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Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people.

03-03-2016 , 07:24 AM
Originally Posted by Privateworld
Commerce is hiding for scumbags who owe and will never pay. Like who will Eli and Matasow run into there? What stakes could Matasow possibly be playing? Never seen him in Any big game in Vegas. Funny, cause he just cried to me last week his back was broken and could not pay his light bill. Said he has to use a wheelchair. Just text him said he's not in commerce said you guys were liars and consider the source.
lol at calling jc a liar.
gonna be pretty hard to find a more reliable/honest person to report on what's happening day in and day out at commerce.
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 09:01 AM
Guess what..


Last edited by youriw21; 03-03-2016 at 09:26 AM.
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 09:09 AM
PW= jungleman
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 09:41 AM
I believe there is overwhelming evidence that PW is Antonio Esfandiari.
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Clevername69
I believe there is overwhelming evidence that PW is Antonio Esfandiari and Phil Laak trolling their ass off.
sounds reasonable
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Privateworld

I did not say Opie did not make a lot a cash games . He does . He just made F you money from full tilt. You know, the kind when you by a 40 k sink for your guest bathroom and marble shipped from South Africa or some ****. Lol That is what I meant.
Google Opie poker cribs or something. Hilarious. Priceless

Ex wife sold the sinks sadly.

hey opie
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by illdonk
So he's not giving accurate/current information because it wouldn't mean anything to the average NVGer whose high-stakes knowledge comes from High Stakes Poker reruns? (Admittedly, that group includes me.) I guess that's one possibility.
Speaking of which...I can't find high stakes poker reruns anywhere anymore. They are restricted interent wide. Anyone have any suggestions where I can watch it (not kidding)? Also PW, does Eli still wear his hair like Pat Riley?
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by OJsBludyNife
Speaking of which...I can't find high stakes poker reruns anywhere anymore. They are restricted interent wide. Anyone have any suggestions where I can watch it (not kidding)? Also PW, does Eli still wear his hair like Pat Riley?

they can often be found here, seems like the channels that run them are playing poker after dark atm, but check it later
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 10:49 AM
Matt glantz is currently the chip leader with 10 people left in the Parx 2500

Seat 1: Mike Dentale- 1,310,000
Seat 2: Dan Santoro- 1,085,000
Seat 3: Mike Linster- 1,120,000
Seat 4: Nick Gerrity- 2,900,085
Seat 5. Matt Glantz- 3,480,000
Seat 6: Joe Palma- 2,730,000
Seat 7: Matthew Mendez- 1,935,000
Seat 8: Bobby Oboodi- 1,700,005
Seat 9: Chris McNally- 1,975,000
Seat 10: Nick Pupillo- 1,095,000
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 12:42 PM
Hennigan is nicknamed "Johnny World" and he played on ftp under "World1969"
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 12:53 PM
lol johnny world is the worst guess... The last time he was online or using a computer was probably pre Black Friday lol
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
I don't play in Bobby's room but have numerous friends who play in it regularly. They all know Matt and all have played with him in those games. They are all super honorable guys, but didn't make PW's honorable list, which seemed to be "PWs list of super well known players who've played in Bobby's room or been on TV before", rather than a list of modern day Bobby's room players.
Yet posters ITT persist in assuming that PW is a "super well known player" and guessing at his/her identity.
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 03:05 PM
They probably get bluffed a ton in 2nl also
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by my_nameaintearl
Matt glantz is currently the chip leader with 10 people left in the Parx 2500

Seat 1: Mike Dentale- 1,310,000
Seat 2: Dan Santoro- 1,085,000
Seat 3: Mike Linster- 1,120,000
Seat 4: Nick Gerrity- 2,900,085
Seat 5. Matt Glantz- 3,480,000
Seat 6: Joe Palma- 2,730,000
Seat 7: Matthew Mendez- 1,935,000
Seat 8: Bobby Oboodi- 1,700,005
Seat 9: Chris McNally- 1,975,000
Seat 10: Nick Pupillo- 1,095,000
Love the diversity of names.

