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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

06-10-2012 , 06:07 AM
Originally Posted by YaBoyINthe604
so no progress has been made and it's June 10/2012 3:03am PST, how do those Full Tilt guys sleep at night, I wonder if any of them have received death threats
on a daily basis.

they consider themselves immortal!
06-10-2012 , 06:10 AM
So is there any truth to the post (by a new acct) claiming there will be some type of announcement/press release on the 11th or 12th of this week?
06-10-2012 , 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by TravisD411
lol at her being the most valuable poster, your clearly clueless she has contriubted nothing but speculation and opinion which is the equivalint to everyone else in this thread except that fact that 90% of ppl in this thread take what ever she says as the truth which does more harm than anything.
There are 4 or 5 people that have made the difference between in complete darkness and having decent information given the situation. NoahSD and DiamondFlush are 2 of them, saying anything else is pure crap. Ban imo.

Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
No and no.
Are you confirming with your hypothetical that the current equity of our FTP money is not that bad?
06-10-2012 , 06:22 AM
Originally Posted by novahunterpa
I hear that the announcement will be made by President Lincoln on November 19 in Gettysburg.
Whats the address of this?
06-10-2012 , 06:30 AM
I hope we get our money back and would personally thank the person who was responsible, at the main event
06-10-2012 , 07:19 AM
phil ivey is playing at the world series this year and as far as im concerned he is almost as responsible. he borrowed millions from the site after being paid millions and then concocted a crazy lawsuit to protect his interest... nobody has kicked the shy** out of him yet, so if the deal is announced i can easily see chris and howard showing up. there will be some booing and such but theyll have their 100 million dollar security team and wont be touched. the masses will be placated by the unexpected bonus of their full tilt cashback
06-10-2012 , 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by pokur
phil ivey is playing at the world series this year and as far as im concerned he is almost as responsible. he borrowed millions from the site after being paid millions and then concocted a crazy lawsuit to protect his interest... nobody has kicked the shy** out of him yet, so if the deal is announced i can easily see chris and howard showing up. there will be some booing and such but theyll have their 100 million dollar security team and wont be touched. the masses will be placated by the unexpected bonus of their full tilt cashback
I agree. Within 3 years they will be walking around the rio like nothing ever happened.
06-10-2012 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by oneonth3run
So is there any truth to the post (by a new acct) claiming there will be some type of announcement/press release on the 11th or 12th of this week?
06-10-2012 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
I think that anybody willing to bet that something is going to happen by a date certain when there are so many principals, lawyers, the DOJ and a Judge or 2 involved is, well, crazy. Any death in the family, illness or w/e unforseeable emergency and it's postponment time again.
I'm with you Howard. I still don't understand why someone would post this detailed hypothetical, and then say that part of it is not hypothetical, without knowledge of some important facts. My experience in similar situations is that not even the principals are sure it is a done deal until the agreement(s) are inked.
06-10-2012 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by DePokerGod
Whats the address of this?
post of the week , ICWUDT
06-10-2012 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by Schneids
There's no positive that can come from everyone saying they're going to direct hate at HL/CF/RB if any of them try to take credit for a deal that gets us money. As I understand it there's still the chance something could happen to make a deal fall through, perhaps even via HL/CF/RB's doings? I'd love for those guys to think they're going to get a warm or lukewarm reception if a deal happens. We're reverse free-rolling ourselves by publicly saying we won't forgive them. I personally can't wait to hopefully someday get my Full Tilt money back, and see those guys back at the poker tables doing what they do best. No hard feelings bros, just get us our money back!
I think I agree with this. If I get my money back, I have no problem with putting everthing in the past. That doesn't mean I trust anyone, just that it's over and let's move on.
06-10-2012 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by Gioco
I'm with you Howard. I still don't understand why someone would post this detailed hypothetical, and then say that part of it is not hypothetical, without knowledge of some important facts. My experience in similar situations is that not even the principals are sure it is a done deal until the agreement(s) are inked.
All she seems to have said is that IF there were an announcement made that players would be made whole, either now from PokerStars or previously from GBT, either Lederer or Ferguson or both (she didn't specify) would consider themselves vindicated, and the rumors of plans to play in the WSOP were 'feelers' to see if the poker community agreed.

Judging from the reaction, the most common response being 'so this means we are getting paid?', I'd say the water is fine - or would be IF there were an announcement.
06-10-2012 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by tamiller866
All she seems to have said is that IF there were an announcement made that players would be made whole, either now from PokerStars or previously from GBT, either Lederer or Ferguson or both (she didn't specify) would consider themselves vindicated, and the rumors of plans to play in the WSOP were 'feelers' to see if the poker community agreed.

Judging from the reaction, the most common response being 'so this means we are getting paid?', I'd say the water is fine - or would be IF there were an announcement.
I don't think the condition precedent, you emphasize, was in the original post, or made clear in it.

