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03-03-2011 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
Admittedly grunching some of the replies, and please don't consider this an opinion either way on the OP, but I had to comment on the "analysis" of his English ITT.

Many posters made 2 arguments: 1) he can't be real because his English is too flawless for an 18-year-old European, and 2) he can't be real because his English is distinctly American.

Both of these arguments are pretty terrible. At international schools in Europe, (or any school, really), English is taught at a very high level. It's a necessary language for people to know to succeed in any sort of international trade or business. We, as Americans, perhaps don't understand that because we grow up knowing the language.
I'm currently in my master's year at university studying interpretation and his English is better than mine.

There are only two possibilities:

a) super gifted
b) faking it

you overestimate European school system and tv influence. General level in southern europe is laughable at best btw., and of much higher standards in scandanavian countries.

Didn't read much of it, but his vocabulary is too rich to seem legit to me... unless he is a true prodigy, which certainly cannot be excluded 100% but not very likely

Last edited by Arkaine; 03-03-2011 at 06:31 PM.
03-03-2011 , 06:37 PM
yeah ok
03-03-2011 , 06:41 PM
can we delete the last 4 pages and just keep the first one? this is a ****ing awesome story
03-03-2011 , 06:50 PM
I agree with BearFire
03-03-2011 , 06:55 PM
Love your story!
03-03-2011 , 06:55 PM
I suspect the story is fake. I can call someone who has worked at Sporting de Portugal his entire life (and worked in the youth program) this week. Surely he should know OP, right?
03-03-2011 , 06:58 PM
don't forget to escrow your bet money first !
03-03-2011 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Arkaine
I'm currently in my master's year at university studying interpretation and his English is better than mine.

There are only two possibilities:

a) super gifted
b) faking it

you overestimate European school system and tv influence. General level in southern europe is laughable at best btw., and of much higher standards in scandanavian countries.

Didn't read much of it, but his vocabulary is too rich to seem legit to me... unless he is a true prodigy, which certainly cannot be excluded 100% but not very likely
[ ] Faking it
[x] Super gifted

The whole premise for OPs existence is that he is super gifted. The way he goes about things I assume he also put a lot of effort into his post. Off course he is better in English than 98% of Portugese population and 99,5% of american population, but again that is to be expected. After well reputed people here are laying any odds at any stakes that op is legit, there really is no point going on and on about leveling-theories IMO.

BTW I'm from Norway, considered about average in english skills compared to my demographic group.
03-03-2011 , 07:06 PM
The language forensics in this thread is mindblowing.

And I'm much more interested in who Marco is than Girah at this point so I'm not sure what this thread is about anymore.
03-03-2011 , 07:08 PM
Haseeb coming here and saying that he helped Jose write the OP actually makes this less believable because if you look at Girah's posting history you'll see that he writes in perfect English: "I inferred from his 3bet shove on the turn of the hand we played before that his flatting range here would be weak". That sounds a heck of a lot like Haseeb to me and certainly not like someone who needs help with his writing.

Wp Haseeb wp.
03-03-2011 , 07:16 PM
U people are amazing. I'm also willing to bet any amount Jose is real and this whole story is true.

Put ur money where ur mouth is, one time
03-03-2011 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by AKingdom
Haseeb coming here and saying that he helped Jose write the OP actually makes this less believable because if you look at Girah's posting history you'll see that he writes in perfect English: "I inferred from his 3bet shove on the turn of the hand we played before that his flatting range here would be weak". That sounds a heck of a lot like Haseeb to me and certainly not like someone who needs help with his writing.

Wp Haseeb wp.
Care to take me up on my wager? Pink speedos optional.
03-03-2011 , 07:19 PM
03-03-2011 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by imfromsweden
U people are amazing. I'm also willing to bet any amount Jose is real and this whole story is true.

Put ur money where ur mouth is, one time
It is no use. People will just say you are being backed by Haseeb! You have to admit though, the whole thing is just super odd. The way it came out and all the shenanigans in this thread. I love it
03-03-2011 , 07:20 PM
Meh, I still don't want to believe this is anything but an advanced hoax but I'm not gonna fight all these windmills portrayed as local friends and respectable high stakes regs.

