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Joint strike on the 1st–3rd of December .... (REGISTRATION), other Amaya/Stars protests Joint strike on the 1st–3rd of December .... (REGISTRATION), other Amaya/Stars protests

12-02-2015 , 06:15 PM
No worries Thrash370, you wont have this issue next year! :-)
12-02-2015 , 06:56 PM
Decided to join for one last day starting now.
12-02-2015 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by TGSM89


Almost 400k VPP this year

What gives?
12-02-2015 , 07:37 PM
I'm in for what it's worth.

J***-*l, not sure I really have a main game these days but mostly micro PLO and spins lately I guess
12-02-2015 , 08:53 PM
Im in too.ndjoh plo 100,mtts hu
12-02-2015 , 09:01 PM
Are you implying that others dont have families or external pressures? Coz I think that would be incorrect....
I support your right to not strike but idk about this comment tbh.....
12-02-2015 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by straper
Silly ******s like that are dragging this action down. Ugh.
12-02-2015 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by straper
Yeah, a good thing to remember in case one ever has to deal with this TGSM89 guy, can't trust what he says.
12-02-2015 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by I from Russian
://[/url] ); in the next 24 hours it gathered 130 participants (with their PokerStars nicknames and stakes). We have 3 more weeks to gather up to 1000 participants. This topic is sure to get a wide coverage in the Russian poker community. We need the same coverage in the English-speaking community
The terms of demarche:
1. Refusal of playing at PokerStars over the 1st–3rd of December period, starting on the 1st of December 00:01 BB, ending — on the 3rd of December 00:01 BB.
2. Withdrawal on the 1st of December of any sum comfortable for you (no need to withdraw all of your funds).

As this was meant to be a 48 hour strike and we've shown that the poker community can be mobilised (ie the purpose of the strike was not to actually damage Pokerstars), I propose we end this strike today.

If Pokerstars/player relationships don't improve we can always re-do.

At least from my perspective, there would need to be a solid reason to continue.
12-02-2015 , 11:21 PM
Lots of us need end of year points bonuses and think 3 days in the middle of the week is not good enough to warrant the loss.
I support the strike though think it would have been better longer and on days that matter.
I also posted I would be involved in the next if in new year not this one.
I have not played for the last two days because of how many got involved.
I respect peoples right to change their mind and play for their rewards but people like Ansky putting such an effort into making change for the good of all players at personal risk made me decide not to play for these 3 days.
Please make the next one from 2nd of Jan and for at least 10 days.
Ansky if you get backlash from stars and they ban you I will cash out and send an email telling them I will not play until you are reinstated. I will also post the emails and responses here as I think you making such a public stand is commendable thank you for your time and effort and to all the others trying to make positive change.
I still will not put my name for various reasons.
Most games mainly cash mid up to 2k and MTTs not sure if I am a reg or rec anymore as I have been playing less and less at stars since the other stuff that started last year. I am only playing MTTs on stars next year until change (no zoom but could be a cash table every now and then though I hope I can resist)and not even them during any group action.
12-02-2015 , 11:25 PM
lol just read above glad it is over I wanted to play some MTTs today. I also cashed out 80% or more of roll when they sent email about the changes and told them why.
12-02-2015 , 11:26 PM
No, guys. This is not over yet. But I won't blame anyone who subscribed for 48 hours initially.
12-03-2015 , 12:06 AM
I have been thinking of an idea which could be useful.

Someone reputable(mainly was thinking Ansky) could write a short summary of the problems what we players dislike about the changes of Pokerstars and what we want to achieve with the strike and to find a common solution.

Like this:

We dont want this(why):

We want this(and why):

And so when this official statement by the Strikers are ready, every one who participated during the strike could send the same exact email to the stars support. This could also have an effect I think.I feel like Stars obv knows about the strike but if we players dont emphasize officially what we want in written form then it all will be just words.I think Stars doesnt feel the pressure enough unfortunately and we players can do something more about it. I am still convinced Ansky is doing a great job on this, but think this could also support the case.
12-03-2015 , 01:52 AM
is it over now, or tomorrow around this time?
12-03-2015 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by chinaski101
is it over now, or tomorrow around this time?
Nobody really knows for sure. I keep seeing it both ways.
12-03-2015 , 03:16 AM
better to go too long than too short surely just give it another day imo
12-03-2015 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by chinaski101
is it over now, or tomorrow around this time?
12-03-2015 , 05:07 AM
Originally Posted by frommagio
Nobody really knows for sure. I keep seeing it both ways.
No, it is known for sure. This strike was/is supposed to be 3 full days and end at 00:01 on Dec 4th.
12-03-2015 , 05:31 AM
Good news everyone, pokerstars is introducing a new form of poker to resolve our concerns.

Amaya is the EA of poker.
12-03-2015 , 06:00 AM
We are introducing these changes to move towards a more balanced long-term poker economy and to return the game back to one that rewards skill via winning at the tables rather than playing primarily for volume.
Thank god they are keeping the trend of making games more skill based, i can definitely see this in the word jackpot
12-03-2015 , 06:03 AM
Originally Posted by FishWithBacon
Good news everyone, pokerstars is introducing a new form of poker to resolve our concerns.

Amaya is the EA of poker.
What in God's name did I just watch?!?
12-03-2015 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by FishWithBacon
Good news everyone, pokerstars is introducing a new form of poker to resolve our concerns.

Amaya is the EA of poker.
Zynga poker?
12-03-2015 , 06:13 AM
Originally Posted by hitruha
Hi guys, I'm a coordinator of the protest in russian community.

We lost TS of this topic

Official date of the protest:

Start: DEC 1 , 00:01 EST
End: DEC 4, 00:01 EST
(3 days, 72h)

Please inform another players and repost this information on the new pages. Thank you!

Also, could we get a list update please?
12-03-2015 , 06:14 AM
What you just watched is Pstars biggest initiative of 2016 which in a nutshell is called mobile segregation.

Spin and Go's, although raked high, still allow pro's to multitable and take some of the recs money. This new App which will be used for real money in 2016 can only be accessed through a mobile device (which cuts pros out of the equation) and will ensure that Pstars gets all of the money.

Why leave it at that? Why not a mobile segregation for cash game players who only 1 table. This mobile segregation will be designed to take the 1 fish off of your current table and Pokerstars will get all of his rake leaving the rest of us playing in more reg infested games.

Welcome to 2016.
12-03-2015 , 06:41 AM
