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PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents

05-08-2011 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by downgoesdown
why would they give a career bronze and silver star gold star bonuses? this doesn't even make sense
b/c its a lot fair then what they did

If not that then VIP based on your avg level throughout your time on PS, like I was almost Gold Star so I would prob get Gold Star. IMO this is the fairest option.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by sinner
black friday has nothing to do with that. if ur about to go from SN to a lower level, cash in, easy game.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by syncmaster
I have always been critical of the stars VIP system. Its an obvious giant middle finger to the little guy and only great for the top 1%. You have a few people getting awesome value, everyone else working a full time job just to = the competition, and the little guy getting nothing.

Still this was enough to get everyone to praise it all over the place. I couldn't believe what I was reading most of the time. There were how many SNE last year, yet you had every poster acting like it was the greatest thing in online poker. Truth is, 90% of the people were = to or lower then what you get for just signing up at another site with 35% rakeback.

It looks like nothing has changed. To everyone who is wishing they could cash out that little bit leftover, this is how the little guy/fish felt a few months ago. It was a middle finger to the micro player, part time rec player, fish, anyone but a pro. Now its just one more middle finger with a side of kick in the nuts before we go.
your argument deserves its own thread. you are not happy with stars VIP program, thats not wat this thread is about. good luck finding people to sympathize w/you.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by IamPro
I believe they gave everyone .016 per fpp but I could be wrong
Surprisingly there's very few posts addressing this on the forum, this is about all I could find on the subject:

What will happen to my FPPs?

You can purchase any items in the VIP Store until the end of 2011.
[original post said 2010, was obviously extended later]

By the end of the day on October 1, we will be removing the play-through requirement for all newly purchased VIP Reward Bonuses, so you will be able to purchase cash bonuses based on your VIP status.
Originally Posted by togwotee59
1 - The value of FPPs is solely determined by Stars, and always has been. This value has changed over time, and will continue to change over time. Regardless of anyone's opinion, it is their call to make, and always will be.
While this is true, imagine if stars decided to screw over US players completely by saying they get nothing for their FPPs. The result would be that non-US players would immediately lose trust in them. So it's in stars' best interest to satisfy their customers, but they feel they can make a bit of a money grab here without offending too many customers too greatly.

In fairness, I was inclined to say the airlines miles comparison was right on, but on second thought I think that may be flawed: what would happen if hypothetically you have airline miles for certain value and that airline doesn't go bankrupt but discontinues service in the United States? I know I'd want full value but I'd fear they may well decrease value in whatever way they redeem miles in such a situation. Perhaps someone with more knowledge could answer, although that may be going off on a bit of a tangent.

2 - The smart people bought tournament tickets on April 15th while they were still available, and received a generous value on their FPPs. I don't understand why we can't still do that - since we were able to do so then, but most people didn't realize it. That was an option that was available on that date, but is not available now.
This upsets me a lot, mostly because on the 15th I was debating whether to do this and ultimately put it off; the next day the option was gone and now I lose a few hundred in value as a result.

3 - Since it is clear the DOJ is not concerned with what the actual exchange rate of FPPs are, why can't the store add a few 'new' bonuses that are only available to U.S. players, and only available until the end of the month? Or, at least, the equivalent ticket value, as has already been done. For example, a 700FPP=$11 option, etc.

And lastly, everyone should really calm down. Intelligent discussion is one thing, but reading through every post in this thread, its like every is just shouting at each other. Most every point has been made. No problem continuing to make them, but jeez, a little respect may go a long way here. Or maybe not, I could be wrong.
Agreed with everything here. However, while I am happy for how stars has handled most things, similar to most others here I see this as them stealing some money (mostly in value of FPPs lost but also in FPPs being left in accounts, unrecoverable) from a lot of players which collectively adds up. So I can certainly understand the frustration when other people suggest that they should just accept stars thieving most of their US players merely because it could be worse, or because the other sites are worse, or whatever.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by sinner
they are a company. it aint a crime to do good business.

comparing Stars to Madoff is a crime imo.
lol good business, this is bad business and hope it comes back to bite them in the future.

