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The "LOLCANADA" thread...again The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

08-05-2023 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
If you found out that account was a Russian troll bot, you would not care at all and your reaction would be something along the lines of - hey, everything it says is accurate and that is all that matters. Do I have that about right? Thanks in advance.

All the best.
If you found out Russian bots were pushing apocalyptic climate change theories you wouldn't question your dogma at all. Do I have that right? Thanks in advance.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-05-2023 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
It's hard to fathom given how few people are reaching retirement age, how difficult it is to find work, and with the huge number of children Canadian families are having these days. Also so unusual for Canada; immigration here wasn't really a thing before JT came into power.

Must be the oligarchs like Patterson here in BC and all his damn Alex Cross books.
Canadian MP's are telling people to start "house sharing" if they have the space while record numbers of immigration continue with no sign of slowing down. I'm sure it's all a coincidence and has nothing to do with propping up housing and keep wages low.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-05-2023 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
I think it's a pretty logical explanation of what is currently happening in Canada that makes sense. Do you have another explanation to why our government is doing record immigration in the midst of a housing/health care crises?
Hey if there bringing in Doctors, Nurses and skilled trades than its all good as long as your certifying them as well.

Though I am sure the only question being asked is Will you vote for Justin Trudeau ?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-05-2023 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
If you found out Russian bots were pushing apocalyptic climate change theories you wouldn't question your dogma at all. Do I have that right? Thanks in advance.
Except there isn’t .
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-05-2023 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
If you found out Russian bots were pushing apocalyptic climate change theories you wouldn't question your dogma at all. Do I have that right? Thanks in advance.
I would dismiss any Russian bot's messaging because of the source, regardless of the message. Keep in mind, you will never see me link derpy sources (either weird right or weird left) as you do. Now that I answered your question, feel free to answer mine (that you tried to evade) about how much you would care if that source was found out to be a Russian bot. My assumption is rather safely that you would not care in the slightest, and assuming you do not answer this directly (as I did to your whatabout question) - very safe to assume I am correct.

All the best.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-05-2023 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Hey if there bringing in Doctors, Nurses and skilled trades than its all good as long as your certifying them as well.

Though I am sure the only question being asked is Will you vote for Justin Trudeau ?
Yes that’s good except I doubt that’s what going on or I rather say they do enough .
We already have a lack of those workers and I doubt they represent the majority of the immigration now .

Even so it won’t bring house prices or inflation down for sure regardless who they bring .
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-05-2023 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Canadian MP's are telling people to start "house sharing" if they have the space while record numbers of immigration continue with no sign of slowing down. I'm sure it's all a coincidence and has nothing to do with propping up housing and keep wages low.
Well if the plan is to keep wages low it ain’t working for years now
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-05-2023 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Well if the plan is to keep wages low it ain’t working for years now
Isn't Living in Canada funded by the Trudeau Foundation
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-05-2023 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Isn't Living in Canada funded by the Trudeau Foundation
U complaining wages going higher isn’t good for Canadians ?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-05-2023 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Alberta putting a six month freeze on all solar and wind projects in the province. Good reminder how every time a conservative comes out against “regulations” or “gatekeepers” or “environmental review” they are talking out of one side of their mouth.

You get what you elect.
I wonder what province leads the country in solar and wind projects?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-05-2023 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
I wonder what province leads the country in solar and wind projects?
I know the answer pick me pick me

I also know what G 7 country has yet to lower emissions in the last 8 years
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-05-2023 , 07:24 PM
Guessing a country other than Canada?

Since you are in a "pick me! pick me!" mood Lozen - you can answer the question that Shifty avoided (even when I answered the same question directed at me). You think he would care at all if the Twitter feed he shared was a Russian bot? Does it matter what the source is if the content is what one wants to read?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-05-2023 , 07:58 PM
I don't typically respond to you because you are a useless troll who wastes everyone's time going on about derps blah blah claiming you win 6 figures betting against derps. You offer nothing of value to me and almost never make an argument about anything.

I'm not even sure what you are rambling on about. A Russian bot made a Twitter thread about immigration and the housing crises in Canada?

Russian bots have convinced many in the West to cut fossil fuels and nuclear, while they increase there production so Europe is reliant on them for energy, so they can do things like invade Ukraine unpunished though.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-05-2023 , 08:36 PM
Russian bots/trolls organized rando derp meetup groups in backwards small towns on Facebook. Those people did not care either when told it was bots/trolls behind it, since they knew the message is all that mattered. You know that is how you feel on this as well when you spam your really low end Twitter feeds. You do not care at all about the quality or validity of the source as long as it says what you want to hear. Feel free to say otherwise, as I did when you asked me, or find a third way to avoid doing so. I suggest pretending you never saw the question at this point. Just trying to help.

All the best.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-05-2023 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Guessing a country other than Canada?

