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The "LOLCANADA" thread...again The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

10-08-2021 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Obv. +1 .

Many English speaking could live their entire life without any problem in Quebec without speaking a word in french .
They have hospital services , schools , judicial services , etc .

It’s been like that for decades and still is…

No where for French is possible , beside 1 or 2 exception …

Comparing the precarity of French to English in North America is absurd .
Isnt that what bill 96 takes away ?

Heck I can remeber being in Montreal & Quebec City and yes Montreal no issue but Quebec City....

Quebec City was by far the most beautiful city I have visited in Canada
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-08-2021 , 10:44 PM
That is different obv if you speak of the city of Quebec and not montreal .
Fwiw , English in Quebec is around 2% of people , just saying but still kids have access to English school ….

« Quebec City’s anglophone community – making up about 2 per cent of the provincial capital’s metropolitan area – is historic and close-knit. But unlike Montreal, where hundreds of thousands of English-speakers have maintained a critical mass, Quebec City anglophones face a precarious future.

Every five years, between 20 and 25 per cent of the city’s anglophone minority leave and are replaced by newcomers, Wellens, executive director of Voice of English-Speaking Quebec, said in a recent interview. »

Im telling you , English are well treated and have every access they need to thrive which is certainly not the case for French in other provinces ….

When people complain , they should actually see in their own backward first .

Im not aiming at you but claiming Quebec are racist is the dummest thing people can say .
They only immigrants that really critics racism in Quebec are usually extremist with religion and all that garbage …
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-08-2021 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Bill 91 is the no burka, turbin bill at government jobs ??
No that’s bill 21
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-09-2021 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
That is different obv if you speak of the city of Quebec and not montreal .
Fwiw , English in Quebec is around 2% of people , just saying but still kids have access to English school ….

« Quebec City’s anglophone community – making up about 2 per cent of the provincial capital’s metropolitan area – is historic and close-knit. But unlike Montreal, where hundreds of thousands of English-speakers have maintained a critical mass, Quebec City anglophones face a precarious future.

Every five years, between 20 and 25 per cent of the city’s anglophone minority leave and are replaced by newcomers, Wellens, executive director of Voice of English-Speaking Quebec, said in a recent interview. »

Im telling you , English are well treated and have every access they need to thrive which is certainly not the case for French in other provinces ….

When people complain , they should actually see in their own backward first .

Im not aiming at you but claiming Quebec are racist is the dummest thing people can say .
They only immigrants that really critics racism in Quebec are usually extremist with religion and all that garbage …
Yet we so easily say Trump supporters are all racist and many drop that hint at conservatives
My bad bill 21

I can only imagine Trump running a winning and than proposes bill 21 for the USA

CNN & MSNBC would call him a racist

Im not saying all Quebecers are racist I just think the policy may be and the only leader that had the courage to say so was the Green Leader
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-09-2021 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Yet we so easily say Trump supporters are all racist and many drop that hint at conservatives
My bad bill 21

I can only imagine Trump running a winning and than proposes bill 21 for the USA

CNN & MSNBC would call him a racist

Im not saying all Quebecers are racist I just think the policy may be and the only leader that had the courage to say so was the Green Leader

Fwiw , here an opinion piece that I disagree with in a lot of places but had some good facts on why Quebec is like this toward religion in accordance with bill 21 .

« Why, then, might “right-thinking” Québécois, who see themselves as tolerant, support the bill? A history lesson is in order. Until Quebec’s Quiet Revolution of the 1960s, which took education out of the hands of the Catholic Church, French Quebec was for all practical purposes a theocracy, “that priest-ridden province.” Almost every Québécois of an older generation ─ especially women ─ has a horror story of how the church influenced their lives. For politically aware Québécois, freeing the province from the grips of the church was a necessary step on the road to modernity, to building a secular, more egalitarian society, freed from the evils of superstition. Among the visible changes brought by the Quiet Revolution was the sartorial transformation of school teachers, as the good sisters of the old teaching orders traded in their religious habits for more modern attire.

Religion came to be viewed in a new light, at least by many. It was seen as a social construct, to use sociological jargon, that a society, and thus also individuals, can choose to adopt or to discard. After all, did not the majority of Québécois choose to cease practising their ancestral religion after the Quiet Revolution? Studies that measure religious practice suggest that the once priest-ridden province is now the most secular society in North America, a paradox that will undoubtedly not escape the reader.