Sue me then, what they did was basically was steal from the players.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by downgoesdown
why would they give a career bronze and silver star gold star bonuses? this doesn't even make sense
It takes 750 pts to reach silver but 2500 to buy the bronze bonus. Just sounded kind of funny in my head. Maybe its just me.

I mean yeah, it might be fair according to the T&C, but you can't act like its not a crap rate & kind of a KITN in a program designed to make you save up your points.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by IamPro
b/c its a lot fair then what they did

If not that then VIP based on your avg level throughout your time on PS, like I was almost Gold Star so I would prob get Gold Star. IMO this is the fairest option.
Stars VIP program:

they didnt change any rules. if they make some new rule about cashing in <2500 FPPs it'll just be a mess. everybody in Europe will want a piece and they'll complain.

you should make a new thread criticizing Stars VIP program.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by sinner
your argument deserves its own thread. you are not happy with stars VIP program, thats not wat this thread is about. good luck finding people to sympathize w/you.
Don't start acting like I'm the one trolling here.

I think you proved one of my main points with the bold. TY.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by IamPro
lol good business, this is bad business and hope it comes back to bite them in the future.

Sue me then, what they did was basically was steal from the players.
i guess you are used to breaking the rules in life.

Stars VIP rules:

you are complaining that you cant break the rules but you call it "fair" because thats your opinion, most beneficial to you, and what you want. maybe try to see things from a perspective other than your own because i believe any independent 3rd party witness to this argument would not side with you.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by syncmaster
It takes 750 pts to reach silver but 2500 to buy the bronze bonus. Just sounded kind of funny in my head. Maybe its just me.

I mean yeah, it might be fair according to the T&C, but you can't act like its not a crap rate & kind of a KITN in a program designed to make you save up your points.
yes it is a crap rate and for the life of me i don't understand why the bronze star grinders weren't playing on full tilt because those guys were really getting shafted when it came to rakeback
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by sinner
Stars VIP program:

they didnt change any rules. if they make some new rule about cashing in <2500 FPPs it'll just be a mess. everybody in Europe will want a piece and they'll complain.

you should make a new thread criticizing Stars VIP program.
It would be a mess, Europe would be a mess.. Maybe your the one who needs to move along here. Stars appreciates you sticking up for them, but your not contributing to anything and your attacks are childish.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by syncmaster
Don't start acting like I'm the one trolling here.

I think you proved one of my main points with the bold. TY.
never said you were trolling.

you want more $ for your points. you want more than the VIP rules dictate. after all that Stars has done i think thats bs.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by sinner
your argument deserves its own thread. you are not happy with stars VIP program, thats not wat this thread is about. good luck finding people to sympathize w/you.
I love the VIP program but when a situation comes up that is out of both our hands, I expect them to do the right thing and award a reasonable rate on ALL our fpps (.014-.016) not make ppl buy terrible .011 bonuses; at least reward rates based on play throughout that player's history.

Also I think they should have let ppl continue to play Sats w/ fpps but be forced to only get T$ (they could make fpp Sats if they wanted w/ straight T$ payouts if need be).
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by syncmaster
It would be a mess, Europe would be a mess..
we are getting somewhere!

Originally Posted by syncmaster
Maybe your the one who needs to move along here. Stars appreciates you sticking up for them, but your not contributing to anything and your attacks are childish.
what do you want?
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by downgoesdown
yes it is a crap rate and for the life of me i don't understand why the bronze star grinders weren't playing on full tilt because those guys were really getting shafted when it came to rakeback
They probably asked 2+2. Everyone acted like it was the best thing on earth. Stars didn't have to release RB %s or promote their system. They let us do the work all the while sitting on the "we put whatever value we want on these things" T&C.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by IamPro
I love the VIP program but when a situation comes up that is out of both our hands, I expect them to do the right thing and award a reasonable rate on ALL our fpps (.014-.016) not make ppl buy terrible .011 bonuses; at least reward rates based on play throughout that player's history.
we just discussed why this is a problem, not to mention it is an insignificant amount of money for us (yes it all adds up to a lot but so do cashouts, legal fees, lost revenue, etc.).