Since you are in a "pick me! pick me!" mood Lozen - you can answer the question that Shifty avoided (even when I answered the same question directed at me). You think he would care at all if the Twitter feed he shared was a Russian bot? Does it matter what the source is if the content is what one wants to read?
I'm not sure I could answer my question based on a graph that does not include 2022

I'm not sure what question you want me to answer . If it's should I trust a Russian bot on Twitter my answer would be no . I am not on Twitter .
Though I also don't trust what I always here on CNN,MSNBC,CBC and Fox

Take CBC they reported something prior to Alberta election that was false and just corrected the story. Their reporting could have effected the election . Did they apologize ? Nope

I'm sure they were doing Justin's calling
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-05-2023 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Russian bots/trolls organized rando derp meetup groups in backwards small towns on Facebook. Those people did not care either when told it was bots/trolls behind it, since they knew the message is all that mattered. You know that is how you feel on this as well when you spam your really low end Twitter feeds. You do not care at all about the quality or validity of the source as long as it says what you want to hear. Feel free to say otherwise, as I did when you asked me, or find a third way to avoid doing so. I suggest pretending you never saw the question at this point. Just trying to help.

All the best.
Thanks for reminding me why I don't bother with you.

All the best.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-05-2023 , 09:26 PM
Trudeau is led by ideology about massive immigration being good for the economy.
Not just housing is insufficient.

« Canada's housing shortfall could widen by another 500K units if immigration continues at current pace: report »

« The TD report stresses that social pressures are not limited to housing and that other areas like health-care and social support systems are also not keeping up with Canada’s population expansion. »

« In 2021, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development estimated that Canada ranked 31 of 34 countries in the number of acute care hospital beds on a per capita basis.
The economists say this is “unlikely to have improved” given Canada’s rapid population growth, despite provincial and federal governments’ efforts to recruit more health-care workers and fund more hospital beds. »

Unfortunately trudeau will pass over this without a shred of concern, sadly .
I guess is afraid of his woke alliance calling him racist…
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-05-2023 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Thanks for reminding me why I don't bother with you.
That is the best strategy you can use when you get hit with simple questions that expose the weakness in how you present your very fringy, weak source material. You tried some other tactics like asking me a question, but all that did was show you how a person can comfortably answer a direct question, when that was never going to be the approach you used. Keep us updated with the material you passively consume from your very fringy, and often times bot run sources. They do tell you what you want to read and see, so they earned your loyalty, even if you have no idea who or what they are as sources.

All the best.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-05-2023 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Trudeau is led by ideology about massive immigration being good for the economy.
Not just housing is insufficient.

« Canada's housing shortfall could widen by another 500K units if immigration continues at current pace: report »

« The TD report stresses that social pressures are not limited to housing and that other areas like health-care and social support systems are also not keeping up with Canada’s population expansion. »

« In 2021, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development estimated that Canada ranked 31 of 34 countries in the number of acute care hospital beds on a per capita basis.
The economists say this is “unlikely to have improved” given Canada’s rapid population growth, despite provincial and federal governments’ efforts to recruit more health-care workers and fund more hospital beds. »

Unfortunately trudeau will pass over this without a shred of concern, sadly .
I guess is afraid of his woke alliance calling him racist…

No it should be OK as Justin's gonna build 1.4 million houses even though it's not a federal priority

Many would call you racist for this post I'm not

Last edited by lozen; 08-05-2023 at 10:17 PM.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-06-2023 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
No it should be OK as Justin's gonna build 1.4 million houses even though it's not a federal priority

Many would call you racist for this post I'm not
I know they would .
But u think I’m racist anyway for supporting bill 21 in Quebec .
So u can call me racist too on this I don’t mind shrug .

I just don’t mix emotions with data and facts and sadly I don’t mixe up racism with secularism.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-06-2023 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Interesting. I'm out of my depth here, but I'm not convinced by this. Big picture, immigration creates more supply AND more demand. More need for houses AND more people to build houses, more need for healthcare AND more people to provide healthcare. So the kind of questions about whether to be pro-immigration or anti-immigration I don't think can be answered by pointing to one side of that and saying "omg we will need more of X". Instead when I think about it I look at stuff like our age-demographic curves and how as Canada ages a strong economy is going to depend on lots of immigration, a concern quite longer term than this very localized price shock from inflation and then the interest rates which are taming inflation.

I don't know if you are right about 2025 or not, I suspect you are exaggerating it somewhat, but I do think we should expect robust construction demand and need for labour in this sector and many others over, say, the next 10 years. We have a LOT of building to do before housing prices come down, and interest rates aren't presumably going to be this high forever. Specifically, if it is the case that high interest rates suppress construction leaving lots of unemployed construction workers, that's a full on recession and presumably at that point gets dealt with by rates edging back down again. Right now things are looking good for a "soft landing" not a "hard landing", but who knows.
We need immigration in order to prevent turning into Japan in a few decades, where the olds and retired outnumber the young. GDP stagnation is what Trudeau is trying to stop. Canada isn't an export power house so GDP growth will have to come from consumer demand. I understand that dilemma that 1st world nations with low birthing rates face.

Interest rates do suppress construction a lot. Builders need to take out most of their capital at the end of the project or they don't start the project at all. If they can't take out their capital they can't do more projects. The wheel stops.

Rates will have to fall in order to boost housing construction.

