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Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level)

11-17-2010 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by jackhigh
Not sure what was said - didn't read the entire thread. In the first few pages of the thread many people stated that the cheating in the video (first video) was inconclusive. However, I spotted the hand signal right away. When the victim turned over the 8 and 9 it was pretty easy to "break the code" - thus the clock analogy.
Since you cracked the code, where would the hand signal be for 93?
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-18-2010 , 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by jackhigh
I knew I recognized that fat bastard! Now its starting to all makes sense!

robert varkonyi 2002 wsop world champion

great joke !
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-18-2010 , 06:45 AM
it's sad how far these idiots can go. these guys and russ hamilton should be burned alive
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-18-2010 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by frenchreporter56


while i still think the players should come first and foremost i have to apologize for being so harsh, i was pretty tilted. good finds sir and ty
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-18-2010 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by frenchreporter56

this made me lol harder than it prob should have
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-18-2010 , 10:36 AM

Table talk about the scandal with Thomas Kremser,Deniz Yavuz and some media guys.

Its in german. gonna watch it later and give cliffs if no one else does.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-18-2010 , 12:51 PM
I think somebody should contact Harrah's as soon as possible!

Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-18-2010 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by jackhigh
Not sure if anyone has mentioned it but in the first video Fatty grabs the chain around his neck at the "8" and "9" position of a clock indicating the victim has an 8 and 9 in his hand.
So if he had an ace does he grab his nuts or scratch the top of his head a la Stan Laurel?
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-18-2010 , 06:27 PM
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-18-2010 , 06:36 PM
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-20-2010 , 07:49 AM
IDK how this hasn't been posted yet, but these guys and others have also been accused of cheating at the FTP Million Euro challenge in this thread. (Dramabomb article translated to english in this post)
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
01-16-2011 , 03:27 PM
anyone knows how this turned out ?
thx for infos.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-25-2013 , 08:12 AM
Just saw an update on Ali Tekimtamgac and his apparent complice Kadir Karabulut in the austrian boulevard newspaper 'Der Kurier':

"Als der KURIER im Jahr 2010 über diesen Fall berichtete, sah die heimische Polizei noch keinen Grund für Ermittlungen. Das ist seit wenigen Tagen anders: Mehrere Landeskriminalämter ermitteln derzeit die Hintergründe des Falles und möglicher weiterer. Auch die Polizei Augsburg sucht Opfer von Ali T. (0049/821/323-3954). (...)

Wie berichtet, sollen Ali T. und Kadir Karabulut in Millionenbetrügereien in halb Europa involviert sein. Teils in Casinos und teils bei Hinterzimmer-Runden sollen sie ihre Gegner mit Geräten wie aus James-Bond-Filmen hereingelegt haben. So wurde etwa Spezialtinte zum Markieren der Karten verwendet, die nur mit speziellen Kontaktlinsen zu lesen sind. Auch ein Gerät war im Einsatz, mit dem über Magnetstreifen fremde Karten ausspioniert werden konnten. Das Duo soll sogar Kartenrunden mit der deutschen Fußball-Nationalmannschaft veranstaltet haben und Verbindungen zur Wettbetrugsmafia haben. Ali T. sitzt in U-Haft, Karabulut ist untergetaucht."

my translation:
"When the KURIER reported in 2010 about the case, the local police still saw no reason for investigation. This is different since a few days: Several state offices are currently determining the background of the case and possible further cases. The police Augsburg is looking for more victims of Ali T. (0049/821/323-3954). (...)

As previously reported, Ali T. and Kadir Karabulut are suspected to be involved in defrauding millions in half of Europe. In casinos and backroom rounds they might have tricked their opponents with James-Bond-like devices. For example, they used invisible ink to mark the cards, which could only be read with special contact lenses. Even a device to detect cards via magnetic strip was supposedly in use. The duo also allegedly organized card games with members of the German national football team, as well as having links with betting fraud organizations. Ali T. sits in custody, Karabulut has submerged."

Last edited by Divided By Zero; 11-25-2013 at 08:34 AM. Reason: improved translation as suggested by franxic
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
11-25-2013 , 08:34 AM
Good to hear police is finally doing their job. Hope they pet punished appropiately.

Obviously my translation isn't perfect either, just wanted to get it done quickly before edit time ran out.

Last edited by franxic; 11-25-2013 at 08:46 AM.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
06-20-2016 , 02:28 PM
saw ali somewhere played cash. something smells rotten.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
06-20-2016 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by codliveroil
saw ali somewhere played cash. something smells rotten.
Where did you see him? In Turkey somewhere? Ali Tekintamgac was arrested Sept 2013 & Augsberg District court sentenced him to 3 years & 5 months prison on July 11th 2014. Even if he got 10 months 'time served' following his arrest he isn't due to be released until Spring 2017.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
06-20-2016 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by _Loki_
Even if he got 10 months 'time served' following his arrest he isn't due to be released until Spring 2017.
In Germany, nobody who doesn't misbehave in jail or is a threat to society has to stay for longer than 2/3 of their sentence. There's a high chance he's out of jail already.

Last summer he was already allowed to leave jail during the day to go to work and only had to return there overnight to sleep behind bars.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
06-21-2016 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by _Loki_
Where did you see him? In Turkey somewhere? Ali Tekintamgac was arrested Sept 2013 & Augsberg District court sentenced him to 3 years & 5 months prison on July 11th 2014. Even if he got 10 months 'time served' following his arrest he isn't due to be released until Spring 2017.
Casinos are illegal in Turkey, there are only underground home games, 95% of which would be way out of this (Ali) guys roll.
Cheating scandal: WPT Barcelona winner disqualified (Press conference was a level) Quote
