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Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread)
View Poll Results: Who is gonna win?
212 64.05%
119 35.95%

04-14-2023 , 04:09 AM
What’s wrong with only coaching somebody for financial or personal gain? To suggest somebody would have to be a sociopath for doing so is pretty strange.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-14-2023 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by Reggie Steer
Nik Airball, Brownballa, and Lynn Ji mocking Berkey like a bunch of evil hyena's...

Laughing at a freshly butchered prey!!! Wow!!!!!
damn when did lynn leave team solve for why for the whale gang
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-14-2023 , 05:36 AM
Rip NikAirballFanclub,Reggie Steer will have to do all the heavy lifting now.
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-14-2023 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by MoViN.tArGeT
damn when did lynn leave team solve for why for the whale gang
When her Trust Fun was no longer funny.
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-14-2023 , 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by Reggie Steer
Nik Airball, Brownballa, and Lynn Ji mocking Berkey like a bunch of evil hyena's...

Laughing at a freshly butchered prey!!! Wow!!!!!
Actually put this on while I was getting the end of my workout done. Such an embarrassment this was to listen to and sort of feel bad for the Brownballa character who was the only one of the three talking any sense. First they start off by saying they were going over some hands but then proceed to go over just one hand and then get sidetracked into about 15 minutes of discussing the possibility of Berkey pulling out, which I think most would agree isn't really a thing, then ridiculing or debating the success of his poker career all while this Lynn and Nik Airball laugh like school girls at comments that weren't even funny.

Sad people.
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-14-2023 , 09:32 AM
When that Brownballa guy is the sharpest and most mature participant in a podcast you know you are in for a ride.
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-14-2023 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by cneuy3
Actually put this on while I was getting the end of my workout done. Such an embarrassment this was to listen to and sort of feel bad for the Brownballa character who was the only one of the three talking any sense. First they start off by saying they were going over some hands but then proceed to go over just one hand and then get sidetracked into about 15 minutes of discussing the possibility of Berkey pulling out, which I think most would agree isn't really a thing, then ridiculing or debating the success of his poker career all while this Lynn and Nik Airball laugh like school girls at comments that weren't even funny.

Sad people.
They know Berkey and company are going to be watching the show. They behaved the way they did in order to tilt him. In his last Solve4Y podcast, Berkey admitted to being frustrated in response to Airball's delay antics, the most recent of which was to pretend to be sick to play. Nik made sure to convey that he is not really sick in this video with Lynn and Balla. This, combined with the hyena-like mockery directed at Berkey, shows high level sophistication in psychological warfare.
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-14-2023 , 11:35 AM
Fat Nik still has diarrhea?

Nice to see how scared he is before going broke…
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-14-2023 , 12:21 PM
lol, when you know you're so bad that your best strategy is trying to troll your opponent into quitting

he is who we thought he was
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-14-2023 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Kendoo
Fat Nik still has diarrhea?
Airball never had diarrhea. It was a ploy to get Berkey impatient and frustrated, who actually admitted this effect and is hoping Galfond can make a decision in his favor.

Nik will have this heads up match unfinished for at least 6 months. Hence, infusing major uncertainty into Berkey's life who will have open ended unfinished business gnawing on his mind while awake and asleep. Meantime, Nik buys time for coaching that would make their relative advantages and disadvantages insignificant.

Airball knows that Berkey is staked and if his stakers get impatient, they can pull out and leave Berkey embarrassed and looking very chicken....or better yet, play with his own "scared" money.

Doug "Coinflex Doug" Polk and Vertucci are obviously in a coalition with Nik Airball in all of this.
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-14-2023 , 01:00 PM
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-14-2023 , 02:33 PM
This Lynne girl is the kind of pathetic where you simultaneously feel some pity for what is clearly a deranged and debased inner psyche, but also you just really want to see her publicly humiliated for being such a massive pos.
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-14-2023 , 03:19 PM
People are just full of themselves and social media is where the excess spews out
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-14-2023 , 04:51 PM
NikDiarrheaBall probably already broke…

Goodbye fat guy!
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-14-2023 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by RosaParks1
People are just full of themselves and social media is where the excess spews out
This video is one of the more embarrassing things I've seen on the internet - and that's before you realize Nick is the one stalling and playing sick.
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-14-2023 , 07:15 PM
Is there a math formula to calculate how much ev Berkey loses based on the tightness of his backwards hat on his 40 year old head? Or is it negated by the table image he creates based on how ****ing cool he looks
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-14-2023 , 07:24 PM
I absolutely hate Lynne, and think she's a smug rich kid pretending to be a professional poker player/poker celeb.

