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PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents

05-06-2011 , 07:08 PM
PSSteve -

You have only implied that the DOJ is the one restricting options. Come out and say it (or don't) IMO.

Thanks and y'all are awesome BTW.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by syncmaster
Everyone gets payed at .016 , .017 & 0.02 for SN/SNE. All at a flat rate, no left over points. Milestone/Stealer awards released by % completed.

Whats wrong with this? Sounds perfect to me.
Meh, stars would be eating a significant loss if they did this as there's no way they'd have accounted for ALL FPPs to be suddenly redeembed at max value, and they're already resigned to losing all the US players.

I'm not saying there aren't better ways of sorting it out than the one that's been selected, and I'm sure there are lots of loyal players who've lost out here through sheer circumstance. My point was just that someone somewhere is always going to be pissed off and at least this has been resolved extremely quickly. Spare a thought for the FTP and UB regs (admittedly UB players ought to have been aware of some level of risk but hey).
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by Ricepaw1226
i'm just happy the DoJ didn't deem all fpps worthless..
an overall conversion based on player status and points would've been the nuts obv.. but if this is what they can do i'm more than happy with it. not to mention they didn't have to give partial credit for milestones and stellars..
The DoJ not only would not have ever deemed fpps worthless, they COULD not. Some of you are clueless as to how this or everyday life works.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 07:17 PM
Steve, confirm?

Seems like he would've mentioned that if we could. Pretty big omission. If so, I'm assuming bonus purchases can be reversed.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by dstock
Each and every one of us understood the inherent risks of playing online poker. Be happy that you are receiving anything. Try talking to a Full Tilt or AP/UB player right now.
What makes you think I'm not a FT reg? There are tons of us that are regs on both sites. I'm much, much happier with PS and their response to the situation, but in no way does that mean that any of us should be satisfied with a little screwjob here and there.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by syncmaster
By any chance are you 2 (or everyone else saying this) losing out a few thousand worth of value? Because I'm still waiting for a bronze with 1 million+ points to come on here and say this. I'm guessing not though, and your all people who got everything so all is good..

Funny thing is I'm out about $8. However a part of me cares that other people are losing out thousands and I really don't like that stars will keep millions in left over value. You could easily change your view slightly and try to get these millions donated to a good cause. Seriously, Its incredible. Is it a society thing or just poker players mentality that makes them only care about themselves. Whatever it is, its quite sad.

I love how this whole event has brought out the real posters who hide behind their SNs. Really sad group of people we got here honestly.
Maybe if you are carrying 1 million+ fpps it would make sense to at least maintain supernova status. The idea of higher conversion rates to supernova+ players is to reward loyalty to the site. If you are a bronze star, why should you ever, let alone now, deserve a conversion rate that is equivalent to someone that is supernova?
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by MDoranD
I cant believe some people are complaining.
i like you and all... but it is kind of a big deal to a lot of people who really need this money (me for one)... i am losing 23% of my FPP value because of this at a time when every dollar i can get is important

received a response from stars asking if there was any better way to cash in on my FPPs to get closer to true value or get some sort of boost of my FPPs

Hello subs,

Unfortunately, that is not possible. Players need to purchase
the VIP reward bonuses with the FPPs they have in their balance.

If you have any further questions, please let us know, and thank
you for making PokerStars your choice for online poker.


PokerStars VIP Team
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by kindergartencop
great job by stars as usual. standard that half the people are still finding reasons to complain.
Standard that half the people seem to find enjoyment, acceptance, and even appreciation in the "bend me over and screw me" tactics of companies, no matter how minor the effect may be on any one individual.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by 4k4sh777
any update on whether we can convert step/tourney tickets to cash??
They already did this. Any unused Step or Tourney tickets you had were converted to cash and will be sent to you when you request a cash out. I had a Step 2 & Step 4, they gave me full value and automatically added that to my withdrawl amount. (But you can't use FPP's to now buy entries).

