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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

05-23-2012 , 09:44 AM
Diamond flush,
Why is it that you haven't reported one thing of the negotiations in a month but the second someone suggests banding together in a lawsuit you instantly appear with a long winded response. Really would like to know your ulterior motives.
05-23-2012 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
Diamond flush,
Why is it that you haven't reported one thing of the negotiations in a month but the second someone suggests banding together in a lawsuit you instantly appear with a long winded response. Really would like to know your ulterior motives.
Yes I have an ulterior motive, you caught me.

My motive is to save people from spending yet more money on attorneys fees that has like a zero chance of getting them the resolution they need.

As for my articles, why would you care? You've made clear you don't believe anything you read anyway.

I report facts. The fact is, afaik, negotiations are ongoing. When there is more to report than that, I will do so. Please save your trolling until then.
05-23-2012 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by DJRiccoLaw
Diamond I completely respect your hard (unpaid)work on this debacle so far as trying to keep the community posted on the workings and goings on of this deal , but to be honest I want to find out how a foreign(to me) government has the right to shut down and freeze my funds when I have broken no law by playing on Full Tilt Poker.
This is another thing I don't get. I believe it's common practice to seize funds and try to shut down a company when they commit bank fraud and other criminal acts. How does the U.S. government have the right to shut them down you ask? FTP committed bank crimes in the U.S., that's how they have the right. It seems obvious to me that you can't commit crimes in other countries and continue to operate. Amirite?
05-23-2012 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
Yes I have an ulterior motive, you caught me.

My motive is to save people from spending yet more money on attorneys fees that has like a zero chance of getting them the resolution they need.

As for my articles, why would you care? You've made clear you don't believe anything you read anyway.

I report facts. The fact is, afaik, negotiations are ongoing. When there is more to report than that, I will do so. Please save your trolling until then.
Im not trolling anyone. I'm doing what people should be doing. Questioning everyone and everything. Had anyone done that leading up to this mess maybe it wouldn't have happened. We trusted millions to a group of degenerate gamblers and what a surprise they stole it all. Sorry if me questioning the motives of a person working for free hurts your feelings but none of this **** adds up.
05-23-2012 , 10:01 AM

The US DOJ is treating its own citizens like **** in this matter, why are you suprised that they would treat someone in Ireland or Belarus any different? It does not matter what you think is right or wrong. They have the power, we have none! PS is really the last best hope for full recovery, and that is dubious. If there is no deal , then BR is next and that is pennies on the dollar at best after ages of lawyer thievery! This thing could end well, but your money could also be gone forever. Take any action you feel could help if you want, but IMHO it will just be more of your money lost for no return. Hell maybe this time next week this will all be moot. GL to you sir and all other stiffed players USA and ROW
05-23-2012 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by Bene Gesserit
likely a few more "suits" in the know than 2 or 3 , but not many more. None of them post on 2+2! or care **** what anyone here says or thinks about ANYTHING, waiting for them to act is all that can be done
More importantly, none of them are the least bit interested enough in violating the terms of the protective order surrounding settlement negotiations, to spill the beans to some poker forum, poker podcast, or even Scott Matusow.

Which is why two things are true. One, this may either be resolved today, or in six months, or in some other indeterminate timeframe, and two, chinamaniac's full of crap.
05-23-2012 , 10:03 AM
The communities response to JimboCrushstar vs Howard Lederer/Russ Hamilton and company is akin to the penalities of bank robbery to ponzi schemes/wall street scandals.

For small amounts of money, people rallied on 2+2 and other forums to hound and persue JimboCrushstar. The result is that he is convicted and some people could get closure on this. Jimbo's crime is akin to holding up a liquor store in the amount scammed vs FTP scam.

So...2+2 has intelligent people on here. Why isnt there some sort of cordinated effort against Bitar/Lederer and others for some justice or compensation for the FTP scam? What gives every potential scammer who runs a poker site solace is Russ Hamitlon! Russ Hamilton is one of the papa's of the internet poker scam....UB took a lot of money. Russ is seen in a lot of public places and casinos. Nothing happens to one files a series of petty suits against him...he is a bloated sac of puss and nothing happens to him.

