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PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents

05-07-2011 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by Solid up arrow
HOW DO I DOWNLOAD THE POKERSTARS CLIENT? when i click on download it takes me to the DOJ warning page
Originally Posted by Genimo
I suggest emailing their support and asking them.
can someone who isnt a troll please answer my question
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-07-2011 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by Solid up arrow
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by Flash Fl00d
All of the defending of Stars on this is unbelievable yet I'm sure that's exactly what they expected.

They keep untold millions of our money and idiots everywhere praise them for being fair and generous, drowning out the few bright people who see through the scam.

Now that's what I call a well-run company!
you are unbelieveable. Stars did not change the rules. yet you're expecting them to.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by cashedout
ty. here is a link to the install program if anyone needs it. I ran a virus scan on it but you should run your own as well.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by Solid up arrow
can someone who isnt a troll please answer my question
I gave you as good a response as should be expected: email their damn support! What is so hard about you emailing a question to stars support that they likely can answer quickly? Instead you have chosen to post the same question (which other people couldn't/wouldn't answer) for hours when if you'd just sent off a damn email you may well have had a response long ago. Really, these forums are great but it's seriously annoying that people like you are too damn lazy to take a single easy and obvious step to figure something out and then I get called a troll for offering what should be a helpful and obvious suggestion. Maybe learn wtf a troll is and reserve derisive terms for those whom the description fits.

Last edited by Genimo; 05-08-2011 at 12:13 AM. Reason: Good that you have your file now but all you had to do was email them and you would've had your answer quickly enough
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by CRUDEFINDER
They didn't allow me anything for a stellar reward 97.5% earned. Do you have a link where they said that they would pay?
i'm pretty sure i got $36.xx for a stellar reward i didnt completely earn. the money just showed up in my account.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by iplay2Joff
Paying tax on something you don't own is just dumb if you ask me. I'm assuming that you paid tax on money you received after exchanging your points for something of value?
You are required to pay taxes on fpps in your account. It's because they have value and that value is income. If you had fpps in your account and didn't report them you are wrong. Because they have value.

How much value is up for debate, so you are welcome to continue to argue about how much they should be worth for certain situations, but your argument that they have no value until Stars turns them into cash is just flat wrong and has been demonstrated as such many times in this thread. Failure to understand this basic point is pretty key to your argument, though.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by Flash Fl00d
What if you have been a supernova for every month since they introduced the program except for April, 2011. What do you deserve then?
flowers and a kiss on the lips.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 12:21 AM
A few points here.

1 - The value of FPPs is solely determined by Stars, and always has been. This value has changed over time, and will continue to change over time. Regardless of anyone's opinion, it is their call to make, and always will be.

2 - The smart people bought tournament tickets on April 15th while they were still available, and received a generous value on their FPPs. I don't understand why we can't still do that - since we were able to do so then, but most people didn't realize it. That was an option that was available on that date, but is not available now.

3 - Since it is clear the DOJ is not concerned with what the actual exchange rate of FPPs are, why can't the store add a few 'new' bonuses that are only available to U.S. players, and only available until the end of the month? Or, at least, the equivalent ticket value, as has already been done. For example, a 700FPP=$11 option, etc.

And lastly, everyone should really calm down. Intelligent discussion is one thing, but reading through every post in this thread, its like every is just shouting at each other. Most every point has been made. No problem continuing to make them, but jeez, a little respect may go a long way here. Or maybe not, I could be wrong.

There is no need to act incredibly surprised 24/7/365 about everyone's differing viewpoints. Most of them are pretty legit concerns.


And for the record, I feel Stars has done incredibly well through all of this. Without the need to make a comparison to other sites even.

And I'm sure they will continue to do so (do we have any reason to believe otherwise?). But let's go forward in a calm and reasonable fashion, instead of screaming bloody murder because you want your voice to be heard, or replying only to put other people down. I know, a lot to ask of the zoo.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by CRUDEFINDER
They didn't allow me anything for a stellar reward 97.5% earned. Do you have a link where they said that they would pay?
It's on page 1, post 1. The partial credit must be at least $10. I did not get my $1.27 and really, I'm ok with that. Though yeah, it would have been nice.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by nsoshnikov
Everyone here should be happy they played on Stars. FTP has not returned the money yet or have not done anything. All of you that are complaining right now are spoiled ****s
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 12:25 AM
I'm just grunching the last 200 or so posts or so but has anyone gone back to posts Stars reps have made in the past using 1.6 as a seemingly universal fpp value regardless of status level at times when it suited them to do so?

Ah, good memories.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by nsoshnikov
Everyone here should be happy they played on Stars. FTP has not returned the money yet or have not done anything. All of you that are complaining right now are spoiled ****s
Originally Posted by sinner
Unsurprising that you would plus one this because you just aren't very bright. Whether or not Full Tilt has paid anyone monies has as much to do with the proper way to handle the fpp situation as how much radiation was in the sushi dinner I just ate. If you can't figure out how to pare a discussion down to the essential features without throwing around a bunch of outside nonsense, you really aren't fit to be holding an argument.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by syncmaster
This = stupid. And its getting old.

Why should anyone who made the choice to play on Stars be happy because a site they decided not to play on is not keeping up.

