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Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE

09-17-2014 , 08:24 PM
you all are crazy.

Judges are there for a reason, stop making stupid stipulations on top of stipulations about who Dnegs can/cant play against.

Set a stake, agree on judges, agree on >$0, agree on timeframe and get it on.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-17-2014 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by Two SHAE
You will not be able to start a game because the lobby is King of the Hill. When you join a 25/50 table, forhayley and katya_84 will already be sitting there. Once you sit, the other 3 seats will fill from seat scripts/top regs (or in some cases, top regs WITH seat scripts).

If you tell a fish friend to join the table first, you won't be able to get a seat because the scripters will get there first. Therefore, the only way for you to play a fish is to join at more or less the exact same time. Or...

There is a partial exception for zoom. You can start a zoom game with a fish. However, what will happen is, the zoom pool will balloon to like 20+ players with all the top regs 4 tabling and you will play a small % of your hands at the same table as the fish. The best players having 4 entries will mean you'll play a ton of tables with no fish and 5 of the top 10 regs.

In either case, I don't think it will go how you expect it to go.
I totally understand that and accept that. So if for example I sat at a table with two regs along with, say, Guy, at the very same time occasionally, this would be considered cheating? From what you are saying, no matter what, I will always be facing the top regs and I'm aligned with that, but if I invite a bad player to also play in the game, that's not ok? And yes, I mean sitting at precisely the same time to be ahead of the seat scripters? Without seat scripting none of this would even be an issue, but playing exclusively against the top 5 regs isn't something I am willing to wager on.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-17-2014 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by MarginOfErrr
Making friends with fish to increase your +EV is not poker,
It most certainly is.

I still agree with your general point tho.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-17-2014 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Wotton
Why do you tell him this TwoShae? It seems to me that you have an incentive, like all regs at these stakes, to say nothing, let Daniel bet, thinking he's going to play with his fishes a lot in the zoom pool, and then take their money.
I want to see the bet happen. Terms obviously need to be ironed out and in doing so, Daniel will learn a lot of things he doesn't know about the games (ie, he already learned about seating software). That's inevitable. At the end of the day, the bet will come down to how well he can play poker and we'd all like to see that
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-17-2014 , 10:04 PM
Zoom seems like the best way to do this. That way he'd still get to play with fish but he'd also have to make up for the fact that regs keep the ratio around where it typically will be. If more fish join more regs are going to make sure they keep playing/shot-take (and I can't imagine DN would have an edge against even the shot-taking regs).

Also seriously to people who say if live tournament poker is so easy why don't they play it, just do the math on the expenses. Unless you can afford high-rollers/super high-rollers (I doubt even DN is rolled to play those without a backer/selling action) it's pretty much impossible to make a living playing live tournament poker. Even if you ignore the insanely high variance, you're just never going to cover expenses/rake and leave yourself with enough to actually make a living. But it's not uncommon to see small/mid-stakes online guys clearing 100k years, and the roll needed to start playing those is like 5-10k aka less than one buy-in for the live mtts you'd have to play to even close to be able to make a living even if you ignored the variance (which you can't).
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-17-2014 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by DNegs
Really? Doesn't the average game at those stakes consist of one fish almost exclusively? Do games run if a fish isn't present? If we are talking about average, then those games always have one weaker player in them or they don't run. That's all I'm asking for.
All the high stakes seat scripting regs should agree to modify their scripts so that if you start a new table, nobody else can sit unless another non-reg player sits too or a pretedermined amount of time passes to allow time for you to sit with someone you invited. Then the 4 seats are up for grabs by the seat scripters.

isn't that one way you can get a seat in a good live game? By bringing a whale.

i think this is a reasonable concession since you'll be bringing more action to these games. like I posted earrlier, are these games so juicy that you're trying to prevent action from players dn brings?

plus i think you'd have an edge in these games now because they probably don't remember how to play with 2 fish (how they see you) at the table
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-17-2014 , 10:20 PM
dnegs should just get a seating script
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-17-2014 , 10:34 PM
ZOOM makes it way more fair for both sides. (And probably 50k hands in 90-120 days !!!1!!1!!)
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-17-2014 , 10:35 PM
Or no ZOOM so we can get Daniel crushed and ban scripts once and for all.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-17-2014 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by DontStep
I dont think its fair to say live reads and HUD reads are easily interchangable skills. Theyre totally different skills and not necessarily easy to learn just on the basis that one is adept at the other.
I was thinking more that the ability to skillfully adapt your play based on reads would be transferable. Obviously it would take time for a live pro to learn to develop accurate reads based on HUD stats, but there's no reason to assume it couldn't be learned. If anything, it seems to me that learning to make good live reads would be more difficult.

All I'm arguing is that an elite player in one almost certainly has what it takes to become elite in the other, assuming enough work.

