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Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal'

02-07-2012 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Samdk77
Forgive me for being a little slow but I'm an "idiot from Northern Europe", and have no clue what a snow pea is? I'm picturing a yellow snowball someone peed on, is that correct?
That would be snow pee
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
That would be snow pee
ok, but that only made me 1% wiser. Not trying to be funny, I really have no clue what a snow pea is. Is it a white pea? you know the things your mother forced you to eat as a kid?
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 04:21 PM
We now return to Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' which is already in progress.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by CGM
Phil was being compensated as a player and 'face' of the site.
Originally Posted by The Deal
If you worked for a company say Mcdonalds. They pay you a wage for working for them and lets say the owner was doing something wrong and MCdonalds got shut down. would you give back all of the money they paid you to work?

Phil Ivey is in no way in the wrong as long as he wasn't involved with taking players money. The money he made was from doing a service for them just like nay other employe at any other company. Their wrong doing isn't his fault and he is no more wrong for working for them than you or I are for playing poker there.
Phil was being compensated as a player and 'face' of the site, but most of the money he got from FTP was because he was a co-owner of the site.

Say you worked for a company like McDonald's but also happened to own 9% of McDonalds stock. You get your paycheck, but you would also get a much larger dividend check. We don't know how much Ivey was paid as a representative but we do know approx. how much he got in distributions as an owner, and it was way more than he got as a paid rep.

Any amount he was paid, as salary or contract payment, he was entitled to. He got it for doing his job. The portion he received as distributions to owners was something he was entitlted to only inasmuch as it reprersented actual profits. About 2/3 of the over $40M Ivey got in ownership distributions was money he was not entitled to. Even if he was given his ownership interest in return for agreeing to rep the site, it doesn't change his entitlement, or lack thereof, to the distributions.

Your point about him not being involved in decisions might be correct. To date, there is no evidence he had any guilty knowledge of the improper distributions to owners. He received over $40M in distributions. Of that, about 2/3 was money the owners were not entitled to. It is problably not Ivey's fault he received the money, but he still has money he shouldn't have. If that money cannot be recovered from the members of the board who authorized its payment, there is a chance Ivey could be made to cough it up.

Originally Posted by CGM
The amount of money he was being paid or owed to FTP shouldn't be considered when discussing the collapse of FTP, or the funds owed to players.

Phil Ivey was never making operational decisions as far as I know.

His role at Full Tilt was as a spokesman and a figurehead, not someone who was privy to day to day operations.
FTP collapsed primarily because they paid $300M to owners that was owed to players. Ivey got about $27M of that $300M. The absence from decision-making shields him from much liability. However, his refusal to repay $4.4 in loans may be a significant contributory factor to GBT deciding to pull out of the the $25M net leveraged purchase of FTP assets which would repay ROW players. If the deal falls through, it won't be just ROW players who lose out. Without the GBT deal, any remission the DoJ pays will be shared between all players, not just US players, and the DoJ will have $80M less cash available. The compensation US players can expect will be substantially reduced, and the waiting time likely increased.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 06:53 PM

"What's this about a snow pea?"
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by apokerplayer
I served with a snow pea, I knew a snow pea, a snow pea was a friend of mine. Chris Ferguson, you're no snow pea.

This is so funny! I've got to figure a way to switch it in a joke and steal it. Terrific. Snow peas's on first.Who's on second?
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist

"What's this about a snow pea?"
Peas in a pod.
Birds of a feather.
Three Stooges.
Tres Amigos.
A Gathering of Beagles.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 07:15 PM
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by Stinky Stu
"They edited down my comments about Ray Bitar, Howard Lederer, and Chris Ferguson, but they definitely got the gist of my vitriol towards them. I'm disgusted by them and what they've done to smear the game with putrid decision making.

"You guys suck. I hope to never see any of your faces at the WSOP anymore, and I hope you live with the shame you deserve for the rest of your lives. Your own personal, private hell. You deserve all the wrath you've received from the poker world, and much more. You are scum and each of you absolutely deserves a few swift baseball bat swings to the groin area, old school Vegas style." -- DN
love dn
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by banonlinepoker
I should amend it to "ohhsore" online poker. I am all for US regulated and hosted online poker but yea it's not hard to see the person DN has become. This is all piling on and hatred for people that didn't bring him aboard or respect his greatness when FTP was the end all and they were raking in the billions.
I can see how you might think that way if you weren't aware of DN's very public online spat with Lederer over the fact that he thought his sister was a cheating skank, or if you'd never noticed him calling out Russ Hamilton for being a cheat on the golf course.

