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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

06-17-2012 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by NeedsToBeSaid
The original point was "why don't you just learn something and get a job." If you enjoy what you do, you're clearly not a slave. I have seen more examples then I can count of people who hate their jobs but don't quit them. Those people are slaves. I find the need to speak up when such people tell others that they are lazy and stupid for not being as miserable as they are.
I dunno. Kinda sounds like you just have really stupid friends. The majority of my real world friends enjoy their job on some level and quite a few really like it. They also have a certain amount of extra enjoyment from the stress free way you get paid every two weeks that poker doesn't allow.

Not to say I didn't love my time as a professional poker player, but the idea that if you aren't playing poker professionally that you're just going to be a slave to work at a **** hold job forever and you'll hate yourself makes you sound like a really awful person to be around IMO.
06-17-2012 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by NeedsToBeSaid
The original point was "why don't you just learn something and get a job." If you enjoy what you do, you're clearly not a slave. I have seen more examples then I can count of people who hate their jobs but don't quit them. Those people are slaves. I find the need to speak up when such people tell others that they are lazy and stupid for not being as miserable as they are.
If you enjoy what you do, but you cannot do it any more, and yet you're fixated solely on your frustration at not being able to do it more, instead of focusing on "what can I do instead", then you're a slave to your own arrogance, you're a slave to your own stupidity, if you're too stupid to realize "hey, I can't do this anymore, I need to do something else, because I'm not accomplishing anything whining about not being able to do this anymore".

That is the predicament of online players in the U.S. Really, after 15-16 months, if you're still whining about not being able to make a living because you can't play, you're a slave to your own arrogance, because most people in that position have had the self-awareness to move on to something else in the meantime.

Originally Posted by NeedsToBeSaid
You're mistaking ability with desire.
No, I'm not. Because if someone carries that kind of attitude, they really do lack the ability to work in an environment that includes, among other things, being able to get along with other people in a work environment.

Originally Posted by ZBTHorton
but the idea that if you aren't playing poker professionally that you're just going to be a slave to work at a **** hold job forever and you'll hate yourself makes you sound like a really awful person to be around IMO.
"I agree."

Originally Posted by NeedsToBeSaid
I agree.
The lack of ability to detect sarcasm in writing, is often a detriment to holding down an actual job.

Last edited by SGT RJ; 06-17-2012 at 03:12 PM.
06-17-2012 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by ZBTHorton
I dunno. Kinda sounds like you just have really stupid friends. The majority of my real world friends enjoy their job on some level and quite a few really like it. They also have a certain amount of extra enjoyment from the stress free way you get paid every two weeks that poker doesn't allow.
Good for them. Do you get that just like poker isn't for everyone a job isn't for everyone? Also it's stupid relatives for the most part.

Not to say I didn't love my time as a professional poker player, but the idea that if you aren't playing poker professionally that you're just going to be a slave to work at a **** hold job forever and you'll hate yourself makes you sound like a really awful person to be around IMO.
I think it's safe to say that I would be a pretty miserable person if I had a job. If you're referring to that I think that's true of everyone, well I addressed that one.
06-17-2012 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Mondogarage
The lack of ability to detect sarcasm in writing, is often a detriment to holding down an actual job.
You made what you thought was an outlandish parody of my point of view. I said "I agree" to clarify that I don't believe that it is outlandish. Though ZBT seems to know a lot more people that enjoy their jobs then I do. So maybe it's not most.
06-17-2012 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by NeedsToBeSaid
Good for them. Do you get that just like poker isn't for everyone a job isn't for everyone? Also it's stupid relatives for the most part. .
Do you get that, if your job was to play online poker professionally, and circumstances intervened to make it such that you can no longer play online poker professionally, you probably need actually find another way to make a living, because nobody else is going to provide one for you?

One thing about earning an actual paycheck, you're never in makeup. Also, the law firms I've worked for have never bounced a payment to me.
06-17-2012 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by Mondogarage
If you enjoy what you do, but you cannot do it any more, and yet you're fixated solely on your frustration at not being able to do it more, instead of focusing on "what can I do instead", then you're a slave to your own arrogance, you're a slave to your own stupidity, if you're too stupid to realize "hey, I can't do this anymore, I need to do something else, because I'm not accomplishing anything whining about not being able to do this anymore".
Actually you can do it so your whole point is nonsense.