Quebec’s history has, in short, shaped a distinct perspective on religion: a more detached, less indulgent view than is the North American norm. If I may be forgiven a bad pun: religion in Quebec is less sacred. If Quebec were to print its own currency, the motto “In God We Trust” that is inscribed on every U.S. greenback would be unthinkable. »

« Religion and race

Which brings me back to Bill 21. If the state is to be truly secular, does it not follow that the state should ask its servants, notably those in situations of authority, to refrain from displaying religious convictions? Why is this different from asking them not to display political convictions? Is it not imperative that citizens be assured that civil servants are unprejudiced in their regard? Here, let me quote Boucar Diouf, an astute observer of Quebec society who it would be difficult to accuse of racism or Islamophobia: “How would an immigrant of Palestinian origin, contesting a conviction, feel in front of a judge wearing a kippah? Inversely, how would a young driver wearing a kippah feel faced with a policewoman wearing a hijab who just gave him a ticket?” (My translation). Clearly Diouf does not view Bill 21 as an abomination ─ not without fault, perhaps, but not intrinsically discriminatory or racist. »

Canadians need to realize religion in Quebec wasn’t the same results as them….
Probably why as well division occurred in the Catholics church about how to practice religion right ?
The Protestant are obviously to me far better but anyway ..

People complain about the story with native boarding school where many death children were discover in the beginning of the 1900 right ?
Well all that **** did happen to Québécois as well, lead by religion management too prior to the 1960 …
Religion in Quebec have a huge lasting bad history with religion .

An example :

« The Duplessis Orphans (French: les Orphelins de Duplessis) were 20,000 Canadian children[1] who were wrongly certified as mentally ill by the provincial government of Quebec and confined to psychiatric institutions in the 1940s and 1950s. The children were deliberately miscertified in order to misappropriate additional subsidies from the federal government. »

« The Duplessis Orphans have accused both the government of Quebec and the Roman Catholic Church of wrongdoing. »

« The authors made a conservative estimate that religious groups received $70 million in subsidies (measured in 1999 dollars) by claiming the children as "mentally deficient", while the government saved $37 million simply by having one of its orphanages redesignated from an educational institution to a psychiatric hospital. »

The whole point in all of this is simple :
It has nothing to do with people in particular , it’s about ejecting religion in key post in the government.
For all citizens ! Including us ….

And for your point Trump and the implementation of bill 21 is impossible .
They could never let go their own religion .
Dont Forget , bill 21 eradicate ALL religion from certain jobs in the government in position of power .

Trump would probably love to do the same while KEEPING their own religion ….

It is massively different .
All Quebec wants is too keep religion private in certain government position , that’s all.

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 10-09-2021 at 01:40 PM.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-14-2021 , 09:28 AM
I know us Albertans are the ones not getting the shots I hear but Quebec has its problems as well . Will see if 30 days solves this
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-14-2021 , 04:48 PM
I for one am fascinated by the debate about which is the shittiest province in Canada, alberta or quebec. So many reasons to choose both sides!
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-14-2021 , 07:16 PM
(it's Saskatchewan or Manitoba...)
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-15-2021 , 10:22 AM
True. But at least neither of those provinces thinks they are anywhere near the top.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-15-2021 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
True. But at least neither of those provinces thinks they are anywhere near the top.
As an Albertan I never have thought of Alberta as the best. It has its pluses and minuses like every province

I have never been to the Maritimes but it looks gorgeous. I imagine BC would be my first choice other than its cost of living.

Mid next year Ill be moving into the Kootenays for 2-4 years and super excited about it

I really can not think of much positive about Manitoba though
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-15-2021 , 12:58 PM
oooh the kootenays are beautiful. That's for work?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-15-2021 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
oooh the kootenays are beautiful. That's for work?
Yup bought 6 lots on the bank of Marys River in Marysville ( between Kimbeley & Cranbrook) and going to be building there. Bought a house there and one lot for myself .
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-15-2021 , 06:41 PM
I have family that used to live in Kimberley and moved to Wasa Lake, about a half hour away. Beautiful area. Good luck with the move!
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-15-2021 , 06:53 PM
that sounds amazing, jealous.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-15-2021 , 06:54 PM
I should probably let you know that the NDP in charge of BC are ****ing stupid and you will hate them with the passion of a thousand suns
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-16-2021 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I should probably let you know that the NDP in charge of BC are ****ing stupid and you will hate them with the passion of a thousand suns
No I am fine with strong building codes. The PST will be the shocker.
The one thing Rachel Notley did well is get Alberta more in line with CDN Building Codes. Alberta had some dumb restrictions that other provinces did not have that they changed

My fear is the lack of quality trades
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-18-2021 , 01:12 PM
Municipal elections here in Alberta.

Both Calgary and Edmonton Mayors not running

As well vote on Daylight Savings time and
Should Alberta leave the Equalization Transfer Program
As well as Senator votes which mean nothing as well
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-18-2021 , 01:35 PM
lozen I have a question. Do you think Quebec gets the most money per capita from the equalization payment program? Not a gotcha, just reflect for a moment then continue.

