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Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14 Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14

07-02-2014 , 06:09 AM
Originally Posted by illdonk
You mean the bet that was offered to a different party, which the original subject appears to have refused, and which didn't actually state any amount but only "2 to 1" which you assigned the dollar amount involved?
Since the original subject has a gambling issue and is in recovery to stop gambling since that's caused all these issues in the first place..... yes.
07-02-2014 , 07:35 AM
Mullet Man: Good news, Mike, I've got your rent for next month!

PSUMIKE: That is great news, how did you get it?

MM: I bet some guy who was laying great odds that you wouldn't make the GA meetings!

PSU: Uh, so you won my rent gambling?

MM: Yeah! Can you believe it? $400! That was the easiest money I've ever made! Isn't that great?

PSU: Uh, great. Excuse me, but I have to go to my $10/hr job now and work my ass off, and I'll make $80 after my 8 hour shift. But that is cool, though, that you made $400 with no work when it would take me a full 40 hour week to make that money.

MM: yeah, it's great. But keep working your job Mike. It's the way to get ahead.
07-02-2014 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by ChicagoJoey
it looks like i'm going to have PSUMike on my podcast sometime today or tomorrow

I would ask for some questions but I don't think we'll have a problem finding discussion points lol
Why do you always have to make everything about yourself you are the biggest narcissist out there. Podcast this tweet that give it a rest already this thread is not about you Joe. No one cares about your podcast in this thread ffs.

Last edited by kevmode; 07-02-2014 at 07:47 AM. Reason: by the way that Asian girl in your avatar is butt ugly....
07-02-2014 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by browser2920
MM: Yeah! Can you believe it? $400! That was the easiest money I've ever made! Isn't that great?
Not to nitpick, but that would be $800.
07-02-2014 , 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by MinusEV
Not to nitpick, but that would be $800.
07-02-2014 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by MinusEV
Not to nitpick, but that would be $800.
Dang. that would have made my point twice as good. Plus, I was wondering how you find a place in the SF area for $400/month rent.
07-02-2014 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
And to be clear, this isn't about kicking someone when they're down. I understand addiction probably about as well as someone who is not addicted to something (other than caffeine) can.


People like Mullet are far more interested/invested in his potential recovery than he is, that's all you need to know about his chances for success as things stand right now.
Sanity showing up in the thread.

Until the most important thing to Mike is making things good to his victims (including his parents, it sounds like), there will be no change.

I didn't read much after the thread lock but since there were numerous victims and presumably many police reports, isn't he wanted and shouldn't he turn himself in so they can start the process of arrest/indictment/prosecution including indentification and verification by victims for future restitution?
07-02-2014 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by MarkoPolo
Well, did he state his offer was open to all? Or Mullet Man?
Get off this bet. Don't take photos near a GA meeting, so ****ing inappropriate. Mike's gonna go to some meetings or he won't.

Gambling about whether or not someone goes to GA meetings ...

If I don't go to my AA meeting tonight do I have to do shots ?
07-02-2014 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
If E-Dog, Cloutier, Booth or Chino entered the respective threads on their scumbaggery
Been away from 2p2 for a while...Cliffs or link to these threads?
07-02-2014 , 10:05 AM
Mike can you provide a daily trip report of your current life? Since you're not gambling, you need something to do to take your mind off of the gambol....

"Idle hands are the work of the devil"
07-02-2014 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by LOLRussians
Mike can you provide a daily trip report of your current life? Since you're not gambling, you need something to do to take your mind off of the gambol....

"Idle hands are the work of the devil"
I could see Mike getting addicted to porn and thus his hands would not be idle. One addiction for another. This thread is the car wreck that keeps on giving. The debris was cleaned up but then brought back for more viewing. People love a good car wreck.

I remember mike from an mtt. Really true about his berating of dealers. He didn't like the way a dealer was putting out the cards because couldn't see over dealers hand or some such nonsense, kept whining about it. Heard him complaining to floor during the break . Dealer was telling him that's how I deal just really petty stuff.

Last edited by ZeckoRiver; 07-02-2014 at 10:23 AM.
07-02-2014 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by kevmode
Why do you always have to make everything about yourself you are the biggest narcissist out there. Podcast this tweet that give it a rest already this thread is not about you Joe. No one cares about your podcast in this thread ffs.
lol hello again kevmode, always a pleasure
07-02-2014 , 12:57 PM
Mike, any TR/updates? What % of time of that GA meeting did you have the urge to bail and hit Bay 101 to grind pai gow forture bonus $25 at a time?
07-02-2014 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by kevmode
Why do you always have to make everything about yourself you are the biggest narcissist out there. Podcast this tweet that give it a rest already this thread is not about you Joe. No one cares about your podcast in this thread ffs.
Actually this borovetz might actually make a podcast about poker listenable .... If - the host can actually ask the right questions and keep the interview moving in the right direction. That however I doubt.
07-02-2014 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
No job and not gambling, has internet access, but can't/won't go find a GA meeting or a psychologist, or look for a job, or take any actual action other than typing meaningless words on a screen about how bad his life is and how he has no options because something something Penn State something felonies something waaaaaah. Sounds legit.