2 Mikes
2 Nicks
2 Matts
1 Dan
1 Joe
1 Bobby
1 Chris
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 04:15 PM
fairly certain PW's writing style is fake

so often he misspells things and then spells them correctly in the same post. he has to be doing that on purpose. 'buck seed' and then 'Huck' in the next sentence, is the latest.

not passing judgement on that, just sayin. if accurate, that's actually pretty smart and he's pulling it off well.
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 04:19 PM
That is called a nickname...
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 04:28 PM
Based on Sklansky's clue, my current theory is that PW is an AI troll from the future, part of a net-wide campaign of disinformation and confusion, the motives for which our feeble monkey minds are unlikely ever to comprehend. I think the shape of Hennigan's head is somehow part of the dastardly plot, but still haven't quite figured that part out.
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by oscillator
It was an interesting one to say the least. I took off about 30 hours in, Mike stuck around a while longer.

The very same day I heard Shaun's podcast, Eli and Alex were at the same mixed table sharing a laugh over something. Photo op missed, but not my thing really, also I was in another mix. They've been playing the same game most of the last week. This isn't really news or anything, it's just kind of uncomfortable to see after the fact.

For those who dont know him, Glantz is a prolific figure for most of the up and comers in the mixed game world, particularly those transitioning into the live scene. Personally speaking, playing with him for the first time felt like I had unlocked a new world in Zelda or something. Oppenheim is literally the only person who's table presence made me metaphorically double-take , and a complement from him can make your poker career.

All the stupid cliquish **** talking that circulates through different groups, along with all of the entitlment is really underwhelming and needs to go for real. Playing poker, professionally especially, is so daunting, mentally draining in itself, and just full of let downs from a plethora of angles, it would really serve everyone well to just be cool. It's funny the pros that bash NVG for what it is, when what NVG is is essentially a microcosm of the professional poker world as a whole.
FMP, need to proofread.

Originally Posted by ReasonableDoubt
that last paragraph you write is really why I dislike going to live events and being around people like that so much. To me, the entitled "cool" poker pro (obv doesn't mean good) is one of the most tilting things about playing for a living.

I think it's terrible in terms of how the rec players look at it and how some of these guys/girls treat rec players. I guess I'm just saying that way of acting is really bad for poker as a whole and these people should be called out for their childish ways of acting at times.
Yeah, good or not is semi-irrelevent. It's more annoying for me to see good players doing it for several obvious reasons ( smart enough to know better, good enough to not be so insecure, bottom line reasons, etc )

People have gotten a bit better at trying to not make things uncomfortable for the clear mark, assuming the mark is a recreational player, and people have also gotten better at standing up for the fish, which is good.

Players are still loud *******s when other players are in hands, or will gather around someone else's tournament that they aren't sweating to get drunk and joke with each other at obnoxious levels that they themselves would never tolerate, as if their agenda supersedes those actually playing.

Great players are just as guilty as the railers of writing players off and talking all the **** over a misplayed hand, or a concept that they just havent grasped yet. Pros treat pros who aren't in their immediate circle poorly generally. It can be daunting for some to play in new games or try different variants knowing your edge may be non existent for the moment and you are likely to be scrutinized and ridiculed in whispers from the other side of the table. I remember it happening to me when I was transitioning to live poker, and it happens all of the time still now. It's a very uncomfortable thing if you havent learned yet how to deal with that stuff. There's plenty more but this is already tl;dr and a derail.

John H could never be pw, and Jungle has been challenging everyone to HU at Commerce all week so he's out. Most likely it's some guy who is always at the Casino hanging over the shoulder of every regular there gathering second hand information on everybody because it's his only social outlet. Guys like Harley in Vegas ( not Thrower the mixed player ), or Scotty Brooks in Chicago. That kind of guy.
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 04:50 PM
so did anyone take jungle on?
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by Privateworld
Privateworld is not Matasow morons.
Matasow is hiding..owes everyone
Owes for OFC everyone
Been in hiding
Has not been seen anywhere
I thought he was in the hospital for his back?
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by Highlimit
I thought he was in the hospital for his back?
Broke,broke,broke,broken back
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:04 PM
Something tells me Privateworld is Phil Laak. There was a reference earlier to Privateworld and backgammon. Phil Laak use to play backgammon in New York for money. Also look at posts 554 and 555.

And for some reason the kind of weird alias "privateworld" seems like something Phil Laak would come up with.
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:16 PM
You guys are idiots!!!!!
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:16 PM
Faking idiots
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
03-03-2016 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by Privateworld
You guys are idiots!!!!!
Article on Eli Elezra's mansion & apparently, he owes Shaun Deeb and a ton of other people. Quote
