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Daniel Negreanu challenging Liverpool keeper Jose Reina to a penalty shootout?!?!? Daniel Negreanu challenging Liverpool keeper Jose Reina to a penalty shootout?!?!?
View Poll Results: Who wins this bet?
Daniel wins easily
144 19.67%
Daniel has an edge
196 26.78%
Reina has an edge
179 24.45%
Reina wins easily
213 29.10%

10-04-2009 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by Hoopie1
Neville "Binman" Southall came to my school when I was 16 and we took penalties against him. He saved every one with ease.

Otherwise, as you were.
This is the most important post in the thread. All you need to know is that Reina is slightly better than Southall (relatively) and an average 16 year old British schoolboy is much better at this than DN will ever be. I'm not being disparaging to DN, but in the UK at school we typically play football every available opportunity for about 10 years.
10-04-2009 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by Fat Afghan
trying to discuss football with american nvg'ers is like trying to discuss stakeboarding with stephen hawking.
O RLY? and your assumption is what, that American's don't watch soccer?
10-04-2009 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by pkz
i have hard time believing there are so many people who claim to have played soccer/football up to high school age or higher competetively who believe daniel is ev- here. you must be incredibly unathletic, since it cetainly seems inconceivable to me. getting power and speed on the ball is much more technique(what part of the ball you strike with what part of the foot) than how strong you are. people way overestimate the difference in power which a pro has compared to a decent amateur. a friend of mine plays in the top league in sweden and i kick the ball just as hard if not harder than he does, and i have only played sporadically since i was 19. daniel supposedly played up until he was 15 for a select team( which i would assume means he was better than the average player). if you don't think someone has not developed the right technique to kick the ball by then you are delussional.
i find it equally hard to believe that people who have played are claiming that a goalie can reach every part of the goal just because he can reach up and touch the crossbar. a penalty does not have to struck particuarly hard into one of the 4 corners for a goalie to have no chance of getting there in time. in the top 2 it would obviously be impossible unless he had time to take 2-3 steps to the side before jumping which is an incredible long time. yes a goalie can guess the right direction by looking at a players hips and which foot he places first in the run-up(why some players jog-in place before running towards the ball), but this basically just allows them to get down faster not reach all the way to the post. if people actually believe a goalie is able to reach any part of the goal if the ball is not blasted, then how on earth would anyone ever score from outside the penalty box.
on a sidenote since everyone is talking about how they took penalties as kids against pros and how impossible it is, my youth team was in a competition where we had to take penalties against a goalie who played professionally in swedens highest league when we were 8-9 years old. we made 5/10, and while he may not have been as good as reina, perhaps we should get some perspective on how difficult it is and stop making comparisons to serving aces on federer or pitching in baseball. those things are infinetly more difficult, unless you believe 9 year old kids can serve aces on any professional tennis player(not just federer) or pitch a strike aginst a baseball player 5/10 times. you may say we got lucky, but you don't get lucky and throw a 90mph fastball or serve 100kmh.
shooting a penalty in front of 40000 screaming fans is obviously more difficult than doing it in practice, so the stats for penalty shooting would obv be even higher if you just looked at players shooting during training. it would be kind of like the difference between shooting a free-throw in your driveway and doing it at an nba game. i actually thing the freethrow analogy is a lot better than baseball one as there are actually amateurs that can make 9/10 freethrows just like the pros when there is no pressure while they can't pitch 90 mph. this does not mean they can play in the nba. this seems to be the logic with some people. obviously they can't hit a penalty because then they would play professionaly.
This is the truth.
10-04-2009 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by bigmonkey
This is the most important post in the thread. All you need to know is that Reina is slightly better than Southall (relatively) and an average 16 year old British schoolboy is much better at this than DN will ever be. I'm not being disparaging to DN, but in the UK at school we typically play football every available opportunity for about 10 years.
this completely ignores the fact that the average 16 year old boy is not a grown ass man.
10-04-2009 , 10:08 PM
Americans, taking a penalty in soccer can be compared to something like keeping 1-5 65-70 mph pitches in baseball in play. Meaning the batter has to get bat on ball and prevent it from going in foul territory. I'm sure most people with any hand-eye coordination could do this.
10-04-2009 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by ThaSaltCracka
this completely ignores the fact that the average 16 year old boy is not a grown ass man.
Actually I would take an average 16 year old Englishman over DN anyday; even though I believe DN is +ev in the bet.
10-04-2009 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by Koshur
Americans, taking a penalty in soccer can be compared to something like keeping 1-5 65-70 mph pitches in baseball in play. Meaning the batter has to get bat on ball and prevent it from going in foul territory. I'm sure most people with any hand-eye coordination could do this.
naw man, hitting a baseball is way harder than you think. The "average" person who hasn't played any baseball probably couldn't do that.
10-04-2009 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by ThaSaltCracka
naw man, hitting a baseball is way harder than you think. The "average" person who hasn't played any baseball probably couldn't do that.
I first went into a batting cage when I was 14 and I could hit 70-75mph balls about 50% of time after like 5 minutes in the cage. I don't men I BLASTED them, but I could keep them in play. But I played cricket which does give me a lot of advantage.

