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Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children?
View Poll Results: Do conservatives want to get rid of transgender people?
Most conservatives want to get rid of transgender people
15 39.47%
A significant percentage, but not "most", conservatives want to get rid of transgender people
6 15.79%
Few conservatives want to get rid of transgender people
9 23.68%
I don't know
8 21.05%

06-16-2023 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
You should read that.

Here is another.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-16-2023 , 02:35 PM
Yes, bud, I too am able to type 'transing' into google scholar, but I'll let you in on a little secret: I don't think 57 on red is constantly using 'transing' because he follows academic journals. This isn't the first time words get weaponized against trans people even if you are capable of googling occasionally usage in non-weaponized contexts. Hope that helps.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-16-2023 , 02:43 PM
Uke may actually be as obtuse as Lucky pretends to be.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-16-2023 , 02:45 PM
oh do tell us your little pet theory trolly!
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-16-2023 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
oh do tell us your little pet theory trolly!
My theory is that Lucky & Co. are deliberately trying to be annoying shits and you saying "Please stop saying 'transing' it annoys me" is the best possible way to encourage them.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-16-2023 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
My theory is that Lucky & Co. are deliberately trying to be annoying shits and you saying "Please stop saying 'transing' it annoys me" is the best possible way to encourage them.
I don't think I've ever used it.

But the idea that we don't have the ability to create verbs from nouns is pretty absurd.

Language is a living thing.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-16-2023 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
My theory is that Lucky & Co. are deliberately trying to be annoying shits and you saying "Please stop saying 'transing' it annoys me" is the best possible way to encourage them.
Lucky, yes, 57 on red, no, he is a true believer.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-16-2023 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
My theory is that Lucky & Co. are deliberately trying to be annoying shits and you saying "Please stop saying 'transing' it annoys me" is the best possible way to encourage them.
I don't even remember seeing it and no clue what it means but heck if it annoys Uke .....
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-16-2023 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Do you think a parent has the right to know what is being taught to their children especially in kindergarten and elementary school? What should the parent do when the school board will not tell them?
Of course! But they should be asking their teacher, and/or principal, not the school board.

Originally Posted by lozen
When a parent is sued by the teachers union because she wanted to see the curriculum being taught her child Id be protesting as well
OK. That sounds like a pretty serious outlier, and I'd bet there's a lot more to the story. But if it's truly that simple, I'd be pretty pissed off.

Originally Posted by lozen
Here in Canada at least Alberta I asked my sister a retired vice principal and she told me its online and any parent can ask . It seems in the USA that differs.
I'd say she's right. I'd also suggest a little caution when reading about what's going on in the US and assuming that whatever stories are being told, there's a good chance there's a lot more to them.

Originally Posted by lozen
As for a few examples of transgender athletes winning a few competitions. It seems like its happening weekly in a multitude of sports.
LOL, what? I was talking about elite competitions; I think if it was "happening weekly in a multitude of sports", you'd be inundating this thread with the examples.

Originally Posted by lozen
As for Pride Month and Pride flags I think its a little over the top but I personally do not care I have never referred to it as a symbol of pedophilia
Great. To be clear, I'm not suggesting you have or that you would. My point is that these culture wars that a number of you are buying into are encouraging behaviour like that of the group in BC I was talking about, and that of the grandparents in Kelowna.

Originally Posted by lozen
Do you think a father has the right to say no my 13 year old daughter is not getting puberty blockers ? What do you do if one parent says yes and one no?
My non-expert opinion is that I'd think that's a decision that would be made in conjunction with the parents, sure.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-16-2023 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Lucky, yes, 57 on red, no, he is a true believer.
It’s like you’re at a Klan rally politely asking people to stop use slurs. Genuinely baffling behavior to me.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-16-2023 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
It’s like you’re at a Klan rally politely asking people to stop use slurs. Genuinely baffling behavior to me.
I don't think anyone ITT is advocating for the murder of transvestites. Just preventing children from being castrated. Trolly will troll I guess
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-16-2023 , 08:54 PM

Bill Perkins gives his take on the subject
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-16-2023 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
Just preventing children from being castrated. Trolly will troll I guess
Yes at times he will, and so will you it would seem. Because we both know that there's a lot more being discussed, and supported, than "preventing children from being castrated". And that no one is discussing transvestites.

And thank goodness we got Bill Perkins's take on this, because that's super important.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-16-2023 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Yes at times he will, and so will you it would seem. Because we both know that there's a lot more being discussed, and supported, than "preventing children from being castrated". And that no one is discussing transvestites.

And thank goodness we got Bill Perkins's take on this, because that's super important.
I mean he is a part of the poker community
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-16-2023 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
It’s like you’re at a Klan rally politely asking people to stop use slurs. Genuinely baffling behavior to me.
Still waiting for that list of conspiracy theories
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-17-2023 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Do you think a parent has the right to know what is being taught to their children especially in kindergarten and elementary school? What should the parent do when the school board will not tell them?

When a parent is sued by the teachers union because she wanted to see the curriculum being taught her child Id be protesting as well

Here in Canada at least Alberta I asked my sister a retired vice principal and she told me its online and any parent can ask . It seems in the USA that differs.

As for a few examples of transgender athletes winning a few competitions. It seems like its happening weekly in a multitude of sports.

As for Pride Month and Pride flags I think its a little over the top but I personally do not care I have never referred to it as a symbol of pedophilia

Do you think a father has the right to say no my 13 year old daughter is not getting puberty blockers ? What do you do if one parent says yes and one no?

Are you a parent and if so, how old are your kids? Have you had to deal with these considerations with a 13 year old?
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-17-2023 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by holmfries
Are you a parent and if so, how old are your kids? Have you had to deal with these considerations with a 13 year old?

