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11-11-2011 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by AJB4
pretty cool read....

I noticed the O8 stats only have limit (which is the least played variation these days)

Can someone post the PLO8/NLO8 stats. Jut curious since this is what I play the most.....
hsdb tracks HS games the o8 games were 1k/2k 2k/4k
seen only once a 200/400 plo8 game run on FT
not the 5/10 nit fests that occasionally run on PS
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 05:44 PM
hasu never told the rng was rigged
he told something like :you must somehow be stupid to think that the rng was rigged, but you must be even more stupid not to consider that there could be a possibility th&t something was wrong with the rng
i thought learning poker was teaching ppl to analyse whatever happens in differents ways ,put ppl on a wider range etcetc...;
lots of producers for the casinos good news for the live pros
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by Topset72
Ivey is one of the few "old" pros whose favorite hobbies is video games. This helps him with the on-line game. Also Ivey likes to perpetuate the myth he just shows up and wins -- no effort or study involved. This is BS. I remember reading early on in his career that after a tournament(even when Ivey won) he would get out a notebook and spend several hours going over each hand.

Here is an example of Ivey not giving up:
“When I first started playing $400-$800 back in the day in Atlantic City, Henry “The Toy Man” Orenstein used to beat me all the time. That man kept me broke for six months. But I would drop down and build it back up in the $75-$150 game for a week in order to get back in the $400-$800 game. I’d play and he’d break me again! This kept on happening. I don’t think I beat him in one hand in six months. But I never gave up. I kept on coming back. I knew I’d get there."

Krantz on Ivey studying players:

A Phil Story from Barry G:
"He came over to the house with his wife Luciaetta, and I needled him when I said, “See, this is how a successful poker player lives.” He said, “This is out of my league now, but some day I’ll own a big house like this, too.”

Phil was especially interested in the sit-down Ms. Pac Man game that was in my gameroom. I mentioned that I bought it for my girlfriend because she was the best that I had ever seen at it. He said he was the best that anyone had ever seen. I got a call from someone at the airport who wanted me to pick them up. Phil and Luciaetta were having fun with my kids and I asked them if they minded watching my kids until I got back. Phil asked, “Can I play the Ms. Pac Man game?” I said, “Of course.” When I returned an hour later, Phil was still sitting playing the game. He smiled and said, “Well, your girlfriend doesn’t have the high score anymore.”
My only conclusion is that he must cheat at Ms. Pac Man too.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 07:05 PM
Okay first: I believe Hasu said it was more likely than not just variance that beat him in the match against Ivey, which is perfectly reasonable given small sample size. He just said that the idea that the deck could have been stacked should be entertained/considered

I'm a huge huge Ivey fan, but just to play devil's advocate,:

IF, they rigged the RNG ever so sliiiightly so that Ivey got higher quality of starting hands or hit the flop at a sliiightly higher rate than normal, would that be detectable if you analyzed an incomplete database? or even if you had the whole database (which you can't), he didn't play a mamoth amount of hands, so variance could justify it? I'm just asking questions.

Would having the better hand some small % of the time more often change results THAT drastically (if you are to assume he would ordinarily be a loser like matusow or something (lol)). Or would this be a stupid way to rig it?

We would have never entertained the thought before of lederer/ferguson stealing $, being scumbags, and somehow screwing up the FTP money printing machine by not having player balances. Maybe we should at least consider the ivey possibility.

Either way, it has been pointed out that why would Ivey admit HASU is better and not make higher tables if he knew he had long term edge due to hand distribution? Also, its hard to imagine that durrr/galfond/urindanger/krantz/whitelime/many others would regard him so highly and PLAY with him, if they even slightly suspected foul play. So it's an extremely tough sell and pointless overall argument without any statistical evidence (which there will be none).
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by vgler
So the owners of FT (Ivey, Gus and PA) won approx. 40-50m?

Would anyone play in a casino where the owners are the biggest winners in the supplied games?
Urm, care to rethink that . . . because, in EVERY casino, the owners are the BIGGEST winners.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 07:15 PM
Also, Hasu's stances have kind of confused me. I've seen on some other threads about LHE elite players, where he endlessly compliments Ivey's play, saying (I think) that ivey was better than PA, MUCH better than Hawlrienko/Hoss, and called him one of the most influential/best online LHE players ever. Now he's saying he basically is not elite at all and just ordinary/above average/kinda bad for high stakes?

Or were these compliments to Ivey either a.) a hustle/attempt to get action or b.) before he really played Ivey?
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by tuccotrading
Well, what about the millions and millions and millions Ivy won all over the place in both non-internet casino tournaments and cash games?

Maybe Phil Ivy owns a giant magnet that sucks the aces out of the deck when he needs them. A magic magnet that works all over the world and on the internet!