I don't see what's controversial about this. Out of all the best minds who have devoted themselves to poker do you really believe that not a single one has focused on mastering live tournaments rather than online cash? Do you really think that someone who has put the work in to become elite in tournaments couldn't put the same energy into becoming an elite online cash player, when most of the skills are directly transferable?

I can see the argument if you're talking about an expert in a game like Stud or whatever - sure, it's probably safe to say that someone who only plays Stud, even if he is among the best in the world at it, probably doesn't have what it takes to beat 25/50 6-max online (and quite possibly would be a dog to the top NLH players if they learned Stud and played him at it).

But there's enough money in tournaments that it should attract the top talent.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-17-2014 , 11:12 PM
wow haha after all this time this thread is finally getting somewhere. Did not expect this sort of result at this stage. Mr Negreanu looks ready to bet!
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-17-2014 , 11:20 PM
ZOOM seems like a fair solution.

Any solution where Daniel N can somehow magically pick spots to play on his tables is borderline cheating.

If he play and the table fill, that is actually an average 2550 6m lineup on normal tables.

In ZOOM the regs and shootakers should even out the skill level to the normal level based on how many perceived weaker players are in the poll.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-17-2014 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by sqwerty12
The fact that you quote all Daniel's achievements in tournament poker suggests you don't really get it that tournaments and cash games are very different beasts.

There are likely many better live tournament players than Daniel that haven't won anything such is the variance involved.
Amazing how that works. Negreanu won the WSOP player of the year in 2004 and then and then again in 2013, and a lot of stuff in-between and after (i.e. One Drop 2nd). The reason that MANY players were winners 10 years ago but haven't won anything since, and are now broke, is because variance has been THAT muich better for Negreanu than them the last decade. It's all variance!
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-17-2014 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by Sammy_Dog
Amazing how that works. Negreanu won the WSOP player of the year in 2004 and then and then again in 2013, and a lot of stuff in-between and after (i.e. One Drop 2nd). The reason that MANY players were winners 10 years ago but haven't won anything since, and are now broke, is because variance has been THAT muich better for Negreanu than them the last decade. It's all variance!
Probably doesn't hurt that pokerstars pays for his tourney buyins. Congrats to him though, the face of the biggest online site in the world can still generate massive debate, even though he doesn't even play online.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-18-2014 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by quarantined
Probably doesn't hurt that pokerstars pays for his tourney buyins. Congrats to him though, the face of the biggest online site in the world can still generate massive debate, even though he doesn't even play online.
I was responding to a poster(s) that was quite sure that all of DN's success in live tourneys was the result of variance. Surely if DN wins this bet it will only be because of variance...

And I'm not calling your Shirley.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-18-2014 , 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by Sammy_Dog
I was responding to a poster(s) that was quite sure that all of DN's success in live tourneys was the result of variance. Surely if DN wins this bet it will only be because of variance...

And I'm not calling your Shirley.
Let's take a stab at this. Daniel plays what? 50 live tournaments a year?....I don't know maybe he plays 70 or 100 or less, I don't know but it's not a whole lot.

So what's that, maybe 5-10k hands? Not saying he doesn't know what he's doing when it comes to tournaments but.........
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-18-2014 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by Two SHAE
When you join a 25/50 table, forhayley and katya_84 will already be sitting there.
How will they already be sitting there?
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-18-2014 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by Broken Sunglasses
How will they already be sitting there?
it's king of the hill, so 2 of the top regs (very likely including one of those two) is already sitting on every table avalible.

I was responding to a poster(s) that was quite sure that all of DN's success in live tourneys was the result of variance. Surely if DN wins this bet it will only be because of variance...
variance is so huge in mtts, that no live player can ever achieve a meaningful sample over their lifetime. Unless we talk deep-stack sit'n'goes like shrs, where it might be possible - but with the level of play there edges are razor thin, so variance is going to be huge anyway.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-18-2014 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by DNegs
I'd be happy to add "No Heads Up tables allowed" to avoid me playing a fish heads up. I agree that's unfair. Would have to be 6 max tables. Part of me being able to beat these games is my ability to attract better games than your average reg can. That happens in multiple ways, with either mediocre regs taking shots, and/or me being able to get people to play me in a 6max game. That would actually be really great for the regs. I don't think it's unfair for me to start a game with one fish and fill the rest of the seats with all regs. It's the same environment they almost exclusively play in, so I feel that I should have that right without having to seat script. Me being forced to sit at a table, then instantly face the top 5 in the world with no chance of ever playing against one weaker player, isn't at all something I believe I could successfully do with "two weeks of study" and it was never my intention. I would most certainly look to recruit more players to these games, possibly in a ZOOM format or standard.
Lol, yeah im sure some "mediocre" nl1k regs will be takong shots
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-18-2014 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by Tutejszy
it's king of the hill, so 2 of the top regs (very likely including one of those two) is already sitting on every table avalible.
If they're already sitting there, are they forced to play each other?

