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Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE

09-19-2014 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by lkasigh
Okay, there are some great online players who don't care to play live. I get that. There are some online guys who switched to live MTTs and had great results. I get it.

I'm just saying that if you list off the top live MTT players, Negreanu is in the mix, he hasn't been displaced by the new crop of "online superstars" (the way he would have been if every online $200NL grinder had a massive edge over him). Maybe Mercier or Polk or one of the other guys you mentioned is "better" - at that level it's not really meaningful - they are all top tier players.

It's ridiculous to assume that someone who developed skills to become top tier in one discipline of poker couldn't become a top tier player in another discipline. We're not talking about limit 5-draw or super-hyper double-or-nothing SNGs where the skill differential is basically capped, they're both incredibly high skill-intensive formats of poker and the skill sets needed to beat them are almost completely overlapping.

Anyway, I'm tired of repeating myself. If you disagree, you're entitled to your opinion. Peace.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 06:36 AM
Originally Posted by DNegs
OK, so before we go further, in the spirit of integrity I wanted to reveal the special trick I have up my sleeve. I will be using whats called a "HUD" which stands for Heads Up Display. It's a software program that will track your stats as well as the stats of your opponents. After sessions, I will look at those numbers and study them! I wouldn't feel right about accepting this bet if I didn't come clean with that part. I imagine some of my opponents at those stakes have also likely heard of these programs, and I checked with PokerStars, they ARE legal. It also tracks all the hands I've played on PokerStars as well as my win/loss records. I am quite certain that most would be rather shocked with what those results look like. I was!
are you serious?
your opponents haven't only heard of them, they'll also be using them against you! They also have custom stats such as positional stats or stats which include board textures. All built using notecaddy... There is one guy i know of who has spent $10k+ on those notecaddy definitions (stats). If you don't know what notecaddy is i'd say you better check it out in the commercial software forum or just google it, it's quite powerful...
good luck!
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by coach999
are you serious?
your opponents haven't only heard of them, they'll also be using them against you! They also have custom stats such as positional stats or stats which include board textures. All built using notecaddy... There is one guy i know of who has spent $10k+ on those notecaddy definitions (stats). If you don't know what notecaddy is i'd say you better check it out in the commercial software forum or just google it, it's quite powerful...
good luck!
Nice level.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by NLSoldier
It seems obvious that this bet should be done strictly at zoom tables, that way daniel can invite whoever he wants to come play but the more fish he brings in the more regs will join the pool and mitigate the edge he gains from the fish. Zoom would also make it easier to complete the hand requirement in a (relatively) short time frame.

If it's done at normal tables it would either end up with Daniel being a big favorite due to being able to build far better games than what normally run, or be a huge dog constantly playing against 5 of the top players in the world.
if they play zoom daniel would play a lot of hands where no fish is at his table due to regs 3-4 tabling and the only fish in the pool 1 tabling... i doubt he'd want that from what I have read so far.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 07:42 AM
I am one of the most clever poker players in the world. I know how difficult it is for me to beat 1/2. Therefor there is no way Daniel can beat 25/50. Nah, put the troll away. Daniel is a clever guy. I am sure he can do it. I am sure he will figure out a way to beat 25/50. I think the long time line and small number of hands is in Daniels favor. Would be much more interesting how Daniel plans to table select and get games running. Will he sit and wait for recreationals or play tough pros HU? Will he use the wait list? Will he use any auto seat scripts to get seats? It might already be answered in this thread, but sorry it is too long to read.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by allwind
I am one of the most clever poker players in the world. I know how difficult it is for me to beat 1/2. Therefor there is no way Daniel can beat 25/50. Nah, put the troll away. Daniel is a clever guy. I am sure he can do it. I am sure he will figure out a way to beat 25/50. I think the long time line and small number of hands is in Daniels favor. Would be much more interesting how Daniel plans to table select and get games running. Will he sit and wait for recreationals or play tough pros HU? Will he use the wait list? Will he use any auto seat scripts to get seats? It might already be answered in this thread, but sorry it is too long to read.
Great post
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 08:19 AM
If a fish is needed to accurately simulate what it means to "win in NLHE 25/50" then I am willing to sacrifice myself and be that fish

I can attach results and played hands for the last 6 years to ensure that I am indeed a fish of the caliber that is needed here. There has to be specific tables where DN and me have reserved seats. I will play as often that is needed to fill the general "fish percentage" in 25/50.