Regarding localized price shock - Housing affordability is very bad right now and getting worst. You can't run your country into rental un affordability. Rental prices rarely reverse unless in population decline.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-06-2023 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
I know they would .
But u think I’m racist anyway for supporting bill 21 in Quebec .
So u can call me racist too on this I don’t mind shrug .

I just don’t mix emotions with data and facts and sadly I don’t mixe up racism with secularism.
Actually no I do not as you are targeting all of religion . If I thought you were a racist or bigot I'd say it bluntly not in a back handed way which some do here

I'm very careful in using Racist or the word hate.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-06-2023 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
We need immigration in order to prevent turning into Japan in a few decades, where the olds and retired outnumber the young. GDP stagnation is what Trudeau is trying to stop. Canada isn't an export power house so GDP growth will have to come from consumer demand. I understand that dilemma that 1st world nations with low birthing rates face.

Interest rates do suppress construction a lot. Builders need to take out most of their capital at the end of the project or they don't start the project at all. If they can't take out their capital they can't do more projects. The wheel stops.

Rates will have to fall in order to boost housing construction.

Regarding localized price shock - Housing affordability is very bad right now and getting worst. You can't run your country into rental un affordability. Rental prices rarely reverse unless in population decline.
I disagree
One of the main problem is the Canadian economy already been composed of too many zombies companies killing gdp .
And all immigration will do is help those unprofitable companies too survives while not being profitable and stealing ressources from better companies .
The US suffer the same problem .

The world need a big recession to get rid of the dead wood ( forest fire anyone ?) once and for all .
Those excessive lack of employees will disappear by themselves .

For Canada, research has been conducted concerning zombie firms. Deloitte (2018) uses data from the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and the TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV) to find that 16% of firms could be considered zombies. Banerjee and Hofmann (2020) use data from Worldscope to find that Canada has the highest zombie share (around 30%) across 14 OECD countries. They suggest that the commodity sector may be a contributing factor for Canada, as zombies tend to be found in commodity-related sectors across countries. Using data from Compustat, Grieder and Ortega (2020) find that, between 1980 and 2018, the proportion of zombies rose from around 3% to around 25%. They show that two-thirds of Canadian zombies were in industries exposed to commodity prices, with 75% of these firms in metal, coal and mineral mining; 10% in oil and gas extraction; and the remaining 15%
The OECD showed that zombie firms have lower productivity than healthy firms, implying that aggregate productivity is dragged down by their prevalence. They hoard resources, such as capital, that could be better used in other, healthy firms, contributing to misallocation. They congest input and output markets by competing on credit, wages and output prices that impede the growth of healthy firms within the same industries, implying that zombie firms create negative externalities with their presence.

These results by the OECD have been confirmed in several studies
U don’t solve a dislocated economy by immigration .
U just perpetuate the problem .
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-07-2023 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
what you guys figure is the high end for the BoC rate wise in the next 36 months? 3.75% now. Can that actually go north of 5.75%?

I was doing some math on what that does to mortgage rates and monthly payments for a lot of people with those 500-1M mortgages. It's pretty wow.

I know historically 5.5% has been cake, but I can't actually compute a world with 6-7-8%. I lived it, I'm that old. I just can't compute a return.
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I *think* they're almost done; the common wisdom appears to be an end point of around 4.25%.
Originally Posted by uke_master
I'm betting more than Bobo's 4.25 and less than rafiki's 5.75. 4.25 is only two "normal" 0.25 increases away, I think that is all but guaranteed. But I think we can imagine another 0.5 followed by some number of 0.25s, for instance. I'm sure we are done with insane 0.75s tho.
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Yeah, I was a little surprised when I read quite a few pros suggesting 4.25, especially when they were initially expecting the last increase was going to be to 4.0. I'd agree 4.25 seems like the minimum, but I think the max and the min are quite close.
Originally Posted by rafiki
Went and spoke to some people in the know in Finance. I consensus was that 5.25% looked like the floor...
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Floor ?
I seriously doubt that .
If it happens it won’t stay there for long .

25 bps away from that 5.25, I think we'll obviously get there. Hard to say after that. 95%+ of money managers are all in long. 5% are whispering credit event.

The foundation of this economy is rotting out from the inside (but the news keeps saying on recession). Feels like only the transfer of wealth from the boomers can save some of the country. My nephews were talking about being part of the generation that will live to 100 years old systemically (via science). Lol to pull that off in Canada we'll need to import entire countries worth of immigrants to fuel the ponzi.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-07-2023 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
25 bps away from that 5.25, I think we'll obviously get there. Hard to say after that. 95%+ of money managers are all in long. 5% are whispering credit event.
Pretty happy I locked in my mortgage in Jan
For 4.89% for 5 years. A few guys I work with a currently panicking that stayed on variable.

Originally Posted by rafiki
The foundation of this economy is rotting out from the inside (but the news keeps saying on recession). Feels like only the transfer of wealth from the boomers can save some of the country. My nephews were talking about being part of the generation that will live to 100 years old systemically (via science). Lol to pull that off in Canada we'll need to import entire countries worth of immigrants to fuel the ponzi.
Personally I think it's time to start seriously considering moving to the US. In the last 6 months 4 people I work with accepted transfers to Texas.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