I've worked with addicts, my dad is an addict, and I've seen nothing in this thread that should give anyone any hope that, right now, Mike is serious about wanting to change. And until he is, everyone giving advice is essentially wasting their time/effort, although there's always the chance/hope that someone else who is serious/desperate about getting help for an addiction may be helped.

I don't know what purpose Mike posting on here serves at all other than to stroke his ego, and why any of us would want to do that is beyond me.
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
And to be clear, this isn't about kicking someone when they're down. I understand addiction probably about as well as someone who is not addicted to something (other than caffeine) can.

We have here someone who didn't confess because he was at rock bottom and was trying to clean himself up - he was outed by one of his marks. He was offered an immediate ticket out of a dangerous and (for him) destructive environment. He decided playing a tournament was more important. He left, but has not yet done anything constructive to address his issues. He has internet access, but asked someone else to look up GA meetings for him.

People can overcome addiction. I've worked with people who were living a life most of us would cringe to think about - on the streets, selling their bodies for enough money to score just enough whatever to avoid withdrawal, rinse and repeat. Felony convictions, repeated victims of assaults, physical and mental trauma, you name it. If those people could recover, anyone can recover.

If they are willing to do the very, very hard work to do so.

Mike, as he is right now, doesn't want to do any hard work. He wants someone to fix him. Give me the info on GA meetings, and I'll think about going. Thanks to everyone who has wished me luck, but the rest of you are all *******s and haters.

He is very much trapped in a distorted, unrealistic, helplesspitymefixme mindset. Until he recognizes and acknowledges that the only person who can save him is himself, he will continue to do what he's always done and nothing will change. No one can change him or fix him. He must do it himself. Yes he will need support, a lot of it, probably professional given his psychological issues, but when it comes down to it, the agent of change must be and can only be him.

People like Mullet are far more interested/invested in his potential recovery than he is, that's all you need to know about his chances for success as things stand right now.
Originally Posted by Mullet Man
SGT RJ, you are spot on. Even though Mike's addiction is not alcoholism helping him helps me stay sober. I am hoping he can swallow his pride and get the help he needs. Hardest thing I ever did was go to my 1st AA meeting. My ego said I didn't need it. Glad I was too stupid to listen to myself.
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
If that's the case then I can't fault you for trying.

From the sidelines it's just frustrating to watch people posting legit/solid advice and knowing it's falling on deaf ears. But if it helps you to offer it then it's worth something, and especially after the Deadspin article, it's possible someone out there is reading and could be helped as well.

I don't want anyone to get the impression I wish Mike ill will or anything, I don't (although I don't want him trying to hustle/scam anyone here on 2p2, and as such support his ban). I just don't have any sympathy for him when he doesn't show any evidence of wanting to do any actual, tangible work. Yes he suffers from psychological issues that make him vulnerable to bad choices and all the dire consequences there of, but in the end, he is still responsible for those bad choices, and for making the changes necessary to get his life back on track.

I think you know all this, just expounding. For his own sake I offer the general hope that Mike starts to change his life, I just see zero evidence that's likely at the moment.
Originally Posted by PSUMike1999
FYI, I am leaving in a few minutes for an 8 pm GA meeting - my 1st 1 in years. Haven't gambled in 4 days, taking it 1 day at a time.

Also got a pm from someone who offered to go with me to a GA meeting in the area. I will be taking him up on that offer as well.

Definitely nervous though since part of me has had big big urges to gamble in the last 2 days.
Originally Posted by Mullet Man
Mike that's great. It's the first step in a long journey. +1 for going with someone as well. Urges will always be there. You can think about them as long as you don't act on them. Plus it helps to talk about the urges so they will go away. Telling on yourself with your urges is a positive step.
Originally Posted by harkin
Sanity showing up in the thread.
I want to reiterate the fact that Mike has a reputation for being nasty to dealers and an obnoxious jerk to players. He has not addressed that issue itt, and he has not shown remorse.

I'm all for a great comeback story, yet can the hero of the tale be the least bit likable for christs sake? This guy is a smarmy weasel who bullies hardworking dealers while making everyone else's experience at the table a terrible one.

This thread is eye opening to the fact of how weak/gullible most people are. It is proving to me that if I want my dreams to come true, it may not be as difficult as I imagine. I heard some great advice recently, that if you want something in life, you just go and do it or become it. Anyone who is in a position that you want to be in is just a person. We are just guys and gals.

When you meet someone famous perhaps you might be starstruck at first, yet if you have a chance to talk to them or get to know them a little then you will quickly realize that they aren't much different or more special than you. Like the girl giving advice said, some people are luckier and some work harder for what they want in life.