That being said, who's got these butthole pic links?
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-14-2023 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by boredoo
This Lynne girl is the kind of pathetic where you simultaneously feel some pity for what is clearly a deranged and debased inner psyche, but also you just really want to see her publicly humiliated for being such a massive pos.
Lynne doesn't just crave attention, she needs it desperately. Shes tried about 4-5 different things to be what she deems relevant, including posting nudes and openly contemplating having an Only fans, just to remain in the discussion. She's really starting to get annoying at this point.
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-14-2023 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by TriggerWarning
What’s wrong with only coaching somebody for financial or personal gain? To suggest somebody would have to be a sociopath for doing so is pretty strange.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This seems like a strange way to interpret what I said. Of course, being paid to coach is fine. My point was there is no world where DP ever devotes much time to someone or something unless it's some major gain for himself. Not that many of us would be much diff in this scenario, just saying, esp LOL of thought when it comes to DP. Guy is totally shameless psychopath. Seriously should consider politics.
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-14-2023 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by Rmbxr9
I absolutely hate Lynne, and think she's a smug rich kid pretending to be a professional poker player/poker celeb.

That being said, who's got these butthole pic links?

Asking for a friend myself.....
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-14-2023 , 10:20 PM
We need this link guys...
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-14-2023 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by tclaffey
Is there a math formula to calculate how much ev Berkey loses based on the tightness of his backwards hat on his 40 year old head? Or is it negated by the table image he creates based on how ****ing cool he looks
He's 40? Acne or drugs or both
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-15-2023 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by Reggie Steer
Airball never had diarrhea. It was a ploy to get Berkey impatient and frustrated, who actually admitted this effect and is hoping Galfond can make a decision in his favor.

Nik will have this heads up match unfinished for at least 6 months. Hence, infusing major uncertainty into Berkey's life who will have open ended unfinished business gnawing on his mind while awake and asleep. Meantime, Nik buys time for coaching that would make their relative advantages and disadvantages insignificant.

Airball knows that Berkey is staked and if his stakers get impatient, they can pull out and leave Berkey embarrassed and looking very chicken....or better yet, play with his own "scared" money.

Doug "Coinflex Doug" Polk and Vertucci are obviously in a coalition with Nik Airball in all of this.

Tinfoil much?

Also, on what ****ing planet does a a backer who thinks they have the best of it......pull out because they got "impatient"? He's a 140 or 160 favorite. That's printing money. The longer it goes on, the better it is for berks.

Also, most of these guys have long term staking agreements in place. So its likely his stakers have been with him a long time already.
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-15-2023 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by IMDABES
I mean, DP is a total sociopath, he isnt gonna devote much effort to coaching Nik if he doesn't have some obvious financial or other gain. And I don't think "credit" for nik beating Berkey in a live cash game is enough. Doubt he believes he would get much credit for that and I think he'd be right.


He's a sociopath because his business is built around poker and social he only does things in poker and social media that make him money???

Also, you're underestimating this a lot. Let's say Nik luckboxes his way to a win. The obvious excuse for team Berks is that the best HUNL player coached him.

Then Doug gets to say he took a poker ****** and coached him up to beat a guy who has his own training site and has been on countless streams/shows. Just the clicks alone are worth it for that.

He also gets to say "why use his training site, when the noob I trained in a week beat him.....go to my training site instead."
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-15-2023 , 05:27 AM
At some point in the last few years the council of dumb internet guys got together and decided the hot new thing was going to be calling people sociopaths, when what you actually mean is 'this person is annoying and I think they're a jerk'
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