There is only one problem..I dont have the roll to play in those stakes, but I figure PS could sponsor me, it would be pennies for them and in exchange they could promote their "numero uno" player in further, a win-win situation for everybody.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 08:50 AM
I'm officially in the "never gonna happen" camp.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 08:57 AM
Daniel plays every super high roller that runs except the WPT ones. He rebuys into them seemingly as many times as he can (he bought into the aussie 100k and 250k like 3 times each or something crazy). I highly doubt stars is free rolling him into all of these on top of his paycheck. Thats many millions of dollars every year and he would have no reason to be selling action to people.

Maybe they do for all we know, but thats a lot of money being dumped into a high varience gamble that he wins or places top 3 in those fields. If this was his deal then king nit helmuth would be a stars pro
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by DNegs
I totally understand that and accept that. So if for example I sat at a table with two regs along with, say, Guy, at the very same time occasionally, this would be considered cheating? From what you are saying, no matter what, I will always be facing the top regs and I'm aligned with that, but if I invite a bad player to also play in the game, that's not ok? And yes, I mean sitting at precisely the same time to be ahead of the seat scripters? Without seat scripting none of this would even be an issue, but playing exclusively against the top 5 regs isn't something I am willing to wager on.
Of course you are allowed to click join at the same time as anybody else. If it happens all the time with the same player of course this will look suspicious. However, the script issue might be so serious now, that you might not even be able to click at the same time.

Twoshae got a very good point. You wont be able to get seats, unless you are willing to play in extremely tough (HU) line ups. There is one leak, that still might be able to get you a seat. When somebody reserves a seat, you can reserve a seat also. Then if it is not a top 5 player, you can click enter and put your stack down. I did not play on Stars for some time, so I don't know if it is still possible, or the scripters will do the same.

Stars is the only site, where the sites auto seat software, lets the scripters get reserved before the one who reserved the seat via the site. That being said, not all sites have auto seat software implemented in their software.

I am not likely to bet. I would think 1 or 2 years is an extremely long time to wait for the bet to finish. How about 2 month of playing time and you must sit and be willing play 25 hours a week. If one week you play 30 hours, then next week you will be allowed to play only 20 hours. It could be an idea if you announce when your sessions will be, so people can come to play and watch you. If nobody plays you, you can add this time to the 25 hours a week time. Also, if you want to take some days off for an event, I would think it is quite ok you get days off for that + a couple of extra days for traveling etc. But you must complete the the bet within a reasonable timeframe. You must be willing to play minimum 2 tables, with no limit to how many tables you are allowed to sit in at. But yeah, you want your table selection. But hey, if then you give 20 names, then you are free to decline if the line up consists only of those players. You will be allowed to edit this player list in a reasonable way, fx. once a day, but never while playing. Just suggestions and everything open to debate.

Now again, how did you plan on getting seats?
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 09:42 AM
Funny Daniel uses Guy as an example of someone he would want to sit with. I would guess they're probably of a similar ability level in regards to online cash
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 09:59 AM
He has just blatantly admitted above that he would only do it if he can bumhunt and that is not in line with the initial claim.

Also, his idea of bumhunting might not be up to speed e.g. Malaceasia (spelt wrong?) and the other occasional fish in these games are far superior to Guy. Someone like Guy would be a massive dog at even 100NL zoom. Solid 5/10 regs are fishy in these 25/50 games but they would still sit to feed on the fishier Negs. My point: the standard fish in these games wouldn't be fish compared to Negs. He really would need a Guy at the table to not be the spot imho.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by SandraXII
Funny Daniel uses Guy as an example of someone he would want to sit with. I would guess they're probably of a similar ability level in regards to online cash
Its funny cause its true
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 10:12 AM
Guys/Dneg take a look at bottom right table @ 3:31:13 on this video first:

Dnegs only real chance to get on a table with fun player is the rec player seatscripting to Dneg's right, which is obv. cheating / colluding. He (like every new reg) has to earn enough respect first from the 5k regs to not insta fill the table every time he joins, so he has the chance to some rando takes the seat after couple of orbits. Inviting friends to the game looks shady to me, but could be OK if they dont start the sessions at the very same time/same table/same etc.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 10:23 AM
Daniel is full of crap. He will go crazy if everyone just stop posting on any threads about him. If you guys stop he will plant another one in a few days. He reads twoplustwo all day and has it on google alert.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by Two SHAE
There is a partial exception for zoom. You can start a zoom game with a fish. However, what will happen is, the zoom pool will balloon to like 20+ players with all the top regs 4 tabling and you will play a small % of your hands at the same table as the fish. The best players having 4 entries will mean you'll play a ton of tables with no fish and 5 of the top 10 regs.
What if he could get Stars to create a Zoom pool capped at 1 entry per player?

