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11-11-2011 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by hasu

In our first session my admiration was quickly replaced by massive disappointment. His game was poor, and even though my own game was not as refined as today, I was winning huge against him. It was an open secret in the german highstakes community. I could have sold 20 times the share against Phil Ivey. He got better over time, but his winnings were still based on variance.
Thanks for the response hasu heres a link to the interview you mentioned incase anyones interested

Do you think his complete disregard for the money he was playing with would have made him play any differently in the beginning?
I think Barry Greenstein said in some interview years ago that ivey played weird against any new player in the beginning to get a feel for how they play.
This was krantz et al experience from what i recall. In other words you play the 'king ivey' and hes a fish then later he destroys.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by ToDeepToFold
I think Barry Greenstein said in some interview years ago that ivey played weird against any new player in the beginning to get a feel for how they play.
This was krantz et al experience from what i recall. In other words you play the 'king ivey' and hes a fish then later he destroys.
Not going into too much detail here, because it should be obvious that this strategy is not legit. Miracle stories like that only add up to the legacy of an invincible poker player, but what did these matches really have in common?
Right, they were all played on FTP.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by chadmack
Lots of people have insane results live and they all lose their ass online or are smart enough not to play online because they know they would lose.

Only one old school live pro has had success of any significance online and that person exhibits no traits that would indicate he would excel in the online environment such as being a math savant or putting in huge volume or diving into learning how the online players think and play or being heavily into tracking software etc. Ivey does none of these things. Yet he is far and away the most dominant player in the history of online poker. That just doesn't make any sense especially when you consider that he put in way less volume than the other large winners and he dominated in every game that he played when the other big winners dominated in one and sometimes two games and either didn't play or lost big in others.

If the person described above wasn't a founder and major shareholder of the only site he played on and that site didn't scam hundreds of millions of dollars from its players maybe those crazy coincidences could be overlooked as extreme positive variance or the most extreme outlier poker has ever seen - but that person was a founder of FTP and one of its primary owners and he did squeal to the DOJ to keep his ass out of jail and he has been in a position for years to have access to information that would allow him to cheat while playing on FTP.

People need to wake up and realize Phil Ivey was cheating on FTP all these years everybody assumed he was some kind of God.
Phil Ivey has 290k hands recorded, a sufficiently large sample size of hands. If he was in fact cheating don't you think strange things would've been observed and pointed out within the recorded HH's? From what I've seen or read, no hands that Phil Ivey has played have ever been questioned. Not to mention he was one of the biggest losers in Mixed HA.

Last edited by Bolivia; 11-11-2011 at 02:05 PM.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by hasu
Not going into too much detail here, because it should be obvious that this strategy is not legit. Miracle stories like that only add up to the legacy of an invincible poker player, but what did these matches really have in common?
Right, they were all played on FTP.
If you're going to imply that PI was cheating you then you best come with some solid evidence. It is pretty pathetic that you have access to an entire database of hands you played with him, yet the best evidence you can supply is that he sucks and still beat your azz.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 02:08 PM
The largest (known) all-time online winner was not mentioned: Russ Hamilton.

Last edited by tuccotrading; 11-11-2011 at 02:26 PM.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 02:11 PM
so ivey lost that 1million plo hand to isildur with rags then ? 1 million pots merging
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 02:12 PM
I really hope this thread doesn't stray pathetically off course.

If you are going to claim Ivey was cheating, please provide some real evidence other than speculation based on him being an owner.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by hasu
Not going into too much detail here, because it should be obvious that this strategy is not legit. Miracle stories like that only add up to the legacy of an invincible poker player, but what did these matches really have in common?
Right, they were all played on FTP.
You already admitted you "block everything but the cards" out during play, so how can we take any analysis you make vis a vis Ivey running meta-game on you seriously?

As far as the bolded portions...

This might be true except for the thousands upon thousands of hours he put in live playing the highest stakes/all comers in ring games in Bobby's Room or Flynt's Game for the better part of a decade....and becoming the most dominant all around tournament player in history. Where were you guys when he sat 4 times a week at the B,why werent you asking for 10/20k HU if he was such a huge fish and it was well known in , lol, German poker circles, lol.

This guys ships WSOP HORSE donkaments like every other yr if he is motivated....DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH OF A FREAKISH TALENT THAT MAKES HIM?

Yes, he is an outlier...why is that so hard to fathom...probably bc he doesnt look like PA, he isnt 23 right now, and he didnt drop out of Cal Tech....

