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Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here

10-04-2017 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by sdwhitt
Neither can you. Like the veteran said instead of filming yourself running away for your IG followers, help the lady that was shot. DB is a narcissistic ahole propped up by his crooked daddy's bankroll. Also, last thing cops want at a crime scene is someone running around with a gun.
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
Perhaps reading the accounts of those who stayed behind to help others while the bullets were still flying might give you some perspective on the matter.
not to be insensitive but i wonder if any of the injured or dead weren't running away and taking cover and instead trying to help people who were hit. but we won't get those accounts. when faced with withering machine gun fire the right move is to find cover. period end of discussion.

Originally Posted by Pendaflex89
Lol no.

And dan did the right thing unless your wife or family members were there and you are shielding them. Run and get help.

You're a moron if you think staying to help the injured while automatic gun fire is going off. Run and get emergency vehicles or authorities until the gunman is subdued. You can't help the injured if you are dead too.
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
In that case our country is full of of moronic veterans who exhibited bravery by carrying their wounded peers out of the line of enemy fire.

More to the point, I don't begrudge anyone from running - I would have done it myself - but if you're going to make yourself out to be some bada** like Bilzerian does then running is not a good look.
why gotta hate the guy?
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-04-2017 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by CoreySteel
I don't know what's more lamer, Isaac or his response

Dude looks like he makes friendzone memes on 9Gag
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-04-2017 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
Perhaps reading the accounts of those who stayed behind to help others while the bullets were still flying might give you some perspective on the matter.
Implying that unless you stayed behind and helped people, while a nut job was still shooting at you, that you did the wrong thing here is insane.

God bless everyone who helped anyone out in this spot, but for ****s sake running from gun fire can't ever be wrong.

It is completely irrelevant what anyone's past is, to be judged for running from nine full minutes of gun fire from who knows where is so insane to me.

Cut the guy down for other random ****, fine. Don't make a hit piece article about someones history and frame it about them trying to stay alive in a life or death situation like trying to continue to live another day is a bad thing.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-04-2017 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
In that case our country is full of of moronic veterans who exhibited bravery by carrying their wounded peers out of the line of enemy fire.

More to the point, I don't begrudge anyone from running - I would have done it myself - but if you're going to make yourself out to be some bada** like Bilzerian does then running is not a good look.
I see your point. I understand in war or expected combat where you can fight back but the sad reality of duality in that particular situation, you would be dumb to not run unless you were covering children/SO/family. My point was that in these mass shootings bravery isn't the best option. Running away to steal a truck and come back to remove wounded is ideal. Like a few people did.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-04-2017 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by blitzT4M4Y0theGOAT
Smh..... Navy SEALs school twice huh? Thats why his ass didn't make it, TWICE
To be fair not a lot of people can make it past the training. I don't mind the guy I think people are jealous of him because he is famous and rich.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-04-2017 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by Rich Checkmaker
not to be insensitive but i wonder if any of the injured or dead weren't running away and taking cover and instead trying to help people who were hit. but we won't get those accounts. when faced with withering machine gun fire the right move is to find cover. period end of discussion.

why gotta hate the guy?

I mean I know you are trying to be rational but for me and it seems others ... I would rather die trying to shield / help my wife than helping myself so I can come back and help her later. I’ve never been in the situation but if I did not do this I couldn’t live with myself. I’m pretty confident I would despite the stress of the moment.

To summarize. You are not married and have no kids. Lol.

Of course some of the injured and dead could have saved themselves. They are the silver lining of humanity.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-04-2017 , 08:55 AM
ITT people postulating about what they would do when under heavy fire from god knows where.

Carry on.....
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-04-2017 , 09:06 AM
Nobody blames him for running away, that's totally understandable. Whipping out your phone and filming yourself running away for online attention is what people are mad at him for.

DB is a clown.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-04-2017 , 09:27 AM
he initially ran away once the gunman opened fire, but he was also been pictured (shortly after running) gloved up helping some of the victims which weren't being attended to by emergency services

those who was standing around in between the gun fire filming towards the Mandalay bay casino are the bigger idiots
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-04-2017 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
our country is full of of moronic veterans
Sums it up.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-04-2017 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by RichGangi
ITT people postulating about what they would do when under heavy fire from god knows where.

Carry on.....
What.... snapchat?
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-04-2017 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
Nobody blames him for running away, that's totally understandable. Whipping out your phone and filming yourself running away for online attention is what people are mad at him for.

DB is a clown.
If you don't like him, that's totally understandable. Whipping out your keyboard and insulting the guy for this particular video is what is ridiculous.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-04-2017 , 02:06 PM
No fan of Dan here, in fact I have a lot of disdain for his image and lifestyle.

However, I have to call BS on Dakota Meyer's implication that Dan failed some sort of nebulous manhood test in this circumstance. We all admire and respect the impulse of military and first responders (who are trained and often operating as part of a team) to run towards the gunfire. But to expect the same behavior from a bombastic instagram star, who was unarmed and unaffiliated with any organized response, is a little much.

