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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

04-22-2012 , 05:46 AM
Tafferboy - 17
Green Glove - 3

I'll update the Post 24938 list from time to time.
04-22-2012 , 06:04 AM
Wow, why does playing on FTP have a score of 32? This is way too big and should be no more than 2. A lot of players will play on FTP, given that it's going to be a completely different site, only the name will be the same. Can you imagine it coming back after all the time, money, legal procedures, and going bankrupt within a month or something? Sounds ridiculously unrealistic, especially given that it will have resolved all its issues with the DOJ, so technically it's probably going to be the safest poker room to play at. The only people withdrawing would be those who have some strange emotional issues with the particular combination of phonemes/graphemes (i.e. "Fulltilt Poker").

Also, I don't really care what happens to Bitar et al., as long as they stay far from FTP (unless some of them can somehow prove that what happened really wasn't their fault, but that's just a hypothetical).

So, my score is 1+2+2+8 = 13 (the second 2 is playing back on FT if it comes back).
04-22-2012 , 06:07 AM
Well, to be fair, I must say that I will not be playing on FTP, not because of this ordeal, but because I am very happy where I am right now.
04-22-2012 , 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by la6ki
Wow, why does playing on FTP have a score of 32? This is way too big and should be no more than 2. A lot of players will play on FTP, given that it's going to be a completely different site, only the name will be the same. Can you imagine it coming back after all the time, money, legal procedures, and going bankrupt within a month or something? Sounds ridiculously unrealistic, especially given that it will have resolved all its issues with the DOJ, so technically it's probably going to be the safest poker room to play at. The only people withdrawing would be those who have some strange emotional issues with the particular combination of phonemes/graphemes (i.e. "Fulltilt Poker").

Also, I don't really care what happens to Bitar et al., as long as they stay far from FTP (unless some of them can somehow prove that what happened really wasn't their fault, but that's just a hypothetical).

So, my score is 1+2+2+8 = 13 (the second 2 is playing back on FT if it comes back).
Hello - the only scores that are meaningful in their own right are 0 (everything will go badly) and 63 (everything will turn out right). After that, the only value of using binary is that all of your thoughts on the matter can be combined into a single number and reliably disassembled again.

That means that 18 isn't more optimistic than 4 and 3 isn't more pessimistic than 62.

Your number is therefore : 1 + 2 + 8 + 32 = 43.

Last edited by TafferBoy; 04-22-2012 at 06:44 AM.
04-22-2012 , 06:52 AM
To calculate your position:

Start at 0
Add 1 if you think this situation will end positively for players (some or all cash back)
Add 2 if you think the situation will have concluded within a year
Add 4 if you think Bitar et al will get what they deserve from this mess
Add 8 if you think US regulation will be better as a result of lessons learned here
Add 16 if you think DoJ is genuinely concerned about players
Add 32 if you will play on FTP without insta-withdrawing if it comes back.

To work out someone else's position, take away the folowing numbers in order

Subtract 32, if you can - you'll see them on the tables at FTP2
Subtract 16, if you can, they trust the DoJ to do the right thing
Subtact 8, if you can, US regulation will protect players rather than accidentally setting rake levels too high
Subtract 4, if you can, Howard and Ray will need to be careful not to drop the soap in their next shower
Subtract 2, if you can still do this, then you've only got another year max before closure
If you're left with anything (it will be a 1) then players will soon be seeing some of their cash back.

This works because 4 ≡ 20 mod 16 and 7 ≡ 15 mod 8 and so forth.

Here are three optimists (everyone will get their cash back sooner or later).

Tafferboy - 17 (ppl will get paid, DoJ can be trusted)
Green glove - 3 (ppl will get paid within year)
L6ski - 43 (ppl will get paid within the year, US regulation will be a good thing, see you on the tables at FTP2)

Last edited by TafferBoy; 04-22-2012 at 06:59 AM. Reason: Got modulo example wrong ldo
04-22-2012 , 07:11 AM
Good thing you are here TafferBoy cause I'm really bored this morning.
04-22-2012 , 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by Blizzuff
I think you're making this way too black and
Viewing this thread as an "optimists vs pessimists" war is silly, as there's been very little of that, it just seems otherwise because joeyrules keeps popping his head out of his whole and making a little snide comment every week or so and everyone makes fun of his sheer stupidity. Between that there really has been a whole lot of interesting discussion between people of varying view points that are far from black and white.