You got levelled and hustled by Ivey and just cant believe your little uber mensch mind got raped by a negro who doesnt use all the jargon you think is so indispensible in poker and who doesnt fit your preconceived notions of what a "poker wizard" can look/be like.

P.S. PA is just as much as a "live pro" as PI..he began playing live in Finland and played a tonne live while the games where good. So thats #1 and #2 and the number 1 PLO player who were all "live pros".

Plus there are others who can be described as live pros on the list possible (rafi Amit) that I dont wish to investigate. So when you say PI is such an anolmaly your either being disingenous or youre flat out wrong.

Maybe your just not as bring as you presume yourself to be....I know I wasnt in my early 20s.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 02:18 PM
i genuinely miss the days of full tilt nosebleeds action, it just gave online poker that extra icing on the cake. it was like the major league of online cash poker. wonder if it ever will be back. hope ivey and the likes will be back soon as well.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by Bolivia
I really hope this thread doesn't stray pathetically off course.

If you are going to claim Ivey was cheating, please provide some real evidence other than speculation based on him being an owner.

Well, what about the millions and millions and millions Ivy won all over the place in both non-internet casino tournaments and cash games?

Maybe Phil Ivy owns a giant magnet that sucks the aces out of the deck when he needs them. A magic magnet that works all over the world and on the internet!

What about that idea, huh? Bet you never thought of that.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 02:33 PM
how did Ivey learn all these games? did the casino's he played at run them?
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 02:54 PM
i can't se full size image why? only stud is big
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by OMGneverAJoy
i can't se full size image why? only stud is big
Same here btw.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by hasu
Not going into too much detail here, because it should be obvious that this strategy is not legit. Miracle stories like that only add up to the legacy of an invincible poker player, but what did these matches really have in common?
Right, they were all played on FTP.
I'm shocked that you think there may be something behind these wins other than some poker skillz sickness. As you previously stated variance played its roll in his win against you but surely you played him in more games over the years than HU LH. You must have played him in 2-7, Horse etc...did you think anything of his play in any of these games.

Is this just you who thinks this or have you heard any other HS regs talking in these terms. I was just checking ptr and your 'ihatejuice' account is listed as one of his enemies for around 350k and his biggest 'enemy' is Larslusak for nearly 2mill.
Lars has put in alot of hands vs many of the leading tilt pros but i've never heard him say anything about shady stats on Ivey.

NVG will go mad on what you HAVEN'T said ITT but maybe if there was some specific reason you feel suspicious it might make more sense.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 03:12 PM
is there anyway to watch the tables on highstakesdb if you are from the usa?
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 03:25 PM
Chau Giang is impressive.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by chadmack
I find it hilarious that still nobody questions these insane near perfect results for Ivey.

These guys ran by far the biggest scam in poker history and there isn't even a whisper about maybe there was something improper going on when an old school live pro destroys everybody at every game online when every other live pro sucks dick at online poker and there is no evidence at all besides his results that would explain why Ivey was so good online.

Oh ya, and the one site all these results came on he was a founder, board member and major shareholder of.
Haters gonna hate.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 03:28 PM
Ivey is one of the few "old" pros whose favorite hobbies is video games. This helps him with the on-line game. Also Ivey likes to perpetuate the myth he just shows up and wins -- no effort or study involved. This is BS. I remember reading early on in his career that after a tournament(even when Ivey won) he would get out a notebook and spend several hours going over each hand.

Here is an example of Ivey not giving up:
“When I first started playing $400-$800 back in the day in Atlantic City, Henry “The Toy Man” Orenstein used to beat me all the time. That man kept me broke for six months. But I would drop down and build it back up in the $75-$150 game for a week in order to get back in the $400-$800 game. I’d play and he’d break me again! This kept on happening. I don’t think I beat him in one hand in six months. But I never gave up. I kept on coming back. I knew I’d get there."

Krantz on Ivey studying players:

A Phil Story from Barry G:
"He came over to the house with his wife Luciaetta, and I needled him when I said, “See, this is how a successful poker player lives.” He said, “This is out of my league now, but some day I’ll own a big house like this, too.”

Phil was especially interested in the sit-down Ms. Pac Man game that was in my gameroom. I mentioned that I bought it for my girlfriend because she was the best that I had ever seen at it. He said he was the best that anyone had ever seen. I got a call from someone at the airport who wanted me to pick them up. Phil and Luciaetta were having fun with my kids and I asked them if they minded watching my kids until I got back. Phil asked, “Can I play the Ms. Pac Man game?” I said, “Of course.” When I returned an hour later, Phil was still sitting playing the game. He smiled and said, “Well, your girlfriend doesn’t have the high score anymore.”
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 03:35 PM
It seems that there would be great value in David Benyamine teaching Gus Hansen PLO, and Gus returning the favor by teaching David how to play Omaha/8.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by :::grimReaper:::
Doesn't Cole South have a $2k book?
much cheaper
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 03:45 PM
pretty cool read....

