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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

12-21-2011 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Haupt_234
your original misinformed post was about how silly players were if they wanted to play on FTP2 given that the management hasn't changed, citing a similarity between FTP2 and the old UB/AP.
Your words. Not mine.

12-21-2011 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
I understand 100% what you are referring to, although most ppl here mean major voting owners that make up the vast majority of shares.

People should also realize that the company you know as FTP is not being sold. Technically it will remain in existance, albeit insolvent. Its assets (and those of any sister entities etc) are being voluntarily forfeited to the DOJ. GBT will be buying those assets, not buying FTP.
The real issue here, and with this entire thread imo is that people are so in love with what they had (or thought they had) at FTP, or are flat out shilling for FTP at this point. They can't handle anything even remotely negative about FTP in this thread, and attack relentlessly in packs anyone who has anything to say other than FTP is great, I love FTP and we're all getting our money back.

12-21-2011 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by XaQ Morphy
The real issue here, and with this entire thread imo is that people are so in love with what they had (or thought they had) at FTP, or are flat out shilling for FTP at this point. They can't handle anything even remotely negative about FTP in this thread, and attack relentlessly in packs anyone who has anything to say other than FTP is great, I love FTP and we're all getting our money back.

If you call what happened here, attacking you in packs, you must be new to this thread.

You were called out because you made factually incorrect statements, no more, no less.
12-21-2011 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by XaQ Morphy
The real issue here, and with this entire thread imo is that people are so in love with what they had (or thought they had) at FTP, or are flat out shilling for FTP at this point. They can't handle anything even remotely negative about FTP in this thread, and attack relentlessly in packs anyone who has anything to say other than FTP is great, I love FTP and we're all getting our money back.

You're absolutely inaccurate.
12-21-2011 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
If you call what happened here, attacking you in packs, you must be new to this thread.

You were called out because you made factually incorrect statements, no more, no less.
I've read almost every single post of this thread, from the good old says of Harry and Kevmode to the rebirth of Kevmode. I've kept up on most of the news and I've been reporting it in a compilation to a poker email list I'm on.

The fact is that Bitar is still the CEO, and people told me he wasn't. That's the only fact that I posted.

12-21-2011 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by aggo
You're absolutely inaccurate.
Oh really? Not that I've ever posted anything like this, but go back through this thread and look for posts where people say that they would be happy with X amount of their balance. Watch the attack dogs pounce.

12-21-2011 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Onchan
Yes but there are STILL shareholders in pretty senior positions at the company. Not many, but some.
Yes but the company is a dead whale, soon to be cut up and devoured by sharks , oh make that investors, so the folks left in Dublin likely have very limited futures with any FTP return, with maybe a few exceptions. Nothing for the thugs
12-21-2011 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by XaQ Morphy
Oh really? Not that I've ever posted anything like this, but go back through this thread and look for posts where people say that they would be happy with X amount of their balance. Watch how wrong all of those people were while spewing bravado the whole time

12-21-2011 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by XaQ Morphy
I've read almost every single post of this thread, from the good old says of Harry and Kevmode to the rebirth of Kevmode. I've kept up on most of the news and I've been reporting it in a compilation to a poker email list I'm on.

The fact is that Bitar is still the CEO, and people told me he wasn't. That's the only fact that I posted.

This is not the only inaccuracy as fact that you posted today. I refuse to be bothered to go back to all the posts, others can, but I only need one:

Originally Posted by XaQ Morphy
It's already been verified several times in this thread that Bitar is still in his same position and will be when GBT takes over.

Lets hope that whatever group you are reporting "facts" to, does their own DD to check what the real facts are.
12-21-2011 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by XaQ Morphy
Oh really? Not that I've ever posted anything like this, but go back through this thread and look for posts where people say that they would be happy with X amount of their balance. Watch the attack dogs pounce.

I think you have a point, but it is not cut and dried.

1. some people genuinely loved the FTP experience, look, feel, etc... and want it back because to them everything else is inferior.
2. some people are FTP fanboy / nuthuggers who still blame the DOJ or Ray or anyone else
3. some people want their balances so bad that they hope FTP comes back strong enough to repay everybody ASAP at all costs
4. some people don't want to believe that they were unknowingly taking a huge risk playing on FTP and want to get paid for to prove they weren't stupid or wrong (google 'cognitive dissonance')

I think there's a lot of "4" in this thread masquerading as "1"

12-21-2011 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
This is not the only inaccuracy as fact that you posted today. I refuse to be bothered to go back to all the posts, others can, but I only need one:

Lets hope that whatever group you are reporting "facts" to, does their own DD to check what the real facts are.
Re: 2nd quote...yes, I already apologized for that. More than once.

12-21-2011 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Blizzuff
Yeah this is part of my point. Someone posts something and others jump on them and then 300 posts later state that they are wrong. Fact is no one knows wtf is going on. Nothing solid has been determined and someone who speculates when there are no hard facts can't be proven wrong. Until there's something concrete, that's all that this thread is, speculation. But as soon as any negative speculation is posted, half the posters go nuts.