You don't even know how to spell "hole" yet you call me stupid. Irony.
04-22-2012 , 07:27 AM
04-22-2012 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by TafferBoy
Hello - the only scores that are meaningful in their own right are 0 (everything will go badly) and 63 (everything will turn out right). After that, the only value of using binary is that all of your thoughts on the matter can be combined into a single number and reliably disassembled again.

That means that 18 isn't more optimistic than 4 and 3 isn't more pessimistic than 62.

Your number is therefore : 1 + 2 + 8 + 32 = 43.
Ah, I see. Fair enough.

Could you just correct the spelling of my name?
04-22-2012 , 07:32 AM
To calculate your position:

Start at 0
Add 1 if you think this situation will end positively for players (some or all cash back)
Add 2 if you think the situation will have concluded within a year
Add 4 if you think Bitar et al will get what they deserve from this mess
Add 8 if you think US regulation will be better as a result of lessons learned here
Add 16 if you think DoJ is genuinely concerned about players
Add 32 if you will play on FTP without insta-withdrawing if it comes back.

To work out someone else's position, take away the folowing numbers in order

Subtract 32, if you can - you'll see them on the tables at FTP2
Subtract 16, if you can, they trust the DoJ to do the right thing
Subtact 8, if you can, US regulation will protect players rather than accidentally setting rake levels too high
Subtract 4, if you can, Howard and Ray will need to be careful not to drop the soap in their next shower
Subtract 2, if you can still do this, then you've only got another year max before closure
If you're left with anything (it will be a 1) then players will soon be seeing some of their cash back.

The list so far

Tafferboy - 17 (ppl will get paid, DoJ can be trusted)
Green glove - 3 (ppl will get paid within year)
La6ki - 43 (ppl will get paid within the year, US regulation will be a good thing, see you on the tables at FTP2)
bigNDpants - 43 (ppl will get paid within the year, US regulation will be a good thing, see you on the tables at FTP2)
04-22-2012 , 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by yesright
you think the 440M dividends paid to the pros/owners was stolen.
Stop telling me what I think!
The exact opposite is true.

Originally Posted by yesright
According to bubble math we should count money probably earned honestly as stolen money.

Originally Posted by DoTheMath
Wrong again.
Exactly, that was my point.

Now gtfo shill, you should have been banned months ago!

Originally Posted by hellojello
Ya no shill here eh Tomkee.
He is constructive and positive instead of destructive.
Also his information is reliable and not manipulative all the time.

Keep up the good work

Originally Posted by TafferBoy
To calculate your position:

Start at 0
Add 1 if you think this situation will end positively for players (some or all cash back)
Add 2 if you think the situation will have concluded within a year
Add 4 if you think Bitar et al will get what they deserve from this mess
Add 8 if you think US regulation will be better as a result of lessons learned here
Add 16 if you think DoJ is genuinely concerned about players
Add 32 if you will play on FTP without insta-withdrawing if it comes back.
35, hoping for 24 more.
Great post again.
04-22-2012 , 07:49 AM
To calculate your position:

Start at 0
Add 1 if you think this situation will end positively for players (some or all cash back)
Add 2 if you think the situation will have concluded within a year
Add 4 if you think Bitar et al will get what they deserve from this mess
Add 8 if you think US regulation will be better as a result of lessons learned here
Add 16 if you think DoJ is genuinely concerned about players
Add 32 if you will play on FTP without insta-withdrawing if it comes back.

To work out someone else's position, take away the following numbers in order

Subtract 32, if you can - you'll see them on the tables at FTP2
Subtract 16, if you can, they trust the DoJ to do the right thing
Subtact 8, if you can, US regulation will protect players rather than accidentally setting rake levels too high
Subtract 4, if you can, Howard and Ray will need to be careful not to drop the soap in their next shower
Subtract 2, if you can still do this, then you've only got another year max before closure
If you're left with anything (it will be a 1) then players will soon be seeing some of their cash back.

The list so far

Tafferboy - 17 (ppl will get paid, DoJ can be trusted)
Green glove - 3 (ppl will get paid within year)
La6ki - 43 (ppl will get paid within the year, US regulation will be a good thing, see you on the tables at FTP2)
bigNDpants - 43 (ppl will get paid within the year, US regulation will be a good thing, see you on the tables at FTP2)
Bubbleblower - 35 (ppl will get paid within the year, see you on the tables at FTP2)

Last edited by TafferBoy; 04-22-2012 at 07:55 AM.
04-22-2012 , 08:08 AM
I'm at 51 (1+2+16+32)
04-22-2012 , 08:10 AM
04-22-2012 , 08:29 AM
To calculate your position:

Start at 0
Add 1 if you think this situation will end positively for players (some or all cash back)
Add 2 if you think the situation will have concluded within a year
Add 4 if you think Bitar et al will get what they deserve from this mess
Add 8 if you think US regulation will be better as a result of lessons learned here
Add 16 if you think DoJ is genuinely concerned about players
Add 32 if you will play on FTP without insta-withdrawing if it comes back.