I noticed the O8 stats only have limit (which is the least played variation these days)

Can someone post the PLO8/NLO8 stats. Jut curious since this is what I play the most.....
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by Topset72
Ivey is one of the few "old" pros whose favorite hobbies is video games. This helps him with the on-line game. Also Ivey likes to perpetuate the myth he just shows up and wins -- no effort or study involved. This is BS. I remember reading early on in his career that after a tournament(even when Ivey won) he would get out a notebook and spend several hours going over each hand.

Here is an example of Ivey not giving up:
“When I first started playing $400-$800 back in the day in Atlantic City, Henry “The Toy Man” Orenstein used to beat me all the time. That man kept me broke for six months. But I would drop down and build it back up in the $75-$150 game for a week in order to get back in the $400-$800 game. I’d play and he’d break me again! This kept on happening. I don’t think I beat him in one hand in six months. But I never gave up. I kept on coming back. I knew I’d get there."

Krantz on Ivey studying players:

A Phil Story from Barry G:
"He came over to the house with his wife Luciaetta, and I needled him when I said, “See, this is how a successful poker player lives.” He said, “This is out of my league now, but some day I’ll own a big house like this, too.”

Phil was especially interested in the sit-down Ms. Pac Man game that was in my gameroom. I mentioned that I bought it for my girlfriend because she was the best that I had ever seen at it. He said he was the best that anyone had ever seen. I got a call from someone at the airport who wanted me to pick them up. Phil and Luciaetta were having fun with my kids and I asked them if they minded watching my kids until I got back. Phil asked, “Can I play the Ms. Pac Man game?” I said, “Of course.” When I returned an hour later, Phil was still sitting playing the game. He smiled and said, “Well, your girlfriend doesn’t have the high score anymore.”
Thats a really interesting post, thanks.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by junky monkey
thought fishasauras rex was the best 2-7 player, oogee on stars?
yep he crushed on stars, bet he wishes ft never added draw

iirc a few of his big losing session were pure drunk monkey tilt
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by intheireye!
You already admitted you "block everything but the cards" out during play, so how can we take any analysis you make vis a vis Ivey running meta-game on you seriously?
hasu obviously wasn't saying he cuts out metagame lol, might be different in lhe but any good nl player is thinking about metagame. he purely meant external thoughts to the game he was currently playing, that doesn't include meta but might include other factors that could help you spot a cheat.

i don't think ivey was cheating. but if he was, im going to be so ****ing devastated. i already knew his (online) nl, lhe and possibly plo games weren't as good as the best online players but just assumed he ran hot in those and crushed everyone in games that haven't been explored much by the online community.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by hasu
Not going into too much detail here, because it should be obvious that this strategy is not legit. Miracle stories like that only add up to the legacy of an invincible poker player, but what did these matches really have in common?
Right, they were all played on FTP.
Here's what I don't understand. If Ivey is such a huge fish for you, why don't you travel to Vegas and play him live?

I remember your asking him to add some 3000/6000 tables and his telling you that he likes to be sitting across people in a live setting when playing for this kind of money, so he actually refused to up the stakes despite the RNG being rigged.

It's also funny how you consider that you have such an understanding of GTO for LHE that you can judge someone considered to be the very best player in the world to have insane leaks and not doubt for one second that you're right.

Ivey also admitted to you that you were the better player when you guys played some of your last sessions, which would be an incredibly stupid thing to do if he indeed was cheating.
Why confirm that you're not winning because you're better but instead through variance if you're rigging the game? It's not as if nobody would believe him if he said he was better than you, right? Or are you that delusional?
I know you have a very low opinion of the guy's intellect, but that would just be ******ed.

Anyway, talk about disappointment, it sucks to see that you're putting so much stock into such a stupid idea (incoherent on so many levels for an infinity of reasons). You're turning out to be a bit of a whiny b*tch, to be perfectly honest.

And again, I'm sure the guy would love to play you HU live, so why don't you do that since you have such a huge edge on him? Plane ticket too expensive?

And if he runs away from you, you can always go back to your country and make a thread on 2+2 about how Ivey ran away from a socially inept kid with a taste for Japanese pedo porn. I'm sure it'll be worth the trip...
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