In addition to the OP being relatively a suspiciously well written wall of story, it was also ridiculous with all the clichés, screenplay stuff and some factual oddities.

If true, however, well done and I'm eagerly awaiting for you to burst into the scene big(ger) time (FTP/Stars, live stuff etc.). Though if you are too well networked you're gonna be friends will everyone and there'll be little action apart from some random fish that you'll have to compete for with hundreds of bumhunters.

Originally Posted by Foldemlow
- yada yada yada -

Funny that Haseeb couldn't let go of his ego and had to write unrealistically well (far from amazingly well, but still, given 2+2 standards...) and by doing so, lower the credibility of the whole thing.

He's like a psychopath, torn between having to remain anonymous for his scheme to work and between his huge ego demanding recognition for his amazing work.
lol, got me thinking of this (CYE)
03-03-2011 , 07:21 PM
I am compris, a mexican prodigee that went fom dirt to millions. Hail me. I work very hard too.
03-03-2011 , 07:27 PM
fwiw, i talked with Girah today in portuguese, which means all this garbage about his english being too great is worthless (his portuguese is clearly from a native person too).

He also seemed like a great guy, i was the one asking him for help about something and he was super cool about it.

Great and inspiring read.
03-03-2011 , 07:33 PM
Fantastic post! Thank you for the great read and I wish you the best and continued success in the future.
03-03-2011 , 07:35 PM
lmao marcoantonio best gimmick account ever
03-03-2011 , 07:49 PM
Level or not, it's pretty funny to see people saying his English is too good for a Portuguese person. It's pretty standard.

Soooo... IP checks, anyone?


Page 2, first post: Gold.
03-03-2011 , 07:58 PM
IP has already been confirmed Portugese by Kevmath.

Look, can we just get past this "is it a level" crap already? He posts from an IP in Portugal with a number of reputable HSNL players vouching for him. He has a posting history that suggests a deep level of thinking at mid to high stakes games, he speaks fluent Portugese and his story (those parts of it that are verifiable) checks out.

Seriously, for the people still doubting this, are you *that* scared of being caught out by a level? You're starting to seriously sound like those fish that always think someone is bluffing, so they end up calling no matter what because "yeah his line screams flush, but he has to be bluffing 10% of the time so I call with BTM pair".

Plz just take it as a given that José is in fact the real deal, and allow this thread to move beyond the trolling and the endless discussion about the English, and onto something altogether more interesting. I for one have a bunch of questions I'd like to ask OP, and if he ever comes back in here (which he might if the level of ******ation drops and the attention whoring gimmick accounts stand down), then I/we might actually learn a thing or two.

Apparently we're all here because we love poker, but when the next potential Durrrr/isildur1 makes an appearance all most of you seem concerned about is not getting levelled or repeatedly quoting some gimmick account. Srsly, plz let it stop.
03-03-2011 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by Gazillion

Plz just take it as a given that José is in fact the real deal, and allow this thread to move beyond the trolling.
...and move it towards what, his sex life and how many times a day he poops?

This thread is based around his story and supposed success...determining if it's a lie or not is going to determine how the thread progresses (as is the case in any story about anything). What the hell else are we supposed to be talking about in here? The hands he's played that we have no history of? The PTR results we can't see? The strategy advice he's not giving?

But as you requested, we will advance beyond the "level/lying" discussions. I'll start: Giraf, when you wipe your butt, do you wipe front to back, or back to front? Discuss.
03-03-2011 , 08:17 PM
lol this is ****ing ridiculous a kid portuguese speaks very good english and everyone is saying it's impossible.

i never really studied english and i can talk and wite(i know i suck), if he started learning english when he was just a kid and still praticing and learning, it's definitelly possible for him to have such a good english, and he probably didn't just typed the OP in 5 minutes.
03-03-2011 , 08:25 PM
TRUE story imo, You heard here first (bout 20th actually(but yannooooo)) !

WP CR7 !
03-03-2011 , 08:33 PM
post screen shot of social security card, drivers license, your face picture with 2p2 up, pic of your girlfriend, and then maybe NVG and I will believe this isnt a level