One of the most caring things you can do for a person is to simply give them your attention. However, I feel Mike will not be worthy of our focus until he begins to show some remorse for the people he's scammed, for the the dealers he's mistreated, and for the players he's been a jerk to.
07-02-2014 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by odiggity
I want to reiterate the fact that Mike has a reputation for being nasty to dealers and an obnoxious jerk to players. He has not addressed that issue itt, and he has not shown remorse.
If you're going to be all high and mighty, you should at least get your facts straight since he did indeed address this topic several times. Idiot.

You and beaverslayer should hang out, two barrels of empty headed incompetence, all the while fooling yourselves into thinking that you are not in fact total idiots.

Of course, you are both much too dumb to ever be able to understand or be aware of your own idiocy.
07-02-2014 , 02:38 PM
^^trolls gonna troll
07-02-2014 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by odiggity
^^trolls gonna troll
Like I said, you are much too dumb to be able to understand or be aware of your own idiocy.

You can't fix stupid and you are the prime example of as much. It must be quite the life handicap for you to have to live with every day, so I will let you go.

beaverslayer is licking the pole down the street if you want to go meet up with him. You guys could recite Beavis and Butt-Head quotes together.
07-02-2014 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by odiggity
One of the most caring things you can do for a person is to simply give them your attention. However, I feel Mike will not be worthy of our focus until he begins to show some remorse for the people he's scammed, for the the dealers he's mistreated, and for the players he's been a jerk to.
If that's how you really feel, why are you even in this thread? The obvious way to not give someone your focus is to ... focus on something else?
07-02-2014 , 02:45 PM
^^Joe may you please lay out what a typical day is like for you?
07-02-2014 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by joe_seboks_luck
If that's how you really feel, why are you even in this thread? The obvious way to not give someone your focus is to ... focus on something else?
Don't waste your time, he is a complete idiot but will never realize as much. Comes with the territory of being an idiot and all.
07-02-2014 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by j20s
If you're going to be all high and mighty, you should at least get your facts straight since he did indeed address this topic several times. Idiot.

You and beaverslayer should hang out, two barrels of empty headed incompetence, all the while fooling yourselves into thinking that you are not in fact total idiots.

Of course, you are both much too dumb to ever be able to understand or be aware of your own idiocy.
^Nut-low poster in entire thread returns for his 2nd post itt; continues to add nothing with poor 2nd attempt to place his stamp on thread confirming only that his entire existence/point of view is worthless. Time to stop posting as a vivid picture of incompetence is only a mirror away, my friend.
07-02-2014 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by j20s
Like I said, you are much too dumb to be able to understand or be aware of your own idiocy.

You can't fix stupid and you are the prime example of as much. It must be quite the life handicap for you to have to live with every day, so I will let you go.

beaverslayer is licking the pole down the street if you want to go meet up with him. You guys could recite Beavis and Butt-Head quotes together.
Thats your 3rd derail of this thread in as many posts. Bro, get over your hard-on for me and stop the derailing, let the people speak.
07-02-2014 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by odiggity
I feel Mike will not be worthy of our focus until he begins to show some remorse for the people he's scammed, for the the dealers he's mistreated, and for the players he's been a jerk to.
And he can only do this by getting himself healthy mentally and psychologically. GA, a sponsor and staying away from the tables is a good first step. Unless you are an addict and have worked the steps you won't understand how much work is needed to get to that point. Anyone expecting Mike to be OK in days, weeks or even a few months is very naive. This is a life long process. It took me 6 months before I could start doing the steps and making amends to people I have harmed since I had to get my head clear and my sponsor wanted to make sure I was committed to the program.

And to those who think Mike can't do it I have friends in the program who have done much, much worse than Mike has ever done and have been able to turn their lives around, make amends to those who they have harmed and become a productive member in society.
07-02-2014 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by j20s
Like I said, it must be quite the handicap being as dumb as you are. It's too bad that same disadvantage disallows you from ever becoming anything more than entirely irrelevant to the world, now and forever. Tell me I am wrong. I am not. You are a moron and best served sitting in a corner by yourself, as approximately the same amount of people will care about what you have to say in this situation as they do when you attempt desperately to gain attention on an internet forum since you have no one who cares about you or respects you in real life.
Originally Posted by j20s
Like I said, it must be quite the handicap being as dumb as you are. It's too bad that same disadvantage disallows you from ever becoming anything more than entirely irrelevant to the world, now and forever. Tell me I am wrong. I am not. You are a moron and best served sitting in a corner by yourself, as approximately the same amount of people will care about what you have to say in this situation as they do when you attempt desperately to gain attention on an internet forum since you have no one who cares about you or respects you in real life.
Spoken like a miserable, losing gambler unable to focus on anything other than his own pool of self-hatred and self-misery that he has built for himself. You offered very little on the topic of thread and/or subject of thread. Your claims of my(and others itt)intelligence level are anecdotal and speculative at best. Despite your best attempts(which all lack depth and wit) to insult me, you've made yourself completely transparent and are clearly unable to come up with anything substantial or pertinent to thread topic. Enjoy your 72-hr. vacation.
