Originally Posted by CFalls
But how much did you win off him?
It was an interesting one to say the least. I took off about 30 hours in, Mike stuck around a while longer.
The very same day I heard Shaun's podcast, Eli and Alex were at the same mixed table sharing a laugh over something. Photo op missed, but not my thing really, also I was in another mix. They've been playing the same game most of the last week. This isn't really news or anything, it's just kind of uncomfortable to see after the fact.
For those who dont know him, Glantz is a prolific figure for most of the up and comers in the mixed game world, particularly those transitioning into the live scene. Personally speaking, playing with him for the first time felt like I had unlocked a new world in Zelda or something. Oppenheim is literally the only person who's table presence made me metaphorically doubt take, and a complement from him can make your poker career.
All the stupid cliquish **** talking that circulates through different groups, along with all of the entitlment is really underwhelming and needs to go for real. Playing poker, professionally especially, is so daunting, mentally draining in itself, and just full of let downs from a plethora of angles, it would really serve everyone well to just be cool. It's funny the pros that bash NVG for what it is, when what NVG is is essentially a microcosm of the professional poker world as a whole.