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Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal'

02-06-2012 , 07:49 PM
I go back and forth on DN so much. Sometimes he seems humble, other times he seems like a douche.

My favourite is when he is on HSP vs Ivey, Dwan etc and when he is getting owned and has no f idea what to do he just says

"hah, this is so weird"
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 07:52 PM
You guys suck. I hope to never see any of your faces at the WSOP anymore, and I hope you live with the shame you deserve for the rest of your lives. Your own personal, private hell. You deserve all the wrath you've received from the poker world, and much more. You are scum and each of you absolutely deserves a few swift baseball bat swings to the groin area, old school Vegas style -- DN
Come on Daniel, don't hold back, say what's on your mind!
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 08:02 PM
Fanboys and haters of DN posting " Goofy stuff", and it means nothing to DN really! So he is an attention whore? What celebrity is not? CF, HL, fat Ray do not care what he thinks about the FTP mess. All the"usual suspects" worry about is what the DOJ thinks about the FTP mess!
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 08:07 PM
Blah, I agree with everything he said and I'll fight every one of you haters one at a time or all at once your choice. Snow peas ain't nothing but a butterbean hull no way
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 08:10 PM
Blogging doesn't make one an attention whore.

Good read, I still like DN
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 08:12 PM
How is writing a post on your personal blog attention whoring exactly??

DN is such a boss people do the attention whoring free on his behalf

Great post BTW, keep speaking your mind Danny Boy

Anyone not wanting to give DN attention, DON'T CLICK ON ANYTHING DN RELATED, SIMPLE!
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 08:14 PM
'Something really bad happened but I can't say because it's personal.' Seriously?

Good comments on Ferguson, Bitar and Lederer though.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by CGM
whether or not DN is 'attention whoring' is totally irrelevant ITT

I'm certainly not a huge fan, but his comments are pretty solid and happen to be right on the money

I don't see anything wrong with him using his 'brand' to spout off about these scumbags

not sure where the hate is coming from

If he didn't say a word, people would be bashing him for that too

props Daniel
CGM on the money as always

Gotta hand it to Danny for calling out these scumbags
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 08:34 PM
i'm surprised at all the DN haters...

i love that he speaks his mind. someone like phil hellmuth is an attention whore... DN is just honest and open... there's a big difference

it's much easier for someone in daniel's position to just keep his mouth shut... but i feel like he's a guy that always tries to do the right thing and isn't afraid to say what needs to be said.

i'm glad that someone with integrity and balls is representing Stars and putting in the effort to be a good ambassador for the game of poker.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by Lagtastic
Blogging doesn't make one an attention whore.

Good read, I still like DN

And how does him hating on FTP "further his brand"? He's already with PS.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by LVpokerPRO
I just want to know which one of his friends was banging Amanda while they were dating
Is this what the consensus is for that "Personal stuff" thing?
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by AndyM2033
People moan Ivey doesn't talk enough regarding updates to FTP etc.
People moan DN talks too much about everything.

Basically, people like to moan.
Pretty much sums it up for me too. Never understood all the hate for daniel in these forums.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by balgofar
Daniel. Do you not think professionals who are paid highly to endorse a product have a responsibility to ensure the quality or validity of what they are endorsing?

What about money these pros owe FTP?

You are very selective in your criticism. Phil Ivey playing high roller events after taking so much player money (knowingly or not) out of a failing company is a joke.

But like they say, in the end the pros get the money.
Yup, this. It's very hypocritical of Daniel to shame those involved with the FTP scandal but remain friends Ivey, as if he's any better than Lederer and Ferguson.

From June 2009 until April 2011, Phil Ivey borrowed money from Full Tilt Poker at least eighteen times, totalling at least $10,715,000

Phil Ivey sues FTP after Black Friday (rumor because he didn't want to pay back his debt)

FTP releases statement saying Ivey's lawsuit hurts players chances of receiving money...

I'm baffled as to why Ivey's reputation doesn't deserve to be dragged through the mud just as much as Lederer's and Ferguson's, especially since Ivey never denied FTP's claims that a) he borrowed $10mil+ and b) sued because he doesn't want to pay it back. And with the recent Tapie statement confirming 19 poker players owe FTP up to $20mil in loans, it sure seems FTP wasn't lying when they said Ivey owes a ****load of money. Why hasn't Ivey come forward like Dwan to clean his reputation and promise to repay his debt to FTP players? Too busy rolling dice with player deposits?
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 09:12 PM
First of all...who in the **** wins millions playing cards in their career and doesn't have a tiny little bit of an ego?

Second of all...Daniel, them fine chicks date you for your money bro, not your tall, dark, and handsome features like your receeding hairline. That being said, sick brag on the Hungary shorty.

Third of all...I actually think the more people who kick the FTP clowns square in the nuts the better.