But you've been around long enough to have seen those issues discussed here over and over again. So it's kinda hard to see how you'd categorize what he's doing as 'piling on' when he was criticising these people long before anybody else was.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by timchuk
Check joe and his twitter account picture. The cheek looks like Amanda
There's a pic she posted on twitter of what looks like her, a guy holding her and someone else on a truck with the sun behind the guy's head that was taken at burningman. That guy kinda looks like Sebok.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Samdk77
Forgive me for being a little slow but I'm an "idiot from Northern Europe", and have no clue what a snow pea is? I'm picturing a yellow snowball someone peed on, is that correct?
I believe we call them mange tout. Americans call them snow peas or sometimes they call them 'freedom peas'.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 07:37 PM
Not sure if posted already but good blog about Negreanu recently:

Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by Ikilldurrrr1
Not sure if posted already but good blog about Negreanu recently:

Not good. Guy gets a lot of things wrong.

Oh, there was a statement he made about “conquering online poker”, which was a bit grandiose but I have to confess I didn’t really notice it at the time.
Negreanu wasn't quoted as saying he conquered online poker. That was just what the reporter wrote or what they put on the cover. The writer doesn't dispute that Negreanu didn't use that phrase. He argues that Negreanu implied it, which I don't agree with.

To which the journalist popped up to rebut him – posting an audio file of the interview to prove it.
I don't remember the audio file ever being posted. It's not in the 2+2 thread where the audio file was mentioned, the original article or Negreanu's follow up published on the PP website.

That's about the point I stopped reading his post.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by jspill
Cool post...Just reassures me that DN is the stand up guy he has always seemed to be, who speaks his mid regardless.... +1 to him
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 08:30 PM
The last part of that paddypower blog is completely wrong! In order to succeed on tv poker you HAVE to be good looking or obnoxious or never ever shut up a la the Unibomber. DN has extreme flaws in his game and his approach to his CURRENT tv image but nobody can deny that when it comes to the x's and o's of the ENTIRE poker world there's almost nobody that can hold a candle to Daniel. Which should come as no surprise because he's worked with the best site/company/brand name worldwide!!

With all that being said he still and probably will continue to make crucial untimely idiotic mistakes just like the entire pokerworld always has.

Last edited by callthosebets; 02-07-2012 at 08:33 PM. Reason: typos
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Hughes
In Candada, they ridicule small things about the United States,
LOL, so true. But when we're feeling lazy, we make fun of Texas.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 10:37 PM
Weasel: a sneaky, untrustworthy, or insincere person.

Amonst Vegas regulars we don't say Daniel nor Negreanu we just say "The Weasel" and all know whom we are referring to.

Wonder if his "personal betrayal" issue is related to JH and his finally discovering the truth relative to the line of BS she has been feeding the "gullible him" for years relative to the source of her wealth. Wonder if "pathological liar" rings a bell as it might relate to "personal betrayal"?????????????????
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by AndyM2033
People moan Ivey doesn't talk enough regarding updates to FTP etc.
People moan DN talks too much about everything.

Basically, people like to moan.
I'd like to moan with the girl on your avatar.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 11:03 PM
You can hate DN for certain things in his blog but not for crushing Fergie, How Led and Ron Jeremy Bitar. He's got this one right.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by wcustudent
can we talk about his girlfriend ex gf ms Hungary tho OMMLLLLLLLLLL
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 11:21 PM
I admire the bashing he gave to the BIG three. Not many other big names or podcasts are willing to tell it st8 ^ like DN did.

I know it was a difficult thing to say considering how fond he is off Annie.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by dobleeltd
Weasel: a sneaky, untrustworthy, or insincere person.

Amonst Vegas regulars we don't say Daniel nor Negreanu we just say "The Weasel" and all know whom we are referring to.

Wonder if his "personal betrayal" issue is related to JH and his finally discovering the truth relative to the line of BS she has been feeding the "gullible him" for years relative to the source of her wealth. Wonder if "pathological liar" rings a bell as it might relate to "personal betrayal"?????????????????
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