What about that idea, huh? Bet you never thought of that.
Dude seriously, is that your argument?
So following your logic talented and successful players can't scam?
what about Jungleman for example
I've heard Russ Hamilton used to crush the game too before the UB scandal
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 07:54 PM
I find it really hard to believe that the hundreds of people doing obsessive hand analysis and coverage wouldn't have sniffed out ANY kind of mathematical anomalies in Ivey's hand histories or play. It would be so incredibly difficult for there to be ANY kind of bug or programmed edge for a player that wouldn't be quickly discovered.

BTW this thread should be subtitled "IHJ accuses Ivey of cheating at Limit" because that is of far more interest than just the results of high stakes over the last few years.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 08:13 PM
Lol at IHJ/Hasu hinting at game rigging.

LHE is obv a game of very close edges and when two very good LHE players play HU vs each other, the only way somebody is going to win, let alone big, is going to be variance.

Plus I think you're a little butt hurt at only have $437k in profits when you played up to 2k/4k.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 08:15 PM
i for one think it's questionable that the biggest winner in online poker part owned the (shady) site he won all that money on and i think that's what IHJ is getting at, he never once said he was cheated by ivey, just that with all the shady stuff going on there that it was questionable.

FFS, it's as if NVG is a religion and ivey is there god, anyone caught thinking rationally or asking questions gets flamed and ostracised.

i for one think it's questionable that the biggest winner in online poker part owned the (shady) site he won all that money on
that's not calling him a cheater it's just being rational and asking questions that should be addressed.

i'd love to see some statistical analysis of his play, ev graphs ect.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by RunItUp
i for one think it's questionable that the biggest winner in online poker part owned the (shady) site he won all that money on and i think that's what IHJ is getting at, he never once said he was cheated by ivey, just that with all the shady stuff going on there that it was questionable.

FFS, it's as if NVG is a religion and ivey is there god, anyone caught thinking rationally or asking questions gets flamed and ostracised.

that's not calling him a cheater it's just being rational and asking questions that should be addressed.
I'm not an NVGtard nor think Ivey is god. Most people in here on Iveys side aren't probably thinking rationally but to think that the most prolific poker player of this time, playing the highest stakes on a site that he has been at since the ground up would try anything shady is an absurd idea.

And to think that it's because he only won his money on FTP is suspect, what about the lolsamplesize that is alleged his on his companys main competitor, is again absurd. There is the SMALLEST of evidence that was his screen name, literally just rumors that two screen names were playing at the same time.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 08:27 PM
yeah i kinda agree with you to an extent, theres just so much nut hugging going on in nvg in regards to ivey.

you would think curiosity would've got the better of someone and some sort of analysis of his play/winrate would of taken place by now.

i think questionable is the perfect description of ivey's results though, it's not saying anything but keeping an open mind.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 08:48 PM
The hate for hasu is absurd. He clearly stated he thought variance was the most likely explanation. That doesn't mean that it shouldn't be considered whether Ivey did or could have cheated - even if he didn't. He was one of the owners of the web site. That is reason enough to question. It doesn't matter whether it might seem unfathomable - the notion that someone like Potripper could come along was unfathomable to most people before it happened. It is still a point worth considering. Essentially abusing someone for noting this is so ridiculous, especially when they are a High Stakes reg, have actually played Ivey, and actually add value to this forum.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 08:51 PM
What would be a bigger scandal: Penn St football or we find out Ivey cheated on Full Tilt?

Also, ****, I stand to lose my bankroll on Full Tilt if it turns out that the site is rigged; cuz then no way Tapie buys it.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by
The hate for hasu is absurd. He clearly stated he thought variance was the most likely explanation. That doesn't mean that it shouldn't be considered whether Ivey did or could have cheated - even if he didn't. He was one of the owners of the web site. That is reason enough to question. It doesn't matter whether it might seem unfathomable - the notion that someone like Potripper could come along was unfathomable to most people before it happened. It is still a point worth considering. Essentially abusing someone for noting this is so ridiculous, especially when they are a High Stakes reg, have actually played Ivey, and actually add value to this forum.
yep this- and I assume Hasus point of view changed after black friday and revelations about fulltilt- the fact Ivey seems to have played a lot of casino games means it is something that could be entertained- I certainly dont think he saw hole cards- but a little tinkering to the RNG would be rather difficult to notice over a large sample size.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 09:50 PM
As I mentioned before, there's a parlay involved in getting to 'Ivey is a cheat'. IF it was rigged in his favour (unlikely but possible), I highly doubt he knew about it.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 09:55 PM
Ivey such a BAWS!
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by RigMeARiver
As I mentioned before, there's a parlay involved in getting to 'Ivey is a cheat'. IF it was rigged in his favour (unlikely but possible), I highly doubt he knew about it.
I think that if there was cheating then Ivey most certainly would have known about it. I think it is very unlikely that Full Tilt would give him a rigged account and then never mention it.

One other thing: would anyone happen to know how technically feasible it would be to rig an online deck in favor of a single account?

Last edited by RYO; 11-11-2011 at 10:03 PM.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 10:17 PM
Hasu isn't just saying it's a possibility. Read his posts, maybe it's something that was lost in translation (assuming German is his first language) but it is pretty clear what he is claiming.