And I mean someone who has played atleast some form of hand-eye coordinated ball game like cricket, tennis, badminton, squash etc. Picking up a baseball bat in cage and facing a 65mph ball after even like 10 minutes in the cage would not be tooo difficult to make 13% of the shots.
10-04-2009 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by ThaSaltCracka
naw man, hitting a baseball is way harder than you think. The "average" person who hasn't played any baseball probably couldn't do that.
they should probably be able to bunt atleast unless they have never had a ball coming at them that fast and are afraid of it. it probably is a bit more difficult, but certainly someone who played up to the age of 15 should be able to do it.
10-04-2009 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by pkz
they should probably be able to bunt atleast unless they have never had a ball coming at them that fast and are afraid of it. it probably is a bit more difficult, but certainly someone who played up to the age of 15 should be able to do it.
obv bunting wouldn't be allowed. yeah if someone played baseball (Cricket too I guess) they should be able to do that pretty easily, but if not I think it would be pretty damn challenging for them.
10-04-2009 , 11:08 PM

I want to add two things:

1. Daniel is the professional gambler of the two, so I think the fact that he should be way better at appraising his edges in various proposition spots should be accounted for.

Have you seen white men can't jump ?

Sometimes if you loose you win and sometimes if you win you loose
10-04-2009 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by Koshur
Americans, taking a penalty in soccer can be compared to something like keeping 1-5 65-70 mph pitches in baseball in play. Meaning the batter has to get bat on ball and prevent it from going in foul territory. I'm sure most people with any hand-eye coordination could do this.
This is kind of a circular definition really, so it's pointless to argue.

All I will say is that way less than 50% of U.S. males could do this. And this figure might hold for slow-pitch softball as well.
10-04-2009 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by Feeder
Ok 1/3 is slightly high but its not that far off at all. I have backed and layed players to score in a shootout at around 1/3 before. As far as I can remember the prices vary depending on the pen taker and shootout sitiuation from about from about 1/5 (1.2) upto about 4/11 (1.36).
Dude, I still have no idea what you are talking about. Are you saying 33% of penalty shots go in? At what level, and who vs. who, some poofter vs a pro keeper? Because AFAIK it's way more than 33% at all levels of competition.
10-04-2009 , 11:27 PM

It's been around 80% (rate of penalties scored) for four years now, which is pretty good. Wikipedia says that last year, the Premiership's rate was 73%. Also, the German rate for 16 years worth of data was 76%.
10-04-2009 , 11:29 PM
Do you guys even watch Football? Barely anyone blasts penalties. Most players just put it into the corners with the side of the foot. This technique is known as "passing." Penalties have nothing to do with how hard you hit it, it's all about placement. Reina, Buffon and every other goalie in the world cannot save a ball hit into the side netting unless done by a 5 year old. It's hilarious how awful just about every NVG thread is. No wonder everyone talking about Reina/football in this thread is no where to be seen in SE.

Good players are basically automatic (elite players like CR, RVP, Kaka are hitting well over 90% conversion) and if DN trained a little he'd be a favourite to get 2+ in.
10-04-2009 , 11:49 PM
Not bothering to reading the entire thread, but after reading the article, my thoughts:

Anyone who says Negreanu easily wins this bet has not played that much soccer (I'm American and proud of it, so that's what I'm going to call it). And anyone who says that penalty kicks are all guesswork clearly is not a goalkeeper (or at least a good one).

Coming from the perspective of an all-city goalkeeper in high school (the only athletic brag I've got), I can tell you that it's relatively easy to save a random person's penalty kick. You just follow their hips. Assuming Negreau doesn't have much power -- and who's arguing otherwise -- Reina should win this bet.

In the end though, I voted that Reina has an edge, not that he wins easily. If Negreanu practices for a few weeks and just toe-balls the hell out of it, there's a chance one could get by Reina. But Reina certainly has the edge over five attempts. Many great goalkeepers have saved more than 50% of all PK attempts against them in a given season -- and that's against premiere athletes. Negreanu is not of that caliber.

Wow. My first post on 2+2 and it's about Negreanu's soccer skills. Seems about right.

Also: Also, only 40% of PKs taken against me were successful. And I am not even good enough to play D-I college ball, much less professionally. And again that was against people who actually played soccer, not a random like Daniel.

Last edited by LMUMurphy; 10-04-2009 at 11:57 PM. Reason: Added success rate
10-05-2009 , 12:08 AM
OK this is getting kind of stupid.

There are good arguments on both sides IMO but I'm sticking with my contention that DN sucks if he can't win this ESPECIALLY if he enforces the rule against moving forward off the end line too early.

