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Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff)
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10-29-2009 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by Art2
I know what happens to Billy Kopp in next weeks episode...I still wanna see it.
I can already hear Lon's call in my mind...

... and Billy Kopp is GONE!
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-29-2009 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
cousin just put me on ignore. I get many pms from people who enjoy my input.

I dont appreciate being called retarted even if it is by a 16 yr old.
Why would anyone ever call you a retart
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-29-2009 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by Kevmath
For someone who's as active as AK is in the poker community and 2+2, it's always surprising how things like this come as a complete surprise to him.
Translation: chainsaw's lack of intelligence never ceases to amaze me.

I don't think your in the minority here.
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-29-2009 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by Art2
I know what happens to Billy Kopp in next weeks episode...I still wanna see it.
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-29-2009 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
You would think ESPN might reconsider that this year since if they say Ivey isnt the winner they could lose alot of final table viewership.

Originally Posted by Al Capwne
If I lived in Vegas I would just go to the RIO and watch it live.

Originally Posted by gregorio
I will ban you from the time the event is over until it airs to save you from yourself.
someone is going to start a banme thread

Originally Posted by Kevmath
For someone who's as active as AK is in the poker community and 2+2, it's always surprising how things like this come as a complete surprise to him.
besides being a huge resource Kevin you have a knack for understatement

Originally Posted by Kevmath
Maybe people should consult Jennifer Tilly's computer people to break the link to 2+2 for the weekend.
perfect solution

Originally Posted by doublejoker
When I posted this thread I didnt realize they were going to spread out this final table over 3 days, so yes it is virtually impossible for me to go 3 days without finding out the eventual winner.
Allen shoots from the hip again and the bullet hits his foot too

Originally Posted by Freudian
They are milking everything so much that it is getting tedious. If Ivey wasn't in, I wouldn't care one bit.

Hope HU lasts 3 hands so this whole things blow up in their face.
thats all they showed last year

Originally Posted by The Lee
IMO, it's more fun to listen to it live on the interwebs than to watch only the key hands espn shows. You get to hear every hand take place and the table talk that goes along with it and that's pretty cool to listen to, at least that's what my roomates and I agree on after listening to it last year.

Originally Posted by Cousin KAP
I don't have many posts here and I'm mostly a lurker but, dude you are annoying as hell lately. Kevmath can you terminate his "post new thread" button. First he whines about the final table being delayed, then he whines about knowing who is going to win before it airs. You seriously can't be this ******ed, I know you are a video poker master and all but please refrain from the constant whining.

thank you that is all...I spoke my mind
Kessler gets tired of complaining to the video machines all the time

Originally Posted by Art2
I know what happens to Billy Kopp in next weeks episode...I still wanna relish it when I see it.
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-29-2009 , 11:02 PM
Chainsaw is all that is man....just like Thorny.
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-29-2009 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by poofinger
Translation: chainsaw's lack of intelligence never ceases to amaze me.

I don't think your in the minority here.
Ill challenge my level of intelligence vs yours anytime have someone set it up.
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-29-2009 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
Ill challenge my level of intelligence vs yours anytime have someone set it up.
Don't shoot the messenger.
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-30-2009 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
Ill challenge my level of intelligence vs yours anytime have someone set it up.
is this really what you've resorted to now?
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-30-2009 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by ItsRainingMen
is this really what you've resorted to now?
just defending myself .... what can I do?
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-30-2009 , 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
just defending myself .... what can I do?
Act like an adult?
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-30-2009 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by Ted DiBiase
I would love to see the chip leader bust the final two during three-handed
Originally Posted by NickyC
lol +1!
LOL donks. Glad you have clearly thought this through...

Originally Posted by Freudian
So basically what you are saying is that the way ESPN used to do things was brilliant and we all have them to thank for that?

So why mess with it?
More LOL in this thread. Yeah, why try and improve anything good thinking!

Originally Posted by davmcg
I'll be not giving a s*ht, like 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the world
And LOL @ you too. Yeah, you won't give a ****. I mean, it's not like you read and post on a poker forum or anything. I mean seriously wtf how can people be so stupid?

Originally Posted by JasonInDallas

The WSOP ME winner is not news. You could avoid the spoiler by simply staying away from poker websites and poker people.
You need to take your LOL back also. Apparently you weren't watching the news and stuff last year, it was widely reported outside of poker websites. ESPN, CNN, etc.

Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-30-2009 , 03:42 AM
lol didn't read thread but isn't this the 3rd thread chainsaw has made about the day off in between final table play and heads up play?.

Isnt it obvious that the players need sleep after playing 17 hours before going back at it 5 hours later?
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-30-2009 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by poofinger
Translation: chainsaw's lack of intelligence never ceases to amaze me.

I don't think your in the minority here.
I don't think that you're in a position to be questioning anyone's intelligence.
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-30-2009 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by NOSUP4U
You need to take your LOL back also. Apparently you weren't watching the news and stuff last year, it was widely reported outside of poker websites. ESPN, CNN, etc.

Last year I actually made an attempt to watch the coverage without knowing who had won, and ended up seeing the winner mentioned in a food forum, of all places.

Y2K bunker this year.

Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-30-2009 , 03:00 PM
who the **** is Chainsaw anyways

is it that dude with the bandido scarf that loves teh foot fetish?
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-30-2009 , 05:26 PM
anyone saying they want to watch the FT live is either stupid, has no idea what actually goes on at a WSOP ME FT, or likes to watch grass grow/paint dry.

it takes like, an average of 3 minutes per hand or something. every tank isn't just a tank, it's usually a 3 minute+ tank. no hands are shown that aren't shown down at the river (outside of an occasional show when everyone folds). it is the most boring thing known to man to watch in person. there's nothing even remotely exciting about it.

and that's not to mention that u will sit there for 4 hours+ without seeing a single player eliminated and often no all-in call pots or anything like that.

it's something that, if it was webcast or PPV broadcast, i would watch it--but i would have it on in the background while i played a session and just would look up whenever an interesting pot developed.
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-30-2009 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
I dont appreciate being called retarted even if it is by a 16 yr old.
Don't flatter yourself; you were never tarted in the first place.
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-30-2009 , 05:33 PM
I think live FT coverage would work if they have world class commentators with great poker knowledge and cameras that are allowed to film the table very closely (more for the sake of the commentators than anything else). It would of course have close to zero mass market appeal, so I won't hold my breath waiting for it.

The webcasts from WSOP this summer had a meditative quality, but was best used in the background while grinding.
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-30-2009 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by sketchy1
it takes like, an average of 3 minutes per hand or something. every tank isn't just a tank, it's usually a 3 minute+ tank.
You talking 3 minutes of real time, or 3 minutes in poker time which means 45 seconds of real time? A 3 minute tank is incredibly long.
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-30-2009 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Freudian

The webcasts from WSOP this summer had a meditative quality, but was best used in the background while grinding.
I guess you didnt watch my commentary of the 50K HORSE
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-30-2009 , 09:52 PM
Chainsaw are you levelling us all?
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-30-2009 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by boombangabang
Chainsaw are you levelling us all?
no i actually did the commentary for 14 hours of the final table of the 50K horse im sure some 2p2ers will verify
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-30-2009 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
no i actually did the commentary for 14 hours of the final table of the 50K horse im sure some 2p2ers will verify
That's not what I meant lol
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
10-30-2009 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by sportsjefe
I can already hear Lon's call in my mind...

... and Billy Kopp is GONE!
Chainsaw and others talk about the WSOP Final Table (Discussion about spoilers and other stuff) Quote
