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Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking)

11-14-2011 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by vgler
So the owners of FT (Ivey, Gus and PA) won approx. 40-50m?

Ivey´s win rate is absurd, it´s almost 3x better than the most HS regs. Would anyone play in a casino where the owners are the biggest winners in the supplied games?

After the FT downfall I am in the tin foil hat camp...
Ya not to mention Ivey plays obviously very leaky every time I watch him play on tv
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by chadmack
So why don't other live pros dominate at nosebleeds online. It's only Ivey. That alone is suspicious.
Well, just by definition of the word, the number of people who can dominate is very few.

Through glancing at the list its seems Chau Giang, Yan Chen, Daniel Aliae, and Abe Mossari made the transition from live to online pretty well themselves.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by Scottyy
Originally Posted by TheTiger213
MODS!!!! Please ban this idiot for atleast 3 months,why do idiots type 1st,2nd,3st etc what the hell is the point,it should be insta 3 month ban
lol i laughed my balls off when i saw that you created a thread after this
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by butterfly pony
this thread is really enlightening

can anyone elaborate on these supposedly crazy HUNL stats of ivey and the supposedly simple adjustments one might make to beat him?
Here are some highlights of his crazy stats that I posted in the raiseonce thread:

Originally Posted by RangeyMcTriplmerge
I'm 99.99% certain this is Ivey. PTR stats correlate hugely - which is something in itself but more importantly all the truly crazy outlier stats that Ivey has on full tilt, his 'calling cards' as it were, also correlate hugely with raiseonce. He seriously stands out from other players by a mile in certain stats - some examples:

Cold call preflop

Ivey: 48%
Raiseonce: 48%
Average of 14 other high stakes superstars: 31%

Flop cbet

Ivey: 93%
Raiseonce: 95%
Average of 14 other high stakes superstars: v. variable, but around 65-70%

Flop check-raise

Ivey: 32%
Raiseonce: 36%
Average of 14 other high stakes superstars: 17%

Call river bet

Ivey: 49%
Raiseonce: 56%
Average of 14 other high stakes superstars: 33%

Fold BB to steal

Ivey: 34%
Raiseonce: 17% lolz
Average of 14 other high stakes superstars: 48%
Simple adjustments required to beat Ivey:

1. Raise his cbet with any made hand
2. Check behind flop with air because he will check-raise
3. Bet large on the river for value
4. Shove premiums PF when he's in the BB, he ain't folding.
5. ?????
6. Ivey profits in all likelihood.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by tringlomane
Nice job being near the top of the 2-7 list, Enon! Hopefully, you'll be able to get whatever you have left there out, ASAP. Are you surprised that oogee was the biggest loser for this subset of games? Depending on his average stakes he could be running better than -1BB/100 here if he played mostly $1500/$3000. Do you mainly think he was just boned by variance?
He was beating the game until he decided to play Hoss_TBF and didn't stop until he busted his ftp account. Should have practiced avoidance imo. On another note, they missed a big hu session where Alex L crushed Nekotyan aka The Pidarast. Alex should be top 3 winners in the game.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 05:04 AM
Cliff notes:

Phil Ivey is god and reads your soul through a computer

Durrr managed to donk off 1.7mega in draw poker ROFL
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by hellraiser666
how you know who is the owner of which acount?
its not allowed to create use or deposit in more than one acount.

They don't mind as much when you're just going to dump millions into the site.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 05:46 AM
Hasu, have you ever gone to vegas to play LHE vs Ivey live?
I guess Ivey is there for everyone who has $$
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 05:59 AM
Originally Posted by chadmack
Lots of people have insane results live and they all lose their ass online or are smart enough not to play online because they know they would lose.

Only one old school live pro has had success of any significance online and that person exhibits no traits that would indicate he would excel in the online environment such as being a math savant or putting in huge volume or diving into learning how the online players think and play or being heavily into tracking software etc. Ivey does none of these things. Yet he is far and away the most dominant player in the history of online poker. That just doesn't make any sense especially when you consider that he put in way less volume than the other large winners and he dominated in every game that he played when the other big winners dominated in one and sometimes two games and either didn't play or lost big in others.

If the person described above wasn't a founder and major shareholder of the only site he played on and that site didn't scam hundreds of millions of dollars from its players maybe those crazy coincidences could be overlooked as extreme positive variance or the most extreme outlier poker has ever seen - but that person was a founder of FTP and one of its primary owners and he did squeal to the DOJ to keep his ass out of jail and he has been in a position for years to have access to information that would allow him to cheat while playing on FTP.

People need to wake up and realize Phil Ivey was cheating on FTP all these years everybody assumed he was some kind of God.
Ivey was playing high stakes long before FT ever existed, and at a young age. Most of the other "old school" poker players were not that young. Ivey played Andy Beal how old was he?

How good do you have to be at poker to be a young black kid and have old school poker pros trust you with their entire bankrolls as did Doyle and crew when they had Ivey play Beal. Furthermore how good to you have to be to have Andy Beal, a billionaire willing to take on any pro in Vegas, say that he will play anyone on "the team" EXCEPT Phil Ivey?

We've seen Ivy eat young internet sensations for breakfast on HSP. We've seen his abilities on display with hole cards shown. But just because he doesn't fit the stereotype of an austistic palefaced 20 year old he was cheating? Really? What big online winner has publicly demonstrated their skill more than Ivey? No one.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 06:15 AM
Dwan wouldn't play Ivey in his heads-up challenge? Maybe he knew of how well he adjusted.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 06:22 AM
Originally Posted by vgler
So the owners of FT (Ivey, Gus and PA) won approx. 40-50m?