On that note, Stars could create 4+ Zoom pools per level, each capped at 1 entry per player. The pool you enter could either be randomly assigned, or in order such that every players first Zoom entry goes in pool A, their 2nd entry goes into pool B, etc.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 10:41 AM
inviting guy etc. to play seems abit "wrong", as that won't truly be seen as "beating high stakes nlhe" on stars, alteast in my eyes. he should be playing in the games that run every day without some sort of special **** beeing done

big fan of daniel, was my inspiration and idol from the start and will be fun to see this happen and have him succeed (despite that beeing unlikely no matter how much the games may be softened by invited fish etc. :/)
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by Ham77mer
What if he could get Stars to create a Zoom pool capped at 1 entry per player?

On that note, Stars could create 4+ Zoom pools per level, each capped at 1 entry per player. The pool you enter could either be randomly assigned, or in order such that every players first Zoom entry goes in pool A, their 2nd entry goes into pool B, etc.
I don't think he should be having any special measures just because he's sponsored by Stars. He claimed he could be 5kNL and he should go about it the same way every other player who can beat it had to. He can have a seating script to sit with weaker players but will have to accept people will be targeting him as well until he proves himself good enough that they don't want to insta sit with him. That's how all the other 5KNL regs had to do it and if he wants to back up his initial claim, he should do this also.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 10:54 AM
Also I'd love to hear how the conversation would go between him and the rec players he says he's going to invite.

'I've made a bet that I can't win unless somebody much worse than me plays as well. It will be me and 4 of the best online players in the world. Also I'd like the weak player to sit to my direct right. Do you want to be that guy?'
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Soulwaxical
I don't think he should be having any special measures just because he's sponsored by Stars. He claimed he could be 5kNL and he should go about it the same way every other player who can beat it had to. He can have a seating script to sit with weaker players but will have to accept people will be targeting him as well until he proves himself good enough that they don't want to insta sit with him. That's how all the other 5KNL regs had to do it and if he wants to back up his initial claim, he should do this also.

Talk the talk and walk the walk Negs or else gtfo. It's not complicated.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 11:17 AM
it almost seem like the people who are quickly dumping words similar to ''lol 1/2 online players could not blablabla...'' are not aware that a 3bb+/100 winner at 200NL in 2014 is not completely clueless about poker.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 12:30 PM
cultie self confidence comes before the fall...
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Soulwaxical
Also I'd love to hear how the conversation would go between him and the rec players he says he's going to invite.

'I've made a bet that I can't win unless somebody much worse than me plays as well. It will be me and 4 of the best online players in the world. Also I'd like the weak player to sit to my direct right. Do you want to be that guy?'
Honestly I would pay money to hear Daniel having a talk like this. I can't even imagine how you would initiate that conversation without seriously offending the fish.

"Hey so I'm doing this challenge and we need some amateur players, but the problem is normal amateurs are too good, I'm gonna need someone REALLY bad who's losing at -30bb/100 to make me profitable in this game. Oh yeah, I'm gonna need you to play 50,000 hands as well. No problem right?"
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by MarginOfErrr
Honestly I would pay money to hear Daniel having a talk like this. I can't even imagine how you would initiate that conversation without seriously offending the fish.

"Hey so I'm doing this challenge and we need some amateur players, but the problem is normal amateurs are too good, I'm gonna need someone REALLY bad who's losing at -30bb/100 to make me profitable in this game. Oh yeah, I'm gonna need you to play 50,000 hands as well. No problem right?"
He wouldn't word it quite like that. But fish aren't stupid - they will know straight away that they're being targeted for their money by a bunch of online nerds. Negreanu really hasn't thought this one through at all.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-19-2014 , 03:55 PM
whats the trick under his sleeve?
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
