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Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14 Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14

07-02-2014 , 10:50 PM

1) go to GA every day
2) get a sponsor
3) get a job, any job. If you can't get a job volunteer then look for a job
4) work the GA program
5) do not gamble today. No matter what do not gamble today.
6) repeat step 5)25000 times in a row.
07-02-2014 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by MrFizzbin2

1) go to GA every day
2) get a sponsor
3) get a job, any job. If you can't get a job volunteer then look for a job
4) work the GA program
5) do not gamble today. No matter what do not gamble today.
6) repeat step 5)25000 times in a row.
He can't do any one of those things let alone all 6. Give him a break.
07-02-2014 , 11:11 PM
Exit82, I haven't seen this type of unhealthy obsession with someone since my friends ex-GF tried to blackmail him with a fake pregnancy after he broke up with her. We get it, you don't like Mike. We get it, you think he won't make it. We get it, he ****ed up. Heaven forbid you make a mistake and you won't have some hater all over you every second of the day telling you what a loser you are and you will never amount to anything in life.

You want to know why some people have sympathy for Mike? Because of how you act in this thread.
07-02-2014 , 11:12 PM
Someone stake this guy in the main event. With a story like this he's bound to ship the whole tournament for 10 mil. Just make sure you give him the money at the cage or else he'll obviously put it all on one hand of Pai Gow!
07-02-2014 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
It was fine. I briefly shared and got a welcome keychain. I am not feeling that great today so I will skip tonight and go to a meeting Thursday. Still definitely have urges to gamble though.
Im sure you would still gamble if you weren't feeling great…if u really want to not gamble then you'd go to the same length to stop as you have to play pay gow.
07-03-2014 , 12:23 AM
If he does not gamble and goes to a meeting tomorrow, how is that bad?
07-03-2014 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by kingo
If he does not gamble and goes to a meeting tomorrow, how is that bad?
That would be the longest odds parlay in the history of civilized gambling.
07-03-2014 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by Mullet Man
Exit82, I haven't seen this type of unhealthy obsession with someone since my friends ex-GF tried to blackmail him with a fake pregnancy after he broke up with her. We get it, you don't like Mike. We get it, you think he won't make it. We get it, he ****ed up. Heaven forbid you make a mistake and you won't have some hater all over you every second of the day telling you what a loser you are and you will never amount to anything in life.

You want to know why some people have sympathy for Mike? Because of how you act in this thread.
Something tells me, and maybe I'm wrong, but people with sympathy don't have it because of a single hater.
07-03-2014 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by exit82
That would be the longest odds parlay in the history of civilized gambling.
07-03-2014 , 01:00 AM
No job no girlfriend nothing goin on; you gotta go to a meeting every day. Get a sponsor.

The impulse to gamble is diminished after a meeting. Maybe not a lot, but still ...

No nice way to say it.

Step up game, Mike.
07-03-2014 , 01:23 AM
play paigow on your phone for play chips.
07-03-2014 , 02:01 AM
Finally got though all of this thread. A lot of it is close to home for me too. Best of luck, Mike. Go tomorrow, obv.
07-03-2014 , 02:05 AM
This guy isn't gusto again yet?

Maybe I've missed the update, but how much that 5k is left?
07-03-2014 , 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by Caddy shack
I got scammed by him on 6/21. I gave him $200. I cannot believe that I bought into the BS but I did. Then I'm skimming through deadspin and I see the headline. Like a kick in the gut.
Pm me your info. If this is true ill make sure Mike pays you back in full.
07-03-2014 , 09:10 AM
Double Joker it's 100% true. I'm pretty sure mike will recall me. In fact, he has my business card. What's your relationship with him?
07-03-2014 , 09:34 AM
What Mike saw:

Originally Posted by MrFizzbin2

1) bla bla bla
2) bla bla bla
3) bla bla bla
4) bla bla bla
5) do gamble today. No matter what do gamble today.
6) repeat step 5)25000 times in a row.
07-03-2014 , 09:38 AM
Best of luck in your recovery, Mike.

I've been captivated by this thread. You know you've done wrong and you're trying to make amends for your mistakes. The best thing you can do is work hard every single day to overcome your urges and become a better person. From attaining your degree and successfully scamming, you're obviously smart and engaging - so use these abilities to improve and benefit both yourself and those around you.

Mostly, I wish you well because I know it can be done. My father is an addict and it took control of his life to the point of homelessness. We never gave up on him, but he had to do the heavy lifting to get his life back in order -- and he did! After years of meetings, relapses and uncertainty, he has built a stable life with a new family and has a great job. It took time, but it can be done and we're very proud of him.