So until a lot more action happens against Bitar/Lederer then we almost deserve what happened to our money....people lost 30 to 40 percent equity in their houses in the American market. Know what the middle class did...nothing...

Your money is only out there to be scammed...take the first step and only keep a minimal bankroll online...
05-23-2012 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by DJRiccoLaw
Diamond I completely respect your hard (unpaid)work on this debacle so far as trying to keep the community posted on the workings and goings on of this deal , but to be honest I want to find out how a foreign(to me) government has the right to shut down and freeze my funds when I have broken no law by playing on Full Tilt Poker.

The seized funds I refer to are the ones Subject poker referred to prior to BF.
If you are referring to all the funds seized from US payment processors over the last few years by DOJ, that money is long gone. In most circumstances, no claims were made for them by the owners of the accounts at the time and they were forfeited by default. (exceptions with claims, also resulted in eventual forfeiture). As to the players, afaik, the sites made players whole for the money they (the sites/processors) lost in those seizures. As you know, claims have to be made within the 60 day window of notice. Players didnt care at the time, since they suffered no harm. Regardless, players would have had no standing to make such claims anyway, the same as the issue since BF.

The funds that they seized would cover the ROW deposits on FTP
I mean no offense to the US players here on US citizens at all, but the phantom deposits which all were made in the US would have covered the US players balances,(correct me if I am wrong here)
I'm not sure I follow this re the phantom deposits. The DOJ doesnt have that money either. In fact, since the overwhelming vast majority of it was no longer in the accounts of the depositors, other players, likely ROW, gleaned access to these "virtual" funds by winning from US players, or p2p transfers etc. Not at all saying that those wins werent valid, they were, just not sure where you are headed here.

I am, as you rightly point out, completely frustrated with this mess, I have between my own balance and stakee's funds owed to me on FTP, quite a substantial life changing amount tied up for almost a year now.

I am so tired and worn out by all of this that it is seriously beginning to affect my quality of life outside of poker.

I have done well from poker down through the years both live and online and have and enjoyed a higher quality of life than I may have without poker.
At this very moment it feels like a tradesman who has no longer the tools to ply his trade, I foolishly treated FTP like my bank, and stored way to much of my net worth on there as did many of the posters in this thread.

I have just had it with all the waiting and hearing nothing positive at all since the site went down.

I just really need some answers and if I have to pay for them I would rather do it collectively as the price of a barrister in this country is astrnomical
I get it, honest. And I appreciate you wanting to take a proactive approach. I just don't see how hiring an attorney at this time helps you. This is what I would like to know. What would an attorney be able to do for you right now, besides take your money?
Thanks again for all your insight it really is most appreciated


DJ Ricco LAW

05-23-2012 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
Im not trolling anyone. I'm doing what people should be doing. Questioning everyone and everything. Had anyone done that leading up to this mess maybe it wouldn't have happened. We trusted millions to a group of degenerate gamblers and what a surprise they stole it all. Sorry if me questioning the motives of a person working for free hurts your feelings but none of this **** adds up.
I agree with you on the questions re the sites and that questions should have been asked long before now. As to your last sentence, don't see at all why you don't believe that I have no agenda. I don't. There is no other way for me to say that.
05-23-2012 , 10:38 AM
Isn't this China's last day? It's come and almost gone! Damn it China, I'd actually put quite alot of hope into the deadline you came up with
05-23-2012 , 10:38 AM
Still no china man post? I fully expect the standard things are delayed blah blah blah next week we should hear some good news bs from this fraud. Remember who told you what he was up to and boycott any show affiliated with this fraud.
05-23-2012 , 10:49 AM
A note to all of you angered and/or dumbfounded by the US shutting down online poker and poker sites: This is what governments do.

