Originally Posted by lozen
Keep trying to deflect from all the Trudeau lies .
Quebec gets a sweetheart deal on a political carbon tax
Lol. Stop projecting. I saw something on twitter and posted it here. YOU are the one who is deflecting from a Poilievre lie with some whataboutism. Just because you do this fundamentally dishonest style of posting over and over again doesn't mean anyone else is doing it.
But sure, I'll engage in your whataboutism. One of the STRENGTHS of the carbon tax is that it allows for flexibility so each province can do its own thing, but if it does nothing then it gets the federal backstop. So some provinces like BC and Quebec were environmental leaders and deserve praise for putting in place systems prior to the federal government. Quebec's one isn't directly comparable to the federal one, it isn't a carbon tax, it is a cap-and-trade system and that scores quite differently and has quite different effects. I actually like cap-and-trade systems but the Liberals largely moved away from it due to previous failed elections running on such systems which made the (almost as good) carbon tax become the backstop which is fine by me.
Anyways, the point is that if Alberta wants to come up with its own system that is a cap-and-trade system like Quebec's then undoubtably they could do that and not rely on the federal backstop. The fact that they did nothing and the backstop was forced on them points to the broken politics of that province, just like how they incrediably froze all wind and solar development in that province. Sickening.