The list so far

Tafferboy - 17 (ppl will get paid, DoJ can be trusted)
Green glove - 3 (ppl will get paid within year)
La6ki - 43 (ppl will get paid within the year, US regulation will be a good thing, see you on the tables at FTP2)
bigNDpants - 43 (ppl will get paid within the year, US regulation will be a good thing, see you on the tables at FTP2)
TexDanny - 43 (ppl will get paid within the year, US regulation will be a good thing, see you on the tables at FTP2)
Bubbleblower - 35 (ppl will get paid within the year, see you on the tables at FTP2)
AvoidMe? - 51 (ppl will get paid within the year, DoJ can be trusted, see you on the tables at FTP2)

Not many pessimists around atm. Any odd number is by definition someone who thinks the players won't be given the shaft.
Would love to get DTM's view and AnnAch's.
04-22-2012 , 08:40 AM 35 (but i agree the 32 for playing there again is maybe too high).
04-22-2012 , 08:50 AM
lolz quiz spam
04-22-2012 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by GonZo72
lolz quiz spam
Prolly needs its own thread so it doesn't clog up all the breaking news here.
Just not sure how to do that.
04-22-2012 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by GonZo72
lolz quiz spam

Just edit your posts please

Edit: In case you don't know how to edit:

In the lower right of every post of yours, left to "quote", there's an "edit"-button.
04-22-2012 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by AvoidMe?

Just edit your posts please

Edit: In case you don't know how to edit:

In the lower right of every post of yours, left to "quote", there's an "edit"-button.
Ah - I just worked out how to start a thread, so I did that.

Mods - please feel free to kill all of my quiz spam posts in here.
04-22-2012 , 09:00 AM
Create a new thread in NVG..
04-22-2012 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by tompakee
Just been hunting and seems a lot of pocket kings staff moved on (as you do)
Gary Ludgate
Technical Recruiter
I.T. Recruiter at Pocket Kings
Peter McLaughlin
Head of IT Security at
Past Head of Security at Pocket Kings
Peter Mares
Enterprise Architect at Odobo Limited
Software Development Manager at Pocket Kings

Makes sense that all of their HR staff have moved on to.

Is mise Tomapkee

Keep up the good work

I will add that jobs.i

are a genuine site and i have recruited on there before myself.

Originally Posted by hellojello
Ya no shill here eh Tomkee.

Lol take no notice of this rigtard gimmick account. Apparently when i post stuff like this or when i post links to sites where former ftp employees slate ftp management...that makes me an ftp shill Jello is just a rigtard gimmick account of blatentlyrigged (from the poker is rigged thread) who has finally lost the plot. Cannot face the fact that no one listens to his howling about mythical rigs anymore so has resorted to stalking me in other threads

Is mise Tompakee
04-22-2012 , 11:31 AM
My position is about 350 points. So that means I can't wait to get my freaking money back!!! And then maybe I'll decide if I will play on FTP2.
04-22-2012 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by la6ki
Wow, why does playing on FTP have a score of 32? This is way too big and should be no more than 2. A lot of players will play on FTP, given that it's going to be a completely different site, only the name will be the same. Can you imagine it coming back after all the time, money, legal procedures, and going bankrupt within a month or something? Sounds ridiculously unrealistic, especially given that it will have resolved all its issues with the DOJ, so technically it's probably going to be the safest poker room to play at. The only people withdrawing would be those who have some strange emotional issues with the particular combination of phonemes/graphemes (i.e. "Fulltilt Poker").

Also, I don't really care what happens to Bitar et al., as long as they stay far from FTP (unless some of them can somehow prove that what happened really wasn't their fault, but that's just a hypothetical).

So, my score is 1+2+2+8 = 13 (the second 2 is playing back on FT if it comes back).
The numerical values are meaningless. It appears to be a simple bitmask.
04-22-2012 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by MicroRoller
The numerical values are meaningless. It appears to be a simple bitmask.
Exactly - the value was being able to see who felt the same about stuff. Well it was anyway. Separate thread got modded into oblivion and I can take a hint.
