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Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level)

11-06-2010 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by easy1811
it is german
German is my mother language and that chat, especially the syntax, is nowhere near the language my parents or school told me.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by madlex
German is my mother language and that chat, especially the syntax, is nowhere near the language my parents or school told me.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 11:03 AM
The guy is also known for staking other players.
I know one of his horses who is IMHO a break-even or slightly better player, but also a bit naive and who wants to play all the big tournaments. As he can't afford, Ali gave him a staking deal around of 100% staking including trips+hotel expenses for 75% of prize money (25% goes to the horse). Obv this deal has to be -EV for Ali, so I always wondered why he made it. My nowaday guess is, that it might be a way of recruiting/lurking more or less innocent guys into his team, in case he might need it at some point.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 11:03 AM
why do two people who can not German, chat in German??
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by i L00K
why do two people who can not German, chat in German??
They don't. They did chat in their mother language and one of them translated it into german.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by Yamzit
OK i am trying to arrange a Video Press Confrence at the moment. So far Ali does not have a webcam, but we are trying to organize one. I think we will be able to purchuase one tomorrow.

The official time is:

18:00 CET
19:00 London
23:00 New York

I hope i got the times right because of summer time and stuff

Just add "Yamzit" on skype and ill add you asap. Im going to bed now. See you tomorrow.
I don't think these times are correct. The sun would have to be moving to the East. When I watch anything live from Europe, like at noon, it's about 6-7:00 am ET. 2300 is 11:00pm in NY, which would be about 4-5:00am Sunday morning for a live Conference. Sounds exciting.:
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by brrrrrr
People should also not think that he is/was the only one doing this obv.

There's also this group of (was it Romanian) players that were touring the circuit, cheating at cashgames. They didn't use media credentials, just two young punks standing at the rail, while their player strategically picked a seat across from them, at a table closest to the rail.
They were spotted at Unibet Open Prague in 2009, and also EPT Vilamoura, and I guess EPT Copenhagen, as well.

Not sure if they've been back since. There was a lot of talk about it, so maybe that scared them a bit.
I heard one of the things they did was to use their tongue to signal which card of the flop the opponent had hit.

Maybe...but the girl was already at Unibet Open this year :
I don't think Tekintamgak was also there.

I took this picture of her :

Another thing about this story : Tekintamgak was in Belgium last month, to play the BOCP (when p3cr4 won) and his fake team of journalists was excluded of the casino just in front of me.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 11:23 AM
CET is ET-6h.

So a pressconference at 6pm CET is 12am in New York.

Although atm its wintertime in germany so it would be 11am in New York

Last edited by jurrasstoil; 11-06-2010 at 11:30 AM.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Yamzit

[10:41:11] Yamzit: hallo
[10:41:40] Georg Steiner: hallo, bist du der Ali Tekintamgac Kontakt für die Pressekonferenz?
[10:42:09] Yamzit: Heute 18:00 MEZ
[10:42:17] Georg Steiner: ok, alles klar, vielen Dank!
[10:42:22] Yamzit: kein problem
[10:42:46] Yamzit: Sie sind von der Presse?
[10:43:01] Georg Steiner: Ja, PokerNews Deutschland

in englisch

Yamzit: Hello
GS: hello, are you the Ali T. contact for the press con?
Yamzit: Yes today 1800 CET
GS: ok, thats great, thanks
Yamzit: no prob
Yamzit: are you from the press (because it said Pokernews Germany in his contact)
GS: Yes, PokerNews Germany

[x] i like

[10:47:50] Yamzit: sorry das ich es auflösen muss aber war alles ein ganz schlechter scherz. Ali macht leider keine PK
[10:48:23] Georg Steiner: nimmt er gar nicht dazu Stellung?
[10:49:03] Yamzit: naja nicht in unserem skype, wir sind nur 2 idioten die uns einen spass erlaubt haben
[10:49:19] Georg Steiner: ok
[10:49:40] Georg Steiner: Dann habt ihr ja schon alles gesagt.

in eng

Y: Sorry that i have to spoil it but the whole thing was a bad joke
GS: is Ali not answering to our questions
Y: not in our skype chat, we are 2 idiots that made a joke
GS: ok, then everythig is said


maybe i should have made a fake press con where he admits everything
Oh, damn, I was so looking forward to this conference. Now, I'll be bored to death. I really wanted to see this cheater and his "friends".
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Cliff Notes
Good job making false racism accusations, then saying that you will hold a press conference, then pussying out of it because someone posted in this thread that it's not a good idea, then claiming it to be a level and then bringing the press conference back again.

So much drama.
I agree. This seems a lawyer told you it was a dumb idea and are now pretending it was a level.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by keynes
lol that picture pretty much sums it up and also provides a nice segue to the WSOP Nov. 9
Just wait until Michael sees this pic. I wonder how many other well known players had this POS standing behind them. I guess all you have to do is get a camera, and walk in. Note book & pen would probably work fine too. Can anyone say "Security". Hundreds of thousands of dollars at stake & this can happen. Think I'll stay online.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by Ali's friend
I'm also a friend of Ali's. I just wanted to say he made sick calls all the time in our local casino before he got banned over false cheating accusations and that the bloggers who we know well just stand opposite him by coincidence and are known for having itchy noses. You people are just so racist.
Wow this post made my day. I lolled hard for real :d I especially like the bolded part
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 12:07 PM
Maybe this was mentioned already, but why the **** aren't the players hiding their cards? It not hard to peek at your cards so that no one else sees.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by RUSH HUDSON
Oh, damn, I was so looking forward to this conference. Now, I'll be bored to death. I really wanted to see this cheater and his "lawyer".
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by jurrasstoil
They don't. They did chat in their mother language and one of them translated it into german.
I don't think that's true.

