Originally Posted by lozen
A)Hey I never voted for Harper the last two elections he ran in. AS well you forget I consistently say no ones going to feel sorry for Alberta cause we keep pissing away our wealth.
AS for how Harper could have solved the inflation issue. I am not sure would he have spent as much as Trudeau in free money that many did not need? No clue
Would we have more pipelines under Harper ? No clue
Would Indigenous Folks have clean drinking water under Harper? No clue
B)Though we know nothing is getting done under JT and whom are they gonna blame for high gas prices, high food prices, mortgage rates they cant afford, the government in power not Harper
Hey but at least JT is reducing Canada's emission rates yearly? Oh wait
Hence my pps
Sadly nothing much JT / biden or anyone else in the world can do .
Just need market to do it’s own stuff and find a new equilibrium with the massive debt money being injected into the system .
But fwiw , better to have access to higher prices stuff (inflation) and have jobs then to have access to nothing at all (depression) with no jobs .
And that is the danger of lack of money , depression .
I will always favour the 1970s compare to the 1930s .
Im just realistic , It was impossible to predict how much money was needed coming into an unknown virus like covid and it’s long term consequences and where it would of end it .
At least Canada was the first to cut QE and do hike rates .
Canada inflation is lower than US and Europe .
Ain’t to bad imo shrug .
But obviously before it comes an impossible problem , we are at the threshold of real big problems but again , it’s worldwide…
It’s a globalize economy , Canada can’t do nothing on its own beside increasing its own production but for that u need inflation to make it profitable .
U can’t pay people 5$ an hour here !
Covid was a worldwide crisis like the ww2 .
Same amount of debts and seem it’s getting at the same rate of inflation for couple years as well during that time .
The world end up ok in the end as it always did .
Possibly a lowest quality of life ( if u consider consumption a quality of life ?) for couple of years ahead of us through less consumption?
Yes probably but that is how u pay down debt .
U borrow money from the future to consume more in the present but ->
The future have less money because u already use it in the present ,
Hence obviously u will spend less in future years to pay the present debts we have now , shrug
To me it’s just all normal cycle …
(Ray dalio long term debt cycle ) .
Better to be in the side of have then to be on the side of have not .
If people are so mad about inflation , just stop giving tax cut to the rich and corporations to stop governments debts increase .
Stop having low interest rates that inflated houses and stock prices and entice people and corporations to borrow cheaply and killing wages through low value of currency!
the money ain’t trickling down , it’s going overseas or in over value stock market where the money dies doing nothing (velocity of money dies , not being productive ) .
Last edited by Montrealcorp; 06-11-2022 at 05:13 PM.