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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

07-10-2012 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by molinn9
reading this forum last years i was pretty sure most Team Full tilt members had % in the company. Even they are maybe not in a way responsible they still could have made some statemeant about the situation and maybe act littlbe bid humble and lay low for a while. Not saying they should stop playing poker but maybe not entering 1million buyin and have side actions for millions? Do you all really think its just fine sry i dont get it. And i was def not talking about the red pros, i was talking about TEAM FULL TILT its not the same thing.
Uhm did Ivey not make a statement? Yes he did. Did Ivey not boycott the world series of poker last year completely? Yes he did. So he did infact lay low for awhile and forfeited a lot of potential money by boycotting the WSOP 2011. He said in his statement something along the lines of "I dont think its fair that I can play in the WSOP when other peoples money is stuck on the website I promoted, and for that I will not be partaking in the 2011 WSOP" Something along the lines of that, he also filed a lawsuit against FTP.
07-10-2012 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by tamiller866
This is the stuff that really matters, even if the 'deal' were complete, it couldn't actually be completed until these claims on FTP's assets are cleared, so we likely know now why there was no extension filed today.

The good news is that everything is moving forward now, the bad news is that the movement will likely be a lot slower than most of us were hoping.
please explain bolded. how are things moving forward NOW in comparison to the past? Were things not moving forward in the past? What has changed? what is happening now that leads you to believe that? Also what was the previous timeline that you were hoping for (please reference a result to accompany said timeline)? What new information has indicated that we are now on a longer timeline (hence things are moving more slowly)?

none of the above are sarcastic questions. I'm genuinely interested as to how these filings impact the future of what is left of full tilt poker both with respect to the owners cases, potential sale of the assets to pokerstars, and players getting repaid. I don't fully understand what's changed and you seem knowledgeable and could explain this a little more for me.

anyone else who's knowledgeable of such proceedings can also take a crack at above questions. (but DoTheMath if you want to please limit it to 20,000 words)
07-10-2012 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by thepizzlefosho
please explain bolded. how are things moving forward NOW in comparison to the past? Were things not moving forward in the past? What has changed? what is happening now that leads you to believe that? Also what was the previous timeline that you were hoping for (please reference a result to accompany said timeline)? What new information has indicated that we are now on a longer timeline (hence things are moving more slowly)?

none of the above are sarcastic questions. I'm genuinely interested as to how these filings impact the future of what is left of full tilt poker both with respect to the owners cases, potential sale of the assets to pokerstars, and players getting repaid. I don't fully understand what's changed and you seem knowledgeable and could explain this a little more for me.

anyone else who's knowledgeable of such proceedings can also take a crack at above questions. (but DoTheMath if you want to please limit it to 20,000 words)
Got to go with the over on that one.
07-10-2012 , 03:00 AM
Things started moving forward around May 8 when the judge issued a case management plan and scheduling order, it was unfortunate that such an order was not issued much earlier.
07-10-2012 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by NeedsToBeSaid
MOTION to Dismiss The Amended Complaint for Failure to State Claim. Document filed by Oldford Group LTD, PYR Softward Ltd, Rational Entertainment Enterprises LTD., Sphene International Ltd., Stelekram Ltd.. Responses due by 7/30/2012(Zornow, David) (Entered: 07/09/2012)
07/09/2012 200 MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 199 MOTION to Strike Document No. 68 (Claim of Robb Evans).. Document filed by United States Of America. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Cowley, Jason) (Entered: 07/09/2012)
07/09/2012 199 MOTION to Strike Document No. 68 (Claim of Robb Evans). Document filed by United States Of America.(Cowley, Jason) (Entered: 07/09/2012)
07/09/2012 198 MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 197 MOTION to Strike Document No. 150 (Claim of Avoine).. Document filed by United States Of America. (Cowley, Jason) (Entered: 07/09/2012)
07/09/2012 197 MOTION to Strike Document No. 150 (Claim of Avoine). Document filed by United States Of America.(Cowley, Jason) (Entered: 07/09/2012)

First one is pokerstars. Next two, I'm not sure. I'm going to guess that is a player that made a claim. Forth and fifth relate to a motion about AP/UB.
My understanding is that these briefs needed to be filed unless a deal is officially complete or the case is dismissed. Both of these events require the judge to presiding over the case to sign off on them. So even if the DOJ, PS, and FT have all dotted the i's and crossed the t's at this point, these filings would occur.