That is the predicament of online players in the U.S. Really, after 15-16 months, if you're still whining about not being able to make a living because you can't play, you're a slave to your own arrogance, because most people in that position have had the self-awareness to move on to something else in the meantime.
I still play and make a living online.

No, I'm not. Because if someone carries that kind of attitude, they really do lack the ability to work in an environment that includes, among other things, being able to get along with other people in a work environment.
I seem to do fine in my brief two year exposure. You'll have to give more details about what you think would be impossible for me there.

Originally Posted by Mondogarage
Do you get that, if your job was to play online poker professionally, and circumstances intervened to make it such that you can no longer play online poker professionally, you probably need actually find another way to make a living, because nobody else is going to provide one for you?
No I don't get that because it's not true.

One thing about earning an actual paycheck, you're never in makeup. Also, the law firms I've worked for have never bounced a payment to me.
That's an illusion of security. What happens when they fire you?

Last edited by SGT RJ; 06-17-2012 at 04:20 PM.
06-17-2012 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by NeedsToBeSaid
Actually you can do it so your whole point is nonsense.

I still play and make a living online.
That's nice, and entirely irrelevant to all the Americans who either cannot emigrate, or choose not to do so.
06-17-2012 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Mondogarage
That's nice, and entirely irrelevant to all the Americans who either cannot emigrate, or choose not to do so.
Like me?
06-17-2012 , 03:29 PM
06-17-2012 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by NeedsToBeSaid
Like me?
I don't know, and don't care, where you're from. If you're in the US and managing to still play online (on Cake, or somewhere), that's all well and good until enforcement agencies catch up to whatever other sites or payment processors are still out there gaming financial institutions into processing transactions. In the current legal state, there is a non-zero chance that the ability to do so indefinitely ends. And if/when it does, the ability to move money around to do so ends, at which point, you're no longer able to actually receive the money you think you're earning by playing.

I know you're sitting here arguing just for the sake of arguing, which is pretty ****ing pointless, really, because I don't care whether you wish to argue or not, it's no skin off my ass, just as it is whether you're in the US or not.

It doesn't change the truth of my broader point, because not everyone is willing to continue to try to keep finding sites to play on, and ever shadier means by which to cash out, when they already have months or so of income stuck in places they can't get it off of. And those people need jobs, whether or not you choose to agree, or whether or not you wish to argue over.
06-17-2012 , 04:28 PM
If you "play" poker for a living, it is a job.

If you don't realize that yet, you might wish to reconsider your career choice.
06-17-2012 , 04:33 PM
It does suck in the US but its certainly not dead, u just have to accept the risks and bs that comes with it
06-17-2012 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by Mondogarage
I don't know, and don't care, where you're from. If you're in the US and managing to still play online (on Cake, or somewhere), that's all well and good until enforcement agencies catch up to whatever other sites or payment processors are still out there gaming financial institutions into processing transactions. In the current legal state, there is a non-zero chance that the ability to do so indefinitely ends. And if/when it does, the ability to move money around to do so ends, at which point, you're no longer able to actually receive the money you think you're earning by playing.

I know you're sitting here arguing just for the sake of arguing, which is pretty ****ing pointless, really, because I don't care whether you wish to argue or not, it's no skin off my ass, just as it is whether you're in the US or not.

It doesn't change the truth of my broader point, because not everyone is willing to continue to try to keep finding sites to play on, and ever shadier means by which to cash out, when they already have months or so of income stuck in places they can't get it off of. And those people need jobs, whether or not you choose to agree, or whether or not you wish to argue over.
You're basically clueless about the current situation and options available to Americans as your previous posts and that one show. Not surprising since you aren't a professional player and don't have to figure it out. Sorry it pisses you off to have your ignorance thrown in your face.

Also note that I didn't start arguing with you. I was addressing a poster who takes pleasure in putting down people that obviously don't need that ****.

Originally Posted by TheDarkElf
If you "play" poker for a living, it is a job.

If you don't realize that yet, you might wish to reconsider your career choice.
Silly semantics.

