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Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread)
View Poll Results: Who is gonna win?
212 64.05%
119 35.95%

04-05-2023 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
This is a frequent narrative about Berkey. I argue he doesn't use big words so much as he uses phrases meant only to make things sound more important than they really are.

Someone pointed this out in the main S4Y thread, and I wish I could cite the precise examples, but I do recall it reminding me of a famous George Carlin bit. In his lifetime, said the comedian, toilet paper became bathroom tissue, motels became motor lodges, Information became Directory Assistance, etc. Carlin had another bit about airline announcements doing similar ("check around your immediate seating area" should simply be "check around your seat").

You can probably blame Berkey's baseball background. Sports folks do this all the time. When I first got into the business, my basketball coach used to say "physically talented" when he simply meant "big." Baseball pitchers talk about the velocity of their fastball rather than the speed. And sure, speed and velocity aren't synonymous, and radar guns actually measure velocity, but most pitchers don't know either of those.

Anyway, somewhere on NVG, someone compiled a list of Berkeyisms uttered on the Thinking Out Loud series. If I find it, I'll share it here.
Pretty accurate imo.

Also in addition to this he seems to love hearing himself talk,almost like he delivers speeches/monologues. The S4why crews podcast is almost unbearable some episodes when Berkey is at his worst regarding talking.
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-05-2023 , 06:31 PM
Does time on break count towards the 100 hours?
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04-05-2023 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by fakekidpoker
Because he going up against an even worse scumbag in Berkey.

I don't get the Berkey hate at all. He's been a consummate professional his whole career, hasn't scammed anyone or been involved in anything nefarious. Berkey is America's version of Patrik Antonius. The chiseled bald sex icon, ex-pro athlete turned elite Poker crusher. You hate him cuz you aint him.
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04-05-2023 , 06:47 PM
Going to the shitter every 10 minutes to get coaching is absolutely cheating. Study all you want between sessions just not during sessions
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-05-2023 , 06:52 PM
As someone who uses big words at work to sound smarter and more important than I am, both the "Berkey uses big words too much" and "Berkey uses big words incorrectly" narratives are pretty bunk.

Not surprising in a world where nuance has been lost. Big words often convey a nuance that can't be communicated with a smaller word
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-05-2023 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Danny Analton
I don't get the Berkey hate at all. He's been a consummate professional his whole career, hasn't scammed anyone or been involved in anything nefarious. Berkey is America's version of Patrik Antonius. The chiseled bald sex icon, ex-pro athlete turned elite Poker crusher. You hate him cuz you aint him.
I am baffled anyone can root for or support Whaleball. Kind of a cringe look for Doug Polk tbh. I hope Whaleball gets absolutely crushed and I’m not even a fan of Berkey I am totally neutral on him.
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04-05-2023 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Danny Analton
I don't get the Berkey hate at all. He's been a consummate professional his whole career, hasn't scammed anyone or been involved in anything nefarious. Berkey is America's version of Patrik Antonius. The chiseled bald sex icon, ex-pro athlete turned elite Poker crusher. You hate him cuz you aint him.
I'm guessing the surge of Berkey hate is directly correlated with the surge of simping for Doug
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04-05-2023 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
I'm guessing the surge of Berkey hate is directly correlated with the surge of simping for Doug
The suspicion is that Doug "Coinflex Doug" Polk is coaching Airball who has proven dedication and humility towards his craft by being coachable.
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04-05-2023 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Danny Analton
I don't get the Berkey hate at all. He's been a consummate professional his whole career, hasn't scammed anyone or been involved in anything nefarious. Berkey is America's version of Patrik Antonius. The chiseled bald sex icon, ex-pro athlete turned elite Poker crusher. You hate him cuz you aint him.
I can see the comparison with Antonious, what you described is close to accurate. That being said, somehow Antonious puts out a "cool" vibe. While Berkey somehow puts out a "cringey" vibe. Hard to pin down the exact reasons for this.
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04-05-2023 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by zrap
I can see the comparison with Antonious, what you described is close to accurate. That being said, somehow Antonious puts out a "cool" vibe. While Berkey somehow puts out a "cringey" vibe. Hard to pin down the exact reasons for this.
Yeah except Antonius is a legend and Berkey is a turd sandwich
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-05-2023 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
Yeah except Antonius is a legend and Berkey is a turd sandwich
something off-putting...looks like he stuck his head in a deep fryer many years ago...and seems a little spectrumy
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-05-2023 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by Danny Analton
I don't get the Berkey hate at all. He's been a consummate professional his whole career, hasn't scammed anyone or been involved in anything nefarious. Berkey is America's version of Patrik Antonius. The chiseled bald sex icon, ex-pro athlete turned elite Poker crusher. You hate him cuz you aint him.

