with good degen story.

07-01-2014 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Mullet Man
Either you are trolling really hard or you hate life so much you want others in your position to be like you. Just because you decided not to do the work involved to get your life in order doesn't mean others who are struggling have to do the same. And if you are trolling telling an addict he won't get better and should keep doing what he is doing you are far worse than anything Mike has ever done.
07-01-2014 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by PokerFan2008
He busted out of Big stack.

He left Vegas, for San Fran.

2+2 Bans him and locks thread.

Dead Spin post his story with link to this thread.

2+2 reopens thread due to Dead Spin.

>Mike emails the home office and asks to be unbanned

Mike is unbanned.

Trolls continue to hammer Mike.
