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Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration

02-07-2014 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
Except when he didn't.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 03:48 PM
Jeff it is very easy to figure out where the $485 came from and why your dates seem to be a complete lie. Look at this thread
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 03:48 PM
OK, I think I know why it's 485

will be back
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 03:50 PM
heh, I think it's because i'd miscalculated before and told her about it, she still had 15 with me

I can show that too in this data set, will need third party voluteers

actually, I'm taking this to a real auditor, too many biased opinions here
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 03:54 PM
Sure you are.

Just like you're serving me and 2p2 with papers and suing us for libel or slander or any other term you vaguely recall from watching Law & Order.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 03:55 PM
by the way, those market place threads prove at least that this was split action, I'm not sure if I can remember what she had after 3/16 but it shouldn't matter, the fact that I sent her 425 on the 28th, notified her of the two other scores but not that one, closed out her account 3 times, the first time bringing it to 400, her original stake, the second time to 500 after the first two binks because I didn't want that much money in my acct of hers, and the third time to zero, it's all here in the data set

if I'm posting MP threads that means she doesn't have all of the action on my account for the entire period,

this is why I'll never do a split action stake again

I didn't want her to have that much in my account. I wouldn't have ever let her have 900 or 950. I didn't need that much for small stakes.

these numbers are backing me up I'm afraid

Last edited by attentionnoone; 02-07-2014 at 04:05 PM.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by attentionnoone
heh, I think it's because i'd miscalculated before and told her about it, she still had 15 with me

I can show that too in this data set, will need third party voluteers

actually, I'm taking this to a real auditor, too many biased opinions here
If we're biased, it is because of

Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 04:00 PM
That marketplace thread proves she was your backer on March 5 2011, she did not back you in high stakes mtt's from what I see.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 04:01 PM
I never claimed to back him for high stakes MTTs.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 04:04 PM
Seriously, people are still communicating with this idiot?

My take:


It's a complete waste of time.

Until he agrees to pay the $900 he owes he should be completely ignored.

Ice this mother****er.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 04:11 PM
I dunno RJ maybe you can figure out why you shipped me 485 when I ostensibly had almost 1K of your money in my account and didn't move up in stake, maybe you made an error somewhere?
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 04:15 PM
i can show you the data points and your balance at every day of the stake, maybe that's the way to work it out instead of using 2p2 for extortion
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 04:20 PM
the reason you got 250, 1k, and 16 bux was to keep your balance with me at 500, I can show you that too, after each transfer before that score your balance was always 500 after each of those transfers, that's why they are there in the first place, no one seems to wonder why there are transfers in between the staking period? why would there be? why is no one questioning why there are transfers at all during the record
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by attentionnoone
I dunno RJ maybe you can figure out why you shipped me 485 when I ostensibly had almost 1K of your money in my account and didn't move up in stake, maybe you made an error somewhere?
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
I am posting this on behalf of unrealzeal, who likes to do things at the last minute and won't be online today to manage this, so he has requested that I do so. He is seeking 100% stake in the following tournaments:

PS Sunday Million - $215 buy in, 5 million G
PS DNG - $55 bi, 300K G
PS 2nd chance - $215 bi, 250K G

Buyins: $215 + $215 +$55 = $485

1% = $4.85
5% = 24.25
10% = 48.50

He is offering 70/30 backers split + stakeback. He keeps the Lambo if he binks the million.

If 100% is not sold, he will not play these events and all shares will be refunded.

Money should be shipped to SGT RJ (US) on PS. No FT option available as I do not have a FT account. Please include your PS SN if different from your 2p2 name so I can keep track. I am his current backer and he has agreed to all this (and will post to that effect).

10% reserved, 90% available.

You can't start threads on behalf of others anywhere in the Marketplace or Staking. -G
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 04:25 PM
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 04:29 PM
quite frankly this data set completely backs me up, I'm afraid. It shows that I've notified her of each time I've hit, settled her account to 500 3 times and once to zero. I guess people don't care about the facts. I expect that from people who call others thieves over a disputed debt.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 04:34 PM
not to mention she said "she wants her stake money back", why doesn't she want the profit too, she has shown she doesn't negotiate so why doesn't she want the profit?
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 04:36 PM
ok ponder that while I get a third party to audit and sue Nicole for libel
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 04:45 PM
why did part time poker ban you?
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 04:46 PM
I can't find that thread is it dated March 16?
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
why did part time poker ban you?
everyone bans me, is that march 16? the MP thread? because she's charging me that ITT you know. she's posted the record of that and says I owe her that. that's one of the records she's using for this thread

beginning to think I owe her zero if that's the case, she wasn't being staked by me at bf if that's the case, that was one of the records she used to indicate I owe her

if so she quit me feb 28th and I dont owe her anything, I've been racking my brain trying to figure out the 485 and if that's the case I only owe her the 200 "loan" and she's free rolling that tournament I binked she opted out of.

In my mind the 200 was for coaching. I coached her and then she said it was a loan.

Last edited by attentionnoone; 02-07-2014 at 04:52 PM.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 04:55 PM
you guys have the wrong thief, she posted that transfer as evidence ITT. she's claimed the money passed to me through her is her own.

wow, this bitch is evil


she called me the day after bf to tell me how much I had in my acct i said 1200, i was misquoting accounts

she's been extorting me for that amount for 3 years

she's posted as evidence a transfer to me was her own when it was not

the 200 was for coaching STTs

she's been brainwashing me to think I had 1200 in my account the whole time and i believed her

i am not the thief that MP thread proves it

she closed the stake Feb 28th and I owe her nothing and she didn't have the 849 bink and is free-rolling. I HAD NO ACTION WITH HER AT BF. SHE HAD NO STAKE WITH ME. I owe her zero.

I think she should be arrested for this and you guys owe me a fat apology

Last edited by attentionnoone; 02-07-2014 at 05:03 PM.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 05:00 PM
Well then call the cops, dude.
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by attentionnoone
she's been brainwashing
Is that like how Zooey Deschanel from New Girl sends you thought waves through the television?
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
02-07-2014 , 05:04 PM
and it took this long to get to the bottom of this

we can't have it this way guys, I want to play poker online again
Jeff Bennett of Maryland, compulsive liar and thief, has now declined arbitration Quote