It's extremely unprofessional of him.

Originally Posted by chadmack
People need to wake up and realize Phil Ivey was cheating on FTP all these years everybody assumed he was some kind of God.
Post proof. Oh wait, you have none?
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 10:20 PM
just lol at the hate for hasu.

one of the world's best limit players posts that he was disappointed in ivey's game (ivey even said hasu was better in chat) and that he's suspicious of his results but isn't saying he is cheating and that all he wants to do is provide the info he can for other people.

a bunch of NVGers come in and insult him, saying he's butthurt about results and he must be accusing ivey of cheating. ****ing standard
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by
The hate for hasu is absurd. He clearly stated he thought variance was the most likely explanation. That doesn't mean that it shouldn't be considered whether Ivey did or could have cheated - even if he didn't. He was one of the owners of the web site. That is reason enough to question. It doesn't matter whether it might seem unfathomable - the notion that someone like Potripper could come along was unfathomable to most people before it happened. It is still a point worth considering. Essentially abusing someone for noting this is so ridiculous, especially when they are a High Stakes reg, have actually played Ivey, and actually add value to this forum.
Really? Unfathomable? That a random account comes along on a 3rd rate site in a very competitive business and starts smashing the highest stakes games around? Does that sound any less absurd then the situation I described? Surely you cannot be serious.

Btw, I was always a fan of IHJ/Hasu since he made one the top online sites up their stakes, just for him. Thats some heart there.

I forgot that I didn't put variance in my earlier post.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by SoLost
just lol at the hate for hasu.

one of the world's best limit players posts that he was disappointed in ivey's game (ivey even said hasu was better in chat) and that he's suspicious of his results but isn't saying he is cheating and that all he wants to do is provide the info he can for other people.

a bunch of NVGers come in and insult him, saying he's butthurt about results and he must be accusing ivey of cheating. ****ing standard
Oh hai bruh, before calling me an "NVGer" since I assume you are since I used the word "butthurt," please scroll through my post history and see how much I post in NVG before here.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by loveminuszero
Hasu isn't just saying it's a possibility. Read his posts, maybe it's something that was lost in translation (assuming German is his first language) but it is pretty clear what he is claiming.
'I am not saying there were manipulations in the RNG at FTP, actually it's more likely that I just happened to be very unlucky. But it has to be considered.'

'Obviously this is nowhere near an evidence for cheating, because swings like that happen in poker. '

The closest he comes to implying it happened is listing all the reasons he has to be at least suspicious (they were all valid reasons, especially when added up). In your world, what kinda post WOULD just be saying it's a possibility?

It's extremely unprofessional of him.
Lol? The site that they were playing on, and that ivey raped has just gone down in a huge scandal. Who cares about professionalism, if someone thinks they have information they should post (and hasu is prob more well informed than most) then of course they should say it.

I don't think Ivey cheated. Hasu isn't saying he cheated. But to hate on his post when all he told is his story of being disappointed in Ivey's skill and being suss over Ivey owning every single game like he did limit, is just absurd.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 10:28 PM
Also, since his Stars account is being brought up in a revived thread (even though the sample size is only ~20k hands, he still won $1 per hand in the tracked games and he played in Mixed games on Stars which weren't tracked (so we don't know whether or not he was crushing in those games as well):

Originally Posted by ben wb
You might not know that raiseonce won a 25k WCOOP on stars for 350k, so he was actually a very big winner there, considering the low volume.
So overall his results on Stars were plenty impressive (assuming that it was him)

Another question for those who said the deck was rigged for him.... why does Sharkscope have him as -$101,574 on Full Tilt tourneys? Wouldn't FTP want him to have good results in the most marketable form of poker?
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
11-11-2011 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by chadmack
Lots of people have insane results live and they all lose their ass online or are smart enough not to play online because they know they would lose.

Only one old school live pro has had success of any significance online and that person exhibits no traits that would indicate he would excel in the online environment such as being a math savant or putting in huge volume or diving into learning how the online players think and play or being heavily into tracking software etc. Ivey does none of these things. Yet he is far and away the most dominant player in the history of online poker. That just doesn't make any sense especially when you consider that he put in way less volume than the other large winners and he dominated in every game that he played when the other big winners dominated in one and sometimes two games and either didn't play or lost big in others.

If the person described above wasn't a founder and major shareholder of the only site he played on and that site didn't scam hundreds of millions of dollars from its players maybe those crazy coincidences could be overlooked as extreme positive variance or the most extreme outlier poker has ever seen - but that person was a founder of FTP and one of its primary owners and he did squeal to the DOJ to keep his ass out of jail and he has been in a position for years to have access to information that would allow him to cheat while playing on FTP.

People need to wake up and realize Phil Ivey was cheating on FTP all these years everybody assumed he was some kind of God.

This ^^^^^ If it looks like duck......... So sad, but pretty obviously true. Nothing but a con artist after all.
Internet Poker's Top 10 Winners & Losers By Game Type "All Time" (since HSDB tracking) Quote
