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The "LOLCANADA" thread...again The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

06-10-2022 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Another day, another Trudeau scandal. Who's votes for this scum?
im glad u say so .

remember harper with scientist and all government employees (except some ministers) were ban for speaking to medias ?

the good old times right ?
guess trudeau got a strategy from PC book play ?
And u blame him ?
how ironic.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-11-2022 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
im glad u say so .

remember harper with scientist and all government employees (except some ministers) were ban for speaking to medias ?

the good old times right ?
guess trudeau got a strategy from PC book play ?
And u blame him ?
how ironic.
So your defense is Harper did it straight from Uke's playbook

Didn't he run on being different?

At least under Harper we could afford gas and food and housing and he sucked but looking back.....
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-11-2022 , 12:47 PM
Just another reminder this is what the Liberals and Trudeau want. It's tragic, but it's also what people voted for.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-11-2022 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
So your defense is Harper did it straight from Uke's playbook

Didn't he run on being different?

At least under Harper we could afford gas and food and housing and he sucked but looking back.....
First it’s not a defence , it’s just to remind you PC voters didn’t find anything wrong with it because they keep putting harper in power , even after closing the parlement twice !!

And …u complain about trudeau interfering for 1 event , harper totally prevent scientist and about every member of governments to adress the medias permanently ! For years ……
It’s just facts !

But I know gradation isn’t something you really think about .
1% , 10% , 100% it’s all the same thing for you as long u can accuse wrong doing .

Sorry to hear you don’t have food , gaz and houses .
I though high oil prices makes alberta rich ?

Im sure harper by himself would of been able to prevent a worldwide inflation crisis because it’s worldwide o0 .
U complain here about Inflation while it’s much higher in the US and Europe .
But tell us how could harper solve worldwide inflation by himself ?

Ps: it’s fine to complain , but it’s despicable to complain on stuff where u support political side that are doing worst !

Pps: sorry lozen , i thought i was responding to shifty .
I would of been a little more diplomatic but the essence of the message still stay because u would still vote for pc regardless and still it’s an adress to shifty .

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 06-11-2022 at 03:00 PM.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-11-2022 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Just another reminder this is what the Liberals and Trudeau want. It's tragic, but it's also what people voted for.
I previously said , if u can’t afford a 50 cent increase of gaz , u should not own a vehicle.
It’s called margin of safety in finance .
But seeing how alberta aren’t that rich after all the wealth they had with oil , I’m not surprise of the ignorance of margin of safety concept …

And might be a good time to realize , omg I should get an electric vehicle to stop being at the mercy of oil cartel instead of complaining and doing nothing .

Fwiw , for a guy that promote self sufficiency with no tax , no governments , etc .
It doesn’t take much to turn your world upside down ……
Maybe u should change your political view ?

If u have trouble with some inflation today, you wouldn’t have survive in the 1970s or the 1930s depression ….

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 06-11-2022 at 02:55 PM.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-11-2022 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
First it’s not a defence , it’s just to remind you PC voters didn’t find anything wrong with it because they keep putting harper in power , even after closing the parlement twice !!

And …u complain about trudeau interfering for 1 event , harper totally prevent scientist and about every member of governments to adress the medias permanently ! For years ……
It’s just facts !

But I know gradation isn’t something you really think about .
1% , 10% , 100% it’s all the same thing for you as long u can accuse wrong doing .

Sorry to hear you don’t have food , gaz and houses .
I though high oil prices makes alberta rich ?

Im sure harper by himself would of been able to prevent a worldwide inflation crisis because it’s worldwide o0 .
U complain here about Inflation while it’s much higher in the US and Europe .
But tell us how could harper solve worldwide inflation by himself ?

Ps: it’s fine to complain , but it’s despicable to complain on stuff where u support political side that are doing worst !

Pps: sorry lozen , i thought i was responding to shifty .
I would of been a little more diplomatic but the essence of the message still stay because u would still vote for pc regardless and still it’s an adress to shifty .
Hey I never voted for Harper the last two elections he ran in. AS well you forget I consistently say no ones going to feel sorry for Alberta cause we keep pissing away our wealth.

AS for how Harper could have solved the inflation issue. I am not sure would he have spent as much as Trudeau in free money that many did not need? No clue
Would we have more pipelines under Harper ? No clue
Would Indigenous Folks have clean drinking water under Harper? No clue

Though we know nothing is getting done under JT and whom are they gonna blame for high gas prices, high food prices, mortgage rates they cant afford, the government in power not Harper

Hey but at least JT is reducing Canada's emission rates yearly? Oh wait
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-11-2022 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by lozen

A)Hey I never voted for Harper the last two elections he ran in. AS well you forget I consistently say no ones going to feel sorry for Alberta cause we keep pissing away our wealth.

AS for how Harper could have solved the inflation issue. I am not sure would he have spent as much as Trudeau in free money that many did not need? No clue
Would we have more pipelines under Harper ? No clue
Would Indigenous Folks have clean drinking water under Harper? No clue

B)Though we know nothing is getting done under JT and whom are they gonna blame for high gas prices, high food prices, mortgage rates they cant afford, the government in power not Harper

Hey but at least JT is reducing Canada's emission rates yearly? Oh wait

Hence my pps

Sadly nothing much JT / biden or anyone else in the world can do .
Just need market to do it’s own stuff and find a new equilibrium with the massive debt money being injected into the system .