Also Dan did apparently transport at least one injured person to care and apparently did return to the site of the massacre, where he was seen on more than one social media or news video trying to make himself useful during the aftermath.

Last edited by 2pairsof2s; 10-04-2017 at 02:19 PM. Reason: made paragraphs for clarity
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-04-2017 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
Nobody blames him for running away, that's totally understandable. Whipping out your phone and filming yourself running away for online attention is what people are mad at him for.

DB is a clown.
Dozens and dozens of people whipped out their phones and filmed this event. Singling out Blizerian for condemnation based on his social media presence is a little unfair.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-04-2017 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Nick_AA
I mean I know you are trying to be rational but for me and it seems others ... I would rather die trying to shield / help my wife than helping myself so I can come back and help her later. I’ve never been in the situation but if I did not do this I couldn’t live with myself. I’m pretty confident I would despite the stress of the moment.

To summarize. You are not married and have no kids. Lol.

Of course some of the injured and dead could have saved themselves. They are the silver lining of humanity.
You don't understand my meaning. If you're wife(or anyone) is shot you should try to move her to cover. Unless doing so would cause you to get shot. Wait in cover until you can help. Don't just peace out and leave. However if you are in the middle of a field while automatic gun fire is going on you need to run and get to cover. Trying to carry a body out in the open over bodies while taking machine gun fire is not going to be helpful in my opinion. Running out in the open in automatic gun fire is not the right play.

Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-04-2017 , 05:19 PM
He was standing sidestage for Jake Owen, so I assume he was either side or backstage for Aldean. He's going to do what everybody else does.

It would be different if he was out in the open with everyone else. He wasn't just standing in the crowd.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-04-2017 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by Pendaflex89
I see your point. I understand in war or expected combat where you can fight back but the sad reality of duality in that particular situation, you would be dumb to not run unless you were covering children/SO/family. My point was that in these mass shootings bravery isn't the best option. Running away to steal a truck and come back to remove wounded is ideal. Like a few people did.
In law enforcement training, you are trained on a few things that become "muscle memory." One example is exiting an "ambush / kill zone" in a patrol car. You do it over and over until it becomes almost as a reflex.

I am positive that more people would have died if it weren't for so many military, fire fighters, police, EMT's and other civilians that were in the crowd and at the concert that night. They helped save large groups of people find hard cover and some assisted a group escape over a back brick wall and others commandeered vehicles to escort people to the hospital.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-04-2017 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Dymond
He was standing sidestage for Jake Owen, so I assume he was either side or backstage for Aldean. He's going to do what everybody else does.

It would be different if he was out in the open with everyone else. He wasn't just standing in the crowd.
Dan claimed a woman standing right next to him was shot in the face. That seems implausible if he was on the side or backstage as the shooter didn't have a line of sight to those areas.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-04-2017 , 08:28 PM
Also, the 9-10 minutes of gun fire probably felt like 9 or 10 hours to those that were there. Some will also suffer from PTSD and will need help feeling safe going out in public again.

If you know someone from California that was there, California has a Victim Assistance Program (Run through any District Attorney Office in Ca) that assists victims financially. They help with medical bills, transportation, housing improvements, counselling etc. Numerous ways to assist the victims of violent crimes, as per each victim's need at the time.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-04-2017 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
Dan claimed a woman standing right next to him was shot in the face. That seems implausible if he was on the side or backstage as the shooter didn't have a line of sight to those areas.
ricochet? hyperbole?
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-04-2017 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
Dan claimed a woman standing right next to him was shot in the face. That seems implausible if he was on the side or backstage as the shooter didn't have a line of sight to those areas.
Idk for sure, I just know that the band before he was side stage. And super famous people don't just stand in massive crowds like that (probably would get swarmed, and why be jammed in with randoms when you could be chilling side stage right)
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-05-2017 , 12:09 AM
From what I've read; When Jason Aldean took the mic, which many of the concert goers were there to see, people rushed to the front of the stage area to see him. The "group" that I am an acquainted with got w/in 20 feet from the main stage.

They said they "felt" like the shooter was in the crowd. They initially thought the shooter was shooting at them near the stage area, due to people dropping in front, right and left of them once they realized what was happening and was running away from the front of the stage area.

It took them about 10-15 seconds to realize they were being shot at from a high point advantage. Luckily, they were able to find cover and assist others.

But, it sounds like the shooter was dialed in on the people in the front of the stage.
One said he saw people getting hit all around him as tried to shield his wife from getting hit as he pulled her away from the stage area. He thought he was also going to be shot in the back as they were looking for hard cover. I can't imagine that feeling!

One thing to remember; There are those who rose up and assisted others as this tragedy was taking place. Some may never be mentioned, but their cool, calm thinking helped save many others. The best of humanity comes out even in our darkest hours, please don't forget that. I'm sure there were hundreds of those that night. I've heard there were 20,000 that attended? I don't know if that was the 3 day total or the night of the incident?
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
10-05-2017 , 12:36 AM
There were 22k people there at the time of the shooting.
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10-05-2017 , 01:43 PM
Have people seen this video?

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10-05-2017 , 01:46 PM
In a cowboy hat no less. My god. Idiot.
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