Originally Posted by IamPro
Also I think they should have let ppl continue to play Sats w/ fpps but be forced to only get T$ (they could make fpp Sats if they wanted w/ straight T$ payouts if need be).
u cant be serious. yes i would like this, but the DOJ would pounce.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by IamPro
I love the VIP program but when a situation comes up that is out of both our hands, I expect them to do the right thing and award a reasonable rate on ALL our fpps (.014-.016) not make ppl buy terrible .011 bonuses; at least reward rates based on play throughout that player's history.

Also I think they should have let ppl continue to play Sats w/ fpps but be forced to only get T$ (they could make fpp Sats if they wanted w/ straight T$ payouts if need be).
Agreed completely with the first paragraph. The second, in fairness, I think this could've been seen as a temporary way around the DoJ and I think stars doesn't want to be seen as not complying. Also in fairness though, I think stars went about this in a way to maximize what they could get, without the best interest of the players in mind here. So they never would've considered offering that, even if the DoJ approved.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by sinner
never said you were trolling.

you want more $ for your points. you want more than the VIP rules dictate. after all that Stars has done i think thats bs.
No I don't want more. I feel bad for these guys but I'm not one of them.

My fight is for the $8 left in my account. Which you already know I don't care about, but I CARE that they are doing it to millions of account. Which will add up to MILLIONS taken from THE ENTIRE US player pool. Your fine with them taking up to 16million from us all.. We talked about this.. Again why don't you just leave because you are trolling me and quoting me out of context.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by sinner
i guess you are used to breaking the rules in life.

Stars VIP rules:

you are complaining that you cant break the rules but you call it "fair" because thats your opinion, most beneficial to you, and what you want. maybe try to see things from a perspective other than your own because i believe any independent 3rd party witness to this argument would not side with you.
lol u are the worst troll I have seen, just stop its getting childish bro

PS has awarded temporary VIP status and/or allowed players to buy bonuses and items from the VIP store above their VIP status. In Washington State they gave the players reasonable-full value for all their fpps.

PS is doing this for a money grab and its sad ppl don't see this.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by syncmaster
No I don't want more. I feel bad for these guys but I'm not one of them.

My fight is for the $8 left in my account. Which you already know I don't care about, but I CARE that they are doing it to millions of account. Which will add up to MILLIONS taken from THE ENTIRE US player pool. Your fine with them taking up to 16million from us all.. We talked about this.. Again why don't you just leave because you are trolling me and quoting me out of context.
they're not taking 8 mil from us. it costs them money to cash us out, not to mention all the legal fees and stuff they're dealing w/now.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by sinner
we just discussed why this is a problem, not to mention it is an insignificant amount of money for us (yes it all adds up to a lot but so do cashouts, legal fees, lost revenue, etc.).
No that was me you discussed this with.

Stars legal fees and lost revenue are not my problem or concern. If they had asked to keep a little $ for this, I would of said "Sure, your great rake me one more time". They didn't ask, now I don't want them to keep it.

I take that back. They can still have half, I want my other half (and everyone else's) to go to charity. You would rather it go to legal fees.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by sinner
Stars VIP program: if they make some new rule about cashing in <2500 FPPs it'll just be a mess. everybody in Europe will want a piece and they'll complain.
It won't make a mess if they only offer it to U.S. players. Perhaps in a pop-up, or via e-mail only, etc.

And yeah, even then, the Euro players will complain. But it certainly won't be any more complaining or e-mails generated than is already happening in this thread.

God forbid, some players in other countries might even *understand* such a decision.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by sinner
we just discussed why this is a problem, not to mention it is an insignificant amount of money for us (yes it all adds up to a lot but so do cashouts, legal fees, lost revenue, etc.)
So u are saying its ok for them to steal our money then? Glad u think so.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
05-08-2011 , 03:12 AM
Originally Posted by syncmaster
I would really like to see these posts. I always thought stars went out of their way to never say things like this.

If anyone gets real board find all the 2+2 regs who recommended saving your points for .016 value because the other rates were so bad compared to it. I wonder if any of those same people are telling people to stop complaining now.
silver star being valued at 1.6 cents per fpp

and I'm fairly certain I could dig up more since I debated the merits of the numbers they used more than once.
PokerStars Announcement Regarding FPPs and other VIP Program Benefits for US Residents Quote