But fwiw , better to have access to higher prices stuff (inflation) and have jobs then to have access to nothing at all (depression) with no jobs .
And that is the danger of lack of money , depression .
I will always favour the 1970s compare to the 1930s .

Im just realistic , It was impossible to predict how much money was needed coming into an unknown virus like covid and it’s long term consequences and where it would of end it .
At least Canada was the first to cut QE and do hike rates .
Canada inflation is lower than US and Europe .

Ain’t to bad imo shrug .
But obviously before it comes an impossible problem , we are at the threshold of real big problems but again , it’s worldwide…
It’s a globalize economy , Canada can’t do nothing on its own beside increasing its own production but for that u need inflation to make it profitable .
U can’t pay people 5$ an hour here !

Covid was a worldwide crisis like the ww2 .
Same amount of debts and seem it’s getting at the same rate of inflation for couple years as well during that time .
The world end up ok in the end as it always did .

Possibly a lowest quality of life ( if u consider consumption a quality of life ?) for couple of years ahead of us through less consumption?
Yes probably but that is how u pay down debt .
U borrow money from the future to consume more in the present but ->
The future have less money because u already use it in the present ,
Hence obviously u will spend less in future years to pay the present debts we have now , shrug

To me it’s just all normal cycle …
(Ray dalio long term debt cycle ) .

Better to be in the side of have then to be on the side of have not .
If people are so mad about inflation , just stop giving tax cut to the rich and corporations to stop governments debts increase .
Stop having low interest rates that inflated houses and stock prices and entice people and corporations to borrow cheaply and killing wages through low value of currency!
the money ain’t trickling down , it’s going overseas or in over value stock market where the money dies doing nothing (velocity of money dies , not being productive ) .

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 06-11-2022 at 05:13 PM.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-11-2022 , 05:17 PM
That is why i despise guys like kenney and polievre .
They talk nonsense about economy and taxes with populism concept as if it was that simple without taking into account where we are in the economic cycle .
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-11-2022 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Just another reminder this is what the Liberals and Trudeau want. It's tragic, but it's also what people voted for.
Correct. While I broadly support incremental increases (the carbon tax goes up slowly each year until 2030) so there are not big transitionary shocks, higher prices WILL start changing actual behaviours. Most of the time those behaviours are good. But sometimes those behaviours are things with negative externalities, and I'd say trying to drive more fuel efficiently with less gas in the car and then accidentally running out of gas is in that category. I'm not particularly concerned if there is a non-zero amount of negative externalities, I'm concerned with whether the carbon tax net makes a relatively lower ghg emissions.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-11-2022 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
That is why i despise guys like kenney and polievre .
They talk nonsense about economy and taxes with populism concept as if it was that simple without taking into account where we are in the economic cycle .
Though I do agree trickle down is crap

And you prefer " Budgets Balance themselves" and all the Covid relief that went out to many that never needed it
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-14-2022 , 01:46 PM
You people are going to like this post.

I think everything to do with C11 is a ****ing disgrace. I think it is a terrible bill. I think the process to implement it has been terrible. I think its adherents have been repeatedly lying about what is in the actual bill. I think it will harm the canadian content creator ecosystem. I think the heritage minister should resign. And here is the part you will like best: I think this bill will directly hurt me (as a lot of my income comes as a canadian content creator) so it opens me up to the criticism that I'm only finally mad at the liberals when they eventually hurt me, while ignoring all the other minor groups they have hurt before it. So be it. But the bill is still a disgrace.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-14-2022 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
You people are going to like this post.

I think everything to do with C11 is a ****ing disgrace. I think it is a terrible bill. I think the process to implement it has been terrible. I think its adherents have been repeatedly lying about what is in the actual bill. I think it will harm the canadian content creator ecosystem. I think the heritage minister should resign. And here is the part you will like best: I think this bill will directly hurt me (as a lot of my income comes as a canadian content creator) so it opens me up to the criticism that I'm only finally mad at the liberals when they eventually hurt me, while ignoring all the other minor groups they have hurt before it. So be it. But the bill is still a disgrace.
Uke's account has been hacked.

I am not sure why the government needs to step in and regulate sites like Netflix, You Tube or Spotify. What is their ultimate goal of this bill?

Though you are correct that now your outraged with the government when they come after your income or rights Im sure will see a "FREEDOM" sign hanging off the back of your bike on the way to the University
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-14-2022 , 02:46 PM
I don’t even mind them demanding Netflix and Spotify buy more Canadian content. I’m sort of meh on that classic argument about defending Canadian content, but regardless it makes sense that if traditional TV broadcasters have that rule then so too do Netflix. Whatever. What worries me is the potential effect on small creators, particularly ones like me that have largely international audiences and am highly sensitive to tweaks in the algorithm to accommodate things.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-14-2022 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I don’t even mind them demanding Netflix and Spotify buy more Canadian content. I’m sort of meh on that classic argument about defending Canadian content, but regardless it makes sense that if traditional TV broadcasters have that rule then so too do Netflix. Whatever. What worries me is the potential effect on small creators, particularly ones like me that have largely international audiences and am highly sensitive to tweaks in the algorithm to accommodate things.