Lol the Berkey hate is a bit overblown as I'm sure he could beat my 10-10 game. Patrik tho? �� holy comparison...
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-05-2023 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by dude45
Going to the shitter every 10 minutes to get coaching is absolutely cheating. Study all you want between sessions just not during sessions
ya, seems completely against the spirit of a challenge like this. airball and whoever is helping him should be embarrassed.

not sure ive seen a s4y pod or poker out loud that wasnt absurd, but gotta root for the guy at this point
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-05-2023 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by MrMiragi
ya, seems completely against the spirit of a challenge like this. airball and whoever is helping him should be embarrassed.
Its pretty much an admission of inferiority as well as bitch status.
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-06-2023 , 12:07 AM
How has noone mentioned he's probably going back for some quick bumps? What poker advice is he gonna get after 30 minutes? "hey he raised two hands but called one and then he folded that one. WhAt DoEs ThAt MeEeEeAn?"
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-06-2023 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by MrMiragi
ya, seems completely against the spirit of a challenge like this. airball and whoever is helping him should be embarrassed.

not sure ive seen a s4y pod or poker out loud that wasnt absurd, but gotta root for the guy at this point
It would be pathetic enough if Berkey was the one taking breaks and storming off after losing big pots. But it's even worse when Nick does it bc he was the one running his mouth who challenged Berkey to play in the first place.
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-06-2023 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by jinz3rd
How has noone mentioned he's probably going back for some quick bumps? What poker advice is he gonna get after 30 minutes? "hey he raised two hands but called one and then he folded that one. WhAt DoEs ThAt MeEeEeAn?"
Nick 8 ball
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-06-2023 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by jinz3rd
How has noone mentioned he's probably going back for some quick bumps? What poker advice is he gonna get after 30 minutes? "hey he raised two hands but called one and then he folded that one. WhAt DoEs ThAt MeEeEeAn?"
That has been mentioned and is plausible although I don't think he is
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-06-2023 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by jinz3rd
How has noone mentioned he's probably going back for some quick bumps? What poker advice is he gonna get after 30 minutes? "hey he raised two hands but called one and then he folded that one. WhAt DoEs ThAt MeEeEeAn?"
Who tf is noone?
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-06-2023 , 06:49 AM
Shame on 2+2 for shaming Airball for his diarrhea issues. Turdball needs the porcelain more often than the rest of us.
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-06-2023 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
As someone who uses big words at work to sound smarter and more important than I am, both the "Berkey uses big words too much" and "Berkey uses big words incorrectly" narratives are pretty bunk.

Not surprising in a world where nuance has been lost. Big words often convey a nuance that can't be communicated with a smaller word
Several prominent authors have said something along the lines of, "Never use a long word when a short one will do." There is nothing wrong with using longer or less common words when they add something meaningful to your writing. But most often, more accessible language is better.
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-06-2023 , 09:58 AM
The Chris Moneymaker show blows this 'personal' battle out of the water...
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-06-2023 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
As someone who uses big words at work to sound smarter and more important than I am, both the "Berkey uses big words too much" and "Berkey uses big words incorrectly" narratives are pretty bunk.

Not surprising in a world where nuance has been lost. Big words often convey a nuance that can't be communicated with a smaller word
Are we talking about the same Berkey?

He runs a ****ing asinine podcast - he is incentivized to waste time. All he does is ramble out of his depth. You're bogus.
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-06-2023 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by Auria
Are we talking about the same Berkey?

He runs a ****ing asinine podcast - he is incentivized to waste time. All he does is ramble out of his depth. You're bogus.
Yeah he speaks complete and utter bullsh*t and only one or two of the cohosts ever have anything interesting to say. The majority and either insufferable or too stoned to even know a podcast is happening around them
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
04-06-2023 , 10:45 AM
I mean, I'm not a fan of S4Y, only watch specific episodes on specific topics, but maybe you guys are offended because you don't know what the words hes using mean?

Thats a common reaction from dumb dumbs
Heads up between Nik Airball and Solve For Why Matt Berkey & others (NA HU containment thread) Quote
