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Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here

08-17-2015 , 10:02 PM
Stopped watching after not hearing one new piece of information in the first three minutes. How could there possibly be 10 interesting things we don't know about a guy who is that, um, engaged in social media?
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-17-2015 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by uradoodooface
Ya...... and that's super awesome in your 20s. So how old is he? Cuz the closer you get to Charlie Sheen the more sad it gets and the more mental disease and drugs is an obvious catalyst. I mean if you're a normal ego based brain washed idiot box it's super cool but, it sure aint gonna lead to a long, healthy and productive life. I'm just trying to understand the degen we got on our hands, is this a yound man sowing wild oats or a mind that is broken and stuck at 22?

just googled and 34...... definitely something up on the mental level
He is obviously trying to create an image, i dont know the exact reasons but he is selling himself to a market. But to think he has a mental disorder because he hasnt settled down, got married and all of that "grown up" stuff society tells you to do.. well if you think thats the only way to live life... thats sadder...
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-17-2015 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by uradoodooface
How old is he? Seems like like he's too old for this image he's got going. Reminds me of 22 year old poker player living it up or young rich kids. I wonder if there is something psychologically wrong in someone still living the party life like that whether real or just an image. Not like he's Pdiddy selling an image. Looks 35 with a wild image of a 22 year old, I'm guessing drugs and other mental disorders? Anyone in the know?
Mental disorder? Seems to me he gets plenty of young girls. Whether he pays them or not, he still gets them. That's a win in my book.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-17-2015 , 11:55 PM
LOL at the haters. When you were growing up you all worshiped Hugh Hefner in a way, and Hugh has been doing it into his 80's. The original Playboy lifestyle. Dan B has been successfully marketing himself as basically the new (but more explicit) HH.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-18-2015 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by PeteMesquite
LOL at the haters. When you were growing up you all worshiped Hugh Hefner in a way, and Hugh has been doing it into his 80's. The original Playboy lifestyle. Dan B has been successfully marketing himself as basically the new (but more explicit) HH.
Haters is such a stupid word. He's nothing like HH, at all. This guy is insufferable. Where the money comes from is shady. He's a 'try hard'. Always wearing military gear. The list is endless.

It's really not a hate thing but big thinkers on the internet go 2 ways: a) You mad/jelly? or b) Haters.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-18-2015 , 09:29 PM
Dan is entertaining as hell, that's good enough for me.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-18-2015 , 09:43 PM
He is getting old, and his act is getting old too.

Grow up and get a job.

Last edited by highstakesfan; 08-18-2015 at 09:46 PM. Reason: Yes, I am jealous hater too.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-18-2015 , 11:56 PM
you know whats funny bighitters are the young haters out there calling guys like us creepy ,where did this come from was james bond creepy for banging young broads or hanging in clubs was frank sinatra creep for banging broads ....all of a sudden some nerdy young guys whom never been in a fight start calling me creepy or dan well bring it you sexually repressed bring it baby outside i show you creepy
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-19-2015 , 12:14 AM
uh yeah I bet you would
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-19-2015 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by SovietRussia
It's really not a hate thing but big thinkers on the internet go 2 ways: a) You mad/jelly? or b) Haters.
Well said.

Originally Posted by mrwong
guys like us

Apparently mrwong isn't getting enough attention in his lame threads.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-19-2015 , 01:52 AM
One of the last real men left.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-19-2015 , 12:07 PM
@DanBilzerian: Don't take it so personally @deadmau5 I'm sure I'm not the only one who ****ed your girl, you can have her back

I couldn't help but laugh
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-19-2015 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
6) Beats up prostitutes
What's wrong with that ?
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-19-2015 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by highstakesfan
Grow up and get a job.
I don't think either of these has much appeal to Dan's fans, myself included
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-27-2015 , 02:10 PM
I just read this Vice article about Blizerian and his family can anyone verify if he has really won 50mill seems like a lot of it is Daddys dirty $. Here's link:
Sent from my SGH-M919 using 2+2 Forums
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-27-2015 , 02:12 PM
I know him personally and confirm everything stated in this article......

is either true or false
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-27-2015 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by SovietRussia
Haters is such a stupid word. He's nothing like HH, at all. This guy is insufferable.He's a 'try hard'. Always wearing military gear. The list is endless.
Hefner wears a bath robe

Hugh Hefner is a perfect analogy because that's what he is

You are dumb
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-27-2015 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by THAKID
Hefner wears a bath robe

Hugh Hefner is a perfect analogy because that's what he is

You are dumb
Hugh Hefner broke barriers in modern culture, that's an insult to compare them.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-27-2015 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by useless
Hugh Hefner broke barriers in modern culture, that's an insult to compare them.
Dan has done the same.

If I ever win the lottery, I wouldn't think twice before inviting 10 hookers aboard my yacht.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-28-2015 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by donkology101
I just read this Vice article about Blizerian and his family can anyone verify if he has really won 50mill seems like a lot of it is Daddys dirty $. Here's link:
Sent from my SGH-M919 using 2+2 Forums
I confirmed this by thinking about it
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-28-2015 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by Otompsett
Dan has done the same.

If I ever win the lottery, I wouldn't think twice before inviting 10 hookers aboard my yacht.
this is BS ... dan doesn't or didn't do anything new, he is just some one who desperately needs the attention and therefore gives plebs a peek into his fancy life. so yeah his social media accounts are prolly cool for teenagers or others guys, who only have a sexual relationship when opening their web browser, but dan didn't built anything on his own or at least couldn't w/o his fathers money (which is obv not his fault to be in such a situation)
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-28-2015 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by SovietRussia
He's nothing like HH, at all. This guy is insufferable. Where the money comes from is shady.

He gets the money from his rich father, unless I'm mistaken
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-28-2015 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by useless
Hugh Hefner broke barriers in modern culture, that's an insult to compare them.
What is this
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
08-28-2015 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by Otompsett
Dan has done the same.

If I ever win the lottery, I wouldn't think twice before inviting 10 hookers aboard my yacht.
LOL at u not understanding what Hugh Hefner and Larry Flynt did in a puritanical culture and then trying to act like Dan and his twitter feed did anything close. Dan is following in their footsteps and it's easy mode for him cuz of them and their work and of course it takes no real work to get on twitter.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