12-21-2011 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by XaQ Morphy
The real issue here, and with this entire thread imo is that people are so in love with what they had (or thought they had) at FTP, or are flat out shilling for FTP at this point. They can't handle anything even remotely negative about FTP in this thread, and attack relentlessly in packs anyone who has anything to say other than FTP is great, I love FTP and we're all getting our money back.

Yes, when every single person in the universe disagrees with you, you're right of course, and everyone else is just a pack of shills who can't handle the truth. Get a grip.

And please look up the word 'shill' in a dictionary.
12-21-2011 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by XaQ Morphy
Yeah this is part of my point. Someone posts something and others jump on them and then 300 posts later state that they are wrong. Fact is no one knows wtf is going on. Nothing solid has been determined and someone who speculates when there are no hard facts can't be proven wrong. Until there's something concrete, that's all that this thread is, speculation. But as soon as any negative speculation is posted, half the posters go nuts.

You can stop talking now
12-21-2011 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
If you call what happened here, attacking you in packs, you must be new to this thread.

You were called out because you made factually incorrect statements, no more, no less.
+1 mirrion
12-21-2011 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by V-Delaney
You can stop talking now
Oh so you know what's going on? Cool, please answer these questions:

- when are US players getting paid?
- when are RoW players getting paid?
- when is FTP re-opening?

Yeah, so I'm really sorry that I said something bad about your precious FTP, but the truth hurts sometimes.

12-21-2011 , 08:02 PM
where's a good stiff newspaper when you need it
12-21-2011 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
where's a good stiff newspaper when you need it
I'm already house trained.

12-21-2011 , 08:07 PM
People in this thread don't love FTP. Most of us hate the people running the company and would gladly see some pretty awful things happen to them. We also hate fear mongering trolls that have no clue what's going on. If you can't be bothered to learn the facts, stfu and stop messing with people that have been through enough.

You haven't figured out something new. You don't have a unique perspective. You're not bringing some amazing insight that we all haven't heard 10 times before. We get your point. Now be on your way.
12-21-2011 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by DavidNB
US players have to apply to claim their money. There is no way a player can ever prove what they have on line, even a screen snapshot is useless. What the DOJ is looking for is for players to forward their account details like name, address, phone number, email, ssn and so on. Maybe they will even want a copy of your drivers licsense, and all this information will make sure they have the right player. The balance owing would be provided by FTP
Almost...but The balance owing would be provided by DoJ (Tapie and GBT paying DoJ $80m to care take of US liability and for FTP.

The DoJ will be making payments from the fund.

Originally Posted by XaQ Morphy
Oh so you know what's going on? Cool, please answer these questions:

- when are US players getting paid? LATER*
- when are RoW players getting paid? SOON
- when is FTP re-opening? SOON
*next year
12-21-2011 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by XaQ Morphy
.... Fact is no one knows wtf is going on....
.....Nothing solid has been determined.....

Originally Posted by XaQ Morphy
Oh so you know what's going on?

Did I say I know what is going on? lol, no
Did you say that it's a fact that no one knows what's going on? lol, yes
Are you wrong? lol, yes

Last edited by V-Delaney; 12-21-2011 at 08:17 PM. Reason: Am I replying to anymore of your mindless posts? lol, no
12-21-2011 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by XaQ Morphy
Oh so you know what's going on? Cool, please answer these questions:

- when are US players getting paid?
- when are RoW players getting paid?
- when is FTP re-opening?

Yeah, so I'm really sorry that I said something bad about your precious FTP, but the truth hurts sometimes.

Hey Morphy nevermind them
in answer to your question
a) June2012
b) Feb 2012
c) for ROW Feb22nd 2012,,, and for USA April 19th 2012

When it happens you can say DJRiccoLaw told them and they would not believe him, for 300 posts

DJ RiccoLaw
12-21-2011 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by DJRiccoLaw
Hey Morphy nevermind them
in answer to your question
a) June2012
b) Feb 2012
c) for ROW Feb22nd 2012,,, and for USA April 19th 2012

When it happens you can say DJRiccoLaw told them and they would not believe him, for 300 posts

DJ RiccoLaw
Ok I would like to retract my previous statement. DJRiccoLaw is the only one here who knows what's going on. You heard it here, uhh, second.

12-21-2011 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by DJRiccoLaw
Hey Morphy nevermind them
in answer to your question
a) June2012
b) Feb 2012
c) for ROW Feb22nd 2012,,, and for USA April 19th 2012

When it happens you can say DJRiccoLaw told them and they would not believe him, for 300 posts

DJ RiccoLaw
i dont know why it is exactly. something about your username and location and the way you post.

my gut says this guy knows whats up
12-21-2011 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
i dont know why it is exactly. something about your username and location and the way you post.

my gut says this guy knows whats up
For me it's that he can type the letters with the perfect amount of torque required for an online forum.

