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NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 28 - Heads-Up Challenge Discussion Thread NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 28 - Heads-Up Challenge Discussion Thread
View Poll Results: Who Will Win The Inaugural Poker After Dark Heads-Up Challenge?
Chris Ferguson
77 42.78%
Paul Wasicka
25 13.89%
Ted Forrest
48 26.67%
Phil Hellmuth
30 16.67%

08-01-2008 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by m_reed05
No wonder Chris has such a good record in these hu events, because everyone else is ***** awful, and he is only mediocre. Wtf are you doing check raising with the 89 hand, and then folding? Seriously? Seriously?

And Ted complaining about his A6 shove, when that was a pretty standard shove if Chris only had like 10-12 bb.

And run better pls Hellmuth, calling down with bottom pair just praying to spike two pair like a .01/.02nl muppet.

God after watching this week, there is no doubt I am playing the hu event next year at the WSOP. I'm sure it's tougher than this, because a lot of the internet guys will play, but the play this week has been hilariously bad.
I'm not sure yet about Jesus being just mediocre, but I agree with everything else. I can see why live pros would be awful at HU NLHE, that's not something they would ever play live, but I'm still surprised. How hard is it to fire up online poker and practice for a while, which is what Ferguson did?
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08-01-2008 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by cero_z
Disagree that it got him called. I could be wrong about this, but I don't think he was making those comments to be a d-bag. My feeling is that both comments, and the Hellmuth one in particular (since we know how much stock Phil puts in tells) were attempts at reverse psychology to get folds. Generally when you're pondering a call and someone insults you or hurries you up (calling the clock etc), you are trying to get called. But since a good player knows this, it's not a bad fake to throw them when you're bluffing.

I will say that the comment about generally folding AT was bitterness along lines of "What took you so long?"

Lost in this was Wasicka's comment about how "mathematically" the AT was a fold--his play up to that point really showed a great grasp of the math

However, he was INCREDIBLY classy to not take the bait after Forrest insulted him twice; I really respect that. Also, since I've made two Wasicka-bashing posts, I want to make it clear that I have heard and I believe that he is a sick, sick NL player when the stacks are deep; I'm surprised that someone playing a tourney like this wouldn't brush up on the basic math of shortstacked play, but then again, he might be too rich to care.

I agree with a lot of what you said about Wasicka. I disagree with a lot of what you said about Forest. I dont think he was trying to get a call (don't know if thats what you think I was saying or not). I definitately think, even if he was attempting to use reverse psych, it got hellmuth to call him in that hand. And, judging by what he said tonight vs. Ferguson, I really don't believe its a ploy. He's just coming off as a real douche bag. Was being real rude to Clonie Gowen last night, too (in a subtle way.. and even if you think she's a bad player, why rip her on TV?). I don't know, I've lost a lot of respect for him (not that he cares) after watching these episodes.
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08-01-2008 , 04:22 AM
God wtf @ Forrest's comments, all the live pro's talk so much trash about the online playres, but in all honesty they are the one's that act horribly out of line all the time on television.
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08-01-2008 , 05:22 AM
Originally Posted by kaedin
I agree with a lot of what you said about Wasicka. I disagree with a lot of what you said about Forest. I dont think he was trying to get a call (don't know if thats what you think I was saying or not). I definitately think, even if he was attempting to use reverse psych, it got hellmuth to call him in that hand. And, judging by what he said tonight vs. Ferguson, I really don't believe its a ploy. He's just coming off as a real douche bag. Was being real rude to Clonie Gowen last night, too (in a subtle way.. and even if you think she's a bad player, why rip her on TV?). I don't know, I've lost a lot of respect for him (not that he cares) after watching these episodes.
Some of his comments were definitely made out of deception and not stupidity. For example, after he shoves A6 for 11 BB's (completely standard), he said how stupid the shove was at least four times. Yet in round 1 vs Wasicka he was shoving much worse hands for much more -- K5o for 16 BB's I think. He was clearly just trying to make it look like he wasn't shoving that wide so Jesus wouldn't call him light.
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08-01-2008 , 05:31 AM
It seemed that Ferguson want to fight Ted. I am thrilled with the way Chris handled himself. Very strong.
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08-01-2008 , 06:34 AM
We can see this week, that poker pros are not always heads up pros...

Wasicka and Forrest really played terrible the whole week.
Phil played great poker and got lucky, Ferguson played well, too, but he made a bad call against Phil with QQ, Phil would never push there with just one pair or a bluff.

Wow @Forrests comments at the table, I always thought he would be a very nice guy and a gentleman.

So for me:

Hellmuth > Ferguson >>> Wasicka = Forrest
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08-01-2008 , 07:37 AM
wtf is wrong with Ted Forrest?
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08-01-2008 , 09:49 AM
Haha, Phil Hellmuth when he knocks Ted Forrest down to lowerbracket.....

Scratches his ass and shakes Teds hand.:S
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08-01-2008 , 10:31 AM
i loved Ted's comment when he totally pwned Jamie Gold's "toptop". That was so hilarious.

btw, I got the feeling that we only saw a small percentage of all the hands this time. they almost never displayed the stack sizes and the blinds went up pretty randomly. Of course, HU is not the best format for TV, shuffle-raise-fold is not that exciting.
it's strange how few raises and 3bets they've played. i'm not particularly good in head up but how can you get paid off with your good hands if you never ever raise.