Last edited by SGT RJ; 06-17-2012 at 05:00 PM.
06-17-2012 , 04:45 PM
This thread used to be cool...
06-17-2012 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Reaper421
This thread used to be cool...
This thread has never been cool
06-17-2012 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by NeedsToBeSaid
You're basically clueless about the current situation and options available to Americans as your previous posts and that one show. Not surprising since you aren't a professional player and don't have to figure it out. Sorry it pisses you off to have your ignorance thrown in your face.
I don't care whether you VPN or not, just don't let PS find out and seize your funds.
06-17-2012 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Mondogarage
I don't care whether you VPN or not, just don't let PS find out and seize your funds.
You're not as smart as you think you are. Once again.
06-17-2012 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by SuperJez
Howie, Jesus and all of the team FTP members who received dividends from player funds are just laughing all the way to the bank. This is what it feels/seems like to me and I find it inconceivable. I mean just to pick one example why does Andy Bloch get a pass? The guy was on team FTP from the start and must have received some fat payments out of player funds yet hes swanning around the WSOP doing post bracelet interviews being treated like a god. I just dont understand.
Almost ALL the shareholders except Lederer and Ferguson are playing in the WSOP....they should be all called out and barred from competing IMO....


They all act like NOTHING happened.
06-17-2012 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by jhn_lundgren
Almost ALL the shareholders except Lederer and Ferguson are playing in the WSOP....they should be all called out and barred from competing IMO....


They all act like NOTHING happened.
Well these 6 do not = "almost all" and I've noticed at least 3 more in action with more expected before WSOP is over.
As long as everyone continues to give them a walk, they will take advantage.

So far people just say "Hey, so what the hell happened" and when they answer "Gee I dunno, but GL"...and those same people say "ok, cool, thanks"...this is what happens.
06-17-2012 , 06:43 PM
06-17-2012 , 06:54 PM
I have been reading and some people is discussing something atracted my attention in the last 2 pages. Want to say poker can make you a slave just as any other job. In fact you can take drugs and not be a slave of them. It all depends of how everyone is going to face with the current situation they are. It's not right to say people making normal jobs are slaves of the system because not all of them are slaves under your point of view no matter what your point of view is. Let's thing about someone working in Mcdonalds. Well, we could say they're slaves at first looking them working there but we could just be wrong by saying this because the person working there could just be trying this new job to gain experience and not pretending doing it for life anyway. I think we could say a person is not slave if this person is able to CHANGE no matter what happens in the life. When you're stuck in something then you're a slave. We're slaves of our material world anyway (Most of us are are stuck on it).

Last edited by hypergeometry; 06-17-2012 at 07:02 PM.
06-17-2012 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by cazj88
06-17-2012 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
Well these 6 do not = "almost all" and I've noticed at least 3 more in action with more expected before WSOP is over.
As long as everyone continues to give them a walk, they will take advantage.

So far people just say "Hey, so what the hell happened" and when they answer "Gee I dunno, but GL"...and those same people say "ok, cool, thanks"...this is what happens.
Surely you must expect a very different scenario if it becomes clear that FTP is dead and will never be revived. Right now a lot of people feel like they would love to act out more but want to see how this mess resolves first. If it resolves negatively, it is possible none of these people will be showing their faces again in the wsop.
06-17-2012 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
Surely you must expect a very different scenario if it becomes clear that FTP is dead and will never be revived. Right now a lot of people feel like they would love to act out more but want to see how this mess resolves first. If it resolves negatively, it is possible none of these people will be showing their faces again in the wsop.
Thats the point. The end does not justify the means. IF there is a successful resolution and players get their money back, it is not because of anything that these collective owners have done. Them keeping quiet (publicly) for the last 14 months has not furthered the cause of people receiving their funds back, its been nothing but self serving. Their reception in the poker community should be no different whether you are paid or not.

I assure you, not one of them will be voluntarily writing a check for $350M+ to make things right, although they have had ample opportunity to do that.

Planning to take a bow and take credit for any deal happening now or ever by these people is just absurd. It's like someone walking into your home and stealing $100K worth of your jewelry. The guy never is caught. A year later, you win $100K in the lottery. Even tho you know that Joe Blow stole your jewels and his wife is wearing your wife's wedding ring in a new setting, Do you say that the thief is now welcome to come over for a drink because you got your money back?
06-17-2012 , 07:14 PM
Likely no one will do anything but act tough on 2+2, but if some fruitcake does try something, how much security rhe FTP pros have personally and from the casinos will likely be very extensive.
