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Joint strike on the 1st–3rd of December .... (REGISTRATION), other Amaya/Stars protests Joint strike on the 1st–3rd of December .... (REGISTRATION), other Amaya/Stars protests

12-02-2015 , 04:02 AM
Originally Posted by NoSurprises
There will be a ton of regs who are close to SNE who just can't afford to lose 3 days playing.
I am pretty sure there isn't a single PLO 50 or 100 reg who achieves SNE.
12-02-2015 , 04:20 AM
k so you wrong
12-02-2015 , 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by Herrigel
I am pretty sure there isn't a single PLO 50 or 100 reg who achieves SNE.
obv you dont know urubu
12-02-2015 , 04:27 AM
Originally Posted by Pinkmann
obv you dont know urubu
I know him and he is not really a small stakes reg. Just plays there when he is on a small BR. And he is currently just SN.
12-02-2015 , 05:08 AM
Originally Posted by Hero Value
Originally Posted by manila re
2+2 is the way to go if you want to talk poker and find real poker people but for news ... What is the site that you guys use most for up to date poker info like the pokerstarsboycott for example? ....
yep +1 +1
12-02-2015 , 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by DonJuan
So gross to see so many lhe regs that are getting hurt the most by this change playing while I and other regs stand up for their right. So disappointed by the selfish action
Totally agree Don, such a shame. Belik even said he should do the strike when I asked him in the chat. Seems like most of the German regs just don't care.
12-02-2015 , 06:34 AM
Bit late but haven't played obv
i'm in: IvarAa (mid stakes MTTs)
12-02-2015 , 06:34 AM
yeah, I could not agree more with this, I think that most regs that will gain most are ones that are playing now, and yes, they can say that they need to get VPPs to hit their target, but since next year you will lose much more, and you benefit the most out of this strike, you should just strike as well, and make up for lost VPPs by the new year.

I see that players that will gain almost nothing like myself, joined strike, so disappointing. I'm not sure what to do next time we need to strike. Maybe I should just look at what's best for me and not for players that are playing right now...
12-02-2015 , 06:46 AM
Poker is a game where one succeeds by winning the money off the other players at the tables. You are not part of a union singing "We Shall Overcome," and other players are not your brothers in arms, so a protest such as this (not sure why it is called a strike, as players are hardly employees) should only be done by those who genuinely feel strongly about the issue, but without the delusional beliefs that everyone else should share that outlook.

This protest is a valid approach to making specific issues that are unfair known (such as whether SNEs receive full rewards for 2016, FPPs for higher buy in games), but in terms of impact - that will be relatively small, and any expectations otherwise are unrealistic, and a big financial impact should never have been a goal, as that was unrealistic.
12-02-2015 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Poker is a game where one succeeds by winning the money off the other players at the tables. You are not part of a union singing "We Shall Overcome," and other players are not your brothers in arms, so a protest such as this (not sure why it is called a strike, as players are hardly employees) should only be done by those who genuinely feel strongly about the issue, but without the delusional beliefs that everyone else should share that outlook.

This protest is a valid approach to making specific issues that are unfair known (such as whether SNEs receive full rewards for 2016, FPPs for higher buy in games), but in terms of impact - that will be relatively small, and any expectations otherwise are unrealistic, and a big financial impact should never have been a goal, as that was unrealistic.
Couldn't disagree with this more. Part of the problem with this strike is people like myself aren't able to strike due to VPP pressure so it is hard to call people out.

Every professional should be striking for the fact of if we can't unite against these changes Amaya has a blank check to ram anything down our throats. The fact that a lot have the mentality that me being added to the strike won't help prevents us from quite getting the numbers we need.

This particular strike might have been low EV due to it being 3 days and at a poor time. At the same time low EV is better than no EV which would happen if no one boycotted. There is a bigger one coming in January and I will definitely participate then.
12-02-2015 , 07:07 AM
Monteroy, I don't agree with you. but I see that Thrash370 said what I was going to reply anyway, I'll just skip.

Not sure I can support player that say that they have to play duo to VPPs, if you played max 1h more a day since a day strike plan was published, you would menage to compensate VPPs that you would lose in strike
12-02-2015 , 07:14 AM
The timing of the strike was certainly not ideal, given the pressure many SNEs are under, but realistically the one in January will likely have a similar minimal financial impact, but even if so that is fine, because that should not be a realistic goal for it. If it is a goal then many will be pretty disappointed.

Instead of people rationalizing that some trivial December promotion hurt the strike (today's promo was deposit money to basically get a shootout ticket worth pocket change) by forcing the sheeple recs to deposit/play (which would validate why Stars offers these promos), what should be done with the future strike include listing a couple of specific issues and certainly timing it better (ie: a weekend).

As I have said, I believe this is a valid form of protest (again, it is not a strike), and being realistic about it would help it potentially achieve something. What hurts it are people being surprised that others play (that will happen regardless of when a protest happens) as well as some of the entitlement issues I see with a lot of players in terms of where they believe they fit within this industry with regard to importance. Stars has made it clear that SNEs earning 70%+ rakeback is not what they want, but some of the specifics of these changes are very much worth highlighting.