I think it's been made clear that DF's post was nothing; but when DF, the person many people have called "one of the two most trusted posters itt," posts a detailed hypothetical resolution, and then says that part of it is not hypothetical, it's hard to think there is not some fact behind it.
06-10-2012 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by MICK E JUICE

You sir are a complete tool if you believe DF has contributed nothing itt.
What has she contributed in this thread about PS/FTP deal that is not speculation? absolutely nothing.
06-10-2012 , 09:50 AM
i just started my new job,working 10 hours/day in a fabric while howard and chris chilling around and partying with my stolen 48,900$ .

btw. i wanted to go to wsop first time in my life with this money but no, thx to howard and co.
06-10-2012 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by bbfg

Are you confirming with your hypothetical that the current equity of our FTP money is not that bad?
considering the offers i get for my full tilt money the current equity is worse then bad!

blizzuff is still the only and highest bidder and values the dollar at 0,0085$!!!
06-10-2012 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by Gioco
I understand but DF said, "Let me make it a little clearer: While I inferred that the person was hypothetical, I assure you, the plan is not." I assume the plan, being declared to be not hypothetical, is real. I'll admit, I'm confused.
I read it a bit differently. That may be someone's plan, but any settlement of FTP's issues necessarily involves attorneys from DOJ and a federal judge (and quite likely but not definitively, PS). What one person may plan on, does not necessarily match the plans of everyone else.

So I look at it more as, well, this is what someone *wants* to happen. Maybe it can, maybe it can't, but it's not something that one person is going to be able to actually ensure happens.
06-10-2012 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by Gioco
I don't think the condition precedent, you emphasize, was in the original post, or made clear in it.

I think it's been made clear that DF's post was nothing; but when DF, the person many people have called "one of the two most trusted posters itt," posts a detailed hypothetical resolution, and then says that part of it is not hypothetical, it's hard to think there is not some fact behind it.
She posted:

...this hypothetical person... might hypothetically put out feelers that he would play the main event this year if/when some deal were announced that worldwide players would be repaid...
I added the emphasis on the if.

The truth behind it, what she seems to want everyone to know, is that Mr. Hypothetical hasn't actually done anything to help players get repaid, probably has slowed/hurt the process, but is planning to take credit if this (or any other) deal goes through.
06-10-2012 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by random564
i just started my new job,working 10 hours/day in a fabric while howard and chris chilling around and partying with my stolen 48,900$ .

btw. i wanted to go to wsop first time in my life with this money but no, thx to howard and co.
Your entire roll was on FTP LOL?
06-10-2012 , 10:39 AM
My entire roll was on FTP. Used it as a bank. Even as a ROW player I could only get some out, because i hit max withdrawal limits.
06-10-2012 , 10:43 AM
I can't wait for the five year anniversary when people are saying that it's the next landmark date we are all waiting for. By then It will be the DOJ that is rumored to be negotiating with itself to buy FTP and pay us all back. Just be patient and wait 4 more years. One time !!!!
06-10-2012 , 10:46 AM
Been thru this many times before. Some guys were a little stupid or oblivious about leaving so much in their accounts, BUT many more tried to withdraw and just couldn't get it done in time before the total collapse of FTP, for reasons that are very clear NOW, but not back then.
06-10-2012 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
I can't wait for the five year anniversary when people are saying that it's the next landmark date we are all waiting for. By then It will be the DOJ that is rumored to be negotiating with itself to buy FTP and pay us all back. Just be patient and wait 4 more years. One time !!!!
dude seriously, stfu.
06-10-2012 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by tamiller866

The truth behind it, what she seems to want everyone to know, is that Mr. Hypothetical hasn't actually done anything to help players get repaid, probably has slowed/hurt the process, but is planning to take credit if this (or any other) deal goes through.
Sounds like Ivey to me...
06-10-2012 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by A+++
Always the pessimist huh? In the next 14 days pocket kings will announce job positions for the new fulltilt within 21 days after that a major announcement will take place. Be prepared to be shocked and stunned.
Originally Posted by A+++
99.9%? I am not Chinamaniac others in the thread can vouch for that. I have no radio or tv show and no internet site to promote and if truth be known i have minuscule amount of $ tied up on fulltilt. I am however in Dublin and am in contact with people i know. No i cannot reveal where i heard this and i am sorry for that. nevertheless i assure you that this is the timeline that i have been given and trust this 100%
Some people have been taking this moron seriously from these quotes above, so let's compare that to his previous claims on his last 2+2 account shall we?

Originally Posted by tompakee
Last time i will be posting in this thread or NVG. Apparently some of the old "REGS" are butthurt over my signature and i cannot use it here anymore. News from Dublin is this.

Jobs have been put on hold for now.

New recruitment drive will start in the next 1/2 weeks.

An announcement will not take place for another 3/4 weeks.

Good luck all

Tompakee signing outta this thread and others all because this guy couldn't look at an extra 3 words and a smiley at the end of my posts lol

Reaction from people who are not droolers to that?

Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
AFAIK, there is no validity to any of these assertions, nor could they have come from anyone in authority to make such claims.
Originally Posted by GoMuckYourselfBro
Would be very interesting if this were true.

I work with a large Dublin based recruitment agency that have worked with PK before. Will see if I can get this confirmed.

Originally Posted by GoMuckYourselfBro
For what it's worth, this doesn't appear to be true. It's been denied that there will be a hire plan put live within weeks.
So that's a prick and massive attention whore lying to you before about essentially the same thing and now he's doing it again with the same details. And since he's pretending to have some veracity for these claims some poor fools in here are actually believing him. Just wants the attention.

Trolling and getting people's hopes up like that in this thread should probably be a banning offense.