Political scientist Jared Wesley, the lead on a recent University of Alberta survey on referendum voting intentions, said the poll suggested the Yes side remains in the lead. But he said a high percentage of respondents don't understand how equalization works (44 per cent), wrongly believe Quebec gets the most per capita (85 per cent), and fail to understand Ottawa does not need provincial buy-in to change the equalization formula (62 per cent).

"I don't blame Albertans for being confused," said Wesley. "They've been fed a lot of misinformation by governments in this province for a lot of decades, and that's showing up in our research."
I always find it so weird hearing this anti-Quebec rhetoric in Alberta, I don't think most really understand much about Quebec but it has sort of risen to this scary thing you all get concerned about.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-18-2021 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Please stop that bs .
It ain’t true ….

That is not how it works .
Been demonstrated plenty of times .

That program goes per capita , so Quebec being the 2nd most populated will obv receive more but in the amount each citizen received , Quebec is far from being the one receiving the most, on the contrary …

Penalizing a province because it is more populated is nonsense .
i think lozen knows cause he did not come back at it.

+1 UKE but it is not surprising about all the false premises running in those places.
narrative to achieve results is more important than actual facts, unfortunately.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-18-2021 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
i think lozen knows cause he did not come back at it.

+1 UKE but it is not surprising about all the false premises running in those places.
narrative to achieve results is more important than actual facts, unfortunately.
Obviously the money is not transferred directly to Quebec but it benefits the most under the program

Here is one article from the National Post

and this one

For the record I voted no on the Equalization as in no changes . Kenney is the fool that devised the plan and we could vote 100% to change it and we can never change it

Alberta is the largest contributor to Equalization and as a province very little representation
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-18-2021 , 03:16 PM
I guess what I'm trying to find out is what is the cultural reason why 85% of albertans are just factually wrong about one of the core aspects of the equalization program they are all voting on? Is it all just one giant provincial wide whataboutquebecism?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-18-2021 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I guess what I'm trying to find out is what is the cultural reason why 85% of albertans are just factually wrong about one of the core aspects of the equalization program they are all voting on? Is it all just one giant provincial wide whataboutquebecism?
I think they are tired of the fact that we have contributed the most via our resources and provinces like BC and Quebec are standing in the way of getting our product to market. They say its because its dirty oil yet both those provinces have no problems with any project that benefits their economy that is destructive to the environment and contributes to Climate change .

I think Kenney may have been better off having a vote to leave Canada
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-18-2021 , 04:52 PM
it is not just that. Quebec (and I love Quebec) is the first and loudest one to say 'F*ck Alberta' in most resource related issues/votes.

Quebec is thrilled to take in the masses of money they get via AB, while saying f*ck the source of those funds.

It is a very common thing though where the welfare recipient comes to resent/hate the one providing the assistance money.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-18-2021 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Obviously the money is not transferred directly to Quebec but it benefits the most under the program

Here is one article from the National Post

and this one

For the record I voted no on the Equalization as in no changes . Kenney is the fool that devised the plan and we could vote 100% to change it and we can never change it

Alberta is the largest contributor to Equalization and as a province very little representation
Did you see what they did in the first article ?
They argue Alberta paid the most per capita in total compare to what they receive from Canada but than take total expenses per province compare to what they receive and with the equalization program acknowledged that Quebec receive the most , disregarding the “per capita “ premise that was used in the first place ..

I mean seriously ..,

I can do the same garbage claim .

Alberta comes below Quebec for the contribution of gdp in Canada …
Hence in total ( since per capita do not seem to be an important factor anymore ) , Quebec pays more than Alberta and contribute more than Alberta , so why are they complaining Quebec receives more money ?

You can’t have it both ways …
Or you stick to per capita all the way or you use total expenses and revenue all the way….
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
10-18-2021 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Did you see what they did in the first article ?
They argue Alberta paid the most per capita in total compare to what they receive from Canada but than take total expenses per province compare to what they receive and with the equalization program acknowledged that Quebec receive the most , disregarding the “per capita “ premise that was used in the first place ..

I mean seriously ..,

I can do the same garbage claim .

Alberta comes below Quebec for the contribution of gdp in Canada …
Hence in total ( since per capita do not seem to be an important factor anymore ) , Quebec pays more than Alberta and contribute more than Alberta , so why are they complaining Quebec receives more money ?

You can’t have it both ways …
Or you stick to per capita all the way or you use total expenses and revenue all the way….

How much does Quebec pay in Equalization to other provinces?

Do you agree that Quebec is a huge hypocrite when it comes to the environment and climate change?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