But the only way to find out is to get it done.
10-05-2009 , 12:23 AM
its going to be epic either way.
10-05-2009 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Do you guys even watch Football? Barely anyone blasts penalties. Most players just put it into the corners with the side of the foot. This technique is known as "passing." Penalties have nothing to do with how hard you hit it, it's all about placement. Reina, Buffon and every other goalie in the world cannot save a ball hit into the side netting unless done by a 5 year old. It's hilarious how awful just about every NVG thread is. No wonder everyone talking about Reina/football in this thread is no where to be seen in SE.

Good players are basically automatic (elite players like CR, RVP, Kaka are hitting well over 90% conversion) and if DN trained a little he'd be a favourite to get 2+ in.
I bet you also notice how players like Kaka can change corner after they hit the ball by twisting the foot if they see the keeper is going to that direction, thats why it sometimes looks very easy to score when they do it. Theres a lot more that good players do than just pass it in one corner
10-05-2009 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by Feeder
Was this when he was just fat or later in his career when he was really really fat?? We had Norwich legend Brian Gunn come and do a similar thing....needless to I was overcome by his prescence and blazed over the bar (Chris Waddle style)

In a pen shootout a player is usually around 1/3 to score. If Daniel Neg has any sort of technique (which i doubt) then he should be a biggish fav on this bet.
He was just plain fat at the time.
10-05-2009 , 03:58 AM
The bet would be interesting if DN had to score 2 or 3 PK.
Even again one of the best goalies, I can't see how he can fail 5 11 meters shot. And I have been a GK for 11 years and played for regional selections.
Shaking liberos who can't deal with pressure and are not used to shoot still managed to score against me in shootouts, just opening their right foot and putting the ball in the bottom right corner.
10-05-2009 , 04:18 AM
Originally Posted by gregorio
It's not irrelevant. Sure there is more pressure taking a penalty in La Liga/CL than for DN in a prop bet, but the people taking the penalties for the top teams in the world have practiced them 1000s of times, and have demonstrated that they are better than anyone else on the team in handling the situation.

Are you saying DN has a better chance to score on 1 in 5 kicks in this bet than the top penalty takers in La Liga/CL do on any given penalty in a real game?

Who do you think has a better chance of making 2 free throws? MJ with the Bulls down by one in front of 20,000 fans with no time left on the clock in game 7, or DN in his driveway shooting hoops by himself with nobody watching?

Sure pressure matters, but Reina isn't stopping these shots because people are choking or being too cautious.

Anyway, I'm done arguing. There's no way I'm going to be convinced that this is a easy as some people are saying, and obv I'm not giong to convince you that Reina has a good shot at winning.
It is relevant, and yes as often as not the keeper saves becasue the pens aren't good enough.

Also your multipointball analogy doesn't wash. Basketball has no keeper. If the challenge was can Daniel hit the ball into an empty net, then yes I see it, but this is football, there is a moving reacting thinking person in the way to stop him. Why try to compare it to a sport that ios irrelebvant anyway? We are talking about the biggest sport in the world, surely you can make your point on football alone?

Again, in a match, the taker has no mulligan, he has to get it right first time, and caution/fear of the miss will often mean he puts it too close to the keeper, Daniel doesn't have to do this, he can aim for the postage stamp every time and has five goes to get it right, compared to a normal pen takers one time chance.
10-05-2009 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by Sounded Simple
It's impossible to even speculate without some knowledge of DG's athletic ability. I think if you took an average Joe who wasn't hitting the gym regularly or in some way fit they would have almost no chance of getting 1 in 5.
You don't require any fitness to take two steps and hit the ball. And hitting the gym is a total irrelvance, fitness or not. Hitting the gym, but not hitting a football = total failure. As it is, Daniel said he was good enough for schools select when he was young.
10-05-2009 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by JabrielP
Lmao. I think your definition of "drill" and Reina's definition of "drill" are two different things.

The analogy with Rodger Federer made earlier was a great one, you should go back to it and have a think about how many aces you could expect against RF out of 5 before you embarrass yourself further.
No, it was a terrible analogy. A serve has nothing like the success rate of a pen in professional play. Otherwise 80%+ of points in tennis would just be aces.
10-05-2009 , 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by ThaSaltCracka
Lolz, moron. Do you watch soccer?

If Negreanu practiced for a month taking PK, he scores easily. Do you have any ****ing clue how hard it is for a goalie to save a penalty? They usually make the save when one of the following things happen:

-Penalty taker miss-strikes the ball
-Penalty taker tries something dumb

Basically a keeper has to guess properly, and hope for some luck to save a shot. Placed strikes are nearly impossible for a keeper to save, and if they guess the wrong way, GG, its done.

Massive LOL at some of the fish in this thread that think Reina stops all five attempts. He's not even the best keeper in the premier league, for christ's sake.
+ a million