If a deal is going to happen, I doubt we will know before the presiding judge officially signs off on it. And then you wont have to check this thread to get that great news.

I'm personally optimistic that all we need is that signature at this point. That DOJ letter asking for one more week would not have asked for that time frame unless the DOJ anticipated the settlement being ready for final approval right now. GL everyone!!!
07-10-2012 , 03:04 AM
We're still missing filings from FTP, AP/UB, and Ray Bitar. Since Ray only recently returned, it's possible that the deadline did not apply to him (was he served?). Seems likely that the others will appear on the docket tomorrow. Although I do find it odd that they are missing.
07-10-2012 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by As armas
My understanding is that these briefs needed to be filed unless a deal is officially complete or the case is dismissed. Both of these events require the judge to presiding over the case to sign off on them. So even if the DOJ, PS, and FT have all dotted the i's and crossed the t's at this point, these filings would occur.

If a deal is going to happen, I doubt we will know before the presiding judge officially signs off on it. And then you wont have to check this thread to get that great news.

I'm personally optimistic that all we need is that signature at this point. That DOJ letter asking for one more week would not have asked for that time frame unless the DOJ anticipated the settlement being ready for final approval right now. GL everyone!!!
i hope ur right... would be great to get the $ i have locked up on there... think happy thoughts.. think happy thoughts.. :/
07-10-2012 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by As armas
My understanding is that these briefs needed to be filed unless a deal is officially complete or the case is dismissed. Both of these events require the judge to presiding over the case to sign off on them. So even if the DOJ, PS, and FT have all dotted the i's and crossed the t's at this point, these filings would occur.

If a deal is going to happen, I doubt we will know before the presiding judge officially signs off on it. And then you wont have to check this thread to get that great news.

I'm personally optimistic that all we need is that signature at this point. That DOJ letter asking for one more week would not have asked for that time frame unless the DOJ anticipated the settlement being ready for final approval right now. GL everyone!!!
I wish I could be nearly that optimistic. Hopefully, you are right.
07-10-2012 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by NeedsToBeSaid
We're still missing filings from FTP, AP/UB, and Ray Bitar. Since Ray only recently returned, it's possible that the deadline did not apply to him (was he served?). Seems likely that the others will appear on the docket tomorrow. Although I do find it odd that they are missing.
Ray is being charged with criminal wire fraud, so he might not have to file in the civil case, AB/UB and the FTP companies are effectively dead (bankrupt), PS had to file because it is still a going concern.
07-10-2012 , 03:22 AM
So what was that 1 week deadline about that everyone was so optimistic about? It has came and passed, and still no news.... awesome.... Did someone say something about something being on a doc tomorrow that we could be optimistic about?

I cant wait till I pick up my copy of NCAA tomorrow and will go back to checking this once a week... (save the smartass comments)
07-10-2012 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by thepizzlefosho
please explain bolded. how are things moving forward NOW in comparison to the past? Were things not moving forward in the past? What has changed? what is happening now that leads you to believe that? Also what was the previous timeline that you were hoping for (please reference a result to accompany said timeline)? What new information has indicated that we are now on a longer timeline (hence things are moving more slowly)?

none of the above are sarcastic questions. I'm genuinely interested as to how these filings impact the future of what is left of full tilt poker both with respect to the owners cases, potential sale of the assets to pokerstars, and players getting repaid. I don't fully understand what's changed and you seem knowledgeable and could explain this a little more for me.

anyone else who's knowledgeable of such proceedings can also take a crack at above questions. (but DoTheMath if you want to please limit it to 20,000 words)
They didn't ask for another extension to negotiate, they are cleaning up the claims and we will either learn that PS is buying the assets in return for player repayment, or that the DOJ is just liquidating to build a remission fund.