The only thing I can speak to is women I know that compete in strength related sports that don't want to compete against men or want them in their locker rooms.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-17-2023 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by lozen

The only thing I can speak to is women I know that compete in strength related sports that don't want to compete against men or want them in their locker rooms.
And yet it seems you're speaking to what's best for kids an awful lot.

You are allowed to pick and choose what right wing derposphere talking points you echo.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-17-2023 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
And yet it seems you're speaking to what's best for kids an awful lot.

You are allowed to pick and choose what right wing derposphere talking points you echo.
You don't need to have kids to realize that enabling one to chemically or physically castrate themselves is a terrible idea. The obvious reason being they will grow up, their brain will fully develop, and they will likely (like every living creature on earth) want to procreate.

The problem with this subject is I had to actually spell out what should be very obvious to people.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-17-2023 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
And yet it seems you're speaking to what's best for kids an awful lot.

You are allowed to pick and choose what right wing derposphere talking points you echo.
I don't think 12 year olds should have sex, smoke,drink ,vote ,drive,do drugs

Do you have a trans child ?
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-17-2023 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by lozen

The only thing I can speak to is women I know that compete in strength related sports that don't want to compete against men or want them in their locker rooms.
It shows that you don’t have kids. No judgement, it’s just that your perspective would be much different on this and most other issues if you did.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-18-2023 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
You don't need to have kids to realize that enabling one to chemically or physically castrate themselves is a terrible idea. The obvious reason being they will grow up, their brain will fully develop
I see. So, there's no possible way someone could be mature enough to sort this out even one day before they turn 18?

Originally Posted by wreckem713
The problem with this subject is I had to actually spell out what should be very obvious to people.
No, you really didn't, and the fact that you think you did is one of the troublesome issues with this subject. Unfortunately, there seem to be a lot of people who have very binary thinking, and assume that because someone doesn't believe that there is no possibility anyone under the age of 18 could ever make decisions like this, means they don't understand that there are potential downsides to such a decision.

Originally Posted by lozen
I don't think 12 year olds should have sex, smoke,drink ,vote ,drive,do drugs
Ah, we're back to this list again. I see you've gone from under 18 to 12 year olds since I showed you that teenagers were able to do most of those things. So...are there a lot of 12 year olds getting surgery?

Originally Posted by lozen
Do you have a trans child ?
No, but I have children who have trans friends, one of whom is very involved in the LGBTQ community.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-18-2023 , 05:30 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I see. So, there's no possible way someone could be mature enough to sort this out even one day before they turn 18?
If they can't wait one whole day until they're 18, then how is that mature?

No, you really didn't, and the fact that you think you did is one of the troublesome issues with this subject. Unfortunately, there seem to be a lot of people who have very binary thinking, and assume that because someone doesn't believe that there is no possibility anyone under the age of 18 could ever make decisions like this, means they don't understand that there are potential downsides to such a decision.
Potential downsides for minors and adults are two very different things. Are you saying a minor's feelings should supersede potential health and quality of life risks?

Ah, we're back to this list again. I see you've gone from under 18 to 12 year olds since I showed you that teenagers were able to do most of those things. So...are there a lot of 12 year olds getting surgery?
Wasn't there a case in Canada of a 13 year old getting hormone therapy? And that's not the point anyway. Are you in favour of transitional surgery for 12-year olds?

This article mentions and eight-year-old identifying as a male

Would you be in favour of puberty blockers, hormone therapy and surgery for this kid? Is there and age limit here?
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-18-2023 , 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
If they can't wait one whole day until they're 18, then how is that mature?
I guess my point wasn't as obvious as I'd hoped, which was that it's silly to suggest that something magically happens on every kids' 18th birthday. Not every kid matures at the same rate.

Originally Posted by corpus vile
Potential downsides for minors and adults are two very different things. Are you saying a minor's feelings should supersede potential health and quality of life risks?
So gender affirming surgery only benefits a person's feelings? No potential health or quality of life benefits?

I'm saying that some minors might be capable of weighing the benefits and risks to their health and quality of life.

Originally Posted by corpus vile
Wasn't there a case in Canada of a 13 year old getting hormone therapy? And that's not the point anyway. Are you in favour of transitional surgery for 12-year olds?
LOL, I love that you respond to part of my post asking lozen if there are a lot of 12 year olds getting surgery with a possible single case (just one, and you're not certain) of a 13 year old (not 12) getting hormone therapy (not surgery). And yes, that was the point of the quote you were responding to. Transitional surgery for a 12 year old sounds like a bad idea to me, but it also sounds like a straw man.

Originally Posted by corpus vile
This article mentions and eight-year-old identifying as a male

Would you be in favour of puberty blockers, hormone therapy and surgery for this kid? Is there and age limit here?
WTF, dude. Who in the hell is suggesting any of these things for an eight year old?

This whole idea that because someone won't say that there should never be any gender affirming surgery a single day before a child turns 18 means that they're good with kids getting whatever surgery they like at any age, is complete bullshit. I don't know that you're necessarily making that argument, but it is the kind of thing used by the derposphere all the time. We can have oversight without overreaching laws.

Personally, I think the longer people can wait before making a decision on life-altering surgery of this nature, the better. But I also recognize there are going to be instances when someone has known what they wanted and been steadfast in that for years, and making them wait until that magical day of their 18th birthday could cause more harm than good. I'm fine letting the kids, medical experts, and parents figure that out together. At 12 years old? Sounds like a bad idea. At 17 years old? Sounds reasonable in some cases. Where's the precise line? There isn't one that fits everyone.
Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
06-18-2023 , 08:43 AM
[QUOTE=Bobo Fett;58165728]I see. So, there's no possible way someone could be mature enough to sort this out even one day before they turn 18?

Do conservatives want to ban transition care for all transgender people, not just children? Quote