Ivey´s win rate is absurd, it´s almost 3x better than the most HS regs. Would anyone play in a casino where the owners are the biggest winners in the supplied games?

After the FT downfall I am in the tin foil hat camp...

would you suspect tiger woods of cheating on his golf course?
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 06:30 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
Ivey was playing high stakes long before FT ever existed, and at a young age. Most of the other "old school" poker players were not that young. Ivey played Andy Beal how old was he?

How good do you have to be at poker to be a young black kid and have old school poker pros trust you with their entire bankrolls as did Doyle and crew when they had Ivey play Beal. Furthermore how good to you have to be to have Andy Beal, a billionaire willing to take on any pro in Vegas, say that he will play anyone on "the team" EXCEPT Phil Ivey?

We've seen Ivy eat young internet sensations for breakfast on HSP. We've seen his abilities on display with hole cards shown. But just because he doesn't fit the stereotype of an austistic palefaced 20 year old he was cheating? Really? What big online winner has publicly demonstrated their skill more than Ivey? No one.

so this !
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by chadmack
Lots of people have insane results live and they all lose their ass online or are smart enough not to play online because they know they would lose.

Only one old school live pro has had success of any significance online and that person exhibits no traits that would indicate he would excel in the online environment such as being a math savant or putting in huge volume or diving into learning how the online players think and play or being heavily into tracking software etc. Ivey does none of these things. Yet he is far and away the most dominant player in the history of online poker. That just doesn't make any sense especially when you consider that he put in way less volume than the other large winners and he dominated in every game that he played when the other big winners dominated in one and sometimes two games and either didn't play or lost big in others.

If the person described above wasn't a founder and major shareholder of the only site he played on and that site didn't scam hundreds of millions of dollars from its players maybe those crazy coincidences could be overlooked as extreme positive variance or the most extreme outlier poker has ever seen - but that person was a founder of FTP and one of its primary owners and he did squeal to the DOJ to keep his ass out of jail and he has been in a position for years to have access to information that would allow him to cheat while playing on FTP.

People need to wake up and realize Phil Ivey was cheating on FTP all these years everybody assumed he was some kind of God.
Ivey's stake in FTP was upwards of 8 figures. Do you really think the mostly critically acclaimed poker player of all time (sry chip) would risk that by cheating online in a post UB era? This guy crushes at every form of poker EVER. Ivey's gunna ivey and nvg trolls are gunna nvg troll.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 07:11 AM
Originally Posted by JaFFsTer
would you suspect tiger woods of cheating on his golf course?
That analogy is just way off and you probably know that, too. Would you trust a broker to give you the best price on a market order when he´s prop trading, too?

I am still totally amazed about the level of naiveté on this forum (which is not solely located over here in NVG but more a human trait) when it comes down to the themes of "money" and "business". That´s the reason why scam schemes runned by the likes of Bernard Madoff or Helmut Kiener (just to name the recent scandal´s) will always work.

Just to clarify my initial post:

There´s no doubt that Ivey is one of the best poker players. BUT if you ignore all of those recent scandals and disclosures you´re just borderline naive.

PI´s winning rate in nearly ALL games is 3x better than the best HS regs.

That´s just an absurd edge. Is this really explainable by game selection, bum hunting, A-game and BRM? When the most HS regs started playing Ivey, they didn´t consider him as the best player they´ve ever met. However Ivey always "adapted" really quick... No one has ever had detailed info about his personal financial situation (craps etc.), so saying he´s worth xx figures and doesn´t need it seem like a weak argument.

Apart from that, PA is the biggest multi-accounter of all times. I really can´t admire those guys and their legends...
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 07:13 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
How good do you have to be at poker to be a young black kid and have old school poker pros trust you with their entire bankrolls as did Doyle and crew when they had Ivey play Beal. Furthermore how good to you have to be to have Andy Beal, a billionaire willing to take on any pro in Vegas, say that he will play anyone on "the team" EXCEPT Phil Ivey?
People vehemently arguing that Ivey is good at poker ITT.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 07:24 AM
I thought anyone who would be intrested in highstakes online results would have seen these stats awhile ago.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by Enervate
I was told that he installed HM and uninstalled it within 30 minutes.

This was a couple of years ago though.
Meh, I get the idea that stats, the hud and other stuff might be confusing for someone but isn't the ability to follow your games graphically a big enough reason alone to keep HM or similar tracking software. I can't understand why anyone, let alone a high profile nosebleed professional like PA, would do this.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
sucks to be Lady Marmelade
I seriously doubt this.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 08:04 AM
so you guys are now implying that PI is a hand history superuser,and PA benefited from multiaccounting?

makes sense to crush if you have access to 100% of the hands played,but no proof is so bad
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by JaFFsTer
would you suspect tiger woods of cheating on his golf course?
No, just on his wife.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 09:12 AM
must be nice to be antonius, up 13million or so...not bad
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 09:38 AM
i dont think ivey cheated, but if he did he'd be the best at it.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by DaycareInferno
i dont think ivey cheated, but if he did he'd be the best at it.
The fact that i too find it so hard to believe hed cheat sort of makes me think maybe he did, because i too am certain hed be so dam good at that too that thats exactly what i would think if he did cheat.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Crockett616
The fact that i too find it so hard to believe hed cheat sort of makes me think maybe he did
This line would have been awesome in Twelve Angry Men
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-14-2011 , 10:17 AM
Phil Ivey is fraudulent.... even as a kid he was faking ids...
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