I think we should just go with what Bitar himself said, that his return was indeed part of the process of getting players repaid:

We have all worked hard over the last 15 months to preserve Full Tilt’s assets and potential in order to provide for the repayment of all players, and that continues to be our top priority. It is as important as ever that we all do everything possible to make that happen and, hopefully our deal with Poker Stars will very soon make our goal a reality. My return to the US is part of this process.
I think it will be slower than we expected because we now know that all these (frivolous?) claims need to be dismissed by a judge before any deal will be announced, whereas before there was a presumption that the DOJ could just turn FTP's assets over to PS unilaterally.
07-10-2012 , 03:35 AM
ok thanks. that makes sense. So the point is that it's unlikely that they are still hashing out the details of a potential deal. Either a) it's ready to go before a judge after the dismissal claims are dealt with or b) it's off the table and if the DOJ successful gains FTPs assets they will look to liquidate them in order to establish a remission fund (aka hopefully pennies on the dollar years from now).

do I have a pretty good handle on it or am I missing something?
07-10-2012 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by fml95
Uhm did Ivey not make a statement? Yes he did. Did Ivey not boycott the world series of poker last year completely? Yes he did. So he did infact lay low for awhile and forfeited a lot of potential money by boycotting the WSOP 2011. He said in his statement something along the lines of "I dont think its fair that I can play in the WSOP when other peoples money is stuck on the website I promoted, and for that I will not be partaking in the 2011 WSOP" Something along the lines of that, he also filed a lawsuit against FTP.
So last year, he was so distraught, he couldn't play when others couldn't. This year, when nothing has changed, he's playing Million dollar buy ins, cross-booking millions, and basically says **** everyone else. Good to see at least one fan boy was fooled by his dog and pony show.
07-10-2012 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by tamiller866
Ray is being charged with criminal wire fraud, so he might not have to file in the civil case, AB/UB and the FTP companies are effectively dead (bankrupt), PS had to file because it is still a going concern.
Is it possible we don't see any filings from them? (total noob)

And +1 to the work being done by the more knowledgeable minds ITT. It is very much appreciated.
07-10-2012 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by thepizzlefosho
ok thanks. that makes sense. So the point is that it's unlikely that they are still hashing out the details of a potential deal. Either a) it's ready to go before a judge after the dismissal claims are dealt with or b) it's off the table and if the DOJ successful gains FTPs assets they will look to liquidate them in order to establish a remission fund (aka hopefully pennies on the dollar years from now).

do I have a pretty good handle on it or am I missing something?
My own opinion is that the negotiations were over before Bitar ever got on that plane, the deal was worked out, they got Judge Kaplan to recuse himself, they file all their motions to strike these claims, everything going too perfectly not to be orchestrated.

But yes, even the worst case scenario, that PokerStars backed out of the deal and left big Ray hanging, at least the roller coaster ride will soon be over and everyone may get ~.20 on their dollar.
07-10-2012 , 03:51 AM
Ik I've been wrong on a few bold claims.. but I think you can trust me this time .

I'm like 99% sure and I don't want to sound cocky but my inside source says

We are not getting the news today. It just isn't happening today.

Idk I've been wrong before... But Idk I just have that feeling you know?

One time rpftw
07-10-2012 , 03:51 AM
Originally Posted by oneonth3run
Is it possible we don't see any filings from them? (total noob)

And +1 to the work being done by the more knowledgeable minds ITT. It is very much appreciated.
I think it's very possible, since both companies are in the process of being dissolved, there wouldn't be much reason contesting their fines.
07-10-2012 , 03:56 AM
So basically at some point, today, the docs will be out and we will have our 2+2 legal minds putting this into terms we can all understand and have a better idea as to what is going to happen soon? So sounds like a deal is done, or we are waiting to see what happens to the assests? Or am I way offffff... Sorry if I am....
07-10-2012 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by capiscc
Let's get real here for a second. Let's stop the speculation and opinions. I have been following this for far to long. The reason being because I have five figures on FT. I sit at the casino and have to explain to other players what's going on, I feel like I'm an expert by now! I know, just like the rest of the 2+2 crowd what the timeline has been. That being said, why do we continue to talk nonsensical? No one knows more than "us". "us" being this community. We're very small. We need to elaborate and specifically talk about the present. Otherwise we shouldn't talk at all. Because we're all poker players who care deeply about this issue. Opinions and peoples thoughts don't help the issue, it just clogs up what us players and respective 2+2'ers want to hear. IMO we're getting close and I have sources that say the deal is near conclusion.

Ok, so Bitar got bailed out today. Let's think as intelligent individuals what that means. Well, that means the doj felt he wasn't a flight risk nor were they worried. Why? Well that could be a number of reasons.
1. They are in negotiations and fleeing would endanger any possibility of a plea bargain.
2. They already had a deal in place, thus the reason for surrendering.
3. The us isn't worried about Bitar fleeing because we have the best intelligence in the world and they aren't worried.