Also, great job PS! I miss you....
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 07:30 PM
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 07:30 PM
I love PS and all but this is just for a way for PS to save money by screwing over players
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
Be glad that a decision has been made and you are getting paid in a timely manner, things could be a lot worse.
COULD things be a lot worse? Sure. But that in no way means they SHOULDN'T be better. I expect exactly what I have earned. Nothing more. Nothing less. Everyone should.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by WorldWideBet
COULD things be a lot worse? Sure. But that in no way means they SHOULDN'T be better. I expect exactly what I have earned. Nothing more. Nothing less. Everyone should.
Exactly. We chose Pokerstars because they were #1, there is no reason we shouldn't expect first class treatment. Just like I had a lot less money on FT, and I expected them to take much longer. Or how I'm not surprised about UB/AP at all.

The "could be worse" argument is stupid.. We made a choice to avoid the worse.

Last edited by syncmaster; 05-06-2011 at 08:07 PM.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 07:55 PM
Man I really can't believe we are getting partial milestones. Every time I saw someone ask about this they usually got flamed, I didn't think Stars would do it.

This company is so SO much better than any other poker site out there. It's just not even close.

WorldWideBet: I'm not sure what you're pissed about, I only looked through your last 3 posts and didn't feel like going any further, but I'm not sure what stars really realistically could have done more here. They definitely didn't have to give the milestones and a company HAS to look out for itself as well, otherwise they would all go bankrupt and there would be no companies. The fact that stars went this far for many players that will probably never be able to play on their site again is pretty impressive to me.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by MellowYellow
They definitely didn't have to give the milestones and a company HAS to look out for itself as well, otherwise they would all go bankrupt and there would be no companies. The fact that stars went this far for many players that will probably never be able to play on their site again is pretty impressive to me.
Come on, let's not start acting as if giving full value for FPPs already earned would have sent Stars into bankruptcy. It's clear that Stars made a business decision that balanced loss mitigation against players getting what they were owed, which is obviously not what players are supposed to view as ideal.

Having said that, I can only pray that FTP will be so fair.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:10 PM
Wow talk about making Full Tilt look even worse. Kudos to stars for the way they've handled this whole thing.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:16 PM
Should PokerStars reenter the US market, I think I am giving them 100% of my business.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:30 PM
Pokerstars is easyily GOAT in terms of service and loyalty, imo

LOL at people complaining
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by boc4life
Bah, I finished with 1.94 million. 60 more minutes of play on April 14 and I'd have had 6 4k bonuses.

All other news is good news, though. Ty Stars.
What were you playing to get 60k VPP per hour?
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:39 PM
Full tilt is again owned and destroyed by the stars. Best poker site in the world no doubt
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:45 PM
Partial milestones was a surprise to me, great job stars, and lol at the haters.

If you were a bronze star, how is stars supposed to assume in the future you would have started playing more and been a higher level vip?
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by TO1
Hello Steve,

I'm Takeover1, a member of PokerStars since 2003-2004. I've spent years putting in a full-time grind on Stars, and have always been happy to conduct my livelihood there. I appreciate the way your company has handled all facets of Black Friday, with the exception of FPP conversions. I currently have ~336,250, which at a .016 rate equals $3,780. With your current conversion method, I'm forced to only accept $3,400, a difference of $380. I would appreciate any assistance you can offer to my situation.

Thank you,
edit: ~226,250 FPP's.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 08:53 PM
SOOO many people in this forum just make stuff up, luckily the SMARTER poster's call them out on their ****!
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by syncmaster
I can only guess they don't want people who suddenly have $3 to want a check. Setting a min cashout is fine IMO, no one is expecting you to cut a million checks for 50c. However, there is no reason to keep any value, especially if we are cashing out already.

Why not convert every last point to cash, and if you can't cash it out, then the MONEY will be waiting should Pokerstars ever return to the USA.
They should have charged a fee for some of the withdrawals and not had a minimum cashout. They are screwing microstakes players. I wouldn't have awarded partial stellar and milestones, which is an example of Pokerstars going above and beyond.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-06-2011 , 09:07 PM
This is a really sad day

My pokerstars account has never been this empty, no money, 99% of my fpps gone......


i hate this country
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