Fourth of all...Phil Ivey deserves all the same contempt as the rest of the FTP clowns, if not more. He rode that 'Tiger Woods of Poker' thing 'til the wheels fell off.

Fifth of all...the only thing I think Daniel is wrong about is being a vegan. Meat, FTW!

Lastly...stop roasting Daniel ITT when you KNOW if he was in your grill you'd hold his balls for him.

And I'm out!
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 09:28 PM
They used Iveys rep as one of the good guys as he was the most marketable player and probably assured him everything was good this whole time

I can just see Howard telling Phil the whole time

"Hey Phil don't worry, we got everything under control" and they did until they royally screwed up
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by Chinamaniac
CGM on the money as always

Gotta hand it to Danny for calling out these scumbags
Chinamaniac is God
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 10:30 PM
DN isn't even a true grinder anymore. He recieves hate for this. Blue collar mans man is where its at, and is also probably where he was before all the hate. He doesn't "play" for money as quoted BY HIM at the AM in January. I agree he is an attention whore and I KNOW he has went easy on Ivey "for the good of the game". He really is the ultimate TALKING ambassador that people are just sick of.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by Zenzor
Yup, this. It's very hypocritical of Daniel to shame those involved with the FTP scandal but remain friends Ivey, as if he's any better than Lederer and Ferguson.

From June 2009 until April 2011, Phil Ivey borrowed money from Full Tilt Poker at least eighteen times, totalling at least $10,715,000

Phil Ivey sues FTP after Black Friday (rumor because he didn't want to pay back his debt)

FTP releases statement saying Ivey's lawsuit hurts players chances of receiving money...

I'm baffled as to why Ivey's reputation doesn't deserve to be dragged through the mud just as much as Lederer's and Ferguson's, especially since Ivey never denied FTP's claims that a) he borrowed $10mil+ and b) sued because he doesn't want to pay it back. And with the recent Tapie statement confirming 19 poker players owe FTP up to $20mil in loans, it sure seems FTP wasn't lying when they said Ivey owes a ****load of money. Why hasn't Ivey come forward like Dwan to clean his reputation and promise to repay his debt to FTP players? Too busy rolling dice with player deposits?
Good post

Phil n Dan are and have been good friends for a long time, Im sure he doesnt want to believe he has had such a big part in this mess
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by callthosebets
DN isn't even a true grinder anymore. He recieves hate for this. Blue collar mans man is where its at, and is also probably where he was before all the hate. He doesn't "play" for money as quoted BY HIM at the AM in January. I agree he is an attention whore and I KNOW he has went easy on Ivey "for the good of the game". He really is the ultimate TALKING ambassador that people are just sick of.
Do any of the real big names like Hellmuth, Daniel, Brunson, Ivey play for money anymore?

Do it for the love of the game, competition and their egos.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 10:36 PM
That being said (and I hope my personal distaste for DN is clear) he should be rewarded for this particular blogpost (IMO his best and most DN esque in a VERY long time). ANd the personal betrayal has to be who hacked his account. My guess is the dark horse E-dog just because.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by Zenzor
I'm baffled as to why Ivey's reputation doesn't deserve to be dragged through the mud just as much as Lederer's and Ferguson's

Phil was being compensated as a player and 'face' of the site.

The amount of money he was being paid or owed to FTP shouldn't be considered when discussing the collapse of FTP, or the funds owed to players.

Phil Ivey was never making operational decisions as far as I know.

His role at Full Tilt was as a spokesman and a figurehead, not someone who was privy to day to day operations.

apples and oranges imo
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 10:37 PM
If you check out Joe Seabok's twitter picture it looks like Amanda's cheek in the corner.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by fakekidpoker
Do any of the real big names like Hellmuth, Daniel, Brunson, Ivey play for money anymore?

Do it for the love of the game, competition and their egos.
L0l is this real? Ivey is beyond hungry for money especially since his wife took half and FTP took the rest lol... And I'm pretty sure Brunson is not addicted but also allergic to the money lol... But your probably correct about hellmuth he just wants titles...
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by CGM
Phil was being compensated as a player and 'face' of the site.

The amount of money he was being paid or owed to FTP shouldn't be considered when discussing the collapse of FTP, or the funds owed to players.

Phil Ivey was never making operational decisions as far as I know.

His role at Full Tilt was as a spokesman and a figurehead, not someone who was privy to day to day operations.

apples and oranges imo
I agree with Zensor. Ivey was there from day one and spent millions of hours with these guys he had to knoow something was up. Ivey seems so silent its almost shady.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
02-06-2012 , 10:59 PM
daniel speaks truth. Shame on other other poker celebs for not calling these scumbags out and speaking the truth about the horrible things they did.
Daniel Negreanu on how he hates Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and his 'personal betrayal' Quote