Please fellow poker players and 2+2 community, can we please structure this thread on intellectual responses rather than irrelevant conversation? Let's create conversations that are truly worthwhile. If I'm wrong and everyone is against this idea, then I'll never post again. Just thought I'd give my 2 cents. Good night.

Judges set bail not prosecutors. I was under the impression the prosecutors asked he not be given bail.
07-10-2012 , 04:04 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
Judges set bail not prosecutors. I was under the impression the prosecutors asked he not be given bail.
Yeah, they said they needed an urgent hearing with Judge Kaplan because $2.4M wasn't nearly enough assurance that Bitar wouldn't jump bail, but as soon as Kaplan recused himself, Ray put up a $100k warehouse as additional collateral and suddenly they were fine with granting him bail.
07-10-2012 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by Huskermoney00
So basically at some point, today, the docs will be out and we will have our 2+2 legal minds putting this into terms we can all understand and have a better idea as to what is going to happen soon? So sounds like a deal is done, or we are waiting to see what happens to the assests? Or am I way offffff... Sorry if I am....
You have to be a level seriously.

Deal is obviously not ****ing done. If it was done we would know about it.

Unless this entire situation is a Damn conspiracy then r speculation is as useful as scientology.

If it were a conspiracy then
Ftp and ps knew **** was bad. They knew if both rooms survived then big fines were imminent. More money to be made with a scam

I think FTP AND PS colluded against the DOJ. They knew ftp would crumble, they knew the DOJ would scramble to save face to make sure players got paid. The sites knew their leverage.

They drag ftp to the brink of termination , just when it looked darkest the plan was for PS to swoop in and save the day. PS would cut a deal, save both poker rooms. Perfect to save ftp brand its perfect if ps steps in last minute .

Minimal jail time, only one reduced fine instead of 1bill each.... That fine includes what is owed to ftp players huge +value.It is the most diabolical and perfect scheme. Perfect y? bc of the sites negotiating power and ability to give money to pay players back

Idk y I just realized it
07-10-2012 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by black_friday
You have to be a level seriously.

Deal is obviously not ****ing done. If it was done we would know about it.

Unless this entire situation is a Damn conspiracy then r speculation is as useful as scientology.

If it were a conspiracy then
Ftp and ps knew **** was bad. They knew if both rooms survived then big fines were imminent. More money to be made with a scam

I think FTP AND PS colluded against the DOJ. They knew ftp would crumble, they knew the DOJ would scramble to save face to make sure players got paid. The sites knew their leverage.

They drag ftp to the brink of termination , just when it looked darkest the plan was for PS to swoop in and save the day. PS would cut a deal, save both poker rooms. Perfect to save ftp brand if perfect ps steps in.

Minimal jail time, only one reduced fine. It is the most diabolical and perfect scheme. Thus is the case bc of the sites negotiating power that OS money to pay players back

Idk y I just realized it
Tamiller86: "My own opinion is that the negotiations were over before Bitar ever got on that plane, the deal was worked out, they got Judge Kaplan to recuse himself, they file all their motions to strike these claims, everything going too perfectly not to be orchestrated.

But yes, even the worst case scenario, that PokerStars backed out of the deal and left big Ray hanging, at least the roller coaster ride will soon be over and everyone may get ~.20 on their dollar."

Ill take the explanation from Tamiller, who doesn't use profanity and act like an idiot. Or just another CM..... Maybe you're the level? Not gonna argue though.... have a good one BF....
07-10-2012 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
Judges set bail not prosecutors. I was under the impression the prosecutors asked he not be given bail.
07-10-2012 , 04:23 AM
I thought the DOJ was all powerful and never lost a case before?

But now stars has a legit way out of paying the fine imposed by the DOJ? is that what is happening right now?
07-10-2012 , 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by black_friday
Ik I've been wrong on a few bold claims.. but I think you can trust me this time .

I'm like 99% sure and I don't want to sound cocky but my inside source says

We are not getting the news today. It just isn't happening today.

Idk I've been wrong before... But Idk I just have that feeling you know?

One time rpftw

I know you are trying to be helpful but I think posting alleged insider info without verification is still against the rules.