Why must Netflix and Spotify buy more CDN Content? By having Netflix and Amazon Prime you are already getting more CDN jobs in the film making industry as many of these shows film in CDN locations. We do not need any regulations that state they must show 12 % Cdn content.

I am curious what type of content you create on you tube?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-14-2022 , 03:42 PM
I would like to see the CRTC step up and impose a universal slate of Privacy Rights on all software/App companies.

Todays kids (everyone) should not be able to just click away all their data privacy rights in some massive unread contract that constitutes the TOS. They should limit what can be demanded and beyond that make it a series of optional opt in/ opt out steps.

No reason a free QR reader App should require permission to read all your texts, emails, delete and change your other Apps, use your camera to view you or microphone to listen, etc.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-14-2022 , 04:15 PM
Nice to see were attending Russian Parties endorsed by our hottest minister and lie about it.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-14-2022 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Why must Netflix and Spotify buy more CDN Content? By having Netflix and Amazon Prime you are already getting more CDN jobs in the film making industry as many of these shows film in CDN locations. We do not need any regulations that state they must show 12 % Cdn content.
I'm not a big proponent of this part, so perhaps not the best person for this, but the pro-case as I see it goes something like this. We employee quite a lot of people in vancouver, toronto, and montreal in various film/tv/music/art type roles, and this is an industry worth protecting and not just being swallowed entirely into the american media juggernaut. Having modest regulations that means major content platforms like netflix or broadcast tv are purchasing a small percentage of this canadian content helps support the industry in much the same way that we have regulations on things like airplanes or cellphone carriers so that we retain canadian companies.

Originally Posted by lozen
I am curious what type of content you create on you tube?
Oh they are just math educational videos, rather boring, but still a pretty large market of people who need quality university level math education on YouTube so they do pretty well.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-15-2022 , 09:05 AM
Don Martin writes a good piece on the beginning of the Fall of Trudeau . Heck he even has angered Uke

Yes I dislike JT but his party keeps making news were two cabinet ministers flat out lied this week.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-19-2022 , 11:12 PM
Good thing we have the carbon tax to stop climate change.

The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-20-2022 , 12:14 AM
its temporary.

u have a nice example here on how to lead a country pragmatically and not based on ideology....

sometimes u have to accept that reality exceed our wishful thinking.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-20-2022 , 12:43 AM

In Edmonton, police pursued a wild boar along the vein of river valley running through the city and shot it dead on the grounds of Government House. In Manitoba, more than 100 wild boars encroached on the Crocus Grove Nudist Resort, having escaped from a farm during a flood. In Ontario, an officer pursued and finally dispatched a “renegade 135 kilogram wild boar” after a weeklong hunt near Orillia, during which the boar terrorized cottagers, charged at teens and police, and at one point escaped capture by swimming away through Penetang Harbour.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-20-2022 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
its temporary.

u have a nice example here on how to lead a country pragmatically and not based on ideology....

sometimes u have to accept that reality exceed our wishful thinking.

Temporary were are they going to get their Natural Gas from if not Russia? Its not like they warned and laughed it off

The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-20-2022 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by BrookTrout

In Edmonton, police pursued a wild boar along the vein of river valley running through the city and shot it dead on the grounds of Government House. In Manitoba, more than 100 wild boars encroached on the Crocus Grove Nudist Resort, having escaped from a farm during a flood. In Ontario, an officer pursued and finally dispatched a “renegade 135 kilogram wild boar” after a weeklong hunt near Orillia, during which the boar terrorized cottagers, charged at teens and police, and at one point escaped capture by swimming away through Penetang Harbour.
Damn they are so evasive and eat everything in their path and mean
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-20-2022 , 01:33 PM
Lozen , temporary is 1-2 years .
War might end
New route and sources being build
More transitional energy supply
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
06-20-2022 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
.... AS well you forget I consistently say no ones going to feel sorry for Alberta cause we keep pissing away our wealth...
Just happened across this point and want to address it.

The view in Alberta is what is happening all across the US and Canada right now. A belief that government cannot and will not allocate the resources to any 'common good' regardless so best to take as much in my personal pocket as possible and I will look out for 'me and mine'.

That is basically the demand Ralph Klein buckled to and has been that way ever since. Self interest and greed winning out over 'long term investments that could help the masses' and instead a group of wealthy just getting ever more wealthy. I was truly shocked how much quiet money was in Alberta investors hands when our company was raising money in that Province and I was doing the rounds.

Alberta, I would say has been at it longer but that is generally the model across all of Canada and the US now.

Not quite the Putin oligarch model, as the money is spread more widely and beyond just hand picked people, but similarly long term destructive to the health of the nation, just to a lesser extent
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