From here:
Players who start a table but sit out while they wait for weak players to join will no longer be able to do so. Tables where no cards are being dealt will be removed from the lobby.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-18-2014 , 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by lkasigh
I was thinking...

Originally Posted by sqwerty12
Let's take a stab at this. Daniel plays what? 50 live tournaments a year?....I don't know maybe he plays 70 or 100 or less, I don't know but it's not a whole lot.

So what's that, maybe 5-10k hands? Not saying he doesn't know what he's doing when it comes to tournaments but.........
Pretty much. The way I see it is, out of the hundred (maybe more) people who are capable of playing tournament poker as well or better than Daniel, since we're talking a minimal few thousand hands some random shmo who has a negligable or nonexistant edge over everyone else is going to be the one winning the variance game. The standard deviation graph stuff for live MTTS would be mindboggling if it existed.

It's always amusing when you hear MTT guys try to justify taking large percentages of themselves in some crazy high buyin lottery like the one drop or whatever, on the basis of there being three or four 'businessmen' or perceived marks in the field, as if they have a huge edge over guys who actually turn out to be pretty serious about their poker and are more likely to play solid or just be a bit nitty than be some total whale.

Last edited by SandraXII; 09-18-2014 at 04:47 AM.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-18-2014 , 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by zachvac
Zoom seems like the best way to do this. That way he'd still get to play with fish but he'd also have to make up for the fact that regs keep the ratio around where it typically will be. If more fish join more regs are going to make sure they keep playing/shot-take (and I can't imagine DN would have an edge against even the shot-taking regs).

Also seriously to people who say if live tournament poker is so easy why don't they play it, just do the math on the expenses. Unless you can afford high-rollers/super high-rollers (I doubt even DN is rolled to play those without a backer/selling action) it's pretty much impossible to make a living playing live tournament poker. Even if you ignore the insanely high variance, you're just never going to cover expenses/rake and leave yourself with enough to actually make a living. But it's not uncommon to see small/mid-stakes online guys clearing 100k years, and the roll needed to start playing those is like 5-10k aka less than one buy-in for the live mtts you'd have to play to even close to be able to make a living even if you ignored the variance (which you can't).
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-18-2014 , 06:12 AM
So what we've come to learn is that when DN said he'd beat 25/50nl online with 2 weeks of practice, what he really meant was that he was expecting to leverage his poker status into getting bigger whales than normal to sit (trix up sleeve ftw), and over the course of 1-2 years be able to show a $1 profit above break even. After realizing that tables would snap fill up around him with waiting lists a mile long due to him being the fish in those games he concedes that he's not willing to bet on that. At least we're getting somewhere now.

Pretty sure fwiw that this new stipulation about needing a personally invited fish to be at the table too is just part of the backpeddle. When he played years ago and jumped right into 200/400nl to try to beat it there weren't any fish at those tables, was only him. That's definitely what his bet offer suggested was the case this time too, so this is all more or less a graceful bowout.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-18-2014 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by DNegs
I totally understand that and accept that. So if for example I sat at a table with two regs along with, say, Guy, at the very same time occasionally, this would be considered cheating? From what you are saying, no matter what, I will always be facing the top regs and I'm aligned with that, but if I invite a bad player to also play in the game, that's not ok? And yes, I mean sitting at precisely the same time to be ahead of the seat scripters? Without seat scripting none of this would even be an issue, but playing exclusively against the top 5 regs isn't something I am willing to wager on.

U dont understand how fast scripts are. Even if u would be at teh phone wit guy and shout NOW and u try click two seats at teh same table at teh same time 9 out of 10 scripters would be first.
Literally ur only option to play with another fish (besides urself) is to do teh whole thing at zoom...
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
09-18-2014 , 06:42 AM
Originally Posted by MicroRoller
i think this is a reasonable concession since you'll be bringing more action to these games. like I posted earrlier, are these games so juicy that you're trying to prevent action from players dn brings?
While I'm sure many of the HS players would welcome a push from DN to bring whales to the tables, this should be a separate project in a different thread as it has very little to do with DN beating HS online.

That 'reasonable concession' is basically making the bet easier (and something else than what it originally was) by DN paying off the HS regs for their mutual benefit.

Also lol at the poor guys getting a "Hi, will you please step into this dark alley so me and a few others can beat you up, please? If I go in alone they'll just punch me instead but this way I can do some punching too! Bring cash!"-invitation from DN. They must feel really special.
Daniel Negreanu would bet 1 million dollars that he could beat high stakes online NLHE Quote