I give credit for the loose organization that did take place here, because poker players are generally not the best to try to organize in that way, and it may very well be a starting point to a more effective protest in 2016, however less whining and clutter would also help in that regard. As someone who actually supported much of the issues of the "99%" Occupy Movement protests, and as one who went to one of them, I can say first hand that movements like that have themselves as their biggest enemy if they allow too many voices/issues to clutter the goal. For the January protest - I seriously suggest more focus, a tighter agenda/goal, and less whining.

Last edited by Monteroy; 12-02-2015 at 07:22 AM.
12-02-2015 , 07:17 AM
A large part of what Amaya bought was the PokerStars name. A significant part of that $5 billion they paid was for reputation and brand recognition. Amaya could easily do to PokerStars what Jazette did to the Merge Network by forgetting its loyal customers. The boycott might or might not have a direct impact on the current problem, but it does put the company on notice that players will be watching to see if PokerStars is still deserving.
12-02-2015 , 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by Sirocko
Totally agree Don, such a shame. Belik even said he should do the strike when I asked him in the chat. Seems like most of the German regs just don't care.
I am sympathetic to the strike and took part in it during the first part of the day. The thing that really put me down was seeing a lot of the Polish, German and Austrian FL regs play nevertheless (this was in the afternoon) to the point that the ring game tables had waitlists of 3-4 regulars. It basically made me aware that when it comes down to it,
Originally Posted by PTRonFire
Life is selfish
. I got really frustrated and went like, **** it, if these whankers profit from this, I will try to make life a little harder for them right now, right here.

In the evening, I realized this might not be the most clever way of acting and decided to not jump back in. But I am still torn given the behavior of too many other regs. I saw how 7+ regulars were waiting to get into the games in the evening.

I havent looked at the other lobbies but for LHE you gotta concede that this strike has not worked at all.
12-02-2015 , 07:41 AM
really dissapointed after seeing people like slayerv1fan, leqenden, sifosis, all grinding yesterday,i dont know how cash ,sngs and other stuff was affected,but mtts didnt ..
12-02-2015 , 08:21 AM
Nice timing by Amaya:

12-02-2015 , 08:29 AM
How funny is that!!
f them
12-02-2015 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by sandr1x
Nice timing by Amaya:

Yeah, and if they did it on the 4th or 5th it would also be "nice timing" because obviously they would have done it to reduce the players that day to make the protest on the 1st-3rd look less effective. Zero chance this had nothing to do with the protest. Whatever.

This was pretty much the exact type of distracted muddled thinking that needs to be completely avoided for future protest efforts.
12-02-2015 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by sandr1x
Nice timing by Amaya:

To be fair to stars. They always schedule a server update on a Thursday. I play a mtt schedule that covers this time period and once a month normally at the start of the month they do a server restart.
12-02-2015 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by buffyslayer1
To be fair to stars. They always schedule a server update on a Thursday. I play a mtt schedule that covers this time period and once a month normally at the start of the month they do a server restart.
Yeah. The only difference is that they usually send this kind of warning 3-4 days before the actual restart, not less than 24 hours before.

On a more positive note, it means they feel our pressure. Let's get them!
12-02-2015 , 08:48 AM
Make a deposit of $25 (€22/£15/CAD$30) or more using bonus code ‘MEGAFESTIVAL’ before 23:59 ET on December 2

Your Mega Bonus Reward will be credited to your account within minutes, and could be anything from a $20,000 All-in Shootout ticket to $20,000 in cash


Last edited by jk88; 12-02-2015 at 08:49 AM. Reason: extra
12-02-2015 , 08:50 AM
nice work sandr1x... that blond had nice tits btw!
12-02-2015 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by sandr1x
Yeah. The only difference is that they usually send this kind of warning 3-4 days before the actual restart, not less than 24 hours before.

On a more positive note, it means they feel our pressure. Let's get them!
its quite often the day before actually. I nearly always get a email wed morning about Thursday restart.

But yes leggo!
12-02-2015 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by Herrigel
I am pretty sure there isn't a single PLO 50 or 100 reg who achieves SNE.

Originally Posted by Thrash370
Couldn't disagree with this more. Part of the problem with this strike is people like myself aren't able to strike due to VPP pressure so it is hard to call people out.
This is utter nonsense.

YOU choose to not to strike due to losing too much EV (which is completely fine btw). They dont force you to play, they dont pressure you to make vpps.
Im sitting on 370k. Im sitting on that amount since mid september btw when i made a decision. I could easily do teh 30k moar for close to 100% eff rb but I CHOOSE NOT TO.
Normally in life you always have choices
12-02-2015 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by gallbladder
nice work sandr1x... that blond had nice tits btw!
Finally something that gets my interest... what blonde?