Last edited by slanche; 08-01-2008 at 10:45 AM.
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08-01-2008 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by poppoppoq
Ted just wants them to play faster and I don't blame him. I hate playing with guys who take 2 minutes to make a decision after every street
Ted was definitely tilting, although I can see no limit hold em doing that to someone (or someone ruinning bad in general coming into the match).

The first two times, Ted was at fault, but when he asked Chris after the first hand how long he takes for a decision, it seemed to be an quasi-facetious ice breaking attempt to try and get a reaction out of an very stoic opponent.

When Ted tilts though, it is very uncomfortable to watch.

BTW, what did Ted say about Clonie Gowen? I didn't catch it.

Last edited by ShizzMoney; 08-01-2008 at 11:06 AM.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 28 - Heads-Up Challenge Discussion Thread Quote
08-01-2008 , 10:47 AM
Forrest is a major douche bag.

But seriously, why was Jesus c/r fold so bad? Sure, he actually had the best hand, but couldn't you just say it was a great play by Forrest to re-raise?
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08-01-2008 , 11:18 AM
When Forrest was laughing so creepy, it was really borderline psycho...
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08-01-2008 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by rckyu
Haha, Phil Hellmuth when he knocks Ted Forrest down to lowerbracket.....

Scratches his ass and shakes Teds hand.:S
TV has shown him doing this before, not sure if he is definetly and literally scratching his ass, but perhaps he has hemroids.
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08-01-2008 , 12:04 PM
I know exactly what happened Phil Helmutt payed Ted Forrest to be a dick on TV so it makes him look like a nice guy lolz
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08-01-2008 , 12:09 PM
Hellmuth has been making strong reads and stong plays. He also seems more relaxed.

I think he is relaxed because he has known Forrest and Ferguson for years and he knows how they play, and Wasicka plays in a similar style to him.
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08-01-2008 , 01:46 PM
hahaha ted is so on drugs
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08-01-2008 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
hahaha ted is so on drugs
Agreed. His attitude and behavior seemed pharmaceutically inspired.

I give him +100 points for his Jamie Gold "top top" dig though.
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08-01-2008 , 02:12 PM
Ted is hilarious.

What an *******.
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08-01-2008 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by BarrySanders
Forrest is a major douche bag.

But seriously, why was Jesus c/r fold so bad? Sure, he actually had the best hand, but couldn't you just say it was a great play by Forrest to re-raise?
Jesus's c/r fold was bad because top pair is a strong hand heads up, and it's a monster on flops that invite bluffing, like the paired flops. Folding it after putting in almost half your stack is just terrible.
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08-01-2008 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by beserious
Some of his comments were definitely made out of deception and not stupidity. For example, after he shoves A6 for 11 BB's (completely standard), he said how stupid the shove was at least four times. Yet in round 1 vs Wasicka he was shoving much worse hands for much more -- K5o for 16 BB's I think. He was clearly just trying to make it look like he wasn't shoving that wide so Jesus wouldn't call him light.
He continued to call it a stupid shove after he busted though. I think he's just results oriented.
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08-01-2008 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by badatmath
He continued to call it a stupid shove after he busted though. I think he's just results oriented.
I think he's just bad at HU.
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08-01-2008 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by LirvA
I don't like how Chris played his K-5. Was it K 5?

Flopped top pair, check called, don't mind that at all, check check the turn, river paired Ted's 9, Chris check called, I would have bet there instead of check calling.
I think of all hands played that I saw, the K5o hand was perfectly played.

Ted raises to 5k (3k more blinds 1/2k) with J9s. Chris defends with K5o.

Flop K 3 8 rainbow.

Chris knows Ted is an aggressive player and will continuation-bet a large percentage of times (75-90%). So Chris checks to Ted, and like expected, Ted fires 6k(iirc) and Chris calls. To check/raise here is to essentially turn your hand into a bluff which is terrible, since you a winner here a large percentage of the time and the board is drawless.

Now turn comes 6 (I think bringing a flush draw out).

Chris checks and Ted checks. Chris knows he has the best hand a large percentage of the time since Ted would most likely fire turn with Kx/2pair/sets (and he'd probably check sets on flop).

River is 9 (no flush). If Chris leads here and he gets raised, he's forced with a difficult decision and would have to throw his hand away. However if he check/calls, he controls the pot size and he gets Ted to fire a second barrel and/or value bet a 9 because he might think he has the best hand (putting Chris on 8x) Thus, the check. Ted fires a small value bet of 8k (pot is 22k at the time). Chris calls and wins the hand.

Honestly, I like the way the hand was played on both sides.
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08-01-2008 , 05:29 PM
That QQ vs. 65 hand put me on serious tilt. You know if the roles had been switched Phil would have hit the ****ing ceiling.

Does anyone else think it's bull**** Chris has to win twice against Hellmuth? What is that?
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08-01-2008 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Dima2000123
Jesus's c/r fold was bad because top pair is a strong hand heads up, and it's a monster on flops that invite bluffing, like the paired flops. Folding it after putting in almost half your stack is just terrible.
So how weak a hand do you call with there? I'm sure you're going to say 55.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 28 - Heads-Up Challenge Discussion Thread Quote
08-01-2008 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Dima2000123
Jesus's c/r fold was bad because top pair is a strong hand heads up, and it's a monster on flops that invite bluffing, like the paired flops. Folding it after putting in almost half your stack is just terrible.
Originally Posted by TimTimSalabim
So how weak a hand do you call with there? I'm sure you're going to say 55.
No not 55, but TP for sure if you're going to play TP like it's a bluff.
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