What other sites are doing is pointless and irrelevant. Honestly wtf is wrong with some of you. FT giving 0% back does not make it OK for stars to give 99% back. You all act like its the greatest thing ever that you got payed MOST of your OWN money.
they are giving you back 100% of what you earned.

they did not change the rules w/regard to FPP redemption, they are exactly the same as they've always been and i'm shocked that people are disappointed by this.

almost only counts in horseshoes, ****bombs, and hand grenades.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 12:31 AM
I have 124 FPP and I cant buy any of the bonuses. thanks for nothing jokerstars
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by sinner
so you expected Stars to change the rules to give people more money?
The rules have changed, whether we or Stars like it or not. The old rules gave people an indefinite period of time to re-earn their VIP statuses. The old rules allowed people who were a few points shy of a bonus to play and earn those points. People made decisions about what games to play, whether or not to spend their FPPs earlier, and whether to let their VIP statuses lapse, based on those old rules. You can't just pretend that nothing has happened and say to people who temporarily let their platinum status expire for a month (as was allowed under the rules) that it's their own fault and that they didn't rightfully earn a higher rate. No one saw this coming, so yes, I expect Stars to be flexible in the same way they were with Stellar Rewards bonuses. Are they legally obligated to do so? Probably not, but how is that such an unfathomable thing to expect of a company which prides itself on the good customer service that everyone so rightfully respects them for? The blind, unquestioning loyalty to this company from some people here is just baffling.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by Michael Davis
Unsurprising that you would plus one this because you just aren't very bright. Whether or not Full Tilt has paid anyone monies has as much to do with the proper way to handle the fpp situation as how much radiation was in the sushi dinner I just ate. If you can't figure out how to pare a discussion down to the essential features without throwing around a bunch of outside nonsense, you really aren't fit to be holding an argument.
ok, forget FTP. people on your side of the argument are basically saying Stars should create new rules to give people more money. i think thats asking too much.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by apefish
I'm just grunching the last 200 or so posts or so but has anyone gone back to posts Stars reps have made in the past using 1.6 as a seemingly universal fpp value regardless of status level at times when it suited them to do so?

Ah, good memories.
This, love how all the douches come out of the wood work; not u obv, just the last X posts of 'u don't deserve anything blah blah' which def not true b/c like MicroBob has said, we paid money for it and we should deserve something close to their true value of .016

For the record, Stars screwed the players when it came to fpps value but its not like I can do anything about except cash-out and post on 2+2.

Overall I would say PS did everything quick but I won't be kissing their asses for stealing my money. I usually would be the 1st to commend PS on the great job they handled the situation but not this time since I believe they swindled their former customers out of money just to save a little bit of money.

I will admit I would play on PS if they ever re-entered the US but at this moment I am disappointed in them.

Oyeah there is no evidence of the DOJ telling PS what value each fpp should be worth, it was PS decision and they ****ed the players over
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by Michael Davis
Unsurprising that you would plus one this because you just aren't very bright. Whether or not Full Tilt has paid anyone monies has as much to do with the proper way to handle the fpp situation as how much radiation was in the sushi dinner I just ate. If you can't figure out how to pare a discussion down to the essential features without throwing around a bunch of outside nonsense, you really aren't fit to be holding an argument.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 12:42 AM
Just to add when it came to Washington State, they didnt screw them b/c they didnt want US players to get mad and lose customers but hey why not **** us over now, those Euros could care less

Business is gonna business, if they aren't making money they could careless
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by IamPro
Just to add when it came to Washington State, they didnt screw them b/c they didnt want US players to get mad and lose customers but hey why not **** us over now, those Euros could care less

Business is gonna business, if they aren't making money they could careless
That's a good question.

What did they do about FPPs when the Washington state thing happened?
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by sinner
they are giving you back 100% of what you earned.

they did not change the rules w/regard to FPP redemption, they are exactly the same as they've always been and i'm shocked that people are disappointed by this.

almost only counts in horseshoes, ****bombs, and hand grenades.

So I must be imagining those few thousand FPPs left over in my (and millions of other peoples) account. This is what my post was talking about. There is more than 1 issue here. I'm not sure if your getting confused calling me out for the wrong one or you agree its fine stars keeps the leftover points.

If stars doesn't make it back to the US or we all don't decide to move to Canada for our $1-$24 dollars then stars will 100% be keeping our money. Sure I can eat my $8 loss but were talking about millions accounts all eating an amount between $1-$24. Remember $8 x 1,000,000 = $8,000,000, and a lot of people lost more.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by syncmaster
So I must be imagining those few thousand FPPs left over in my (and millions of other peoples) account. This is what my post was talking about. There is more than 1 issue here. I'm not sure if your getting confused calling me out for the wrong one or you agree its fine stars keeps the leftover points.

If stars doesn't make it back to the US or we all don't decide to move to Canada for our $1-$24 dollars then stars will 100% be keeping our money. Sure I can eat my $8 loss but were talking about millions accounts all eating an amount between $1-$24. Remember $8 x 1,000,000 = $8,000,000, and a lot of people lost more.
no, ur not imagining anything. you're not incorrect, but i think you and many people ITT are overreacting. I don't mind stars keeping leftover points. In fact, i left >2500 points in my account.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by apefish
I'm just grunching the last 200 or so posts or so but has anyone gone back to posts Stars reps have made in the past using 1.6 as a seemingly universal fpp value regardless of status level at times when it suited them to do so?

Ah, good memories.
I would really like to see these posts. I always thought stars went out of their way to never say things like this.

If anyone gets real board find all the 2+2 regs who recommended saving your points for .016 value because the other rates were so bad compared to it. I wonder if any of those same people are telling people to stop complaining now.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by sinner
no, ur not imagining anything. you're not incorrect, but i think you and many people ITT are overreacting. I don't mind stars keeping leftover points. In fact, i left >2500 points in my account.
I mention 8 million dollars and you quote it with overreacting? What is a good enough $ amount for you to to have any sort of reaction at all!?
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
