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Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal'

02-06-2012 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by OnWithTheShow
daniel speaks truth. Shame on other other poker celebs for not calling these scumbags out and speaking the truth about the horrible things they did.
Daniels truthspeaking has become both necessary and sadly repetitive as of late. Which is just a product of his environment because the poker community/world is extremely repetitive with smashing themselves with massive black eyes like this one.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 11:07 PM
wasn't Daniel buddy buddy with the Lederer's .I remember him hanging out at their house during the wsop draft.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 11:24 PM
good for him
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 11:30 PM
I love how Daniel Negreanu seems to think he "taught" Phil Ivey some things about tournament play. I'll bet Ivey has never learned a thing from Negreanu about poker in his entire life. He was probably just listening to what Daniel had to say and acting interested out of politeness despite not learning anything.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 11:39 PM
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by clfst17
I love how Daniel Negreanu seems to think he "taught" Phil Ivey some things about tournament play. I'll bet Ivey has never learned a thing from Negreanu about poker in his entire life. He was probably just listening to what Daniel had to say and acting interested out of politeness despite not learning anything.
whether or not he ever taught ivey anything, which I agree seems extremely unlikely, the fact that he goes out of his way to point it out (completely out of nowhere) is really douchey and self-righteous.

the internal dialougue has got to be something like, "im awesome, im really awesome. ivey is awesome too. i taught ivey how to be awesome like me." he even went as far as to say that he "absolutely" improved ivey's game. WOW
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 11:56 PM
I wish there was a way to bet with certainty on whether he actually had to eat the 61k, or whether Poker Stars slipped it to him and told him to say exactly what he said. I'd bet the latter, but it would be impossible to actually find out.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by clfst17
I'll bet Ivey has never learned a thing from Negreanu about poker in his entire life.
reminds me of how DN claims to know what ivey has in this hand and ivey shoots him down
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 12:04 AM
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Gankstar
Second of all...Daniel, them fine chicks date you for your money bro, not your tall, dark, and handsome features like your receeding hairline.
And the handsome men, the fine chicks only date because of looks, not their boring personality right?

Beauty queens are also usually busto

Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by plowking2010
i'm surprised at all the DN haters...

i love that he speaks his mind. someone like phil hellmuth is an attention whore... DN is just honest and open... there's a big difference

it's much easier for someone in daniel's position to just keep his mouth shut... but i feel like he's a guy that always tries to do the right thing and isn't afraid to say what needs to be said.

i'm glad that someone with integrity and balls is representing Stars and putting in the effort to be a good ambassador for the game of poker.
This. The guy speaks his mind which everyone else is too scared to do. What do you want.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by callthosebets
L0l is this real? Ivey is beyond hungry for money especially since his wife took half and FTP took the rest lol... And I'm pretty sure Brunson is not addicted but also allergic to the money lol... But your probably correct about hellmuth he just wants titles...
Then why did Ivey leave the game for a year?
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 12:27 AM
It always makes me smile when I see others realizing what a self absorbed little punk DN is like I always have.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by banonlinepoker
Oh please. He is the most self-absorbed egomaniac going. He constantly whores for attention and is mostly using the FTP fiasco to further his own brand.
I kinda hate agreeing with a guy that has your 2+2 handle, but I don't see how anyone could disagree with this post.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by fakekidpoker
Then why did Ivey leave the game for a year?
He PUBLICLY left the game... And i think the reason is pretty well documented already but let's see... Public Humiliation? Check. Kind of tied to the first reason but I'm pretty sure the millions of americans (that he helped recruit to play on FTP) being robbed of their money had somethign to do with also.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by clfst17
I love how Daniel Negreanu seems to think he "taught" Phil Ivey some things about tournament play. I'll bet Ivey has never learned a thing from Negreanu about poker in his entire life. He was probably just listening to what Daniel had to say and acting interested out of politeness despite not learning anything.
lol hilarious post
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by NapoleonInRags
I wish there was a way to bet with certainty on whether he actually had to eat the 61k, or whether Poker Stars slipped it to him and told him to say exactly what he said. I'd bet the latter, but it would be impossible to actually find out.
It would also be impossible to find out if Daniel was actually from the future. So stop with the speculative nonsense.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 12:58 AM
such bull**** that daniel negraneau (a reasonably marketed person) would use a hotmail account (especially after his friend got hack or whatever).

i call; he was drunk, and played like dog****, thought claiming a simple hack would bury the lolbad hand histories.
maily because he's very concerned with his image/ego (also what is possibly costing him all his romantic relationships)
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 01:02 AM
In the early 2000's he was just a heppy-go-lucky kid from Canada who made the big time. He was probably awestruck by how awesome his life turned out, andhad nothing to be negative about. But the euphoria of success wore off, life gave him a couple kicks to the nuts, and he hardened up a bit. No reason to hate on him. And as for him being an attention whore, he makes his living by being a public figure. That's his bread and butter. I'm sure it beats grinding $200 NL or tending bar or working for Deloitte or whatever it is the haters do.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by KakiTee
such bull**** that daniel negraneau (a reasonably marketed person) would use a hotmail account (especially after his friend got hack or whatever).

i call; he was drunk, and played like dog****, thought claiming a simple hack would bury the lolbad hand histories.
maily because he's very concerned with his image/ego (also what is possibly costing him all his romantic relationships)




pic of kid with downs syndrome

serenity now
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by clfst17
I love how Daniel Negreanu seems to think he "taught" Phil Ivey some things about tournament play. I'll bet Ivey has never learned a thing from Negreanu about poker in his entire life. He was probably just listening to what Daniel had to say and acting interested out of politeness despite not learning anything.
Well said

DN is definitely not what one would call a "humble" celebrity... Or a "celebrity" even really.. Just another success story with a lot of luck... A giant ego and a giant platform to blow his horns

I didn't read the entire article, just the bit about Howard etc. But after reading the above comment.. Jesus:

"he reminded me of a lot of things I taught him about tournament poker years ago"

"Some of the concepts I talked to him about absolutely helped him improve his tournament results"

"There are a few things he does differently [now], that I've always done differently, that I got away from a little bit"

Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 01:29 AM
props to the mods for putting up with some of these nimrods without totally losing it and going on a banning rampage from hell
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 02:34 AM
I really don't get the hate on DN.
It's a good thing a respected and overall well liked prominent poker player calls out the FT scums for what they are.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 03:09 AM
I go back and forth on whether I like him, love that he shot down the FTP guys tho. How could anyone like Howard?

I can definitely see how he would be in an awkward spot with that interview titled "How I crushed Online Poker" or w/e.

He knows he didn't and is aware that that title makes him look like a huge tool, no fault of his own.

gg daniel. I like you today. Good blog post, was interesting to read.

And lol @ people saying he was drunk and is saving his image. I don't believe that for a second. The dude bangs supermodels. His ego should be just fine imo.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-07-2012 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by RobFarha
And lol @ people saying he was drunk and is saving his image. I don't believe that for a second. The dude bangs supermodels. His ego should be just fine imo.
Yea its like people who bang supermodels have no issues in their life, the dont commit suicide, dont take drugs etc, i mean all you need to be happy in life is to bang some supermodels and voila lifehappines forever :rolleyes
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