Originally Posted by Mehmet
[12:54:44 PM] Yamzit: Hi Ali
[12:54:50 PM] Ali Tekintamgac: selam yamzit
[12:55:16 PM] Yamzit: ich hab leuten gesagt du machst heute pressekonferenz, alle haben geglaubt,haha.
[12:56:03 PM] Ali Tekintamgac: habe schon gelesen. Aber eigendlich gute Idee. Wollte eh was sagen zu Vorwürfen
[12:56:19 PM] Yamzit: willst du ehrlich machen?
[12:56:39 PM] Ali Tekintamgac: ja. warum nicht
[12:56:50 PM] Yamzit: ok, dachte is dir zu doof
[12:57:23 PM] Ali Tekintamgac: nein. wann heute? ich mache
[12:57:39 PM] Yamzit: ja dann 18 uhr heute
Originally Posted by Mehmet
here is the original btw

[12:54:44 PM] Yamzit: merhaba Ali
[12:54:50 PM] Ali Tekintamgac: merhaba yamzit
[12:55:16 PM] Yamzit: Ben bugün düzenlediği basın toplantısında, herkes inandı, haha insanlar söyledim.
[12:56:03 PM] Ali Tekintamgac: Zaten okuma abe. Ama eigendlich iyi bir fikir.
Her zaman ne iddialarını söylemek istedim
[12:56:19 PM] Yamzit: Eğer dürüst yapmak istiyor musunuz?
[12:56:39 PM] Ali Tekintamgac:evet. neden olmasın
[12:56:50 PM] Yamzit: ok, sadece çok aptalca
[12:57:23 PM] Ali Tekintamgac: bir. ne bugün? Yapmam
[12:57:39 PM] Yamzit: evet sonra 18 saat bugün
He misspelled a German word (->eigentlich) and whatever program he used to translate the fake chat into Turkish left it in untranslated.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by Yamzit
You rarely have the chance to talk to such a great poker player. Maybe he can also answer a few strategy questions after all accusations are finally set aside.
Level or not, this made my day
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 12:32 PM
nice level lol
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 12:54 PM
On final tables they should do it "who wants to be a millionare" style lowering the lights :P
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 12:59 PM
By the way, I don't care who you are or how much we're playing for, if there is someone standing behind me who could POSSIBLY see my hole cards, I am asking them to move, and if they do not, I am DEMANDING it.

"Excuse me, but I would appreciate it if you would move from behind me."

"I'm sorry, but I would like to ask the floor to remove the people from directly behind me."

"Look. You're making this bad on everyone. I will take five minutes every hand to hunch over the table and squeeze each card agonizingly slowly so I can feel secure, or you can remove these people from behind me."

"I post at 2+2. A lot. Move these guys now."
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by Rushmore
"I post at 2+2. A lot. Move these guys now."
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 01:14 PM
All of the real bloggers know that they are not allowed to hang behind the players for too long anyway and we behave accordingly. It irritates me when I see people eyeballing Ivey or Daniel, etc...Gives a bad reputation to the bloggers, irritates the player and just...I agree with Benjo - there should be a school for some 'reporters' in this industry.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 01:30 PM
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 01:38 PM
i remember seeing that ****er hanging around the rail a lot, pretty sure one of these cheaters was at my day 1 table for a bit
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Rushmore
By the way, I don't care who you are or how much we're playing for, if there is someone standing behind me who could POSSIBLY see my hole cards, I am asking them to move, and if they do not, I am DEMANDING it.
I was covering WSOP this summer and in the PLO 10k was standing behind Phil Hellmuth, following closely one of his french opponent across the table, and Phil turned around, asking me where I was from then when he realized I was following the french player got kinda pissed off (standard I guess) and asked that I moved.

I was both surprised and kinda pissed at the moment by this request, especially given the fact that this is PLO and we reporters can barely read the cards on the felt (right? ) so let alone see any hole cards in PLO and/or appreciate fully the relevance of the plays.... Not sure how I would signal a AKJ8 ds hand ^^ And if someone can see through the brat's HUGE back and hands, feel free to tell me how you do that trick !!

But anyway I did move back like 6 feet to the side and yet Mr Phil was not satisfied. A floor immediately jumped in, asking me to move further which I did. I must say that sounded pretty ridiculous to me on the moment, but hey who wants to argue with 11 wsop bracelets?

Anyway I moved behind Andy Black who in turn signaled me to move around as well. Kinda thought "fu paranoid tards" in my mind but did move again until noone complained I was "in their back".... Seems pretty difficult to do your job as a reporter if every player wants you not behind their back.... Also it is quite insulting as they have seen me again and again for numerous years, especially Black who I hung out with and yeah he wuz kinda talkative and yeah he bs'ed alot about politics (Obama just was elected) and no nothing came out in public obv of all the things a ppl can say "off the mike".

On one hand, its pretty obvious reporters have VERY little respect from ppls although we are the main people to make them look good, or rather not-so-f'd-up as many are... On the other hand, in light of recent events it makes more sense that players are paranoid about that (I am too, when I play).

As Benjo and others who, I believe, have been respecting the game and the players for quite a bit of time, I feel this is a huge blow to the poker media in general and I sure hop culprits will be clearly identified as what they are : FAKES.

Not all poker players are cheaters, not all journalists are colluding. Seems pretty obvious, but as someone once told me, "this goes without saying but it's better when said".

Not a whine or a 'cool story bro', just my 2 cents to be part of epic thread obv

Last edited by FrenchNoob; 11-06-2010 at 01:59 PM.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-06-2010 , 02:01 PM
So you don't understand why someone who is playing a 10k event doesn't want a random foreign dude lurking right behind them? Reporter or not, I don't think you have any reason to complain about that, regardless of how
'legit' you appear to be.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