It's not idealistic, pretty nor--in my estimation--right; however, the folks in power at the DOJ have the money and guns on their side. The lawyers at the DOJ wouldn't be lawyers at the DOJ if they weren't absolutely effective at touting their altruistic duties to uphold the sacred laws of this US while simultaneously thinking and behaving in ways that will lead down them down the paths of personal power maximization.
05-23-2012 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Khal Drogo
Isn't this China's last day? It's come and almost gone! Damn it China, I'd actually put quite alot of hope into the deadline you came up with
I thought he had till Thursday

Anything new since Friday? I guess not
05-23-2012 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
I agree with you on the questions re the sites and that questions should have been asked long before now. As to your last sentence, don't see at all why you don't believe that I have no agenda. I don't. There is no other way for me to say that.
Diamond if you had to answer to following question, what would your best educated guess be based on your sources ? :

''are we really (i mean REALLY) close to hearing some big news'' or is this china stuff all really made up and are we in for several weeks/months of waiting again ?
05-23-2012 , 11:20 AM
^^ that's the golden question.

What ya think Diamond?
05-23-2012 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by KingKoopaa
^^ that's the golden question.

What ya think Diamond?
She already answered that last week. By the end of this week everything should be clear.
05-23-2012 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by Khal Drogo
Isn't this China's last day? It's come and almost gone! Damn it China, I'd actually put quite alot of hope into the deadline you came up with
Don't worry, I'm sure someone else will come up with a new deadline as soon as this one runs out. Hope it doesn't run out obv.

EDIT: There ya go, post above me, end of the week it is now because we all know businessy things tend to happen on a weekend. When that one runs out I'm sure another will be along soon.
You know, with animals we usually put them out of their misery as an act of kindness..

Last edited by m00sy; 05-23-2012 at 11:32 AM.
05-23-2012 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by m00sy
Don't worry, I'm sure someone else will come up with a new deadline as soon as this one runs out. Hope it doesn't run out obv.
It will though.
05-23-2012 , 11:37 AM
Spoke to Bwin.Party guy today about what they thought and they think it is not good. They do not know anything insider, but with the NJ news and if PS cannot get back in to the US then the deal is dead.

Why pay back all of us and not get back in to the US? PS are not doing it to be kind, it is a business deal with the DOJ! If that deal does not work then we are screwed. I feel those negotiations are still going on, that's why the delay in announcement.

Trouble is the longer it goes the blacker it looks, if all was cool with the DOJ deal it would have been announced by now. Look how it all dragged on with GBT and how that went belly up......
05-23-2012 , 11:41 AM
So that guy knows absolutely nothing and its just that guy's opinion.
05-23-2012 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by Khal Drogo
Isn't this China's last day? It's come and almost gone! Damn it China, I'd actually put quite alot of hope into the deadline you came up with
My last day for what? Deadline?

I have a deadline on some bets for 24th @ midnight

If no announcement comes by weeks end I promised SGT RT I won't post anymore insider info I get and I will stick to that
05-23-2012 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by foldacedeuce
Spoke to Bwin.Party guy today about what they thought and they think it is not good. They do not know anything insider, but with the NJ news and if PS cannot get back in to the US then the deal is dead.

Why pay back all of us and not get back in to the US? PS are not doing it to be kind, it is a business deal with the DOJ! If that deal does not work then we are screwed. I feel those negotiations are still going on, that's why the delay in announcement.

Trouble is the longer it goes the blacker it looks, if all was cool with the DOJ deal it would have been announced by now. Look how it all dragged on with GBT and how that went belly up......
A guy thinking something involving Poker Stars may not be in good shape.

Color me surprised.
05-23-2012 , 11:46 AM
If the doj don't come to an agreement with stars I'll totally lose faith in that department. There's got to be reasonable incentive for stars to get it done with all the news that was leaked like 3 weeks ago, I just can't fathom why the doj would make it so difficult for them that it falls through...
05-23-2012 , 11:47 AM
Just dont post anymore at all. Nobody gives two flying ****s what you think bro. Find a friend/life/hobby because your now a fin outcast from here.

Guys like you are losers and will always be losers.
05-23-2012 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
Still no china man post? I fully expect the standard things are delayed blah blah blah next week we should hear some good news bs from this fraud. Remember who told you what he was up to and boycott any show affiliated with this fraud.
If I got word something was delayed I would post it. I have heard nothing about a delay.