I'm hoping you can do the same.
07-03-2014 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Caddy shack
Double Joker it's 100% true. What's your relationship with him?
07-03-2014 , 10:12 AM
Will exit82 please just stfu - we got it buddy, you are loving the fact that PSUMike makes you feel better about yourself but can't you just jack yourself off in private?
07-03-2014 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
Pm me your info. If this is true ill make sure Mike pays you back in full.
Caddyshack doesn't have PM privileges yet, as a new member of 2+2.

Originally Posted by SaidSimmons
Best of luck in your recovery, Mike.

I've been captivated by this thread. You know you've done wrong and you're trying to make amends for your mistakes. The best thing you can do is work hard every single day to overcome your urges and become a better person. From attaining your degree and successfully scamming, you're obviously smart and engaging - so use these abilities to improve and benefit both yourself and those around you.

Mostly, I wish you well because I know it can be done. My father is an addict and it took control of his life to the point of homelessness. We never gave up on him, but he had to do the heavy lifting to get his life back in order -- and he did! After years of meetings, relapses and uncertainty, he has built a stable life with a new family and has a great job. It took time, but it can be done and we're very proud of him.

I'm hoping you can do the same.
There's the rub. Kudos to Mike for knowing that he has a gambling addiction and knowing he needs help. However, it seems that he is still just remorseful that he can't control his gambling. I don't really see remorse from him for the things he has done to others as a result, nor expressed desire to take responsibility for those actions and make amends. Hopefully he will reach that stage through his participation in GA, or otherwise. Only then will he advance from victim to taking responsibility.

We are all addicted to one thing or another. I'm addicted to table tennis; I'm addicted to poker; I'm addicted to certain people and activities. The difference is that whereas I participate in and control my "addictions" in a healthy manner, addicts like Mike compulsively participate in their addiction to the point of doing harm to themselves and/or others. Taking control of the compulsive behavior means not only refraining from the compulsive behavior, but also making up for the harm done and refraining from further harm.

I'm rooting for Mike. I hope he turns his life around. It's a tough row to hoe, but he arrived there from his own actions, whatever the reasons. Unlike other posters, I don't think a person has to hit rock bottom to then turn things around. The personal choice can be made at any time.
07-03-2014 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by DaycareInferno
The best part of this thread for me so far has to be this video. Lol! Nice pull!
07-03-2014 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
Pm me your info. If this is true ill make sure Mike pays you back in full.
Everyone or just the folks who PM you on 2+2?
07-03-2014 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by PokerXanadu
There's the rub. Kudos to Mike for knowing that he has a gambling addiction and knowing he needs help. However, it seems that he is still just remorseful that he can't control his gambling. I don't really see remorse from him for the things he has done to others as a result, nor expressed desire to take responsibility for those actions and make amends. Hopefully he will reach that stage through his participation in GA, or otherwise. Only then will he advance from victim to taking responsibility.
Great post in general. The bolded part is why I don't particularly feel any sympathy for Mike, even if I do hope he gets better. Right now, he's a pathetic character but not yet a sympathetic one — at least that's what I see from my seat.
07-03-2014 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Caddy shack
Double Joker it's 100% true. I'm pretty sure mike will recall me. In fact, he has my business card. What's your relationship with him?
Doublejoker is Allen Kessler, who Mike listed as a reference in a staking thread:

Also Allen "Chainsaw" Kessler used to stake me in 2005-2006 before I had to take some time off from poker due to personal issues. He will also vouch for my game.
07-03-2014 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by PokerXanadu
Kudos to Mike for knowing that he has a gambling addiction and knowing he needs help. However, it seems that he is still just remorseful that he can't control his gambling. I don't really see remorse from him for the things he has done to others as a result, nor expressed desire to take responsibility for those actions and make amends. Hopefully he will reach that stage through his participation in GA, or otherwise. Only then will he advance from victim to taking responsibility.
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
Great post in general. The bolded part is why I don't particularly feel any sympathy for Mike, even if I do hope he gets better. Right now, he's a pathetic character but not yet a sympathetic one — at least that's what I see from my seat.
What most on here don't understand it takes time for Mike to get to that point where he will fully understands who he has harmed and how badly he harmed them. As I mentioned before, when I first started with AA all I cared about was getting sober. I knew I ****ed up in many situations but never understood how badly until I was able to get my head straighten out which took several months. The first few months was making sure I was not drinking, hitting meeting and getting a sponsor to guide me in the right direction. Hell, the first 3-4 weeks getting sober I was so out of control with emotions I started to cry at work for no apparent reason and had to leave and hit an AA meeting just to figure out why.

Mike hasn't gambled since last Friday which is pretty awesome. If he can get thru one more day he will have an entire week which is a big milestone. He has to take his addiction one day at a time and tackle his issues one small step at a time. He has a log road ahead but he has started on the right path.
